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Driedger, Diane, D'Aubin April.  1986.  So you want to start an Independent Living centre? A Winnipeg case study
Diane Driedger and April D'Aubin, residents of Winnipeg, and involved with the Winnipeg Independent Living Resource Centre, present a history of Independent Living, Canadian initiatives, and step by step instructions on how to form an Independent Living Centre using the Winnipeg Independent Living Resource Centre as a case study. Internet publication URL:
Driedger, Diane(ed.).  1991.  Disabled People in International Development.
This booklet is presented to create an increasing awareness of disabled persons in the development process for both the disabled persons community and non-governmental organizations involved in international development. Internet publication URLs: and
Driedger, Diane(ed.).  1991.  Disabled People's Development Projects.
This booklet is presented to create an increasing awareness of disabled persons in the development process for both the disabled persons community and non-governmental organizations involved in international development. Internet publication URL:
Driedger, Diane, D'Aubin April.  1991.  Literacy for Whom: Women with Disabilities Marginalized.
Disabled people, particularly disabled women, must be given specific consideration within the learner population. Literacy is both a gender issue and a disability issue. Internet publication URL:
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Ayuda para vivir antes que para morir.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2015.  "Låt hjälpmedelsanvändare själva avgöra sitt eget bästa".
Sjukvård. Många köper sina hjälpmedel själva utanför landstingens system. Har man råd får man större utbud, bättre kvalitet och bemötande. Genom att skapa en ny modell för detta, hämtad från assistansersättningen skulle hjälpmedelsanvändarna få större självbestämmande och högre livskvalitet, oavsett storlek på plånboken.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2004.  Modelo para una Política Nacional de Asistencia Personal. PDF icon POLÍTICA NACIONAL DE ASISTENCIA PERSONAL.pdf (228.9 KB)
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2014.  Remissvar på betänkandet Förändrad assistansersättning – en översyn av ersättningssystemet (SOU 2014:9). PDF icon Remissvar på betänkandet Förändrad assistansersättning – en översyn av ersättningssystemet (SOU 2014:9)  (20.62 KB)
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2013.  "Back to Our Roots" Adolf Ratzka Plenary Presentation ENIL Strasbourg Freedom Drive September 6 2013.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Help to live before help to die!.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2017.  Self-determination for Persons with Extensive Disabilities through Direct Payments for Personal Assistance.
Originally written in English, translated into French and published as " L’autodétermination des personnes très dépendantes grâce au choix politique d’attribuer les financements de l’assistance personnelle directement aux personnes concernées" in Vie Sociale 2017/1 (n° 17) Vivre chez soi soutenu par des aides humaines See the French article here: 
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2003.  Vad är Independent Living - en personlig definition.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2013.  Selbstbestimmung und Atemhilfen Adolf Ratzka Münchner ausserklinischer Intensiv Kongress 8-9 November 2013.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Låt livshjälp gå före dödshjälp.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2003.  What is Independent Living - A Personal Definition.
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2015.  What role can Independent Living play in a country in economic crisis?
Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  1992.  What is your personal definition of Independent Living?
Doty, Pamela J.  1998.  The Cash and Counseling Demonstration: An Experiment in Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services.
The "Cash and Counseling" Demonstration/Evaluation is a large-scale public policy experiment designed to test the feasibility and assess a consumer-directed approach to the financing and delivery of personal assistance services (PAS). Internet publication URL:
Doe, Tanis.  1998.  Definitioner av Independent Living (IL) världen över.
En av de primära grundsatserna av IL filosofin är att sociala problem inte stammar från funktionsnedsättningen hos individen utan från samhällets misslyckande i att möta samhällsmedborgarnas behov. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
DO-IT.  1998.  The University of Washington, Access To Higher Learning.
This guide outlines universal design principles to develop accessible college and university computer labs. Internet publication URL:
Disabled Peoples' International - European Region.  1998.  Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled People (1998).
Summaries of papers on Genetics & Bioetheics at the DPI Seminar. Presentations given by, Dr. Angus Clarke, Dr. Sarah Cunningham, and Dr. Theresia Degener, followed by an open debate. Internet publication URL:
Disabled Peoples' International - European Region.  1998.  Panel Discussion - Open Debate, Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled People (1998).
