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Video at

Independent Living Institute YouTube channel(s):


"Mrs Schledermann" (Swedish language, English subtitles)

A film about the right to Independent Living with personal assistance produced for STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living,
by Bo Öhlén and Bengt Rejhed 1995


The role of relative helpers in the Swedish personal assistance system

Jaillet, C.  2009.  The role of relative helpers in the Swedish personal assistance system.
In most European countries the most common assistance for people with disabilities is provided by relatives, we can easily understand that this system has weaknesses. The trustful relationship makes it work but : -family members, especially parents, are getting old and can't help eternally their child or relative with disabilities -children that help a parent with disability have to handle with too much important responsibilities and too young -relationship partners can't sacrifice their career for the other and can't fear to sign for a life-long 24hour job -assistance with filial feelings most of the time leads to unequal relation -hiring external assistants is considered as an abandonment if relatives worked before as assistants

Les politiques d'insertion pour les personnes en situation de handicap : des coûts compensés par une dynamique économique - modèle suédois et système français

Jaillet, C.  2009.  Les politiques d'insertion pour les personnes en situation de handicap : des coûts compensés par une dynamique économique - modèle suédois et système français.

Les politiques sociales sont des politiques coûteuses que les autorités et la population tendent à voir comme des frais conséquents pour la société, même si nécessaires. La politique du handicap peut engendrer des coûts considérables dans les pays où elle est la plus aboutie comme les pays nordiques. En effet, si ces pays consacrent une part plus importante de leur budget en politiques sociales de manière générale qu'en France, leur politique de l'insertion et de pleine participation des personnes en situation de handicap est efficace et plus aboutie depuis plusieurs années.

DEAF PEOPLE, SIGN LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION, IN OTTOMAN & MODERN TURKEY: Observations and Excerpts from 1300 to 2009. From sources in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin and Turkish, with introduction and some annotation

Miles, M.  2009.  DEAF PEOPLE, SIGN LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION, IN OTTOMAN & MODERN TURKEY: Observations and Excerpts from 1300 to 2009. From sources in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin and Turkish, with introduction and some annotation.


Miles, M. 2009-06. "Deaf People, Sign Language and Communication, in Ottoman and Modern Turkey: Observations and Excerpts from 1300 to 2009. From sources in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin and Turkish, with introduction and some annotation." Internet publication URL:

Sources and texts are introduced and quoted, identifying deaf men and women through more than 700 years of Turkish history, and sign language through 500 years, continuing to the present.

File attachments: 

Rätten till föräldraskap

Agerblad, Annika, Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1995.  Rätten till föräldraskap.
Rätten till föräldraskap

konferens arrangerad av Handikappombudsmannen och STIL,
med stöd från Allmänna Arvsfonden, Stockholm 28-29 augusti 1995

Dokumentation och bearbetning:
Annika Agerblad och Adolf Ratzka Stockholm, september 1995

Regel 9. Familjeliv och personlig integritet

"Staterna bör främja möjligheten för människor med funktionshinder att leva familjeliv. De bör främja deras rätt till personlig integritet och se till att lagar inte diskriminerar människor med funktionsnedsättning när det gäller sexuella relationer, äktenskap och föräldraskap."

Ur FNs Standardregler, 1993

STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living.

In Intalian


In order to better understand the work and role of STIL some background information on Swedish social politics is provided here.

Division of responsibility in the social area

The Swedish social welfare system is administered by the three levels of government: central state, county councils, and local governments. The national government is responsible for issuing laws and regulations and their enforcement. In addition, functions such as social insurance, housing subsidies, labor market measures including vocational rehabilitation and education are administered at this level.

Costs and Benefits of Accessible Environments: A Case Study

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1984.  Costs and Benefits of Accessible Environments: A Case Study.

Report of the International Expert Seminar
Building Concept for the Handicapped

Stockholm, Sweden, April 10-12, 1984


Costs and Benefits of Accessible Environments: A Case Study

By Adolf Ratzka, Ph.D.

In this paper I will first give a very simplified theoretical justification for public subsidization of accessibility measures. I then present the results of a recent study as an illustration both of a methodological approach and of the various costs and benefits involved. I conclude the presentation with a few remarks on the role of economic evaluations in this area.

Hemservice - i vems regi?

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1982.  Hemservice - i vems regi?

