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Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1995.  Supporting families in keeping disabled family members at home: Swedish policy instruments.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1995.  Supporting families in keeping disabled family members at home: Swedish policy instruments.
In Sweden, a disabled family member is likely to represent a burden on the family. Yet the argument can be made that policy instruments, such as those available in Sweden, lessen the impact of a disability on the family and the community. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1996.  Super Duper? The (Unfortunate) Ascendancy of Christopher Reeve
Dr. Steven E. Brown, Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, compiled a discussion prompted by the invitation of Christopher Reeve, the actor who became quadriplegic, to speak at the 1996 Democratic Presidential Convention in the USA. First published in Mainstream: Magazine of the Able-Disabled, October 1996. Internet publication URL:
Bergström, Hans.  2004.  "Sundby mentalsjukhus – helt slutet från samhället utanför" - ett radioprogram om hur det var att bli intagen för mentalvård på 1980-talet i Sverige.
Vård av personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar i Sverige handlar om institutionernas historia. Sinnessjuk, mentalsjuk, psykiskt störd är vad personer kallats under åren. Sinnessjukhus, mentalsjukhus, psykiatriska kliniker är namnet på institutionerna. Namnet på personerna är kopplat till namnet på byggnaden där de vårdats. Så blir invånarna avpersonifierade, objekt istället för individer med personlighet. I det här programmet får vi en inblick i vad det innebar att tas in på Sundby mentalsjukhus i början av 1980-talet. Lyssna-MP3 (29:28 minuter, 27,6 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (13,7 MB). Programmet i text. Deltagare: Ola Persson. Research och intervju: Hans Bergström.
Hasler, Frances.  2003.  A summary of the Department of Health (DoH) Figures for Direct Payments Users in the UK in 2002.
Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. Internet publication URL:
Kruse, Douglas L, Schriner Kay, Schur Lisa, Shields Todd.  1999.  A Study of the Political Behavior of People with Disabilities - What Determines Voter Turnout, Executive Summary: Empowerment through Civic Participation.
Are people with disabilities as likely as those without disabilities to vote, and to engage in other forms of political and civic participation? If not, why not? Internet publication URL:
Orylski, Lukasz.  2023.  The struggle for a PA law in Poland.
European Network on Independent Living(ENIL).  1989.  The Strasbourg Resolutions.
[Anonymous].  2007.  Stockholm 2010.
Stockholm - världens mest tillgängliga huvudstad år 2010? Enligt Stockholms stads tillgänglighetsprojekt ska Stockholm bli världens mest tillgängliga huvudstad senast 2010. Vi vill bidra med information om hur långt konkurrensen har kommit.
Åslund, Kerstin.  1993.  STIL:s roll i Stockholms stads förändringsarbete för valfrihet brukarinflytande.
I: Institutet för Independent Living. 1993. "Hemtjänst i omdaning - möjligheter och decentraliseringens och privatiseringens tid, Dokumentation av STIL-hearing Stockholm 1993." Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Blomkvist, Henry.  1993.  "STIL:s roll i Nacka kommuns kundvalssystem." I: Institutet för Independent Living. 1993. "Hemtjänst i omdaning - möjligheter och decentraliseringens och privatiseringens tid, dokumentation av STIL-hearing Stockholm 1993.".
Internet publication URL: and (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2021.  Stiletten Samlingen 1986 – 2010.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living.
Adolf Ratzka who imported the Independent Living Movement to Sweden provides his view of the origins of STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living, social policy in Sweden in the 1980's and how a change was needed, from the professionally run service culture to self-determination of equal citizens. Internet publication URL:
Stil, Stiftarna av Independent Living i Sverige.  2003.  STIL skapar kaos i Stockholm city!.
I "Pastillen" nr. 3 juni 2003. Internet publikation URL: och (In Swedish).  
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1990.  STIL mot hemtjänststalinisterna.