Internet publication URL: In: Disabled Peoples' International (DPI). 1998. "Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people." Internet publication URL:
Disabled Peoples' International (DPI) Europe.  2000.  The Right to Live and be Different.
In February 2000, 130 disabled people in twenty-seven countries discussed bioethics and human rights, and it is with pride that we make the following declaration. Internet publication URL:
Disabled Peoples International Europe,.  2000.  Rätten att leva och att vara annorlunda.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Disability Rights Education Defense Fund.  1992.  Utdrag ur: Att skydda medborgerliga rättigheter: en steg-för-steg handledning i hur man kan vidta åtgärder.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Disability Rights Education Defense Fund.  1992.  Excerpts from Preserving disability civil rights: a step-by-step guide to taking action.
This excerpt from the Disability Rights and Education Defense Fund (located in Berkeley, California) civil rights action manual is concerned with the need to make the public aware of your issue and the different ways in which this can be done.
Disability Net 2000.  2000.  Buses for All (Europe) - A Brief Presentation.
A briefing outlining the Australian government’s plans to improve transportation accessibility for disabled people. Other briefings from the year 2000 detail the progress and problems of the EU Bus and Coach Directive and a campaign by the action group, Buses for All (Europe), to make buses accessible for all people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Disability Intergroup.  2001.  Press Release: Disabled People to Finally Catch the Bus - Victory for Disabled People on Bus and Coach Directive.
All newly purchased buses throughout the European Union must be fully accessible to people with disabilities according to the Directive. This was the result of nine years of campaigning by disabled people, together with the Disability Intergroup of the European Parliament. Internet publication URL:
Disability Awareness in Action (Kampanjen för medvetenhet om funktionshinder).  1996.  Kampanjen om funktionshinder.
Internet publication URL:
Disability Awareness in Action (DAA).  1996.  Disability Awareness in Action Resource Kit No. 6, Disabled Women.
DAA's Disabled Women Resource Kit focuses on the social status of disabled women, comments on representation and empowerment, and looks at the women's movement in the context of disabled women's issues. Internet publication URLs: and (61 KB)
Disability Awareness in Action (DAA).  1996.  Disability Awareness in Action Resource Kit No. 1, Media Information.
DAA's Media Information Resource Kit helps to change the structures of society and attitudes, and to support your cause through traditional media. Internet publication URLs: and
Disability Awareness in Action (DAA).  1996.  Disability Awareness in Action Resource Kit No. 5, Fund-Raising.
DAA's Fund-Raising Resource Kit gives ideas about your disability organisation's funding strategy - how to raise and use money effectively. Internet publication URLs: and (65 KB)
Disability Awareness in Action (DAA).  1996.  Disability Awareness in Action Resource Kit No. 4, Organisation Building.
DAA's Organisation Building Resource Kit looks at how organisations of disabled people can improve their structures and the way they work. nternet publication URLs: and
Disability Awareness in Action (DAA).  1996.  About Disability Awareness in Action.
Disability Awareness in Action (DAA) is an international public education campaign to promote, support and coordinate national action to further the objectives of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons (1983-1992) and the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons (WPA). DAA is a partnership between the following organizations: Disabled Peoples' International (DPI), IMPACT, International League of Societies of Persons with Mental Handicap (ILSMH), Rehabilitation International (RI), and World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). Internet publication URL:
Disability Awareness in Action (DAA).  1996.  Disability Awareness in Action Resource Kit No. 3, Campaigns.
DAA's Campaigns Resource Kit offers ideas for campaigns, things to be considered if you are to run a successful campaign and some real-life examples. Internet publication URLs: and (103 KB)
Disability Awareness in Action (DAA).  2000.  Disability Tribune, Special Issue-Disability and bioethics.
The manual contains a definition of biotechnology, its proposed uses, its regulation, a list of related sites, and a discussion of health inequality as a result of economic inequality in relation to the issue of biotechnology. Internet publication URL:
Disability Awareness in Action (DAA).  1996.  Disability Awareness in Action Resource Kit No. 2, Consultation and Influence.