Följande artikel publicerades 1982 i maj och juni-numren av Svensk Handikapptidskrift. Det var 2 år före STIL:s tillkomst. I en tid där den etablerade handikapprörelsen kämpade som hårdast för sina institutionella boendeformer av typ boendeservice eller förstärkt (more of the same) boendeservice. Så här i efterhand är det lätt att se att artikeln har historiskt värde. Den lanserade begreppen:

"personlig assistent",
"personlig assistans i brukarregi"
finansiering av personlig assistans genom riksförsäkringsverket.

Det tog 12 år tills visionen blev verklighet.

Conference on Legislation for Human Rights

Handikappombudsmannen, Independent Living Sverige.  1998.  Conference on Legislation for Human Rights.

Arranged by Handikappombudsmannen in cooperation with
Independent Living Sverige
Stockholm, Sweden 24 August 1998

På svenska

More and more countries have anti-discrimination legislation in connection with disability. At the conference on Legislation for Human Rights held in Stockholm on 24 August 1998 experts from several countries with such legislation presented how the legislation has functioned in their countries and their reflections on the situation of disabled people in their respective country.

In Sweden the traditional disability policy has been focused on support to the individual and compensation of disadvantages through special services.

IT and disabled people's employment: opportunities and limits, The example of the Independent Living Institute

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2002.  IT and disabled people's employment: opportunities and limits, The example of the Independent Living Institute.

(Dr. Ratzka was invited to present this paper at the European Conference on New Technologies and Disability "An Open Market" MCYT/CERMI in Madrid February 6-7, 2002 in connection with Spain's European Union Presidency, but was prevented from traveling by influenza.)

Die Schwedische Assistenzreform von 1994

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Die Schwedische Assistenzreform von 1994.

Dr. Adolf Ratzka
Independent Living Institute

Zu meiner Person

Ich komme ursprünglich aus Bayern, bekam im Alter von 17 Jahren Polio, verbrachte 5 Jahre in Krankenhäusern aus Mangel an rollstuhlgerechten Wohnungen und praktischen Hilfen im Alltag. Mit 22 Jahren bekam ich die Möglichkeit direkt vom Krankenhaus in München in ein Studentenwohnheim in Los Angeles zu ziehen um dort zu studieren - mit elektrischem Rollstuhl und Beat mungsgerät, ohne Familie oder Bekannte im neuen Land.

The prerequisites for de-institutionalization

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  The prerequisites for de-institutionalization.

I am a researcher by training working for the Independent Living Institute where we design and implement pilot projects in order to influence social policy towards self-determination and self-respect for persons with disabilities.

Checklist for Organizing Independent Living Events

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Checklist for Organizing Independent Living Events.

Adolf D. Ratzka, Ph.D., August 2003
Independent Living Institute

The notes are intended to serve as a checklist for planning training sessions, seminars, workshops or conferences on Independent Living.

Planning process

From patient to customer: Direct payments for assistive technology for disabled people’s self-determination

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  From patient to customer: Direct payments for assistive technology for disabled people’s self-determination.

Plenary paper presented at the 7th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology, “Shaping the Future”, Dublin, Ireland, August 31st – 3rd September 2003.

Angående Färdtjänstförvaltningens svar på min anmälan om diskriminering - Anmälan hos Handikappombudsmannen."

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Angående Färdtjänstförvaltningens svar på min anmälan om diskriminering - Anmälan hos Handikappombudsmannen.".

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Angående Färdtjänstförvaltningens svar på min anmälan om diskriminering.

Selbstbestimmte Mobilität für Menschen mit Behinderung in Schweden?"

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Selbstbestimmte Mobilität für Menschen mit Behinderung in Schweden?"

Internationaler Kongress “Behindertsein in Europa” Linz, Österreich 3-5 Dezember 2003

Zu meiner Person

Ich komme ursprünglich aus Bayern, erkrankte dort 1961 an Polio, studierte 8 Jahre in Kalifornien, lebe und arbeite seit 1973 in Schweden, wo ich das Institut für selbstbestimmt Leben leite, mit dem wir Sozialpolitik in Richtung Selbstbestimmung beeinflussen wollen.

Schweden – Wunderland der Integration?

The Swedish Personal Assistance Act of 1994

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2004.  The Swedish Personal Assistance Act of 1994.

