Med Lagen som Verktyg

Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social Contract

Russell, Marta.  1998.  Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social Contract.

Book review courtesy of Common Courage Press

"What Ralph Nader did for the consumer movement...Marta Russell has accomplished in her riveting Beyond Ramps. No one who reads this book...will come away unchanged."

- Marcus Raskin, Institute for Policy Studies

Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social Contract

Marta Russell
256 pages; Index
PAPER $18.95, ISBN: 1-56751-106-6


Is International Travel Accessible for Persons with a Disability?

Rosen, Fred.  1999.  Is International Travel Accessible for Persons with a Disability?

A Position Paper
Fred Rosen

Author of

HOW TO TRAVEL -- A Guidebook For Persons With A Disability


Travel Consultant For Persons With A Disability

The Question:


Legala aspekter av diskrimineringslagstiftning i Sverige

Rennerstedt, Kristina.  1998.  Legala aspekter av diskrimineringslagstiftning i Sverige.

"Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter "
Stockholm, Sweden, 24 augusti 1998

Kristina Rennerstedt, statssekreterare Justitiedepartementet, legala aspekter


Resolution om Personlig assistans

Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).  1998.  Resolution om Personlig assistans.

In Engish

Artikeln är tidigare publicerad i American Rehabilitation Volym 24, nummer 4, Vintern 1998 Personal Assistance Services del 2 av 2. American Rehabilitaion är Rehabilitation Services Administrations (RSA) officiella publikation. Adress: 330 C Street S.W Washington D.C. 20202-2531.

Antagen av deltagarna på International Personal Assistance Services Symposium, sponsrat av World Institute on Disability. Symposiet ägde rum i Oakland, Kalifornien, den 29 september till den 1 oktober 1991.


Resolutions on Personal Assistance Services

Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).  1998.  Resolutions on Personal Assistance Services.

På svenska

Passed by Participants of the International Personal Assistance Services Symposium Sponsored by the World Institute on Disability, Convened September 29 to October 1, 1991, Oakland, California. Published in: American Rehabilitation, Volume 24, Number 4, Winter 1998, Personal Assistance Services, Part 2 of 2. American Rehabilitation is the official publication of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) 330 C Street S.W. Washington D.C. 20202-2531.

STIL mot hemtjänststalinisterna

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1990.  STIL mot hemtjänststalinisterna.

Hemtjänsten kritiseras mer och mer av sina brukare. Klagomålen handlar om kraftiga nedskärningar och kvalitetsförsämringar. Anledningen till dessa brister är att kommunen idag har ett trefaldigt monopol på hemtjänstområdet: som tillsynsmyndighet, som finansiär och som tjänsteproducent. Den bedömer behoven, finansierar och producerar tjänsterna. Ofta förenar en och samma hemvårdsassistent dessa tre funktioner samtidigt. Den enskilde hemtjänstbrukaren står helt maktlös inför en sådan maktkoncentration.

Gustav Möller (s) och STIL

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1990.  Gustav Möller (s) och STIL.

STIL-modellen - maximalt självbestämmande men offentlig finansiering - knyter an till gammal socialdemokratisk tradition. Artikeln skrevs 1990.

Inependent Living and Yugoslav Experience

Rajkov, Gordana.  2003.  Inependent Living and Yugoslav Experience.

Center for Indpendent Living, Beograd


* Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, has been now constituted as State with name Union of Serbia and Monte Negro

by Gordana Rajkov, 2003-03

Center for Independent Living of Serbia,
Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003

(Another presentation at the conference: Belli, Raffaello. 2003-03. "Independent Living and some Italian Experiences.")


Center for Independent Living (CIL): Disabled People Take the Lead for Full Community Lives

Racino, Julie Ann.  1991.  Center for Independent Living (CIL): Disabled People Take the Lead for Full Community Lives.

by Julie Ann Racino, Deputy Director, Berkeley, California

På Svenska

The preparation of this report was supported by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), under Cooperative Agreement H133B00003-90 awarded to the Center on Human Policy, Division of Special Education and Rehabilitation, School of Education, Syracuse University. The opinions expressed herein are those solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of the U.S. Department of Education; therefore, no official endorsement should be inferred.

The Disability Movement and its History

Pfeiffer, David.  1995.  The Disability Movement and its History.