DAA's Consultation and Influence Resource Kit helps to unite organisations as advocates for their own rights to influence decision-makers in governments and all sectors of society. Internet publication URLs: and (146 KB)
Digh, Patricia.  1999.  Misplaced Modifiers: Respectful Language Improves Accuracy.
Print and broadcast media often describe people with disabilities with archaic and demeaning phrases. Patricia Digh provides guidelines for writing about people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Dhlamini, Phillip.  1992.  Swaziland National Association of the Disabled.
Phillip Dhlamini of Swaziland briefly reports about progress being made by the Swaziland National Association of the Disabled. The organization was officially registered as an organization of disabled people in 1991. Drafted legislation is given pertaining to accessibility, human rights, equal opportunities, and Independent Living. In: Report of the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments Harare, Zimbabwe, January 16-18, 1992. Internet publication URL:
Derksen, Jim.  1980.  The Disabled Consumer Movement: Policy Implications for Rehabilitation Service Provisions.
Internet publication URL:
Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, UK.  1998.  Government Consults on Rail Accessibility - Press Notice: 372/ Transport.
Press release (London, England) - Trains and trams entering service after 31 December 1998 will be fully accessible. Internet publication URL:
DeJong, Gerben.  1988.  The challenge of middle age for the Independent Living Movement.
Early in the movement, persons with physical disabilities wanted to be viewed as competent, self-directed, and capable of managing their own lives. Persons whose capacity for self-direction had been compromised threatened that image of competence. Internet publication URL:
Degener, Dr. Theresia.  1998.  The Global Picture and the European Situation Regarding Bioethics and Genetic Engineering.
This article is an account of a presentation at the 1998 "Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people" by Dr. Theresia Degener, legal adviser to the German Council of Centres for Self-Determined Living and lecturer at the Universities of Frankfurt, Mainz and Leipzig. In her presentation, Dr. Degener advanced a theory that bioethics is incompatible with human rights philosophy. She also discusses how existing international standards with regard to human rights including The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the Nuremberg Code (1947) are undermined by the draft UNESCO Declaration on Bio-ethics and Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights and Bio-Medicine, both of which were designed to protect freedom of research. Internet publication URL: In: Disabled Peoples' International (DPI). 1998. "Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people." Internet publication URL:
Davidovich, Nathan.  1996.  Disability Discrimination in the Workplace.
Despite increased sensitivity to physical and mental disabilities, many of America's workers find themselves to be victims of employment discrimination due to their disability. Internet publication URL:
Dart, Justin.  1999.  Speach on the value of human life to The Trustees of the Center for Human Values, Princeton University April 14, 1999.
Disability activist, Justin Dart, condemns the appointment and ethics of Princeton's Bioethics professor, Dr. Peter Singer. Internet publication URL:
Daneshpour, Zohereh A, Toumeh Arbel F M.  1991.  A socio-physical study towards building barrier-free urban environment in Iran.
The Iranian five year National Development plan (from 1989-1994) includes "renovation of the overall urban environments towards the needs of the disabled." This paper by Zohereh A. Daneshpour and Arbel Toumeh F.M., of the DBRE Research Center in Tehran, Iran, is part of a research study included in the plan and describes how a case study area in Tehran was selected and analyzed in terms of existing problem areas for disabled persons in the urban environment. Internet publication URL:
D'Aubin, April.  1992.  Power to the people.
Curtis, Bruce.  1980.  The need for Independent Living programs: an historical context and summary of progressive independent living services.
In this early article, Bruce Curtis, of the Technical Assistance Project, Center for Independent Living in Berkeley, California, traces the history of forced dependency and institutionalization which has and often continues to be the lot of disabled persons. Basic denial of disabled people’s human and civil rights led to the 1972 establishment of the Center for Independent Living in 1972 in Berkeley – a rights advocacy and service organization developed by and for disabled people. Curtis outlines the various components of the center’s activities. Internet publication URL:
Curtis, Charles.  1984.  The changing role of the People First advisor.
