Dr. Adolf Ratzka.
Angående Färdtjänstförvaltningens svar på min anmälan om diskriminering - Anmälan hos Handikappombudsmannen.". Ärende Dnr 2003/990. Internet publication URLs: www.independentliving.org/taxi/ratzka20030911.html och www.independentliving.org/taxi/ratzka20030911.pdf (6 KB). (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.
Checklist for Organizing Independent Living Events. In this checklist the author covers the steps of planning, event format, event contents and media work which are crucial to the success of a workshop, training session, seminar or conference on Independent Living. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs6/ratzka200308a.html
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.
Den svarta tisdagen, 17 juni 2003. Internet publikation URL: www.independentliving.org/taxi/ratzka20030618.html (In Swedish).
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.
Die Schwedische Assistenzreform von 1994. Vortrag anlässlich der Eröffnung des Europäischen Jahres der Menschen mit Behinderungen In Magdeburg 21. 2. 2003. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs6/ratzka200302.html (In German).
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.
From patient to customer: Direct payments for assistive technology for disabled people’s self-determination. The author, AT user and activist in the Independent Living movement, claiming that direct payments for AT result in better quality and cost-efficiency than services in kind, suggests a pilot project to test the hypothesis. Plenary paper presented at the 7th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology, "Shaping the Future", Dublin, Ireland, August 31st – 3rd September 2003. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs6/ratzka200308b.html.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.
Funktionshindrade protesterar, Dagens Nyheter 2003-06-15 (PDF, 357 KB). Internet publikation URL: www.independentliving.org/taxi/dn20030615.pdf (PDF, 357 KB). (In Swedish.)
Rajkov, Gordana.
Inependent Living and Yugoslav Experience. The report presented on behalf Centre for Independent Living of Serbia, at the Europena Network on Independent Living (ENIL) Conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. Gordana R. is a founding member of CIL in Serbia, and in the report she is explaining the current situation of disabled people in Serbia in the light of economic, social and political context, and CIL’s efforts to promote the idea of Independent Living Phylosophy in Serbia, particularly the PA Service, through pilot projects and research. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs6/rajkov200303.html
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.
Kompromissförslag för rullstolstaxi, Till Stockholms läns landstingsfullmäktige. Internet publikation URL: www.independentliving.org/taxi/ratzka20031005.html (In Swedish).
Rickert, Tom.
Making Access Happen – A guide for advocates and planners – HOW TO PROMOTE AND PLAN ACCESS for DISABLED PERSONS and ELDERS to BUSES, TRAINS, TAXIS and OTHER MODES OF TRANSPORT. The purpose of this guide is to assist people and agencies around the world to work together to design public transport which is usable by passengers with disabilities. Internet publication URLs: www.independentliving.org/mobility/rickert200302.html and www.independentliving.org/mobility/rickert200302.pdf
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.
The prerequisites for de-institutionalization. Paper presented at the European Congress on Independent Living, Tenerife April 24-26, 2003. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs6/ratzka200304.html.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.
Selbstbestimmte Mobilität für Menschen mit Behinderung in Schweden?" Rollstuhlgerechter öffentlicher Fern- und Nahverkehr und Taxidienste statt Sonderlösungen und Sonderfahrdienste sind für die Selbstbestimmung vieler Körperbehinderten im Alltag unumgänglich. Leider sind diese Voraussetzungen in Schweden nicht erfüllt. Ein kürzlich erfolgreich durchgeführtes Versuchsprojekt mit barrierenfreien Taxidroschken im regulären Taxiverkehr konnte wegen des Widerstands der Sonderfahrdienste und der politischen Majorität im Landkreis nicht weitergeführt werden. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/docs6/ratzka200311.html. (In German.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.
Spänningen stiger - vem har rätt angående priset för en rättvis taxiordning. Internet publication URL: www.independentliving.org/taxi/ratzka20030526.html (In Swedish.)
Taxi för kunder - inte för kollin. RTP LIV. April 2003, s. 14-16. Internet publikation URL: www.independentliving.org/taxi/rtpliv200304s14-16.html och www.independentliving.org/taxi/rtpliv200304s14-16.pdf (In Swedish).