Hur skulle det se ut om kommunen hade monopol på finansieringen, produktionen och fördelningen av bröd? Artikeln illustrerar det tredubbla kommunala monopolet på hemtjänstområde. Artikeln publicerades i DN. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Nordenfelt, Enar.  2010.  Stiftelsen Fonden till Rolf Bergfors minne. PDF icon gil-stiftelsen-information-202103.pdf (103.8 KB)PDF icon gil-stiftelsen-ansokningblankett-202103-w.pdf (145.5 KB)
Weiss-Lindencrona, Hanne.  1984.  Steering Systems and Their Application.
Internet publication URL:
United Nations.  1993.  Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities.
See documents by Dimitris Michailakis ( for reports about compliance with the United Nations Standard Rules. A/RES/48/96, 85th plenary meeting. Internet publication URL:
Dart, Justin.  1999.  Speach on the value of human life to The Trustees of the Center for Human Values, Princeton University April 14, 1999.
Disability activist, Justin Dart, condemns the appointment and ethics of Princeton's Bioethics professor, Dr. Peter Singer. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Spänningen stiger - vem har rätt angående priset för en rättvis taxiordning.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Erdtman, Emil.  2008.  Spain - Spaniards are fighting for more personal assistance.
Erdtman, Emil.  2010.  Spain - Assistance - available in Spain by law, but not in reality.
Daneshpour, Zohereh A, Toumeh Arbel F M.  1991.  A socio-physical study towards building barrier-free urban environment in Iran.
The Iranian five year National Development plan (from 1989-1994) includes "renovation of the overall urban environments towards the needs of the disabled." This paper by Zohereh A. Daneshpour and Arbel Toumeh F.M., of the DBRE Research Center in Tehran, Iran, is part of a research study included in the plan and describes how a case study area in Tehran was selected and analyzed in terms of existing problem areas for disabled persons in the urban environment. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2006.  Social Responses to Disability & Poverty in Economically Weaker Countries. Research, Trends, Critique, and Lessons Usually Not Learnt. Annotated bibliography of modern and historical material.
The author introduces 250 articles and books showing social responses to disability and poverty in two-thirds of the world now and in history, with critical notes. He commends some intelligent approaches in the face of complexity and challenges simplistic slogans and official blah-blah. [An earlier version of the “Modern Materials” section first appeared in DisabilityWorld (Dec.05 - Jan.06), and is reproduced by kind permission, with revision and extension.] Internet publication URL:
Driedger, Diane, D'Aubin April.  1986.  So you want to start an Independent Living centre? A Winnipeg case study
Diane Driedger and April D'Aubin, residents of Winnipeg, and involved with the Winnipeg Independent Living Resource Centre, present a history of Independent Living, Canadian initiatives, and step by step instructions on how to form an Independent Living Centre using the Winnipeg Independent Living Resource Centre as a case study. Internet publication URL:
Hellman, Finn.  2006.  Skit i normerna och börja lev – ett program om funktionshinder och sex.
Lyssna-MP3 (36:40 minuter, 34,4 MB), lyssna-RealAudio, download-RealAudio (19,8 MB). Programmet i text. Vi bjuder på recensioner av tre sexupplysande tidskrifter och besöker en kraschad kärleksmiddag. Men framförallt undersöker vi om ett mer avromantiserat synsätt på sex skulle gagna personer med funktionshinder. Hör varför sexologen Carol Queen rekommenderar funktionshindrade att ta efter Sado-masochister och lyssna till Stefan Reitersjös  piskor och tankar kring assistans och bondage. Reporter och producent: Finn Hellman. Medverkar gör även: Susanne Berg, Sebastian Ferrer, Carol Queen och Stefan Reitersjö. (In Swedish.) Internet publication URLs:,, och
Mattson Prince, Jane, Manley M, Whiteneck Gale G.  1995.  Självstyrd gentemot förmedlad personlig assistans för individer med högt sittande tetraplegi.
Forskningssammandrag: Att, inom en begränsad befolkningsgrupp som består av människor med omfattande funktionsnedsättningar fastställa huruvida å ena sidan användandet av förmedlad vårdpersonal och å andra sidan personligt anställda, tränade, och betalda assistenter korrelerar med upplevelsen av förbättrad livskvalité och hälsotillstånd samt lägre kostnader. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish)
Connally, Patrick Wm.  1999.  Singer/Crips/Animals.