People First is a self-advocacy organization operated by and for people with mental (intellectual) handicaps, with help from non-voting, non-disabled advisors. People First philosophy envisages a time when local chapters can function without full-time advisors, using only temporary help as needed. Curtis describes qualities of "good" advisors who are able to give leadership without taking control and problems which may arise with advisors from agency/institution staffs, who often hold traditional views and may be overprotective. Internet publication URL:
Cunningham-Burley, Dr. Sarah.  1998.  Issues Arising from Quality of Life. Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people.
In her presentation, Dr. Sarah Cunningham-Burley, from the Department of Public Health, University of Edinburgh, looked at the way in which quality of life issues are affecting medical decisions, including decisions about genetic testing, and related this to a study of how the general public views these issues. Internet publication URL: In: Disabled Peoples' International (DPI). 1998. "Seminar on Bioethics and Disabled people." Internet publication URL:
Cummings, Betsy.  2000.  Gaining Entry.
Betsy Cummings examines the problems facing people with disabilities in hotels, conference centers, and public buildings worldwide, by analyzing the policies of a sample of countries on different continents. Internet publication URL:
Csorba, Zoltán.  1991.  Classification of the environment - 1991.
In his report at the CIB seminar in 1991, Zoltán Csorba from the Mayor's Office in Budapest, Hungary describes action taken by the government to build homes for persons with disabilities in conjunction with the International Year of Disabled Persons and the various reasons why this initiative did not continue. He outlines a system of classification of the environment which could be used in the formulation of international recommendations which could in turn serve as a basis for legislation to promote the creation of non-handicapping environments and homes in former socialist states. Internet publication URL:
Creurer, Michael.  1998.  Changing Lanes... A guide to help when aging, illness or disability forces us into the Slow Lane - Book Review.
Michael Creurer offers valuable psycho-educational concepts combined with narratives about the author and his disabled peers. Internet publication URL:
Crescendo, Johnny.  1993.  The Ballad of Josie Evans.
An eloquent, heart-wrenching story of a woman who is abandoned by her government and everyone else to a solitary, but dignified, life and death in a nursing home. Internet publication URL:
Cowan, Ross, Watson Bob.  1997.  What do I want to do? a DIY guide to self-assessment for Disabled people
This Gateshead Personal Assistance Pilot Project quide provides information and advice to disabled people who wish to live independently by using personal assistance. The Guide focusses on assessing your needs. Internet publication URLs: and
PDF icon gateshead1.pdf (34.78 KB)
Cowan, Ross, Watson Bob.  1997.  Vad vill jag göra? En DIY (do it yourself, "gör det själv") manual/guide till självbedömning för personer med funktionsnedsättning
This Gateshead Personal Assistance Pilot Project quide provides information and advice to disabled people who wish to live independently by using personal assistance. The Guide focusses on assessing your needs. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Council of the European Union.  1997.  Directive 2000/ /EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union.
Internet publication URL: Internet publication URL:
PDF icon eu97bus.pdf (569.45 KB)
Council of Europe.  1993.  Integration of People with Disabilities: Accessibility - Universal Design.
The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States and is currently preparing revolutionary accessibility guidelines: a specific recommendation to incorporate the principles of Universal Design (design that responds equally to the needs of everyone), including accessibility, into the curricula of all vocations that work on the built environment. Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.  1992.  Recommendation No. R(92)6 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on a Coherent policy for people with disabilities.
The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States in such areas as: education, vocational training, employment, social integration, etc. This recommendation was adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 9 April 1992 at the 474th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies. Internet publication URLs: and
Council of Europe.  1999.  Integration of People with Disabilities: Discrimination.
The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States. With the knowledge that governments follow different approaches to achieve equal opportunity policies, the Council of Europe established a Working Group in November 1996 to elaborate a collection and comparative analysis of legislation against discrimination of persons with disabilities in member States. The final report will be published in autumn 1999. Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.  1996.  Recommendation No. R(96)5 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on Reconciling Work and Family Life.
The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States in such areas as: education, vocational training, employment, social integration, etc. This recommendation was adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 19 June 1996 at the 569th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies. Internet publication URL:
Council of Europe.  1996.  Integration of People with Disabilities: Employment of persons with disabilities.
