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Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1993.  Personlig assistans och Disability Pride.
Adolf Ratzka pratar om "disability pride" genom hans egna erfarenheter och behovet av personlig assistans för att kunna känna sig oberoende och stolt. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Angående Färdtjänstförvaltningens svar på min anmälan om diskriminering - Anmälan hos Handikappombudsmannen.".
Ärende Dnr 2003/990. Internet publication URLs: och (6 KB). (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  The Independent Living movement paved the way: Origins of personal assistance in Sweden. Perspectives on personal assistance.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2023.  Judy Heumann har lämnat oss.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2002.  User control over services as a precondition for self-determination.
Plenary presentation at Danish EU Presidency Seminar on "Quality of Life and Quality in Services for People with Disabilities," Copenhagen, October 31-November 1, 2002. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1993.  Moderna tider.
Ledare ur STILETTEN Nr. 1 1993. I: Institutet för Independent Living. 1993. "Hemtjänst i omdaning - möjligheter och decentraliseringens och privatiseringens tid, Dokumentation av STIL-hearing Stockholm 1993." Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Den svarta tisdagen, 17 juni 2003.
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish).
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  I kläm mellan laissez faire och den sociala ingenjörskonsten.
Skillnaderna mellan hemtjänst och personlig assistans - en diskussion med en granskning av de olika socialpolitiska instrument som finns på vårt område. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2005.  Independent Living émancipe les personnes en situation de handicap.
Development Outreach. World Bank. Juillet 2005. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  Schweden: Betreuung oder Selbstbestimmung - zur Lage von Menschen mit Behinderungen.
Schweden mit seinen 8,5 Millionen Einwohnern erfreut sich des Rufs eines fortschrittlichen Sozialstaats, in dem Menschen mit Behinderungen unter besseren Lebensbedingungen als in den meisten anderen Ländern leben. Internet publication URL: (in German)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2009.  Report from Independent Living seminar in Stockholm 2009: Networks on Personal Assistance and Public Transport Access.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Independent Living in Sweden.
Account of the emergence of the Independent Living movement in Sweden, the social policy climate at the time, its struggles, achievements and challenges from the perspective of the person who introduced the independent living concept to Sweden. Internet publication URL: In the forthcoming English version of: Alonso, J. Vidal Garcia. 2003. "El Movimiento de Vida Independiente, Experiencias Internacionales." ("The Independent Living Movement: International Experiences.") Internet publication URL: (In Spanish, PDF, 1.46 MB).
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living.
Adolf Ratzka who imported the Independent Living Movement to Sweden provides his view of the origins of STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living, social policy in Sweden in the 1980's and how a change was needed, from the professionally run service culture to self-determination of equal citizens. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1990.  STIL mot hemtjänststalinisterna.
Hur skulle det se ut om kommunen hade monopol på finansieringen, produktionen och fördelningen av bröd? Artikeln illustrerar det tredubbla kommunala monopolet på hemtjänstområde. Artikeln publicerades i DN. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2008.  Från patient till kund - anförande vid konferensen Fritt val av hjälpmedel Stockholm 30 maj 2008.
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1999.  A história da sociedade inclusiva na Europa.
Ratzka, Adolf. 1999-11. "A história da sociedade inclusiva na Europa." (In Portuguese.) Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2017.  Application for funding granted by the Swedish Inheritance Fund for the project Disabled Refugees Welcome.
This is a translated version of the application submitted in July 2016. There were minor revisions and additions made later missing from this document.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Försök med kontantstöd för Personlig Assistans i Slovakien.
I 1997 vann Institutet för Independent Living ett kontrakt för projekt i Slovakiska Republiken inom EU:s PHARE- program för personlig assistans i brukarregi med kontantstöd och för uppbyggnaden av ett integrerat allmänt taxisystem, som tar alla kunder oavsett om de har rörelsehinder och använder rullstol eller ej, med subventioner för kunder med funktionshinder. Artikeln diskuterar de möjligheter och hinder som brukarinitierade och brukarstyrda lösningar möter i post-kommunistiska samhällen. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1995.  Supporting families in keeping disabled family members at home: Swedish policy instruments.