Patrick William Connally, visionary, (Disability Rights, Enforcement, Education, Services) DREES President and founder, discusses the controversy over the appointment of Peter Singer, author of "Practical Ethics," to a teaching position at Princeton University. According to Connally, Singer seems to support euthanasia for new born babies with disabilities. Connally discusses the morals and values concerning this issue, providing a historical perspective as well as a strong negative to Singer’s ideas. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2006.  Signs of Development in Deaf South & South-West Asia: histories, cultural identities, resistance to cultural imperialism.
First published in 2001, this revised article extended and updated 2006-04 offers evidence and hypotheses for a short cultural history of deaf people, culture and sign language in South Asia and South West Asia, using documents from antiquity through 2005. A new appendix shows 110 items on deafness and sign language in the Arab countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and South West Asia. This is a further revised, extended and updated version of a chapter first published in: Alison Callaway (ed) Deafness and Development, University of Bristol, Centre for Deaf Studies, 2001. It is here republished with kind permission. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2000.  Signing in the Seraglio: mutes, dwarfs and jestures at the Ottoman Court 1500 - 1700.
Deaf people, known as 'mutes', worked in the Turkish Ottoman court from the fifteenth to the twentieth century in various roles along with dwarfs and other entertainers. Their signing system became popular, was used regularly by hearing people including successive Sultans, and was reportedly capable of expressing ideas of whatever complexity. Internet publication URL:
European Network on Independent Living (ENIL).  1998.  Shaping Our Futures, A conference on Independent Living.
Facing our futures brought together disabled experts on independent living, to share experience and map out future strategies. The conference set out to consider the social and economic arguments for independent living. Internet publication URLs: and
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Sexuality and people with disabilities: What experts often are not aware of.
For many of us who have extensive disabilities our sexual liberation does not so much depend on sex counselling or mechanical sex aids but on the availability of tax-funded personal assistance services which empower us to take control over our own lives. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Sexualitet och människor med funktionshinder: vad experterna ofta inte känner till.".
For many of us who have extensive disabilities our sexual liberation does not so much depend on sex counselling or mechanical sex aids but on the availability of tax-funded personal assistance services which empower us to take control over our own lives. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Coleman, Diane.  1999.  A serial killer of disabled people, out on the streets - Will Jack Kevorkian be convicted?
The courts of Michigan are preparing to send a worldwide message about the euthanasia of people with disabilities. Will Jack Kevorkian be convicted and imprisoned? Or will he be acquitted once more, never to be charged again? Internet publication URL:
Heumann, Judith E.  1998.  Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities from a North and South Perspective.
From her perspective as Assistant Secretary for the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (USA), Judy Heumann speaks on disability rights. Internet publication URL:
Disabled Peoples' International - European Region.  1998.  Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled People (1998).
Summaries of papers on Genetics & Bioetheics at the DPI Seminar. Presentations given by, Dr. Angus Clarke, Dr. Sarah Cunningham, and Dr. Theresia Degener, followed by an open debate. Internet publication URL:
Oka, Yukiko.  1988.  Self-reliance in interdependent communities: Independent living of disabled persons in the Asia-Pacific region.
Yukiko Oka analyses the results of an ESCAP questionnaire which covers institutionalization, community-based rehabilitation, and the rights of people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Mattson Prince, Jane, Manley Scott M, Whiteneck Gale G.  1995.  Self-Managed Versus Agency-Provided Personal Assistance Care for Individuals With High Level Tetraplegia.
Internet publication URL:  
Economic Social Commission for Asia the Pacific, United Nations.  1991.  Self-Help Organizations of Disabled Persons.
The preparation of this Internet publication, "Self-Help Organizations of Disabled Persons," is an activity of an Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) project, with the purpose of promoting and supporting the self-help movement of people with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific. Guidelines on establishing and strengthening self-help organizations of disabled persons as well as case studies of such organizations are presented. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2015.  Self-determination through Direct Payments and Personal Assistance cooperatives.