The Council of Europe recommends disability policy guidelines for Member States and this report outlines past and current work and relevant publications in the area of employment of persons with disabilities. Their activities in the field of employment aim at completing or enlarging the provisions of Recommendation No. R (92) 6 on a coherent policy for people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Corcoran, Maurice.  2000.  Accessibility for All: The Australian Experience.
Maurice Corcoran’s article is an example and encouragement for the movement for Buses For All in other countries. In it, he traces the history leading up to the milestone decision of October 12, 2000 by the Australian Federal Cabinet, requiring all intra-city buses to be of low-floor type using boarding aids for wheelchair users in the form of ramps. Internet publication URL:
Connally, Patrick Wm.  1999.  Singer/Crips/Animals.
Patrick William Connally, visionary, (Disability Rights, Enforcement, Education, Services) DREES President and founder, discusses the controversy over the appointment of Peter Singer, author of "Practical Ethics," to a teaching position at Princeton University. According to Connally, Singer seems to support euthanasia for new born babies with disabilities. Connally discusses the morals and values concerning this issue, providing a historical perspective as well as a strong negative to Singer’s ideas. Internet publication URL:
Concrete Change.  1998.  United Kingdom Single Family Access Law.
Internet publication URL:
Coleman, Diane.  1999.  A serial killer of disabled people, out on the streets - Will Jack Kevorkian be convicted?
The courts of Michigan are preparing to send a worldwide message about the euthanasia of people with disabilities. Will Jack Kevorkian be convicted and imprisoned? Or will he be acquitted once more, never to be charged again? Internet publication URL:
Cohen, Neville.  1992.  Accessibility in South Africa.
Neville Cohen, of Chairman Industries in South Africa, notes in his paper that access and disability are broad terms, and that three steps should be taken prior to applying for legislation: to define requirements, to select a knowledgeable task force, and to locate influential advocates in the community. A history of building regulations in South Africa is given, followed by questions and answers concerning accessibility and national and cultural differences. Internet publication URL:
Clarke, Dr. Angus.  1998.  Issues Arising from Genetics - Genetics and Disability.
In his presentation Dr. Angus Clarke, of the Institute of Medical Genetics at the University of Wales College of Medicine, discusses issues raised by genetics in disability, outlines the uses of genetic testing and his concerns about how it is developing, as well as the different uses for genetics in general and with regard to reproductive screening, and the problems surrounding this issue. Internet publication URL:
Clare, Elizabeth.  1999.  Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation.
This book by Eli Clare, explores the landscape of disability, class, queerness, and child abuse, telling stories that echo with the sounds of an Oregon logging and fishing town, and with the lively political debates of crip crusaders and transgender warriors. Internet publication URL:
Claesson Wästberg, Inger.  1998.  Handikappombudsman Inledning på Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter.
Internet publication URL:
Ciobanu, Claudia.  2010.  Amid budget cuts, hundreds of Romanian children have lost their homes this year because their foster parents can no longer afford their upkeep.
CIB (International Council for Building Research).  1988.  Report of the Third International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Accessibility Issues in Developing Countries, Tokyo.
This portion of the report of the Third International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Accessibility Issues in Developing Countries held in Tokyo in 1988, includes: a table of contents with links to individual presentations; a preface by the editor of the report, Adolf D. Ratzka, Ph.D., outlining the concepts of accessibility and Independent Living; a presentation of the organizers of the seminar; and opening statements by Dr. Yasumi Yoshitake, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Architectural Institute of Japan, by Professor Sven Thiberg, the CIB W84 Coordinator, and by Dr. Mickey Milner, Immediate Past Chairman of ICTA, International Commission on Technical Aids, Building and Transportation. Internet publication URL:
CIB (International Council for Building Research).  1987.  Report of the Second International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Renewal of Inner Cities, Prague.
