Med Lagen som Verktyg

Från patient till kund - anförande vid konferensen Fritt val av hjälpmedel Stockholm 30 maj 2008

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2008.  Från patient till kund - anförande vid konferensen Fritt val av hjälpmedel Stockholm 30 maj 2008.

 fil dr Adolf Ratzka, Independent Living Institute

Tack för det här tillfället att berätta hur jag upplever hjälpmedelsförsörjningen och hur jag tror att verklig valfrihet kan åstadkommas.

La place des aidants familiaux dans le système d'assistance personnelle suédoise

Jaillet, C.  2009.  La place des aidants familiaux dans le système d'assistance personnelle suédoise.
Si dans la plupart des pays européens, la forme la plus répandue d'assistance est fournie par les proches de la personne en situation de handicap, on peut aisément comprendre les limites de ce système. La relation de confiance fait que ce système peut fonctionner, et pourtant : - les membres de la famille de la personne en situation de handicap à haut degré de dépendance, les parents notamment, vieillissent et ne peuvent pas indéfiniment être les assistants de leur enfant-adulte,

The Economics of Independent Living

Zarb, Gerry.  2003.  The Economics of Independent Living.
Gerry Zarb is a Policy Analyst at the Disability Rights Commission in the UK. He was formerly Disability Programme Director at the Policy Studies Institute. He has extensive research and consultancy experience on a range of disability issues, with a particular interest in independent living.

Trials and tribulation of persons with disabilities in 2007 general election

Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Trials and tribulation of persons with disabilities in 2007 general election.


Phitalis Were MasakhweIf you think winning a seat in Parliament is difficult for your average Kenyan, ask those with disabilities about their experiences.  The recent elections failed to send any disabled people to the Parliamentary benches, leaving a community of three million disabled Kenyans unrepresented.

Development System Locks Out the Disabled

Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Development System Locks Out the Disabled.


Phitalis Were MasakhweThat the non government (NGO) industry is a major player in the so called development cannot be over emphasized. That billion of dollars have been channeled into the sector to “wipe out” poverty particularly in poor developing countries is a fact.

The UN Day for Persons with Disabilities: How the world is unfair to people with disabilities

Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2007.  The UN Day for Persons with Disabilities: How the world is unfair to people with disabilities.

How the years fly by!  Once again the UN day for Persons with Disabilities is with us.  On this day 14 years ago the UN General Assembly declared 3rd December an international day to remember and think about people around the world with all forms of disabilities.

Today is a day to think of how disability is a fundamental part of humanity and how people and organizations should constantly think of disabled people when planning and allocating resources. Whether that is happening is the main thrust of this article.

Over the past 14 years significant improvements have been made internationally for disabled people, including throughout Africa, and here in Kenya in particular.

The Nordic Committee on Disability: Existing legislation in the Nordic countries

Thorén, Clas.  1991.  The Nordic Committee on Disability: Existing legislation in the Nordic countries.

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Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Budapest 1991


Research Profiles and Strategies

Thiberg, Sven.  1984.  Research Profiles and Strategies.

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Report of the International Expert Seminar
Building Concept for the Handicapped

Stockholm, Sweden, April 10-12, 1984


Research Profiles and Strategies

By Prof. Sven Thiberg

Introducing Newsline: Access Technology to Newspapers for the Blind and Visually Impaired

The National Federation of the Blind of North Carolina.  1999.  Introducing Newsline: Access Technology to Newspapers for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Every morning many people throughout the United States start the day with a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper. They do, that is, unless they are blind or severely visually impaired. The National Federation of the Blind has initiated a project which gives promise of making newspapers available on a regular basis to the blind of the nation.


Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments

Swedish Parliament.  1993.  Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments.

Swedish Code of Statutes SFS 1993:387


Act concerning Support and Service
for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments
passed on 27 May 1993.


På svenska

In accordance with a decision by Parliament, the following is ordained.


Introductory provisions

Section 1. This Act contains provisions relating to measures for special support and special service for those

Lag om införande av LSS, lagen (1993:387) om stöd och service)

Sveriges Riksdag.  1993.  Lag om införande av LSS, lagen (1993:387) om stöd och service).

In English


* Rubrik: Lag (1993:389) om assistansersättning
* Utfärdad: 1993-05-27
* Ändring införd: t.o.m. SFS 1994:1702


Är självbestämmande privatisering? Svar till Aftonbladet

Stiletten.  1987.  Är självbestämmande privatisering? Svar till Aftonbladet

Från Stiletten Nr 3 1987 


Bengt Westerberg (fp) nämnde i STIL i riksdagens allmännpolitiska debatt som gör ett angeläget initiativ där människor med funktionshinder är arbetsgivare och anställer sina assistenter själva. Aftonbladet 870205 kommenterar i ledarartikeln "ideologierna är inte döda" att "Westerbergs taktik är försåtlig. Vem vill inte att människor ska få växa, att initiativ och skaparkraft ska främjas? Risken är emellertid att en omfattande privatisering skulle få precis motsatt effekt."


Built environment for disabled persons in Russia: Needs and problems

Stepanov, Viatcheslav K.  1991.  Built environment for disabled persons in Russia: Needs and problems.