In his keynote address Adolf Ratzka delineates the origins of STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living owned and mainly run by Personal Assistance user themselves providing services to its members. Personal Assistance is here depicted as an example of demand-driven as opposed to supply-driven services which, according to the text's analysis, would explain the differences between these services in terms of quality and cost efficiency.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2017.  Self-determination for Persons with Extensive Disabilities through Direct Payments for Personal Assistance.
Originally written in English, translated into French and published as " L’autodétermination des personnes très dépendantes grâce au choix politique d’attribuer les financements de l’assistance personnelle directement aux personnes concernées" in Vie Sociale 2017/1 (n° 17) Vivre chez soi soutenu par des aides humaines See the French article here: 
Erdtman, Emil.  2021.  The Self-determination Circle - a study circle guide for article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. PDF icon Studiematerial-Artikel-19-english.pdf (2.78 MB)
duToit, Mike.  1989.  Self Help Association of Paraplegics, SHAP, Republic of South Africa.
This article describes the experience and success of SHAP, which was launched in 1981 by a group of unemployed Soweto paraplegics. They decided to operate a factory employing only disabled people, doing work on a subcontract basis for industry. By 1989 the factory employed 130 disabled people. Internet publication URL:
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2013.  Selbstbestimmung und Atemhilfen Adolf Ratzka Münchner ausserklinischer Intensiv Kongress 8-9 November 2013.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Selbstbestimmte Mobilität für Menschen mit Behinderung in Schweden?"
Rollstuhlgerechter öffentlicher Fern- und Nahverkehr und Taxidienste statt Sonderlösungen und Sonderfahrdienste sind für die Selbstbestimmung vieler Körperbehinderten im Alltag unumgänglich. Leider sind diese Voraussetzungen in Schweden nicht erfüllt. Ein kürzlich erfolgreich durchgeführtes Versuchsprojekt mit barrierenfreien Taxidroschken im regulären Taxiverkehr konnte wegen des Widerstands der Sonderfahrdienste und der politischen Majorität im Landkreis nicht weitergeführt werden. Internet publication URL: (In German.)
Rudlof, Peter.  2005.  Selbstbestimmt leben - die Geschichte eines jungen behinderten Mannes aus Österreich.
De-institutionalisierung in Österrreich. Jochen Baumschlager tauschte einen Platz in der 500 Betten Einrichtung gegen eine eigene Wohnung. Lyssna-MP3-svensk (30:56 minuter, 29 MB), Lyssna-MP3-deutsch (28:49 minuter, 27 MB). Internet publication URLs:,,,,
Miles, M.  2003.  Segregated We Stand? The Mutilated Greeks' Debate at Persepolis, 330 BC
Probably the world's earliest recorded policy debate among a large group ofdisabled people. Also the first time a ruler changed his mind in response towhat they actually asked for. First published in Disability & Society 18 (7):865-79. Reproduced with permission of Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis,and with some revision. Internet publication URL:
Longmore, Paul K.  1995.  The Second Phase: From Disability Rights to Disability Culture.
Longmore, Professor of History and Director of the Institute on Disability at San Francisco State University, describes how the American disability rights movement moved in the mid-1990s from a focus on rights to a quest for collective identity. First published in DISABILITY RAG & RESOURCE, Sept./Oct. 1995. Internet publication URL:
Wolbring, Gregor.  1999.  Science and Society - Critical Comments on the 1999 World Conference on Science, Budapest, Hungary.
Gregor Wolbring, biochemist and scientific advisor to the Thalidomide Society of Canada, reports on the 1999 World Conference on Science, Budapest, Hungary from the perspective of a person with a disability. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  Schweden: Betreuung oder Selbstbestimmung - zur Lage von Menschen mit Behinderungen.
Schweden mit seinen 8,5 Millionen Einwohnern erfreut sich des Rufs eines fortschrittlichen Sozialstaats, in dem Menschen mit Behinderungen unter besseren Lebensbedingungen als in den meisten anderen Ländern leben. Internet publication URL: (in German)
de Vylder, Stefan.  2003.  Rullstolstaxi – bättre och billigare.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish).