What is important in the disability experience is knowing that you are not alone. There are thousands of persons with disabilities thinking similar thoughts, having similar experiences, and getting angry. We are not alone. We have a history.

Eugenics and Disability Discrimination

Pfeiffer, David.  1994.  Eugenics and Disability Discrimination.

Published in Disability & Society, 9 (4), 1994, pages 481-99.

by David Pfeiffer, Ph.D., 1994
Department of Public Management
School of Management
Suffolk University
Boston, MA 02108-2770

Center on Disability Studies
University of Hawai`i at Manoa
1776 University Ave UA 4-6
Honolulu, HI 96815 USA



Divisions in the disability community

Pfeiffer, David.  1988.  Divisions in the disability community.

Within the community of disabled persons in this country there is a division between those concerned with civil rights and those concerned with service delivery. On the one hand, there is the Independent Living Movement which is a necessary fact of life for disabled persons in this country today, whether or not they require the services of an Independent Living center. There is also the Disability Rights Movement which is a necessary for disabled persons in this country today, whether or not they face civil rights violations. Although there is an overlapping membership, persons who identify with the Independent Living Movement are concerned with the provision of services to disabled individuals in order to make them truly independent.

Hanging In There

Peterson, Dick.  1998.  Hanging In There.

All of us who are disabled try to "hang in there". In my case, the expression has taken on a double meaning.

I have had multiple sclerosis for over 30 years and, as my condition worsened, I foresaw the day when I would need greater assistance with bathroom transfers.

Disabled people and the inclusive society: or the times they really are changing

Oliver, Mike.  1999.  Disabled people and the inclusive society: or the times they really are changing.

Public lecture on behalf of Strathclyde Centre
for disability research and Glasgow City Council

by Mike Oliver,
Professor of Disability Studies University
of Greenwich 27 April 1999

Innovative Disabled Entrepreneur Award Scheme (IDEAS) - Calling All Entrepreneurs With Disabilities

Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency.  2000.  Innovative Disabled Entrepreneur Award Scheme (IDEAS) - Calling All Entrepreneurs With Disabilities.

Pretoria, South Africa - Innovative Disabled Entrepreneur Award Scheme (IDEAS) is a Ntsika Enterprise Promotion Agency competition for successful disabled Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises.

IDEAS seeks to affirm and give recognition to entrepreneurs with disabilities who have demonstrated excellence and innovation as well as triumph over adversities in their business enterprises.

Entry forms with requirements to be collected at the Provincial SMME/Disability Desk. People eligible for the competition are:

How to overcome double discrimination of disabled people in South Africa

Nkeli, Jerry.  1998.  How to overcome double discrimination of disabled people in South Africa.

"Legislation for Human Rights"
Stockholm, Sweden, 24 August 1998

by Jerry Nkeli, Human Rights Commissioner


Ladies and gentlemen and colleges, Today I will sketch for you the history of South Africa from the point of view of the Disability Rights Movement. In the 1970s we had no Disability Rights Movement in South Africa. Most disabled people were in institutions, they worked in sheltered workshops, they were not organized and they had no rights.

Human Rights Commissioner reflects on achievements obtained by people with disabilities

Nkeli, Jerry.  1998.  Human Rights Commissioner reflects on achievements obtained by people with disabilities.

Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities
from a North and South Perspective
Stockholm, Sweden 23 August, 1998

Jerry Nkeli, Human Rights Commissioner, South Africa

Ny rapport från NCD om förbättringar i tillämpningen av rättigheter för flygresenärer med funktionsnedsättgning

National Council on Disability (NCD).  1999.  Ny rapport från NCD om förbättringar i tillämpningen av rättigheter för flygresenärer med funktionsnedsättgning.

English title: NCD Releases Report on Improving the Enforcement of Civil Rights of Air Travelers with Disabilities

In English

WASHINGTON (1999) - The National Council on Disability (NCD) har släppt en betydande rapport som visar på en undermålig tillämpning av Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) sedan dess antagning 1986. NCDs rapport Enforcing the Civil Rights of Air Travelers with Disabilities innehåller rekommendationer för hur tillämpningen av medborgerliga rättigheter för resenärer med funktionsnedsättning ska förbättras. Detta inkluderar även ändringar i lagen och förbättringar hos transportdepartementet.