In Sweden, a disabled family member is likely to represent a burden on the family. Yet the argument can be made that policy instruments, such as those available in Sweden, lessen the impact of a disability on the family and the community. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1994.  A brief survey of studies on costs and benefits of non-handicapping environments.
Presentation at the International Congress on Accessibility in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1994. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Selbstbestimmte Mobilität für Menschen mit Behinderung in Schweden?"
Rollstuhlgerechter öffentlicher Fern- und Nahverkehr und Taxidienste statt Sonderlösungen und Sonderfahrdienste sind für die Selbstbestimmung vieler Körperbehinderten im Alltag unumgänglich. Leider sind diese Voraussetzungen in Schweden nicht erfüllt. Ein kürzlich erfolgreich durchgeführtes Versuchsprojekt mit barrierenfreien Taxidroschken im regulären Taxiverkehr konnte wegen des Widerstands der Sonderfahrdienste und der politischen Majorität im Landkreis nicht weitergeführt werden. Internet publication URL: (In German.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal Assistance empowers persons with disabilities and benefits the national economy.
Direct Payments for Personal Assistance make demand-driven services possible that promote freedom of choice and quality. Supply-driven services, on the other hand, are often monopolistic in-kind services that force users to adapt their lives to the needs of the service provider. The Swedish Personal Assistance Act of 1994 is an example of a Direct Payments policy. Its outcome is discussed as well as its implications for the national economy in times of economic crisis.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1989.  Personal Assistance: The key to Independent Living.
Keynote address at the conference on personal assistance in Strasbourg, France.
Rajkov, Gordana.  1999.  A Personal Letter from Belgrade, Serbia - Written during the current NATO bombings in Yugoslavia.
Internet publication URL:  
Rajkov, Gordana.  2003.  Inependent Living and Yugoslav Experience.
The report presented on behalf Centre for Independent Living of Serbia, at the Europena Network on Independent Living (ENIL) Conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. Gordana R. is a founding member of CIL in Serbia, and in the report she is explaining the current situation of disabled people in Serbia in the light of economic, social and political context, and CIL’s efforts to promote the idea of Independent Living Phylosophy in Serbia, particularly the PA Service, through pilot projects and research. Internet publication URL:
Rajkov, Gordana.  1991.  The role of the Muscular Dystrophy Association in the creation of a barrier-free environment.
Internet publication URL:  
Rajah, Zorah.  1992.  Legislation of mobility facilities for disabled persons as backup to existing goodwill.
Internet publication URL:  
Racino, Julie Ann.  1991.  Centrum för Independent Living (CIL), Berkeley, California: Funktionshindrade visar vägen till fullvärdigt medborgarskap.
The Berkeley CIL, the "first organization of its type in the world," is a visible symbol of the Independent Living movement, the international civil rights movement of disabled people. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Racino, Julie Ann.  1991.  Center for Independent Living (CIL): Disabled People Take the Lead for Full Community Lives.
The Berkeley CIL, the "first organization of its type in the world," is a visible symbol of the Independent Living movement, the international civil rights movement of disabled people. Internet publication URL:
Purhonen, Sanni.  2023.  Personal Assistance: What's the current situation in Finland?
Polinszky, Tibor.  1991.  Regulation of the non-handicapping environment in Hungary.
Internet publication URL:  
Physical Disability Council of NSW, Inc..  1999.  Position Papers '99, Attendant Care.
Internet publication URL:  
Philippen, D P.  1991.  Access legislation.
Internet publication URL:
Pfeiffer, David.  1995.  The Disability Movement and its History.
Pfeiffer, resident scholar in the Center on Disability Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, past president of the Society for Disability Studies, present editor of Disability Studies Quarterly and an early leader of the U.S. disability rights movement while a full time faculty member at Suffolk University in Boston, explores the history of the American disability rights movements through some of its most classic texts. First published as "Hip Crip 101." Mainstream: Magazine of the Able-Disabled, Dec.-Jan. 1994-95. Internet publication URL:
Pfeiffer, David.  1994.  Eugenics and Disability Discrimination.
David Pfeiffer presents and discusses the many statutory ways in which the civil rights of disabled people were, and still are, violated through state and local government laws in the United States. Internet publication URL:
Pfeiffer, David.  1988.  Divisions in the disability community.
Within the community of disabled persons in this country there is a division between those concerned with civil rights and those concerned with service delivery. Internet publication URL:
Peterson, Dick.  1998.  Hanging In There.
Dick Peterson creates a new hoisting device with an above-the-waist lifting harness, making transfers smoother for people with various physical disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Persson, Ann, Palmgren Nils.  2003.  Fel siffra orsakade rabalder i färdtjänstdebatt.
Dagens Nyheter. Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)  
Persson, Ann.  2003.  Protester mot höjd avgift för rullstolstaxi.
Dagens Nyhter. Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish).  
Paul Lappalainen, Erdtman, Emil.  2017.  CONFERENCE VIDEOS 24-25 NOV 2016: Strategic litigation and human rights enforcement.
Park, Walter.  1991.  Creating and maintaining access to housing: Implementing access at the local level.
Internet publication URL:
Parakattel, Paul.  1991.  Creating accessibility in developing countries.
Internet publication URL:  
Opitz, Caspar.  2003.  Delseger för dem som nyttjar rullstolstaxi.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Oliver, Mike.  1999.  Disabled people and the inclusive society: or the times they really are changing.
Mike Oliver looks at semantics and use of words in addressing disability issues, and refers to Bob Dylan's "The times they are a-changing" to make his point about exclusion and discrimination. Internet publication URL:
Oldenkamp, I.  1995.  Tricycle Production Manual - Vehicle design for people with disabilites in developing countries.
The tricycle is designed primarily for disabled people in Asia, since the result is a joint effort between four Asian organizations. The Tricycle Production Manual has been developed for basically skilled and equipped workshops in developing countries. Internet publication URL:
Oka, Yukiko.  1988.  Self-reliance in interdependent communities: Independent living of disabled persons in the Asia-Pacific region.
Yukiko Oka analyses the results of an ESCAP questionnaire which covers institutionalization, community-based rehabilitation, and the rights of people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Office on the Status of Disabled Persons, South Africa.  1997.  Integrated National Disability Strategy- White Paper.
White Paper from the Office of the President, South Africa. Disabled people should not be seen as objects of pity but as capable individuals who are contributing immensely to the development of society. Internet publication URL:
O'brien, John, O'brien Connie Lyle.  2003.  Publications by John O'brien and Connie Lyle O'brien.
Internet publication URL:  
Nzioki, Nicky, Maganjo Agnes, Kariuki Catherine.  1992.  A review of current accessibility legislation in Kenya.
Internet publication URL:
Nyhetsbyrån ikapp.  2003.  Populärt byta färdtjänstbuss mot taxi.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish).  
Nybom, Martin, Pettersson Jens.  2008.  Personlig assistans - en billig och effektiv form av valfrihet, egenmakt och integritet - En jämförelse mellan kostnaderna för personlig assistans och kommunal hemtjänst.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency.  2000.  Innovative Disabled Entrepreneur Award Scheme (IDEAS) - Calling All Entrepreneurs With Disabilities.
Promoting entrepreneurship of persons with disabilities through competition and awards: an example from South Africa. Internet publication URL:
Novikov, Yuri.  1991.  Accessibility legislation in Byelorussia and the Byelorussian Society of the Disabled.
Internet publication URL:  
Nordenfelt, Enar.  2010.  The foundation in memory of Rolf Bergfors.
Nordenfelt, Enar.  2010.  Stiftelsen Fonden till Rolf Bergfors minne. PDF icon gil-stiftelsen-information-202103.pdf (103.8 KB)PDF icon gil-stiftelsen-ansokningblankett-202103-w.pdf (145.5 KB)
Nolan, Ann, Regan Colm.  2003.  Direct Payments Schemes for People with Disabilities - A Summary Guide, A new and innovative policy approach to providing services to disabled people in Ireland.
This information leaflet is based on the research project, "Direct Payments Schemes for People with Disabilities," carried out by the Bray Partnership in 2002 (see above). The aim of the leaflet is to provide information and create awareness about the concept of direct payments, as well as to commence a lobbying process for the introduction of a direct payments pilot programme. As such, the leaflet fulfills part of the recommendations of the research project relating to dissemination of information and increasing awareness. Bray Partnership, Ireland, Website: Internet publication URL: (155 KB). See also the main document, Internet publication (357 KB)
Nkeli, Jerry.  1998.  How to overcome double discrimination of disabled people in South Africa.
South African Human Rights Commissioner, Jerry Nkeli, outlines the country's history from the point of view of the Disability Rights Movement. Conference on Legislation for Human Rights Arranged by Handikappombudsmannen in cooperation with Independent Living Sverige, Stockholm, Sweden 24 August 1998. Internet publication URL:
Nkeli, Jerry.  1998.  Human Rights Commissioner reflects on achievements obtained by people with disabilities.
In South Africa we have disabled people in leadership-roles and have achieved a lot but we have many problems to face in the field of human rights such as issues dealing with racial intolerance and a diversity of various issues that deal with colonialism. Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities from a North and South Perspective, Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities from a North and South Perspective, Stockholm, Sweden 23 August, 1998. Internet publication URL:
Nikolov, Mitko.  2023.  The history of the adoption of the Personal Assistance Law in Bulgaria and its subsequent controversial effect - 2009-2023.
Newman, Gertrude.  1992.  Promotion of access legislation in Ghana.
Internet publication URL:  
Nee, Pauline.  1991.  Anti-discrimination legislation as a basis for barrier-free design: How could the Americans with Disabilities Act be adapted for the U.K.?
Internet publication URL:  
National Council on Disability (NCD).  1999.  NCD Releases Report on Improving the Enforcement of Civil Rights of Air Travelers with Disabilities.
The NCD has released a groundbreaking report documenting ineffective enforcement of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) since the law's passage in 1986. Internet publication URL:
National Council on Disability (NCD).  1999.  Ny rapport från NCD om förbättringar i tillämpningen av rättigheter för flygresenärer med funktionsnedsättgning.
The NCD has released a groundbreaking report documenting ineffective enforcement of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) since the law's passage in 1986. Internet publication URL:
Nakanishi, Yukiko.  2002.  Development and Self-Help Movement of Women with Disabilities.
This article focuses on development assistance models and philosophies for women with disabilities who struggle to achieve independence in Asia, first from the viewpoint of a development program organizer and then from the viewpoint of a witness of empowered self-help movements. Internet publication URL:
Nakanishi, Yukiko.  1999.  IL-rörelsen breder ut sig i Asien.
Yukiko Nakanishi reports on Independent Living seminars, workshops and exchanges that are helping to spread the philosophy across Asia. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Nakanishi, Yukiko.  1999.  Independent Living movement spreads in Asia.
Yukiko Nakanishi reports on Independent Living seminars, workshops and exchanges that are helping to spread the philosophy across Asia. Internet publication URL:
Nakanishi, Yukiko.  1998.  Effects of the Economic Downturn in Japan.
The Japanese Government has been trying to promote decentralization for the last 6-7 years. Disabled persons are afraid that some services will be cut due to scarce local resources. Internet publication URL:
Nadash, Pamela.  1998.  Independent Choices: Enhancing Consumer Direction for People with Disabilities.
Allowing consumers to manage and direct the long-term services they need acknowledges that they are the best judges of their own needs and the best decision-makers on how these needs get met - an acknowledgment seldom made. Internet publication URL:
Montero, Federico.  1998.  Legislation on Disability: The Costa Rican Experience.
Despite the country's relative good respect for human rights and our democratic system, disabled people still do not enjoy equal rights and participation in all aspects of society. Among the factors that prevent disabled people from full citizenship are negative attitudes against disability. Internet publication URL:
Montero, Federico.  1998.  Human Rights and Organisations of Disabled Persons in Costa Rica.
Despite positive changes in Costa Rica's social policies, disabled people still are denied certain rights to participate in all aspects of society. Internet publication URL:
Mohit, Anuradha, Rungta S K.  2000.  Preliminary ideas and procedures for ensuring systematic international collection of information.
In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." Pre-paper 7. Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URLs: and
Mladenov, Teodor.  2023.  Personal Assistance - What should personal assistance look like?
Mladenov, Teodor, Elder-Woodward Jim, Siilsalu Mari, Cojocariu Ines Bulic, Hadad Nadia, Angelova-Mladenova Lilia.  2022.  Comparison between personal assistance and home care work.
Ministry of Social Affairs, Sweden.  1993.  Gesetz zum Assistenzbudget.
("Assistansersättning" - "Compensation for Assistance.") Ursprünglicher Gesetzestext von 1993, der einen bestimmten Personenkreis zu Geldleistungen für persönliche Assistenz von der schwedischen Sozialversicherung berechtigt.Das Gesetz wurde seit seinem Inkrafttreten am 1.1. 1994 mehrmals abeändert, was Einschränkungen aber auch vereinzelte Verbesserungen für Assistenznehmer mit sich führte. (Für die Qualität der Ü bersetzung ist das schwedische Sozialministerium und nicht das Independent Living Institute verantwortlich.) Internet publication URL: (In German.)
Milner, Joanne, Urquhart Dennis, Cox David.  1991.  Universal design and designer awareness: The constraints of architectural education.
Internet publication URL:  
Miles-Paul, Ottmar, Frehse Uwe.  1991.  Creating a political alliance for anti-discrimination legislation in Germany.
Internet publication URL:  
Miles, M.  2006.  Social Responses to Disability & Poverty in Economically Weaker Countries. Research, Trends, Critique, and Lessons Usually Not Learnt. Annotated bibliography of modern and historical material.
The author introduces 250 articles and books showing social responses to disability and poverty in two-thirds of the world now and in history, with critical notes. He commends some intelligent approaches in the face of complexity and challenges simplistic slogans and official blah-blah. [An earlier version of the “Modern Materials” section first appeared in DisabilityWorld (Dec.05 - Jan.06), and is reproduced by kind permission, with revision and extension.] Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2005.  Deaf People Living and Communicating in African Histories, c. 960s - 1960s.
New, much extended Version 5.01, incorporating an article first published in Disability & Society vol. 19, pp. 531-45; August 2004, titled then "Locating deaf people, gesture and sign in African histories, 1450s-1950s". The latter material is republished with permission of Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis. Visits 100 deaf people in 42 nations, across 1000 years of African history. From servants and schoolchildren to scientists, soldiers and statesmen, using every possible means of communication. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  1982.  Why Asia Rejects Western Disability Advice.
This paper reviews psycho-social and religious factors, professional motivations and political inequalities, that have prevented any widespread adoption of "community-based rehabilitation" by Asian governments. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2000.  Signing in the Seraglio: mutes, dwarfs and jestures at the Ottoman Court 1500 - 1700.
Deaf people, known as 'mutes', worked in the Turkish Ottoman court from the fifteenth to the twentieth century in various roles along with dwarfs and other entertainers. Their signing system became popular, was used regularly by hearing people including successive Sultans, and was reportedly capable of expressing ideas of whatever complexity. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2007.  International Strategies for Disability-related Work in Developing Countries: historical, modern and critical reflections.
Revised version of a paper first published in the Zeitschrift Behinderung und Dritte Welt, 3/2003, pp. 96-106, and here reproduced with permission. International strategies concerned with disability in developing and transitional countries (DTC) are scrutinised critically, with an historical focus on beneficial traditions and practices in Asia and Africa, attesting the variety and complexity of social responses to disability. Internet publication URLs: and (112 KB).
PDF icon miles200701.pdf (111.63 KB)
Miles, Christine.  2007.  Imran's Djinn, and Theories of Epilepsy.
This article and the review comment were first published in “EPICADEC News” (from the Foundation Epilepsy Care Developing Countries, Leiden), October 2000, pp. 9-10, titled “Imran’s Djinn”. They are here reproduced with permission, after slight revision. The article concerns an Asian boy living in UK. His family had trouble using the health services, because of different concepts of Imran’s illness. One of Imran’s teachers met the family half way, respecting their beliefs and giving them time to digest a different approach to epilepsy and its treatment. A scientific reviewer comments on the story. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M, Hossain Farhad.  1999.  Rights and Disabilities in Educational Provisions in Pakistan and Bangladesh: Roots, Rhetoric, Reality.
Educational opportunities for children with disabilities in Pakistan and Bangladesh are seen in the context of the countries' religious, cultural and economic development. The relevance of Western concepts such as "human rights", "inclusion" and "empowerment" is critically examined. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  1982.  Anledningen till varför Asien avvisar råd gällande funktionsnedsättning från väst.
Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2006.  Signs of Development in Deaf South & South-West Asia: histories, cultural identities, resistance to cultural imperialism.
First published in 2001, this revised article extended and updated 2006-04 offers evidence and hypotheses for a short cultural history of deaf people, culture and sign language in South Asia and South West Asia, using documents from antiquity through 2005. A new appendix shows 110 items on deafness and sign language in the Arab countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and South West Asia. This is a further revised, extended and updated version of a chapter first published in: Alison Callaway (ed) Deafness and Development, University of Bristol, Centre for Deaf Studies, 2001. It is here republished with kind permission. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2011.  Blind and Sighted Pioneer Teachers in 19th Century China and India (revised edition).
This article introduces blind and sighted men and women who developed education and employment for blind people in China and in India from the 1830s onward, and whose pioneering efforts have disappeared from later accounts of blind people's history. This revised and much extended online version is published in April 2011: and
PDF icon miles201104Pioneer-Teach-Blind_v2.pdf (436.77 KB)
Miles, M.  2000.  Blind People Handling Their Own Fate.
Accounts of earlier social responses to blind people particularly in Japan, and to some extent in China, indicate a measure of both group and individual autonomy within reserved and valued occupations, ostensibly reflecting a status model more 'normal' than blind people enjoyed in much of European history. (Excerpt From: M. Miles (2000) Disability on a Different Model: Glimpses of an Asian Heritage.) Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2007.  Review - Epileptic Graphic.
Review of “Epileptic” by “David B.”, a remarkably frank account, in graphics and cartoon strip, of childhood and adulthood with an older brother having epilepsy, and a family doing the tour of cures in France of the 1960s and 1970s. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2008.  HITTITE DEAF MEN IN THE 13th CENTURY BC: introductory notes with annotated bibliography.
The article introduces bibliographical evidence on deaf men working in palaces and temples of the Hittite Kingdom in Anatolia (now Turkey) during the 13th century BC, with further notes on signing and deaf people's activities in the ancient and medieval Middle East. With some additions and revision September 2009. Internet publication URLs: and
PDF icon miles200809.pdf (107.78 KB)PDF icon HITTITE_DEAF_MEN_IN_THE_13th_CENTURY_BC_traduction_francaise_4.pdf (637.26 KB)
Miles, M.  2007.  Disability and Deafness, in the context of Religion, Spirituality, Belief and Morality, in Middle Eastern, South Asian and East Asian Histories and Cultures: annotated bibliography.
The bibliography introduces and annotates materials pertinent to disability, mental disorders and deafness, in the context of religious belief and practice in the Middle East, South Asia and East Asia. Internet publication URLs: and
Miles, M.  1988.  The Blind Afghan Child.
A young Afghan who was born blind in a remote village tells of his childhood and how he gained the skills to take part in community life and later to earn his living in a town. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2001.  Models of Rehabilitation and Evidence of Their Effectiveness: Production & Movements of Disability Knowledge, Skill & Design Within the Cultures and Concepts of Southern Africa.
Starting with a disabled person in Mozambique in the 1590s, and a projection of future disability services when knowledge and skills are widely disseminated and rehabilitation professionals are no longer needed, this paper looks more closely at the knowledge and skills available among disabled people and their families and communities in Southern Africa. These factors need to be pooled, refined and tested so that services become rooted in African cultures and respond more appropriately to people's self-perceived needs. Internet publication URLs: and