Vasey, Sean.  2000.  The Rough Guide to Managing Personal Assistants.
"Having PAs enabled me to find out who I am and now enables me to be who I am." If you are a disabled person and about to start receiving a Direct Payment to employ your own personal assistants (PAs), this book aims to give you a flavour of what it is like; the joys and the challenges. The book covers recruitment, managing, using PAs in social situations and at work, and dealing with problems. Put together by Sian Vasey with cartoons by David Shenton.
Rajkov, Gordana.  1991.  The role of the Muscular Dystrophy Association in the creation of a barrier-free environment.
Internet publication URL:  
Berrol, Sheldon.  1979.  "The Role of the Able-Bodied Professional.".
Sheldon Berrol notes that the success of the independent living movement, in contrast to a rehabilitation or medical approach to disability, is due to the creation and nurturing of the movement by the disabled community. The role of the able bodied professional working with disabled people is to provide services, be active advocates, share skills, and provide training while allowing the direction of the Independent Living Program to come from within the disabled community. Internet publication URL:
Jaillet, C.  2009.  The role of relative helpers in the Swedish personal assistance system.
Ahuja, Suresh C.  1989.  Role of Disabled Persons & Families in the Equalization of Opportunites.
Disabled persons can be converted from tax consumers to tax payers, from beneficiaries to benefactors, given the opportunity for self-development and provided with equal opportunities for education, vocational training and employment. Presented at the International Meeting on Human Resources in the Field of Disability, Tallin, 14-22 August 1989. Internet publication URL:
Martinez, Kathy, Duncan Barbara.  2003.  The Road to Independent Living in the USA: an historical perspective and contemporary challenges.
The authors (Kathleen Martinez, US National Council on Disability member and Deputy Director, World Institute on Disability, and Barbara Duncan, former Rehabilitation International information officer, DisabilityWorld co-editor) highlight the events and leaders that made the birth of the independent living movement possible. Also included are some basic philosophical tenets and assumptions that have guided the U.S. IL movement, as well as some observations regarding emerging issues and trends. Reprinted form "Disability World, A bimonthly web-zine of international disability news and views," Issue no. 20 September-October 2003. Internet publication URLs: and
Miles, M, Hossain Farhad.  1999.  Rights and Disabilities in Educational Provisions in Pakistan and Bangladesh: Roots, Rhetoric, Reality.
Educational opportunities for children with disabilities in Pakistan and Bangladesh are seen in the context of the countries' religious, cultural and economic development. The relevance of Western concepts such as "human rights", "inclusion" and "empowerment" is critically examined. Internet publication URL:
Disabled Peoples' International (DPI) Europe.  2000.  The Right to Live and be Different.
In February 2000, 130 disabled people in twenty-seven countries discussed bioethics and human rights, and it is with pride that we make the following declaration. Internet publication URL:
Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  Richtlinien zur Förderung der Persönlichen Assistenz am Arbeitsplatz.
Internet Veröffentlichung URL: (In German.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2004.  Richtlinien für eine beispielhafte nationale Gesetzgebung für persönliche Assistenz.
Die meisten Menschen, die bei alltäglichen Verrichtungen, wie beispielsweise beim Aufstehen, beim Gang zur Toilette oder beim Baden auf Hilfe von anderen angewiesen sind, haben lediglich die Wahl zwischen einem sehr eingeschränkten Leben in einem Wohnheim oder im Elternhaus. Wie muss eine ideale nationale Gesetzgebung aussehen, die es ihnen mit Hilfe von Persönlicher Assistenz ermöglicht, als gleichwertige Bürgerinnen und Bürger vollumfänglich am gesellschaftlichen Leben teilzunehmen und den ihnen zustehenden Platz in der Gesellschaft, d.h. in ihren Familien, ihrer Nachbarschaft, und am Arbeitsplatz einzunehmen? Das Euro­päische Kompetenzzentrum für Persönliche Assistenz ECEPA ist ein Projekt, das von Menschen geleitet wird, die selbst auf persönliche Assistenz angewiesen sind. Die vorliegenden Gesetzgebungsrichtlinien entstanden aus deren gemeinsamen konkreten Erfahrungen mit den verschiedenen Systemen der persönlichen Assistenz in acht europäischen Ländern. Ein Projekt des Europäischen Kompetenzzentrums für Persönliche Assistenz, European Center for Excellence in Personal Assistance (ECEPA); Internetveröffentlichung: und (59 KB). Übersetzung für die deutschsprachige Schweiz durch ZSL Zürich, Mai 2006.