NCD Releases Report on Improving the Enforcement of Civil Rights of Air Travelers with Disabilities

National Council on Disability (NCD).  1999.  NCD Releases Report on Improving the Enforcement of Civil Rights of Air Travelers with Disabilities.

På svenska

WASHINGTON (1999) --The National Council on Disability (NCD) has released a groundbreaking report documenting ineffective enforcement of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) since the law's passage in 1986. NCD's report, Enforcing the Civil Rights of Air Travelers with Disabilities, contains recommendations on how to improve the enforcement of civil rights of air travelers with disabilities, including changes to the law and improvements for the Department of Transportation.

IL-rörelsen breder ut sig i Asien

Nakanishi, Yukiko.  1999.  IL-rörelsen breder ut sig i Asien.
In English

Följande artikel publicerades i DISABILITY INTERNATIONAL; Asia-Pacific Region, Vol.11, No. 2 1999. Disabled Peoples' International.

17-20 maj 1998 höll Chung Nip polio center och Human Care Association of Japan i det första seminariet om Independent Living i Seoul, Korea.

Independent Living movement spreads in Asia

Nakanishi, Yukiko.  1999.  Independent Living movement spreads in Asia.

På svenska

The following article appeared in DISABILITY INTERNATIONAL; Asia-Pacific Region, Vol.11, No. 2 1999. Disabled Peoples' International. 

On 17-20 May, 1998, the first Independent Living seminar in Seoul, Korea was conducted jointly by the Chung Nip polio Center in Korea and Human Care Association of Japan.

Effects of the Economic Downturn in Japan

Nakanishi, Yukiko.  1998.  Effects of the Economic Downturn in Japan.

by Shoji and Yukiko Nakanishi, DPI-Japan
April 1998

The Japanese Government has been trying to promote decentralization for the last 6 - 7 years. The bad economic situation has strengthened this trend, with expectations that local budgets to be allocated to support it. In the field of social welfare, the plan is to move the responsibility to provide many services from the national level to the prefectural level, and from the prefectural level to the municipal level. Disabled persons are afraid that some services will be cut due to scarce local resources.

Effects on the lives of people with disabilities:

Development and Self-Help Movement of Women with Disabilities

Nakanishi, Yukiko.  2002.  Development and Self-Help Movement of Women with Disabilities.

by Yukiko Nakanishi
President, Asia Disability Institute, Chairperson, DPI-Japan International Committee

A popular Japanese expression says that "A women has no house to rest in anytime", meaning that a woman should obey her father as a child, her husband as a wife, and her children as an elderly person. In Japan, as elsewhere in Asia, women continue to be treated as substantially inferior to men.

The problems of women with disabilities are especially more intensive than those of women without disabilities. The issues and problems facing women with disabilities are numerous as all of you are already aware. Poverty and injustice are cores of vulnerability and deprivation of women with disabilities.

Independent Choices: Enhancing Consumer Direction for People with Disabilities

Nadash, Pamela.  1998.  Independent Choices: Enhancing Consumer Direction for People with Disabilities.

Ms. Nadash, a graduate student at Columbia University, is former Director, National Institute on Consumer-Directed Long-Term Services, The National Council on Aging.

The following is an article from American Rehabilitation Volume 24, Number 3 Summer Autumn 1998 Personal Assistance Services Part 1 of 2.
American Rehabilitation is the official publication of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) 330 C Street S.W. Washington D.C. 20202-2531

Legislation on Disability: The Costa Rican Experience

Montero, Federico.  1998.  Legislation on Disability: The Costa Rican Experience.

"Legislation for Human Rights"

Stockholm, Sweden, 24 August 1998

by Dr. Federico Montero


Human Rights and Organisations of Disabled Persons in Costa Rica

Montero, Federico.  1998.  Human Rights and Organisations of Disabled Persons in Costa Rica.

Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities
from a North and South Perspective
Stockholm, Sweden 23 August, 1998

Dr. Federico Montero, Chairman of the Costa Rican Disability Association

Gesetz zum Assistenzbudget

Ministry of Social Affairs, Sweden.  1993.  Gesetz zum Assistenzbudget.