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Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Budapest 1991


Policy Paper from the South African Human Rights Commission 1997 # 5 : Disability

South African Human Rights Commission.  1997.  Policy Paper from the South African Human Rights Commission 1997 # 5 : Disability.



The situation faced by people with disabilities in South Africa is one which is characterised by extreme levels of inequality and discrimination. Social, economic and political barriers interact to create conditions of underdevelopment, marginalisation and unequal access to resources enjoyed by the rest of the population.

Vilken är din typ? - Erfarenheter av assistansanordnare

Smaaland, Jessica.  2007.  Vilken är din typ? - Erfarenheter av assistansanordnare

Se också:

Har du fått ett beslut från försäkringskassan om assistansersättning? Grattis! Nu måste du dock ta ställning till vem du vill ska anordna din assistans. Förutom att du kan låta kommunen ta hand om det hela har du rätt att välja ett företag eller kooperativ. Du kan dessutom välja att själv vara arbetsgivare med allt vad det innebär.

Taxi för alla

Samtrans.  2001.  Taxi för alla.

Från tidskriftsartikeln "Taxi för Alla" (PDF, 769 KB) i SamtransNytt juni 2001

Taxi för alla är ett försöksprojekt där Samtrans, Taxi Kurir och Taxi 020 ingår. Initiativtagare är Adolf Ratzka, doktor i företagsekonomi och rullstolsbrukare sedan 40 år. Idén är att det ska finnas ett antal anpassade fordon som på kort varsel kan ta körningar med passagerare som sitter kvar i sin rullstol under resan. 

Bild på
Adolf Ratzka, när han är på väg att köra in i en taxibil.

A história da sociedade inclusiva na Europa

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1999.  A história da sociedade inclusiva na Europa.


Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais

Seminário Internacional Sociedade Inclusiva


Belo Horizonte

29 de setembro a 2 de outubro de 1999


A história da sociedade inclusiva na Europa

Adolf D. Ratzka
Diretor do Instituto de Vida Independente, Estocolmo, Suécia.

A Personal Letter from Belgrade, Serbia - Written during the current NATO bombings in Yugoslavia

Rajkov, Gordana.  1999.  A Personal Letter from Belgrade, Serbia - Written during the current NATO bombings in Yugoslavia.

by Gordana Rajkov

War ceases to be an abstract political issue when you have disabled friends caught in the middle whom you can identify with, because you share the same dependencies.

Gordana Rajkov, respected disability activist throughout Europe, dependent on electric wheelchair and personal assistance, lives in Belgrade. We get sporadic reports from and about her situation in Belgrade. 


Thursday, May 13, 1999

Dear all,

The role of the Muscular Dystrophy Association in the creation of a barrier-free environment

Rajkov, Gordana.  1991.  The role of the Muscular Dystrophy Association in the creation of a barrier-free environment.

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Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Budapest 1991

The role of the Muscular Dystrophy Association in the creation of a barrier-free environment

Gordana Rajkov, Savez Distroficara Jugoslavije, Yugoslavia


Seminar Contents 

Legislation of mobility facilities for disabled persons as backup to existing goodwill

Rajah, Zorah.  1992.  Legislation of mobility facilities for disabled persons as backup to existing goodwill.

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Report of the CIB Expert Seminar
on Building Non-Handicapping Environments
Harare, Zimbabwe, January 16-18, 1992

Legislation of mobility facilities for disabled persons as backup to existing goodwill


Zorah Rajah, Disabled Peoples' International, Mauritius

Regulation of the non-handicapping environment in Hungary

Polinszky, Tibor.  1991.  Regulation of the non-handicapping environment in Hungary.

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Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Budapest 1991


Regulation of the non-handicapping environment in Hungary

Tibor Polinszky, POLI-Studio Ltd., Hungary 

Position Papers '99, Attendant Care

Physical Disability Council of NSW, Inc..  1999.  Position Papers '99, Attendant Care.

by The Physical Disability Council of NSW Inc., 1999

People with physical disabilities must be provided with a range of personal care and support options that enhances individual empowerment and enables integration and participation in the community.

Attendant/personal care is the assistance received by people with physical disabilities for undertaking the full range of everyday tasks that able-bodied people normally do for themselves. It enables an individual to live independently and to exercise basic rights about lifestyles choice.

Comunita Progetto Sud and Cooperativa at Lamezia Terme - Report from the study visit of working group one, sector social integration, 28 March - 31 March 1996

Osterwitz, Ingolf.  1996.  Comunita Progetto Sud and Cooperativa at Lamezia Terme - Report from the study visit of working group one, sector social integration, 28 March - 31 March 1996.

Hosted by Comunita Progetto Sud
(c/o Angela Regio, Nunzia Coppede and friends)
via Conforti
88046 Lamezia Terme (CZ)
phone +39-968-462 482
fax +39-968-462 520 

The comunita was founded in the 70s by disabled and non-disabled people as an alternative to accommodation in institutions and the family, because these places often did not allow the emancipation of disabled people in their everyday lives.

15 people live and work in the comunita "Lamezia-Terme", half of which are disabled persons. Many of them are wheelchair users.


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