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Miles, Christine.  2007.  Imran's Djinn, and Theories of Epilepsy.
This article and the review comment were first published in “EPICADEC News” (from the Foundation Epilepsy Care Developing Countries, Leiden), October 2000, pp. 9-10, titled “Imran’s Djinn”. They are here reproduced with permission, after slight revision. The article concerns an Asian boy living in UK. His family had trouble using the health services, because of different concepts of Imran’s illness. One of Imran’s teachers met the family half way, respecting their beliefs and giving them time to digest a different approach to epilepsy and its treatment. A scientific reviewer comments on the story. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2007.  Independent Living for people with disabilities: from patient to citizen and customer.
Keynote at the conference in Barcelona 22 October 2007 organized by the Catalan Party Convergéncia i Unió in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of The Spanish Law for Persons with Disabilities of 1982. Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2007.  Independent Living Institute (ILI) Annual Report 2006.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2007.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2006.
Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2007.  International Strategies for Disability-related Work in Developing Countries: historical, modern and critical reflections.
Revised version of a paper first published in the Zeitschrift Behinderung und Dritte Welt, 3/2003, pp. 96-106, and here reproduced with permission. International strategies concerned with disability in developing and transitional countries (DTC) are scrutinised critically, with an historical focus on beneficial traditions and practices in Asia and Africa, attesting the variety and complexity of social responses to disability. Internet publication URLs: and (112 KB).
PDF icon miles200701.pdf (111.63 KB)
Anderberg, Peter.  2007.  Kort om assistansberedningens delbetänkande med Stefan Pelc, egen arbetsgivare för sina assistenter.
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)
Miles, M.  2007.  Parents of Deaf Afghan Children -- On The Air.
In these short scripts from a radio series, Afghan parents and a counsellor discuss issues of raising their deaf child in a rural area of Afghanistan, and several ways in which they can assist her in learning to communicate. An explanatory note follows, on the origin and purpose of the radio series. [Earlier versions of these scripts were circulated in 1984, 1986 and 1988, from the Mental Health Centre Peshawar, Pakistan.] Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  2007.  The Pursuit of Radical Change: Perceptions and Realities of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The author was invited to address an audience in Stockholm, Sweden, in June 2007, regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act and how it might relate to the implementation of an anti-discrimination law in Sweden. This paper is an attempt to shed light on the ADA in that context. Discussions include 1) how American laws are made, 2) historical background relating to the development of the ADA, 3) a discussion of the Act itself, 4) enforcement mechanisms, 5) impact of the ADA, and 6) future directions. Internet publication URL:
The Pan Africa Wheelchair Builders Association (PAWBA) and The Tanzanian Training Centre for Orthopaedic Technologists (TATCOT).  2007.  Report of 4th All Africa Wheelchair Congress, 17TH – 21ST September 2007, Uhuru Hotel, Moshi, Tanzania.
Internet publication URLs: and  
Miles, M.  2007.  Review - Epileptic Graphic.
Review of “Epileptic” by “David B.”, a remarkably frank account, in graphics and cartoon strip, of childhood and adulthood with an older brother having epilepsy, and a family doing the tour of cures in France of the 1960s and 1970s. Internet publication URL:
[Anonymous].  2007.  Stockholm 2010.
Stockholm - världens mest tillgängliga huvudstad år 2010? Enligt Stockholms stads tillgänglighetsprojekt ska Stockholm bli världens mest tillgängliga huvudstad senast 2010. Vi vill bidra med information om hur långt konkurrensen har kommit.
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2007.  The UN Day for Persons with Disabilities: How the world is unfair to people with disabilities.
Internet Publication URL:
Smaaland, Jessica.  2007.  Vilken är din typ? - Erfarenheter av assistansanordnare
Internet publikation URL: och
Independent Living Institute.  2008.  25 år Independent Living - Dokumentation.
Independent Living Institute.  2008.  25 years of Independent Living in Sweden (2008) - Documentation.
Brafman, Daniela.  2008.  Center for Independent Living in Jerusalem.
Erdtman, Emil.  2008.  Croatians are proud of their disability policy.
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Development System Locks Out the Disabled.
Internet Publication URL:
Westberg, Kenneth.  2008.  Finland: “The new personal assistance law doesn’t quite make it”.
Bernt, Malin.  2008.  Flanders, Belgium - long queue for personal assistance.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2008.  Från patient till kund - anförande vid konferensen Fritt val av hjälpmedel Stockholm 30 maj 2008.