Gesetz über Unterstützung und Dienstleistungen für gewisse
Funktionsbehinderte und das Gesetz über Fürsorgeleistungen

Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales
Internationales Sekretariat

S-103 33 Stockholm

September 1993



Das Gesetz über Unterstützung und Dienstleistungen für gewisse Funktionsbehinderte (SFS 1993: 387)

Das Gesetz über Fürsorgeleistungen (SFS 1993: 389)



Rights and Disabilities in Educational Provisions in Pakistan and Bangladesh: Roots, Rhetoric, Reality

Miles, M, Hossain Farhad.  1999.  Rights and Disabilities in Educational Provisions in Pakistan and Bangladesh: Roots, Rhetoric, Reality.

by M. Miles & Farhad Hossain, 1999

Other documents by M. Miles.


This chapter was first published in: F. Armstrong & L. Barton (eds) Disability, Human Rights and Education: cross-cultural perspectives, pp. 67-86. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press, isbn 0-335-20457-0, 1999. It is reprinted here by permission of the Open University Press, with slight revision.



Older People and Direct Payments

Macfarlane, Ann.  2003.  Older People and Direct Payments.

Presentation at the ENIL Seminar in Southampton March 9, 2003

by Ann Macfarlane MBE

Older People & Legislation on Assessment & Direct Payments, Summary of the legal provisions,
by Ann Macfarlane MBE, March 2003

“Sometimes, I have to skip having a bath in order to chase my dreams.”


Självstyrd gentemot förmedlad personlig assistans för individer med högt sittande tetraplegi

Mattson Prince, Jane, Manley M, Whiteneck Gale G.  1995.  Självstyrd gentemot förmedlad personlig assistans för individer med högt sittande tetraplegi.

In English


Mattson Prince J, Manley MS, Whiteneck GG.
Self-managed versus agency-provided assistance care for individuals with high level tetraplegia. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1995; 76:919-23.


Att, inom en begränsad befolkningsgrupp som består av människor med omfattande funktionsnedsättningar fastställa huruvida å ena sidan användandet av förmedlad vårdpersonal och å andra sidan personligt anställda, tränade, och betalda assistenter korrelerar med upplevelsen av förbättrad livskvalité och hälsotillstånd samt lägre kostnader.

Utformning och omgivning

Back To Basics - Hampshire Center for Independent Living's Expert Seminar on Independent Living

Mason, Philip.  1998.  Back To Basics - Hampshire Center for Independent Living's Expert Seminar on Independent Living.

Keynote at the Expert Seminar
organized by the Hampshire Center for Independent Living
in Southampton, May 30 -31 1998

by Philip Mason


I am privileged and overawed to be the first speaker in this conference. A conference which is looking at the future in respect of those well known phrases 'Independent Living' and 'Direct Payments'. It is a privilege and also a responsibility because I need to strike the right note. I need to encourage but also to challenge.

So where do we start? Do we talk about the past; look at the present, and then think about the future?

We ought to do a little bit of all three and it is my job to start the ball rolling.

Constitutionalism and access legislation

Masemene, Moses.  1992.  Constitutionalism and access legislation.

 CIB logo


Report of the CIB Expert Seminar
on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Harare 1992


Constitutionalism and access legislation


Moses Masemene, SAFOD, Lesotho


The Road to Independent Living in the USA: an historical perspective and contemporary challenges

Martinez, Kathy, Duncan Barbara.  2003.  The Road to Independent Living in the USA: an historical perspective and contemporary challenges.

by Kathy Martinez, with the assistance of Barbara Duncan
Reprinted form Disability World, A bimonthly web-zine of international disability news and views,
Issue no. 20 September-October 2003



Human Rights from Disabled Peoples' Perspective in Africa

Majiet, Shanaaz.  1998.  Human Rights from Disabled Peoples' Perspective in Africa.

Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities
from a North and South Perspective
Stockholm, Sweden 23 August, 1998

Shanaaz Majiet, Lawyer, South Africa

I come from South Africa and am based in Pretoria where I live and work. I am please to be here to share some thoughts with you and talk about some very fundamental challenges we face as a global movement.

Universal Design: Maine's Opportunity To Lead the Way To Information Access For Everyone

Maine CITE Coordinating Center.  2000.  Universal Design: Maine's Opportunity To Lead the Way To Information Access For Everyone.