Nzioki, Nicky, Maganjo Agnes, Kariuki Catherine.  1992.  A review of current accessibility legislation in Kenya.
Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2007.  Review - Epileptic Graphic.
Review of “Epileptic” by “David B.”, a remarkably frank account, in graphics and cartoon strip, of childhood and adulthood with an older brother having epilepsy, and a family doing the tour of cures in France of the 1960s and 1970s. Internet publication URL:
Konczei, Gyorgy.  1999.  Rethinking Disability and Discrimination - A social and economic approach (Comparative Study).
Internet publication URL: and
Barnes, Colin.  2001.  Rethinking Care From the Perspective of Disabled People.
Conference Report and Recommendations (Draft). World Health Organization Disability and Rehabilitation Team. In this report to the United Nations World Health Organization, Professor Barnes, from the Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds, England, recommends that member nations adopt a holistic approach that includes the introduction of policies to eliminate poverty and secure equal access to all community based services and facilities. These include medical services, education, employment, housing, transport, public amenities etc. The responsibility of national governments for introducing and financing these developments is also addressed. Internet publication URL: (PDF, 112 KB).
PDF icon barnes200106.pdf (111.34 KB)
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).  1998.  Resolutions on Personal Assistance Services.
Passed by Participants of the International Personal Assistance Services Symposium Sponsored by the World Institute on Disability, Convened September 29 to October 1, 1991, Oakland, California. Published in: American Rehabilitation, Volume 24, Number 4, Winter 1998, Personal Assistance Services, Part 2 of 2. American Rehabilitation is the official publication of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) 330 C Street S.W. Washington D.C. 20202-2531. Internet publication URL:
Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH) - Disability Advocacy Worldwide.  1997.  Resolution Opposing the Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide.
In their 1997 resolution opposing the legalization of physician assisted suicide, the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH) provides a long list of reasons for their opposition to physician assisted suicide, including the negative aspects of allowing physicians to have such power, the insufficiency of proposed safeguards, and dissatisfaction with the implementation of safeguards in conjunction with euthanasia in the Netherlands. Internet publication URL:
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).  1998.  Resolution om Personlig assistans.
Antagen av deltagarna på International Personal Assistance Services Symposium, sponsrat av World Institute on Disability. Symposiet ägde rum i Oakland, Kalifornien, den 29 september till den 1 oktober 1991. Artikeln är tidigare publicerad i American Rehabilitation Volym 24, nummer 4, Vintern 1998 Personal Assistance Services del 2 av 2. American Rehabilitaion är Rehabilitation Services Administrations (RSA) officiella publikation. Adress: 330 C Street S.W Washington D.C. 20202-2531. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Thiberg, Sven.  1984.  Research Profiles and Strategies.
Internet publication URL:  
Gill, Carol J.  1995.  Research on urban planning and architecture for disabled persons in Iran - Establishing design criteria.
Dr. Carol J. Gill, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Human Development and Director of the Chicago Center for Disability Research, Department of Disability and Human Development at the University of Illinois at Chicago, provides an excellent perspective of why the need for a culture, what it is, and what it means for those of us who feel the need to be categorized in it. Internet publication URL:
Ghaem, Gisoo.  1991.  Research on urban planning and architecture for disabled persons in Iran - Establishing design criteria.
Internet publication URL:
Enns, Henry.  1998.  Resa till Mellanöstern.
Internet publication URL:
Werner, David.  1990.  Resa till Angola - ett land där människor lemlästas som en strategi i lågintensiv krigföring.
Internet publication URL:
United Nations.  1998.  Report of the United Nations Consultative Expert Group Meeting on International Norms and Standards Relating to Disability.
Experts in international law and disability policy issues review and discuss issues and trends relating to the practical application of international norms and standards to promote the human rights of persons with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
CIB (International Council for Building Research).  1988.  Report of the Third International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Accessibility Issues in Developing Countries, Tokyo.
This portion of the report of the Third International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Accessibility Issues in Developing Countries held in Tokyo in 1988, includes: a table of contents with links to individual presentations; a preface by the editor of the report, Adolf D. Ratzka, Ph.D., outlining the concepts of accessibility and Independent Living; a presentation of the organizers of the seminar; and opening statements by Dr. Yasumi Yoshitake, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Architectural Institute of Japan, by Professor Sven Thiberg, the CIB W84 Coordinator, and by Dr. Mickey Milner, Immediate Past Chairman of ICTA, International Commission on Technical Aids, Building and Transportation. Internet publication URL:
CIB (International Council for Building Research).  1987.  Report of the Second International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Renewal of Inner Cities, Prague.
This portion of the report of the Second International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Renewal of Inner Cities held in Prague in 1987, includes: a table of contents with links to individual presentations; an introduction of the history and future directions of CIB W84 (the working commission) by Sven Thiberg the seminar Coordinator and Adolf D. Ratzka, the Associate Coordinator; a note on language used; the opening address by Dr. Rudolf Hegenbart; and an introduction to the themes of the seminar by Adolf D. Ratzka. Internet publication URL:
CIB (International Council for Building Research).  1984.  Report of the International Expert Seminar Building Concept for the Handicapped Stockholm, Sweden, April 10-12, 1984.
CIB is the abbreviation of the French title of the International council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation. This portion of the report of the International Expert Seminar on Building Concept for the Handicapped in Stockholm in 1984 includes: a table of contents with links to individual presentations; and presentations by Mr. Bengt Lindqvist, Member of the Swedish Parliament, Chairman of the Central Committee of Organizations of the Disabled in Sweden, and by Professor Sven Thiberg, coordinating chairman of CIB/W 84 (the working commission). Internet publication URL:
CIB (International Council for Building Research).  1992.  Report of the Fifth International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Access Legislation and Design Solutions, Harare, Zimbabwe, January 16-18, 1992.
This portion of the report from the Fifth International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Access Legislation and Design Solutions, held in Harare, Zimbabwe, includes a table of contents with links to papers and discussions, a presentation of the organizers, and opening addresses by the Hon. F.L. Chitauro, Dep. Minister of Labour, Manpower Planning and Social Welfare, Zimbabwe, by Mr. Alexander Phiri, Chairperson, Zimbabwe Federation of Disabled, and by Professor Sven Thiberg, CIB W84 Coordinator, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Internet publication URL:
The Pan Africa Wheelchair Builders Association (PAWBA) and The Tanzanian Training Centre for Orthopaedic Technologists (TATCOT).  2007.  Report of 4th All Africa Wheelchair Congress, 17TH – 21ST September 2007, Uhuru Hotel, Moshi, Tanzania.
Internet publication URLs: and  
Ruzicic, Mima.  2005.  Report from Mima Ruzicic, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, About the Situation of Personal Assistance Users and Students with Disabilities.
Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2009.  Report from Independent Living seminar in Stockholm 2009: Networks on Personal Assistance and Public Transport Access.
Lagadien, Fadila.  1996.  Remove Barriers in Employment for Disabled People.
Fadila Lagadien challenges the existing perception that disabled people cannot engage in gainful or meaningful employment as they are believed to be sick, and sick people belong in hospital. Internet publication URL:
Berg, Susanne.  2010.  Remissvar på utredningen Bortom fagert tal – om bristande tillgänglighet som diskriminering (Ds 2010:20)..
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2014.  Remissvar på betänkandet Förändrad assistansersättning – en översyn av ersättningssystemet (SOU 2014:9). PDF icon Remissvar på betänkandet Förändrad assistansersättning – en översyn av ersättningssystemet (SOU 2014:9)  (20.62 KB)
Independent Living Institute, Sweden.  2021.  Remissvar över betänkandet SOU 2021:37 Stärkt rätt till personlig assistans. PDF icon Independent-Living-Institute-remissvar-SOU-2021_37-Starkt-rett-till-personlig-assistans.pdf (100.2 KB)
King, Audrey.  2003.  Remarkable Teachers – Mr. Winter.
This is an account by Audrey King, M.A., an internationally known writer, speaker, and advocate on disability issues, about Mr. Winter, a high school teacher who made a difference by making sure that Ms. King, in a wheelchair because of polio, was included in the school community in every way. Internet publication URL:
Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Rehabilitation for Disabled People: a ‘sick’ joke?
Professor Barnes, from the Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds, England argues that the relationship between disability and rehabilitation is best explained in terms of three distinct but related definitions of disability: the orthodox ‘individualistic’ medical definition, the more liberal ‘inter-relational’ account, and the ‘radical‘ socio/political interpretation commonly referred to as the ‘social model of disability’. He concludes with a brief focus on alternative strategies generated by disabled people and their organisations. Internet publication URL:
Polinszky, Tibor.  1991.  Regulation of the non-handicapping environment in Hungary.
Internet publication URL:  
Light, Richard.  2000.  Recording human rights abuses against persons with disabilities: practical issues revealed by the Disability Awareness in Action Human Rights Project.
In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." Pre-paper 2. Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URLs: and
Council of Europe.  1996.  Recommendation No. R(96)5 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on Reconciling Work and Family Life.
The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States in such areas as: education, vocational training, employment, social integration, etc. This recommendation was adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 19 June 1996 at the 569th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies. Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.  1992.  Recommendation No. R(92)6 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on a Coherent policy for people with disabilities.
The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States in such areas as: education, vocational training, employment, social integration, etc. This recommendation was adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 9 April 1992 at the 474th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies. Internet publication URLs: and
Harrison, James D.  1991.  Recent advances in accessibility legislation and incentives in Singapore.
This paper, by James D. Harrison from the School of Architecture, National University of Singapore, Singapore, describes the situation for disabled persons in Singapore, and the background leading up to proposals on accessibility which called for the introduction of a mandatory Accessibility Code for all buildings (including existing ones). Internet publication URL:
Agerblad, Annika, Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1995.  Rätten till föräldraskap.
En konferens arrangerad av Handikappombudsmannen och STIL, med stöd från Allmänna Arvsfonden, Stockholm 28-29 augusti 1995. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Disabled Peoples International Europe,.  2000.  Rätten att leva och att vara annorlunda.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Berg, Susanne.  2013.  Rapport från förstudien - Lagen som Verktyg. PDF icon Rapport-forstudie-AA-LSVerktyg.pdf (69.19 KB)
European Commision.  1998.  Raising Employment Levels of People with Disabilities - The Common Challenge.
In light of the European Employment Strategy, and drawing on the analysis of some key elements of the 1998 Member States' National Action Plans, this paper seeks to establish a set of fundamental policy issues concerning employment and disability. Internet publication URLs: and
PDF icon ec1550.pdf (38.37 KB)
Independent Living Institute, Berg Susanne, Hellman Finn.  2006.  Radio Independent Living.
International Labour Organisation.  1983.  R168 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Recommendation, 1983.
This document is a Recommendation adopted by The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation in Geneva in 1983 and supplements the C159 Convention. The document seeks to set forth new international standards concerning the need to ensure equality of opportunity and treatment to all categories of disabled persons, in both rural and urban areas, for employment and integration into the community. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  2007.  The Pursuit of Radical Change: Perceptions and Realities of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The author was invited to address an audience in Stockholm, Sweden, in June 2007, regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act and how it might relate to the implementation of an anti-discrimination law in Sweden. This paper is an attempt to shed light on the ADA in that context. Discussions include 1) how American laws are made, 2) historical background relating to the development of the ADA, 3) a discussion of the Act itself, 4) enforcement mechanisms, 5) impact of the ADA, and 6) future directions. Internet publication URL:
O'brien, John, O'brien Connie Lyle.  2003.  Publications by John O'brien and Connie Lyle O'brien.
Internet publication URL:  
