Med Lagen som Verktyg

Resolution Opposing the Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide

Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH) - Disability Advocacy Worldwide.  1997.  Resolution Opposing the Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide.

Copyright © The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH) - Disability Advocacy Worldwide 1997

WHEREAS, the U.S. Supreme Court has determined that assisted suicide is not a constitutional right, but is an issue to be decided by the states; and

WHEREAS, bills to legalize physician-assisted suicide are currently pending before state legislatures; and

WHEREAS, no bill to legalize physician-assisted suicide applies to all citizens equally, but singles out individuals based on their health status in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act; and

Towards general accessibility of the built environment for persons with limited mobility

Armeni, Alain.  1991.  Towards general accessibility of the built environment for persons with limited mobility.

CIB logo



Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Budapest 1991


Towards general accessibility of the built environment for persons with limited mobility

Alain Armeni, Ministry of Housing, France

United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan's Message on the International Day of Disabled Persons

Annan, Kofi.  1999.  United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan's Message on the International Day of Disabled Persons.

The theme for this year’s observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons -- Accessibility -- reminds us that for many people with disabilities, the lack of access to essential services remains a source of discrimination and lost opportunities.

For more than half a billion people in the world, accessibility can mean an education, a job and a community that would otherwise be denied them. Accessibility is a prerequisite for disabled people to enjoy equal opportunities. It is a key to the exercise of their civil, politicial, social and cultural rights. This is a major concern of the United Nations, rooted in its founding principle of the equality of all human beings.

Finland: “The new personal assistance law doesn’t quite make it”

Westberg, Kenneth.  2008.  Finland: “The new personal assistance law doesn’t quite make it”.
In Finland personal assistance became a right on September 1, 2009. However, dissatisfaction is great because municipalities can still decide how assistance should be provided.

Spain - Spaniards are fighting for more personal assistance

Erdtman, Emil.  2008.  Spain - Spaniards are fighting for more personal assistance.
Independent Living—or Vida Independiente, as it will be called in this article—has grown in Spain via the internet and is now running a pilot project with personal assistance in several urban areas.

Greece – Stelios lives “independently” with help from his family

Erdtman, Emil.  2008.  Greece – Stelios lives “independently” with help from his family.
In Greece families assume a large responsibility, including for personal assistance. But society is rapidly changing, as can be seen in the streets and squares in recent times.

Iceland – Few have been granted personal assistance payments

Erdtman, Emil.  2008.  Iceland – Few have been granted personal assistance payments.
The population of Iceland is less than 300,000. Everyone knows each other in small towns, and even in the city of Reykjavik. Yet for now, the number of people who have assistance can be counted on one hand. Iceland is a Nordic country, but in terms of personal assistance it has not kept up with the region.

Flanders, Belgium - long queue for personal assistance

Bernt, Malin.  2008.  Flanders, Belgium - long queue for personal assistance.
“In Flanders, Belgium, 4,000 people are waiting to receive assistance,” says Viviane Sorée, chairperson of Bol Budiv. Viviane Sorée is chairperson of the organization Bol Budiv, which helps individuals who receive assistance. They provide advice and support to 1,350 people with disabilities living in Flanders. Bol Buiv is a two-year old project that is financed by government funding. “We have high hopes to be able to continue our work after the project ends.”

Bilder / Photos 28 November 2008


Kerstin Nilsson, vice-ordförande, STIL

Ulrik Lindgren, politiskt sakkunnig Socialdepartementet

Germany – means-tested personal assistance

Bernt, Malin.  2008.  Germany – means-tested personal assistance.
Christian Bayer’s most important issue is means-tested personal assistance. People who have a job and earn money have to pay for their personal assistance themselves. According to German law, people in need of personal assistance can get money from the State for it. Yet, unlike Sweden, the payments depend on your income and property.

Kent Ericsson, Sweden


Anföranden lördag 29 november 2008, workshop 3 - Av-institutionalisering - ett liv i frihet:
Att äga sin bostad - Berättelser från kaptensgatan på råå
Patricia Ericsson och Kent Ericsson


Önskemål om byte av bostad
Två män på en traditionell gruppbostad i Helsingborg var missnöjda med sin bostad: de ville ha en bostad i ett område med lugnare miljö.

Stefan Pelc, Sweden


Anföranden lördag 29 november 2008: Slutbetänkandets konsekvenser för egna arbetsgivare

Nya lagändringar och regelskärpningar förändrar bilden av den svenska modellen kring Lag om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade – LSS. Det kommer att ske förändringar för alla som är beviljade assistans eftersom stora besparingar är på gång inom vårt område. Men frågan är vad man sparar?