In September 1997, leaders from Maine State government, business, education, and the non-profit community gathered for the Conference, Maximizing Economic Potential.  They set out to explore how Maine can develop the information technologies the state needs to be globally competitive. Sponsored by the Maine CITE Coordinating Center and the Maine Department of Education, the Conference looked at how government and education can lead the way in ensuring that information technologies accommodate differing needs and provide access for everyone. This report is the outcome of that effort.


Determining Consumers' Preferences for a Cash Option: New York Survey Findings

Mahoney, K J, Simon-Rusinowitz L, Desmond S M, Shoop D M, Squillace M R, Fay R A.  1998.  Determining Consumers' Preferences for a Cash Option: New York Survey Findings.

by K.J. Mahoney, Ph.D. L. Simon-Rusinowitz, Ph.D. S.M. Desmond,
Ph.D. D.M. Shoop, Ph.D. M.R. Squillace, M.A. R.A. Fay, B.S.

Drs. Mahoney and Simon-Rusinowitz are Project Director and Deputy Project Director, respectively, Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation. Dr. Shoop and Ms. Squillace are Faculty Research Associates and Mr. Fay is a former graduate assistant. All are at the University of Maryland Center on Aging. Dr. Desmond is Associate Professor, Department of Health Education, University of Maryland.

File attachments: 

Disability Community Leaders Denounce Jack Kevorkian

Longmore, Paul K.  1996.  Disability Community Leaders Denounce Jack Kevorkian.

Yesterday Jack Kevorkian assisted the suicide of a disabled woman. At least half of the people whose suicides he has abetted have been disabled. As leaders in the disability community, we are outraged that Michigan authorities allow his killing spree to go on. We are incensed that his repeated declarations of contempt for the lives of our people have been ignored.

The Second Phase: From Disability Rights to Disability Culture

Longmore, Paul K.  1995.  The Second Phase: From Disability Rights to Disability Culture.

The movement of disabled Americans has entered its second phase. The first phase has been a quest for disability rights, for equal access and equal opportunity, for inclusion. The second phase is a quest for collective identity. Even as the unfinished work of the first phase continues, the task in the second phase is to explore or to create a disability culture.

This historic juncture offers a moment for reflection and assessment. It is an opportunity to consider the aims and achievements of the disability movement over the past generation and in the last few years.

In August 1985, The Disability Rag reported an incident that captured the essence of the disability movement's first phase:

Personal Assistance Service Policy: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going

Litvak, Simi.  1998.  Personal Assistance Service Policy: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going.

Dr. Lilvak is Senior Research and Policy Analyst with the World Institute on Disability, Oakland, CA.

The following is an article from American Rehabilitation Volume 24, Number 4 Winter 1998 Personal Assistance Services Part 2 of 2. American Rehabilitation is the official publication of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) 330 C Street S.W. Washington D.C. 20202-2531

The Problem

Erfarenheter av lagstiftning internationellt

Lindqvist, Bengt.  1998.  Erfarenheter av lagstiftning internationellt.

"Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter"
Stockholm, Sweden, 24 augusti 1998

Bengt Lindqvist, FN:s speciella rapportör om standardreglerna

Beijing Declaration on Disabled Persons in the New Millennium

Light, Richard.  2000.  Beijing Declaration on Disabled Persons in the New Millennium.

On the 12 of March 2000, the World NGO Summit on Disability, in Beijing, People's Republic of China, adopted a resolution regarding an international convention on the rights of all disabled people.

The full text of the Resolution follows:

We, the leaders of Disabled Peoples' International, Inclusion International, Rehabilitation International, the World Blind Union, and the World Federation of the Deaf, as well as national non-governmental organizations (NGO's) of and for people with disabilities from all continents, have convened in Beijing from 10 - 12 March 2000 to develop a new-century strategy for the full participation and equality of people with disabilities.

Power, Control, Confidence, and Courage

Leone, Jayne.  1997.  Power, Control, Confidence, and Courage.

Re-printed by permission from the Summer 1997 issue of THE VOICE OF LOW VISION - the newsletter of the Western Pennsylvania Council of Citizens with Low Vision.

Jayne Leone is active in a number of disability and advocacy organizations. Those who wish to respond to her final question may e-mail her at

The four words in the title are scary -- especially when grouped together! Overwhelming, maybe!! But essential if one is to survive and to cope with life. Let's examine each of these words.


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