Personal introduction

I grew up in Southern Germany where I contracted polio in 1961, at the age of 17. Within a couple of days I had to be put into anIron lung. iron lung, since I was unable to breath. During the following three months I trained and built up my remaining breathing muscles until I managed breathing

Independent Living Empowers People with Disabilities

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2005.  Independent Living Empowers People with Disabilities.

En français


Independent Living Empowers People With Disabilities

See also: Sarbib, Jean-Louis. 2005-07. ”Development OUTREACH, July 2005.”


Independent Living is a philosophy, a way of looking at disability and society, and a worldwide movement of disabled people who work for self-determination, self-respect and equal opportunities.

Independent Living émancipe les personnes en situation de handicap

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2005.  Independent Living émancipe les personnes en situation de handicap.
In English

Independent Living Empowers People With Disabilities

Par Adolf D. Ratzka
Traduit de l’anglais par Mireille Maller


Independent Living (IL) est une réelle philosophie, une façon particulière d’aborder le handicap et la société, et un mouvement international de personnes handicapées oeuvrant pour l’autodétermination, la dignité et l’égalité des chances.

Een model voor een nationale politiek inzake persoonlijke assistentie."

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2004.  Een model voor een nationale politiek inzake persoonlijke assistentie.".
Het beleid dat hier wordt voorgesteld is anders, omdat het werd uitgeschreven door mensen die zelf dagelijks op assistentie van andere mensen zijn aangewezen. Het Europees Centrum voor Excellentie in Persoonlijke Assistentie, ECEPA (, bestaat uit acht partnerorganisaties in acht Europese landen die worden bestuurd door personen met een handicap en gespecialiseerd zijn in de belangenverdediging en adviesverlening inzake persoonlijke assistentie voor personen met een ernstige handicap. Door gebruik te maken van onze persoonlijke ervaringsdeskundigheid en van de ervaring die reeds werd opgedaan met het beleid inzake persoonlijke assistentie konden wij een lijst vaststellen van de essentiële kenmerken waaraan zodanig beleid moet voldoen om zelfbeschikking en volwaardig burgerschap voor personen met ernstige handicaps te bevorderen.

Richtlinien für eine beispielhafte nationale Gesetzgebung für persönliche Assistenz

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2004.  Richtlinien für eine beispielhafte nationale Gesetzgebung für persönliche Assistenz.
Der hier vorgeschlagene Ansatz geht andere Wege, weil er von Personen erarbeitet wurde, die selber im täglichen Leben auf die Unterstützung anderer angewiesen sind. Im Europäischen Kompetenzzentrum für Persönliche Assistenz, ECEPA (, sind acht Partnerorganisationen (1) aus acht europäischen Ländern zusammen geschlossen. Diese Organisationen werden von Menschen mit Behinderungen geführt und sind darauf spezialisiert, Assistenzdienstleistungen für Menschen mit erheblichen Behinderungen durchzusetzen und anzubieten.

Model National Personal Assistance Policy

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2004.  Model National Personal Assistance Policy.
Using our combined personal experience with personal assistance policies a list of features was compiled for a policy that is to promote self-determination and full citizenship for persons with extensive disabilities. The suggested policy is designed to:
  • establish the right to direct payments of assistance services for as many assistance users as possible,
  • enable as many assistance users as possible to exercise the degree of control over their services which they prefer at any given situation in their lives

Independent Living for people with disabilities: from patient to citizen and customer

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2007.  Independent Living for people with disabilities: from patient to citizen and customer.
Keynote at the conference in Barcelona 22 October 2007 organized by the Catalan Party Convergéncia i Unió in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of The Spanish Law for Persons with Disabilities of 1982

Keynote at the conference in Barcelona 22 October 2007 organized by the Catalan Party Convergéncia i Unió in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of The Spanish Law for Persons with Disabilities of 1982

by Dr. Adolf Ratzka

Från patient till kund - anförande vid konferensen Fritt val av hjälpmedel Stockholm 30 maj 2008

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2008.  Från patient till kund - anförande vid konferensen Fritt val av hjälpmedel Stockholm 30 maj 2008.

 fil dr Adolf Ratzka, Independent Living Institute

Tack för det här tillfället att berätta hur jag upplever hjälpmedelsförsörjningen och hur jag tror att verklig valfrihet kan åstadkommas.


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