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)
Bernt, Malin.  2008.  Germany – means-tested personal assistance.
Miles, M.  2008.  Glimpses of Disability in the Literature and Cultures of East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East & Africa. A modern and historical bibliography, with some annotation.
This annotated bibliography lists a selection of 130 novels, short stories, biographies, autobiographies, materials from philosophy, anthropology and folklore, and literary criticism, in which disability, deafness or mental disorders play some significant part, from East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and Africa, available mostly in English or French. Internet publication URLs: and
Erdtman, Emil.  2008.  Greece – Stelios lives “independently” with help from his family.
Miles, M.  2008.  HITTITE DEAF MEN IN THE 13th CENTURY BC: introductory notes with annotated bibliography.
The article introduces bibliographical evidence on deaf men working in palaces and temples of the Hittite Kingdom in Anatolia (now Turkey) during the 13th century BC, with further notes on signing and deaf people's activities in the ancient and medieval Middle East. With some additions and revision September 2009. Internet publication URLs: and
PDF icon miles200809.pdf (107.78 KB)PDF icon HITTITE_DEAF_MEN_IN_THE_13th_CENTURY_BC_traduction_francaise_4.pdf (637.26 KB)
Erdtman, Emil.  2008.  Iceland – Few have been granted personal assistance payments.
Berggren, Henrik.  2008.  IL 25 år dokumentation - Henrik Berggren.
Könkkölä, Kalle.  2008.  IL 25 år dokumentation - Kalle Könkkölä.
Westerberg, Bengt.  2008.  IL 25 years Documentation - Bengt Westerberg.
Könkkölä, Kalle.  2008.  IL 25 years Documentation - Kalle Könkkölä.
Independent Living Institute.  2008.  Independent Living Institute (ILI) Annual Report 2007.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2008.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2007.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2008.  Independent Living movement’s 25 years of existence in Sweden 2008 - Documentation.
Erdtman, Emil.  2008.  Ireland – ideological shift under way - interview with David Egan.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2008.  Latvia: “We want help to start a personal assistance project”.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2008.  No shortcuts on the road to employment for persons with disabilities.
Internet publication URL:
Nybom, Martin, Pettersson Jens.  2008.  Personlig assistans - en billig och effektiv form av valfrihet, egenmakt och integritet - En jämförelse mellan kostnaderna för personlig assistans och kommunal hemtjänst.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Post-election violence and disabled people in Kenya; issues for reflection and action.
Internet publication URL:
Erdtman, Emil.  2008.  Spain - Spaniards are fighting for more personal assistance.
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Trials and tribulation of persons with disabilities in 2007 general election.
Internet Publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2008.  Vem sparar i LSS-kommitténs förslag?
Internet publication URL:
Stars of Hope Society, Ramallah, Palestine.  2008.  Workshop on Article 19 in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities "living independently and being included in the community".
Report on the workshop on Article 19 “Living independently and being included in the community“ of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities held in Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine on October 30, 2008. The organizers were Stars of Hope Society, Ramallah, which is an organization of women with disabilities, and Handicap International.
PDF icon StarsofHopeSociety20081115.pdf (115.64 KB)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2009.  Adolf D. Ratzka, PhD, Interviews and Profiles.
Brown, Steven E.  2009.  Creating a Disability Mythology.
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, attempted to reframe how people think about the history of disability and current notions about disability pride. First published in International Journal Of Rehabilitation Research, Winter 1992. Internet publication URL:
Jaillet, C.  2009.  De la dé-institutionnalisation à la vie autonome : la nécessité des systèmes de formations et de la pair-émulation.
Miles, M.  2009.  DEAF PEOPLE, SIGN LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION, IN OTTOMAN & MODERN TURKEY: Observations and Excerpts from 1300 to 2009. From sources in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin and Turkish, with introduction and some annotation.
Internet publication URL:
PDF icon miles200907.pdf (494.75 KB)
Asaka, Junko.  2009.  Disability, women and love.
Junko Asaka speaks candidly about her own experiences of being in love and being a woman with a disability, revealing how she came to terms with her own perceptions of herself. Internet publication URL:
Jaillet, C.  2009.  From institutions to Independent Living: the need of peer-support and education programs.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2009.  Independent Living Institute (ILI) Annual Report 2008.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2009.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2008.
Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2009.  Interview with Kalle Könkkölä November 2008.
Internet publication URL:
PDF icon kalle_konkkola200811.pdf (31.76 KB)
Jaillet, C.  2009.  La place des aidants familiaux dans le système d'assistance personnelle suédoise.
Jaillet, C.  2009.  Les politiques d'insertion pour les personnes en situation de handicap : des coûts compensés par une dynamique économique - modèle suédois et système français.
Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2009.  Report from Independent Living seminar in Stockholm 2009: Networks on Personal Assistance and Public Transport Access.
Jaillet, C.  2009.  The role of relative helpers in the Swedish personal assistance system.
Egan, David.  2010.  2GoDirect - The experience of two people using a direct payment to employ a Personal Assistant. Center for Independent Living Carmichael House, Dublin, Ireland. PDF icon 2GoDirect.pdf (2.3 MB)
Ciobanu, Claudia.  2010.  Amid budget cuts, hundreds of Romanian children have lost their homes this year because their foster parents can no longer afford their upkeep.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Attitudes to people with disabilities are negative in Russia - Interview with Sergey Kiselev, Chairman of Apparel.
Miles, M.  2010.  THE CHUAS OF SHAH DAULAH AT GUJRAT, PAKISTAN: Evidence, Historical Background and Development, with Bibliography 1839-2009.
[This article cites and quotes historical materials first collected in: M. Miles (1996) Pakistan's microcephalic chuas of Shah Daulah: cursed, clamped or cherished? History of Psychiatry 7: 571-589, from Taylor & Francis,] Evidence on microcephalic children (chuas) at the shrine, and how some of them developed a capacity for independent living. Internet publication URL:
Badach, Frédérique.  2010.  Foire aux questions L'assistance personnelle en Suède.
Nordenfelt, Enar.  2010.  The foundation in memory of Rolf Bergfors.
Gaeremynck, Dave, Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2010.  ILI deltog i utbildning i Galati Rumänien, från tisdagen den 19 oktober till fredagen den 22 oktober 2010.
Gaeremynck, Dave, Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2010.  ILI participated in training session in Galati, Romania from Tuesday October, 19th until Friday October, 22nd 2010. PDF icon StepsRomania_DeInstitutionalization.pdf (207.97 KB)PDF icon StepsRomania_UserInvolvement.pdf (319.98 KB)
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  In Flanders all personal care assistants are employed by the people they assist..
Independent Living Institute.  2010.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2009.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2010.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2009.
Internet publication URL:
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Interview with Arthur Klimchenko, 22 years, Kaliningrad - "Personal assistance would certainly be good, but I would be afraid of being dominated".
Badach, Frédérique.  2010.  L'assistance personnelle en Suède.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Latvia: “The view of people with disabilities has improved”.
Erdtman, Emil.  2010.  Municipalities as personal assistance providers in Sweden.
Haualand, Hilde.  2010.  Provision of Videophones and Video Interpreting for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, A Comparative Study of Video Interpreting (IV) Systems in the US, Norway and Sweden. Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Norway.
Internet publication URL:
PDF icon haualand20100924video-interpreting-systems.pdf (1022.69 KB)
Berg, Susanne.  2010.  Remissvar på utredningen Bortom fagert tal – om bristande tillgänglighet som diskriminering (Ds 2010:20)..
Erdtman, Emil.  2010.  Spain - Assistance - available in Spain by law, but not in reality.
Nordenfelt, Enar.  2010.  Stiftelsen Fonden till Rolf Bergfors minne. PDF icon gil-stiftelsen-information-202103.pdf (103.8 KB)PDF icon gil-stiftelsen-ansokningblankett-202103-w.pdf (145.5 KB)
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Tough struggle for personal assistance in Iceland.
Johansson, Emma, Dr. Adolf Ratzka, Filipsson Hans.  2010.  Yttrande över ”Bortom fagert tal – Om bristande tillgänglighet som diskriminering” (Ds 2010:20). Stil, Stiftarna av Independent Living i Sverige, Independent Living Institute, Marschen för tillgänglighet. PDF icon 20101123STIL_ILI_Marschen_yttrande_bortom_fagert_tal.pdf (144.71 KB)
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Bente Skansgård, ULOBA, Norway: “Municipal procurement threatens assistance users’ self-determination”.
Miles, M.  2011.  Blind and Sighted Pioneer Teachers in 19th Century China and India (revised edition).