Heléna Karnström, Sweden


Anföranden lördag 29 november 2008: Mitt tidigare liv

Jessica Smaaland, Sweden


Anföranden lördag 29 november 2008: Varför protesterar inte fler gällande förslagen i LSS-kommittens

Bengt Elmén, Sweden


Anförande vid Workshop 29 november 2008
Biographical Notes / Presentation av talare

I worked as the first coordinator at STIL, for five years. I was also Vice-Chairman for eight years. I now work as a trainer, author and advisor. I have amongst other things written the book ”Assistance with Radiance” (In Swedish), which is aimed at both supervisors and assistants.



Horst Frehe, Germany


Horst Frehe, Germany

Speech 28 November 2008: The Development the IL-Movement in Germany

Biographical Notes

Jamie Bolling, Sweden


Jamie Bolling, SwedenBiographical Notes

Masters in Social Anthropology – University of Stockholm
Doctorate studies at the University of Örebro in Disability Research

Bente Skansgård, Norway


Biographical Notes / Presentation av talare


Utdanning & jobberfaring

Cand. sociol., Universitetet i Oslo, 1980

Forsker på Norges byggforskningsinstitutt, NBI 1981 - 1990

Sida arbeidet jeg frilans med forskningsmidler fra - og Sosial- og helsedepartementet og med undervisning for ulike oppdragsgivere for både funksjonshemmede og ulike fagfolk

Kapka Panayotova, Bulgaria

Kapka Panayotova, Bulgaria

Biographical Notes

Birgitta Andersson, Sweden


Birgitta Andersson, Sweden

Anföranden fredag 28 november 2008:
IL:s roll och den etablerade handikapprörelsen

Biographical Notes / Presentation av talare

Tricycle Production Manual - Vehicle design for people with disabilites in developing countries

Oldenkamp, I.  1995.  Tricycle Production Manual - Vehicle design for people with disabilites in developing countries.

by I. Oldenkamp, Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology

(Permission has been kindly given by I. Oldenkamp, Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology to allow the Independent Living Institute to present this excert from the Tricycle Production Manual.)

The Tricycle Production Manual has been developed for basically skilled and equipped workshops in developing countries. The manual is, as much as possible, adjusted to the knowledge and experience of workshop workers in these countries. It contains mostly drawings and minimal text to keep the manual accessible to a large group of users.

Self-reliance in interdependent communities: Independent living of disabled persons in the Asia-Pacific region

Oka, Yukiko.  1988.  Self-reliance in interdependent communities: Independent living of disabled persons in the Asia-Pacific region.


Paper prepared by Yukiko Oka, Programme Specialist, Social Development Division
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
presented at the Post Congress Seminar on Social Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation International 10 -11 September 1988 Hamamatsu, Japan


Skit i normerna och börja lev – ett program om funktionshinder och sex

Hellman, Finn.  2006.  Skit i normerna och börja lev – ett program om funktionshinder och sex.

Klassisk pianomusik.

Man: Vad fint du har gjort, och vad gott det luktar.

Kvinna: Tack. Hoppas du gillar det här vinet också. Kan du förresten tända ljusen?

Man: Javisst.

Kvinna: Sådär, skål och välkommen då.

Man: Skål…. Mmmm….

Kvinna: Det var inte illa. 

Man: Nej.

Kras! av glas. 

Man: Oj, akta, vänta. Jag hämtar nåt att torka med.

Kvinna: Åh, nej, ljuset! Nu brinner duken också. 

Towards an operational definition of Personal Assistance

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1992.  Towards an operational definition of Personal Assistance.

Persons with extensive disabilities need assistance by other people in their everyday lives with such activities as getting bathed and dressed or going to the toilet; with shopping, preparing meals, cleaning or doing the laundry; with such responsibilities within the family as doing the practical tasks involved in raising small children or assisting one' s aging parents. Assistants help the user at work, about town and on travel. They assist in communicating or in structuring the day, as the case might be. In brief, assistants help with those activities which the user would have done by himself or herself, had it not been for a physical, sensory, mental or intellectual disability.

Universal Design Planning and Design for All

Aslaksen, Finn, Bergh Steinar, Bringa Olav Rand, Heggem Edel Kristin.  1997.  Universal Design Planning and Design for All.

PDF, 5.2 MB

© The Norwegian State Council on Disability
Ingrid Bugge from Norwegian

Olav Rand Bringa
Edel Kristin Heggem
Anders Dahlquist, Autofill Europe AB, Stockholm
Kjell Norvin

L'interview Marcel Nuss

Abadia, Regine, Sallem Ryadh.  2005.  L'interview Marcel Nuss.

In English | På svenska

Regine Abadia et Ryadh Sallem


Hungerstrejk för personlig assistans i Frankrike

Abadia, Regine, Sallem Ryadh.  2005.  Hungerstrejk för personlig assistans i Frankrike.

In English | En français


Regine Abadia och Ryadh Sallem


I åratal fick Marcel Nuss kämpa för sin rätt att leva som andra, ute i samhället istället för att vara inlåst på institution. Han fick kämpa därför att han har ett funktionshinder och använder ventilator dygnet runt, han fick kämpa för att han behöver personlig assistans  - och för att han är bosatt i Frankrike där människor med dessa behov inte anses kapabla att leva utanför sjukhusliknande anstalter.

Personlig Assistans: Ett försök till en operationell definition

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1992.  Personlig Assistans: Ett försök till en operationell definition.

In English

Personer med omfattande funktionshinder behöver assistans i vardagen med att till exempel ta ett bad, klä på sig, gå på toaletten, handla, laga mat, städa och tvätta. De behöver assistans med familjesysslor, till exempel med de praktiska göromål som ingår i att ta hand om barn, eller att ta hand om sina föräldrar på ålderns höst. Assistenter hjälper brukaren på jobbet, ute på stan och på resor. De hjälper till med kommunikation eller med att planera dagen eller vad det än må vara. Kort sagt, assistenten hjälper till med sådana saker som brukaren skulle utfört själv om det inte vore för ett fysiskt, mentalt, eller intellektuellt funktionshinder.

Why Disability Rights Movements Do Not Support Euthanasia: Safeguards Broken Beyond Repair

Wolbring, Gregor.  1998.  Why Disability Rights Movements Do Not Support Euthanasia: Safeguards Broken Beyond Repair.


by Dr. Gregor Wolbring
Advisor on bioethic issues to the council of Canadians with disabilities



  • Assisted suicide I kill myself but someone else gives me the tool.
  • Voluntary euthanasia: Someone else kills me with my consent.
  • Non-voluntary euthanasia: Someone kills me when I am unable to give my consent. (i.e. a person in a persistent vegetative state)
  • Involuntary euthanasia: Someone kills me without asking me; therefore without my consent.

There is no country where the disability rights movement is supporting euthanasia. Why is that?

Development OUTREACH, July 2005

Sarbib, Jean-Louis.  2005.  Development OUTREACH, July 2005.

By Jean-Louis Sarbib,
Senior Vice President and Head of the Human Development Network, The World Bank

Source: WORLD BANK INSTITUTE, Web Magazine

Disabled people constitute one of the largest and poorest groups among people living in poverty. Plausible estimates of the number of disabled people in developing countries range upward from 400 million, and many more people are involved with disability as family members of disabled people.

Discapacidad: Exclusión / Inclusión

Saavedra, Andrea Avaria.  2001.  Discapacidad: Exclusión / Inclusión.

Andrea Avaria Saavedra (, Magíster Antropología y Desarrollo, Universidad de Chile


Report from Mima Ruzicic, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, About the Situation of Personal Assistance Users and Students with Disabilities

Ruzicic, Mima.  2005.  Report from Mima Ruzicic, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro, About the Situation of Personal Assistance Users and Students with Disabilities.

Mima Ruzicic, 2005-04I am Milica Mima Ruzicic, born in 1978 with cerebral palsy in Novi Sad, a capital city of the north Serbian province Vojvodina, lived in a village Zabalj with my family till my 18. Then I entered high school of philology in Sremski Karlovci, about 40 km far from my village. My parents paid my old land lady for the assistance in my daily activities and pushing me to school. It lasted for 4 years. I did not know anything about the independent life philosophy, but I strongly felt what meant independent decision making about your own activities and time. In one moment it became very hard when she started to influence on

EUSTAT Study (Empowering Users Through Assistive Technology), Training Manuals

Andrich, Renzo.  1999.  EUSTAT Study (Empowering Users Through Assistive Technology), Training Manuals.

The EUSTAT Study (Empowering Users Through Assistive Technology), is a European project carried out within the EU/Telematics Programme with the aim of developing educational material specifically addressed towards end-users of Assistive Technology (people with disabilities and their families).

The main product of the Study consists of the following two books, that have been published in six languages (English, Danish, Dutch, French, Italian and Portuguese) and are now available from our Institute:
via Capecelatro 66
I-20148 Milano
fax +39 02 40 09 01 57, e-mail BOOKS@SIVA.IT.

Assistansutredningens delbetänkande - Hårdare tag mot användare av assistans"!

Anderberg, Peter.  2007.  Assistansutredningens delbetänkande - Hårdare tag mot användare av assistans"!.