This portion of the report of the Second International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Renewal of Inner Cities held in Prague in 1987, includes: a table of contents with links to individual presentations; an introduction of the history and future directions of CIB W84 (the working commission) by Sven Thiberg the seminar Coordinator and Adolf D. Ratzka, the Associate Coordinator; a note on language used; the opening address by Dr. Rudolf Hegenbart; and an introduction to the themes of the seminar by Adolf D. Ratzka. Internet publication URL:
CIB (International Council for Building Research).  1984.  Report of the International Expert Seminar Building Concept for the Handicapped Stockholm, Sweden, April 10-12, 1984.
CIB is the abbreviation of the French title of the International council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation. This portion of the report of the International Expert Seminar on Building Concept for the Handicapped in Stockholm in 1984 includes: a table of contents with links to individual presentations; and presentations by Mr. Bengt Lindqvist, Member of the Swedish Parliament, Chairman of the Central Committee of Organizations of the Disabled in Sweden, and by Professor Sven Thiberg, coordinating chairman of CIB/W 84 (the working commission). Internet publication URL:
CIB (International Council for Building Research).  1993.  About CIB, and Contents of Documents.
This document presents the objectives, membership parameters, and activities of CIB, which stands for an abbreviation of the French title of the International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation, as well as links to proceedings from the six international CIB seminars. Internet publication URL:
CIB (International Council for Building Research).  1992.  Report of the Fifth International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Access Legislation and Design Solutions, Harare, Zimbabwe, January 16-18, 1992.
This portion of the report from the Fifth International Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments: Access Legislation and Design Solutions, held in Harare, Zimbabwe, includes a table of contents with links to papers and discussions, a presentation of the organizers, and opening addresses by the Hon. F.L. Chitauro, Dep. Minister of Labour, Manpower Planning and Social Welfare, Zimbabwe, by Mr. Alexander Phiri, Chairperson, Zimbabwe Federation of Disabled, and by Professor Sven Thiberg, CIB W84 Coordinator, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Internet publication URL:
Christophersen, Jon.  1991.  Accessibility legislation - 1991.
Jon Christophersen, of the Building Research Institute in Norway, describes accessibility legislation, implementation, incentives for implementation and problems encountered in Norway. Two studies were carried out, one concerning access legislation in the building regulations and the other concerning life-span dwelling criteria. The results showed that accessibility in Norway could be improved through better workmanship and better control on site, improved legislation, and changing building practice. Internet publication URL:
Chizima, Febby.  1992.  Accessibility legislation in Zambia.
Febby Chizima, of ZAFOD in Lusaka, Zambia, outlines the lack of accessibility in Zambia in public buildings, housing, and street environments. The need for awareness and legislation in these areas is also discussed. Internet publication URL:
Charen, Mona.  1999.  Kevorkian's death crusade finally stopped.
Internet publication URL:
Champagne, Jean-Remi.  1987.  Canadian Action on Handicapping Environments.
Canada has made considerable progress in developing barrier-free environments, and human rights legislation now contains anti-discriminatory clauses which protect disabled persons, thereby providing opportunities for equal access to shelter, employment, goods and services. Internet publication URL:
Center for Independent Living, Tokyo, Japan.  1996.  Demand for Social Security Measures by Independent Living Association in Japan.
Internet publication URL:
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Bosnia-Herzegovina,.  2002.  Activist Handbook.
Internet publication URLs: and (526 KB).
PDF icon crs-activist-handbook.pdf (525.99 KB)
Carter QC, The Hon William.  2000.  Sydney Olympics 2000 Website Accessibility Decision: Bruce Lindsay Maguire vs Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games: Reasons for Decision of the Hon. William Carter QC, Inquiry Commissioner..
Sydney Olympics organizers were taken to court for having an inaccessible Website, which is in violation of the Australian Disability Discrimination Act of 1992, and lost the case. Internet publication URL:
Carleton, Gwen.  1999.  Making Technology Accessible To All.
Universal design in Information Technology is slowly becoming standard in the industry. Internet publication URL:
Care Support Ideas, HCIL (Hampshire Center for Independent Living).  1992.  Developing assistants management skills - Tools for Power.
Campos, Art.  1993.  John Hessler, Pioneer in Independence for Disabled People, Dies.