This article introduces blind and sighted men and women who developed education and employment for blind people in China and in India from the 1830s onward, and whose pioneering efforts have disappeared from later accounts of blind people's history. This revised and much extended online version is published in April 2011: and
PDF icon miles201104Pioneer-Teach-Blind_v2.pdf (436.77 KB)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2011.  A case for non-discrimination on grounds of ethnicity in government disability policy.
Presentation at National Conference, Commission for Equal Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Beer Sheba, Israel, December 1 2010
PDF icon 2010-12_Beer_Sheba_A_case_for_non-dicrimination_on_the_grounds_of_ethnicity_in_social_insurance.pdf (69.16 KB)
Berg, Susanne.  2011.  Ett år sedan Anti-Apartheidpriset i Sverige 2010 delades ut - fortfarande inget diskrimineringsförbud..
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2011.  Independent Living for People with Disabilities of All Ages.
Given the increasing number of older persons relative to the working age population, record level taxes and baby boomers’ demands for self-determination and quality of life, which changes might the Scandinavian welfare model have to undergo in order to deliver long term care to all who need it? In Sweden, direct payments for personal assistance are paid to mainly younger persons with extensive disabilities. In terms of perceived quality and cost per hour of service, direct payments have been found to be more efficient than traditional local government services. But would this favorable experience hold for all persons in need of assistance with the activities of daily living – regardless of age, diagnosis and minimum needs? What would be such a policy’s cost and effects on the labor market? How could it be financed? Would it threaten younger disabled persons’ relative favorable present situation? Today’s Swedish policy of cash payments for the purchase of personal assistance services might be of interest as a long term care solution for tomorrow’s older persons.
Independent Living Institute.  2011.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2010.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute.  2011.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2010.
Erdtman, Emil.  2011.  Mats Winberg granskar tillgängligheten i Barcelona - reseberättelse.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: “Government breaks its promise of legislation for personal assistance”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: Personal Assistance heading for legislation?
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: “The upcoming legislation will be a disappointment”.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2011.  Personal responsibility as precondition for personal and social change.
Adolf Ratzka, Independent Living Institute, presented at the Second International Conference on Personal Responsibility on the Way to Social Change organized by Jerusalem Center for Independent Living December 2, 2010
PDF icon 2011-05_Personal_responsibility_as_precondition_for_personal_and_social_change.pdf (111.98 KB)
[Anonymous].  2011.  Swedish EU parliamentarians urge more personal assistance in Europe. GP.
Ladstätter, Martin.  2011.  Switzerland introducing direct payments for personal assistance.
Erdtman, Emil.  2011.  Tillgänglighet och design väger tungt i Barcelona..
Tillander, Erik.  2012.  Benefit fraud in relation to personal assistance in Sweden.
Berg, Susanne.  2012.  Besök av Bizchut - Organisationen för Mänskliga Rättigheter till Personer med Funktionshinder i Israel.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2012.  Eunice Ya-Yu Kao, Taiwan - "Those who can pay have migrant care workers as assistants".
This is a translation of the original article in swedish.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  The Independent Living movement paved the way: Origins of personal assistance in Sweden. Perspectives on personal assistance.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Independent Living-rörelsen banade vägen.
Independent Living Institute.  2012.  Lagen som verktyg Ansökan för förstudien. PDF icon LagenSomVerktyg_2011_07_21.pdf (174.5 KB)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal Assistance and the Crisis: Now is the time to promote Direct Payments for Personal Assistance.
Against the backdrop of the impact of the current economic crisis on persons who depend on practical assistance by other persons with the activities of daily living the author outlines arguments for direct payments for Personmal Assistance services. These services are demand driven, superior in quality and cost-efficiiency to supply driven services such as residential institutions and support the United Nations Convention Article 19 "living independently and being included in the community".
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal Assistance empowers persons with disabilities and benefits the national economy.
Direct Payments for Personal Assistance make demand-driven services possible that promote freedom of choice and quality. Supply-driven services, on the other hand, are often monopolistic in-kind services that force users to adapt their lives to the needs of the service provider. The Swedish Personal Assistance Act of 1994 is an example of a Direct Payments policy. Its outcome is discussed as well as its implications for the national economy in times of economic crisis.
Westberg, Kenneth, Berg Susanne, Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal Assistance in Sweden. PDF icon Personal_Assistance_in_Sweden_KW_2010.pdf (913.82 KB)