I fredags (28 september 2007) presenterade Assistansutredningen (LSS-Kommittén) sitt delbetänkande ”Kostnader för personlig assistans. Skärpta regler för utbetalning, användning och återbetalning av assistansersättning”. Delbetänkandet är ett snabbt svar på ett tilläggsdirektiv som kom från regeringen så sent som den 5 juli i år. Med en sommarsemester däremellan inser man att det har gått väldigt fort och vill man vara lite elak kan man säga att det märks i utredningen, som verkar vara mer intresserad av att visa på handlingskraft mot det påstådda fusket och presentera medialt lättsålda förslag, utan att tränga ner i en mer konstruktiv analys av problematiken.

Kort om assistansberedningens delbetänkande med Stefan Pelc, egen arbetsgivare för sina assistenter

Anderberg, Peter.  2007.  Kort om assistansberedningens delbetänkande med Stefan Pelc, egen arbetsgivare för sina assistenter.

Stefan Pelc har varit egen arbetsgivare för sina assistenter sedan 1992, alltså redan innan LSS. Han har haft sin assistans med förhöjt belopp, vilket gör att han redan har erfarenhet av en högre grad av redovisningsskyldighet än de som fått ersättning med schablonbelopp.

Vad tycker du om utredningens förslag?

Dichiarazione di Tenerife: Promuovere la Vita Indipendente Fine della Discriminazione contro le Persone Disabili

1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Dichiarazione di Tenerife: Promuovere la Vita Indipendente Fine della Discriminazione contro le Persone Disabili.

In English | In Spanish

Noi, quattrocento partecipanti da molti paesi europei riuniti al 1° Congresso Europeo sulla Vita Indipendente, tenutosi a Tenerife nell’ambito del 2003 Anno Europeo delle Persone Disabili, sollecitiamo i Governi delle Isole Canarie e della Spagna a farsi promotori degli interventi tesi a far sì che di questa Dichiarazione venga tenuto conto nella politica dell’Unione Europea, e in particolare nei lavori per l’imminente Direttiva sulla Non Discriminazione nel campo della Disabilità e nel Piano di Azione Europeo sulla Disabilità.

I principi sulla vita indipendente.

Manifiesto de Tenerife - Promovamos la Vida Independiente - Acabemos con la discriminación hacia las personas con discapacidad

1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Manifiesto de Tenerife - Promovamos la Vida Independiente - Acabemos con la discriminación hacia las personas con discapacidad.

In English | In Italian

Nosotros, los 400 participantes de varios países europeos reunidos en el primer Congreso Europeo sobre Vida Independiente, celebrado en Tenerife en el marco de 2003 como Año Europeo de la Discapacidad, requerimos que el Gobierno Insular de Tenerife, el Gobierno de Canarias y el Gobierno de España, tomen las riendas y aboguen por la aplicación de este Manifiesto en la política de la Unión Europea, específicamente en el trabajo sobre la Directiva de No Discriminación hacia las Personas con Discapacidad y el Plan de Acción Europeo de Personas con Discapacidad.

Principios de Vida Independiente

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So you want to start an Independent Living centre? A Winnipeg case study

Driedger, Diane, D'Aubin April.  1986.  So you want to start an Independent Living centre? A Winnipeg case study

Diane Driedger and April D'Aubin, residents of Winnipeg, are both involved at the board and committee levels with the Winnipeg Independent Living Resource centre. Diane was Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors and Chairperson of the Program Sub-Committee in addition to her involvement with the Mennonite Central Committee-s founding committee of the Winnipeg ILRC. April is currently a Board member and serves as Chairperson of the Program Sub-Committee. She is also employed as Research Analyst with COPOH.

Adolf Ratzka, Sweden


Inbjudan till Internationell konferens om Independent Living-filosofin och rörelsens roll i världen, Stockholm 28-29 nov. 2008


In English25 år independent living i Sverige logga

Välkomna till den internationella konferensen ”25 år Independent Living i Sverige” den 28-29 november i Stockholm som bl a handlade om de stora landvinningar som Independent Living-rörelsen åstadkommit i många länder, hur man har lyckats att påverka socialpolitiken, tillgängligheten, att förbättra levnadsförhållandena och bilden av personer med funktionshinder bland allmänheten.

Independent Living Conference - Local Information about Stockholm


25 years of independent living in sweden logo

25 Years of Independent Living in Sweden”
Stockholm, November 28-29, 2008


100 Swedish Krona (SEK) = (roughly) 10 Euro


Stockholm offers a wide variety of accommodation, from tiny rooms in the former prison to luxury suites. Please decide yourself which hotel you want to book.

Some sites that might be helpful are:


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