John Hessler revolutionized the US's attitudes toward disabled people - first by entering the University of California, Berkeley, and later by helping create the Center for Independent Living. Internet publication URL:
Campbell, Jane.  2003.  Building an Independent Living organisation fit for the twenty first century. Underpinning organisational development with empowering principals.
Dr. Jane Campbell, Chair of the Social Care Institute for Excellence in England, contemplates the future of Independent Living organisations, including work together with non-disabled persons (which she calls, "the mutuality route.") She concludes, "our independent living organisations to be fit for the 21st century we must have principles of: full inclusion, valuing diversity, equality of opportunity, human rights, civil rights, and citizenship. Internet publication URL:
Campbell, Jane.  2003.  Get A Life! - Euthanasia and human value.
Dr. Jane Campbell, Chair of the Social Care Institute for Excellence in England, points out in this presentation at STIL in Stockholm that, "The normal response to suicidal depression is to treat the depression, not to push the person off the bridge!"
Campbell, Jane.  2001.  Valuing Diversity: The Disability Agenda - We've Only Just Begun.
Dr. Jane Campbell, Chair of the Social Care Institute for Excellence in England, presented this paper at the Bristol University Centenary Celebration on 9th November 2001, as part of their series of lectures on Valuing Diversity. She concludes, amongst other things that, "Well firstly we have to acknowledge that independent living is a human rights issue. Secondly, society has to learn not to retreat from the nettle even though it causes pain. The voice of the so-called radicals that dare to tell it how it is must not be dismissed." Internet publication URL:
Campbell, Jane.  2002.  Think Piece - 'Sticks and Stones' But words are hurting!.
Dr. Jane Campbell, Chair of the Social Care Institute for Excellence in England, discusses the importance of language and particular words. Internet publication URL:
Campbell, Jane.  1996.  ‘Growing Pains,’ Disability Politics - The journey explained and described.
The author attempts to shed some light on the complex and often quite hidden political process of the Disabled Persons Movement over the past 30 years. She concludes, "The development of the social model and its journey into the very fabric of our communities through social, political and economic infrastructures, gives the disability movement the authority to say we have emerged." Internet publication URL:
Byrnes, Andrew.  2000.  Disability rights and human rights: plunging into the 'mainstream'?
Andrew Byrnes, of the Faculty of Law at The University of Hong Kong, writes that disability issues are for the most part treated as social issues instead of mainstream human rights issues, similar to women’s rights issues fifteen years ago. He outlines ways in which disability rights issues can be moved onto a more prominent place on the international human rights agenda. He also outlines gains which have already been made as a result of these efforts. In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." (PDF, 610 KB, Word 97, 564 KB.) Pre-paper 5. Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URL: and
Bush, George.  2001.  Executive Order: Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities.
On June 18, 2001 US President Bush issued an Executive Order to swiftly implement the Supreme Court decision and help individuals with disabilities move into the community. Internet publication URL:
Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  The Austrian Long-term Care Insurance.
Document for the ECEPA Project. Internet publication URL:
Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  Richtlinien zur Förderung der Persönlichen Assistenz am Arbeitsplatz.
Internet Veröffentlichung URL: (In German.)
Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  Die Österreichische Pflegevorsorge.
Dokument in Rahmen des ECEPA Projekts. Internet Veröffentlichung URL: (In German.)
Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  Guidelines to promote Personal Assistance at the workplace.
Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  1998.  In Freedom, Frank.
Dr. Steven E. Brown Co-Founder of the Institute on Disability Culture, in the United States, describes the life and work of Frank Moore, a Berkeley, California, USA performance artist with cerebral palsy. First published in Mainstream: Magazine of the Able-Disabled, June/July 1998. Internet publication URL:
Brown, Steven E.  2007.  The Pursuit of Radical Change: Perceptions and Realities of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The author was invited to address an audience in Stockholm, Sweden, in June 2007, regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act and how it might relate to the implementation of an anti-discrimination law in Sweden. This paper is an attempt to shed light on the ADA in that context. Discussions include 1) how American laws are made, 2) historical background relating to the development of the ADA, 3) a discussion of the Act itself, 4) enforcement mechanisms, 5) impact of the ADA, and 6) future directions. Internet publication URL:
