Med Lagen som Verktyg

Assistansutredningens delbetänkande - Hårdare tag mot användare av assistans"!

Anderberg, Peter.  2007.  Assistansutredningens delbetänkande - Hårdare tag mot användare av assistans"!.

I fredags (28 september 2007) presenterade Assistansutredningen (LSS-Kommittén) sitt delbetänkande ”Kostnader för personlig assistans. Skärpta regler för utbetalning, användning och återbetalning av assistansersättning”. Delbetänkandet är ett snabbt svar på ett tilläggsdirektiv som kom från regeringen så sent som den 5 juli i år. Med en sommarsemester däremellan inser man att det har gått väldigt fort och vill man vara lite elak kan man säga att det märks i utredningen, som verkar vara mer intresserad av att visa på handlingskraft mot det påstådda fusket och presentera medialt lättsålda förslag, utan att tränga ner i en mer konstruktiv analys av problematiken.

Kort om assistansberedningens delbetänkande med Stefan Pelc, egen arbetsgivare för sina assistenter

Anderberg, Peter.  2007.  Kort om assistansberedningens delbetänkande med Stefan Pelc, egen arbetsgivare för sina assistenter.

Stefan Pelc har varit egen arbetsgivare för sina assistenter sedan 1992, alltså redan innan LSS. Han har haft sin assistans med förhöjt belopp, vilket gör att han redan har erfarenhet av en högre grad av redovisningsskyldighet än de som fått ersättning med schablonbelopp.

Vad tycker du om utredningens förslag?

Dichiarazione di Tenerife: Promuovere la Vita Indipendente Fine della Discriminazione contro le Persone Disabili

1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Dichiarazione di Tenerife: Promuovere la Vita Indipendente Fine della Discriminazione contro le Persone Disabili.

In English | In Spanish

Noi, quattrocento partecipanti da molti paesi europei riuniti al 1° Congresso Europeo sulla Vita Indipendente, tenutosi a Tenerife nell’ambito del 2003 Anno Europeo delle Persone Disabili, sollecitiamo i Governi delle Isole Canarie e della Spagna a farsi promotori degli interventi tesi a far sì che di questa Dichiarazione venga tenuto conto nella politica dell’Unione Europea, e in particolare nei lavori per l’imminente Direttiva sulla Non Discriminazione nel campo della Disabilità e nel Piano di Azione Europeo sulla Disabilità.

I principi sulla vita indipendente.

Manifiesto de Tenerife - Promovamos la Vida Independiente - Acabemos con la discriminación hacia las personas con discapacidad

1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Manifiesto de Tenerife - Promovamos la Vida Independiente - Acabemos con la discriminación hacia las personas con discapacidad.

In English | In Italian

Nosotros, los 400 participantes de varios países europeos reunidos en el primer Congreso Europeo sobre Vida Independiente, celebrado en Tenerife en el marco de 2003 como Año Europeo de la Discapacidad, requerimos que el Gobierno Insular de Tenerife, el Gobierno de Canarias y el Gobierno de España, tomen las riendas y aboguen por la aplicación de este Manifiesto en la política de la Unión Europea, específicamente en el trabajo sobre la Directiva de No Discriminación hacia las Personas con Discapacidad y el Plan de Acción Europeo de Personas con Discapacidad.

Principios de Vida Independiente

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So you want to start an Independent Living centre? A Winnipeg case study

Driedger, Diane, D'Aubin April.  1986.  So you want to start an Independent Living centre? A Winnipeg case study

Diane Driedger and April D'Aubin, residents of Winnipeg, are both involved at the board and committee levels with the Winnipeg Independent Living Resource centre. Diane was Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors and Chairperson of the Program Sub-Committee in addition to her involvement with the Mennonite Central Committee-s founding committee of the Winnipeg ILRC. April is currently a Board member and serves as Chairperson of the Program Sub-Committee. She is also employed as Research Analyst with COPOH.

Adolf Ratzka, Sweden


Inbjudan till Internationell konferens om Independent Living-filosofin och rörelsens roll i världen, Stockholm 28-29 nov. 2008


In English25 år independent living i Sverige logga

Välkomna till den internationella konferensen ”25 år Independent Living i Sverige” den 28-29 november i Stockholm som bl a handlade om de stora landvinningar som Independent Living-rörelsen åstadkommit i många länder, hur man har lyckats att påverka socialpolitiken, tillgängligheten, att förbättra levnadsförhållandena och bilden av personer med funktionshinder bland allmänheten.

Independent Living Conference - Local Information about Stockholm


25 years of independent living in sweden logo

25 Years of Independent Living in Sweden”
Stockholm, November 28-29, 2008


100 Swedish Krona (SEK) = (roughly) 10 Euro


Stockholm offers a wide variety of accommodation, from tiny rooms in the former prison to luxury suites. Please decide yourself which hotel you want to book.

Some sites that might be helpful are:

25 Years Independent Living in Sweden - Stockholm, November 28-29, 2008


På svenska

25 years of independent living in sweden logo

How far has the Independent Living Movement come and where are we going? The conference celebrated 25 years of the Independent Living movement in Sweden evaluated the achievements of our international civil rights movement in Sweden, Europe and other parts of the world and plan for tomorrow.

Shoji Nakanishi, Japan


Shoji Nakanishi, Japan Shoji Nakanish is unable to attend

Intended speeches
28 November 2008:
Independent Living Movements in Asia: Its Achievements and Future

29 November 2008:
Development of Independent Living in Asia

Biographical Notes

Lars Lindberg, Sweden


Lars Lindberg, Sweden

Biographical Notes

Tomas Lagerwall, Sweden


Tomas Lagerwall, Sweden

Biographical Notes

Emma Johansson, Sweden


Emma Johansson, Sweden

Biographical Notes / Presentation av talare

Judith Heumann, USA

Judith Heumann, USA

Biographical Notes

Judith Heumann is an internationally recognized leader in the disability community and a lifelong civil rights advocate for disadvantaged people. She currently is the Director for the Department on Disability Services for the District of Columbia. She is responsible for the Mental Retardation and Developmental Disability Administration and the Rehabilitation Services Administration.

Marilyn Golden, USA


Marilyn Golden, USA

Speech 28 November 2008

Biographical Notes

Joys Huys, Belgium


Jos Huys, BelgiumSpeech 29 November 2008, Workshop 3 - De-institutionalization – a life in freedom: Individual personal support networks

Biographical Notes


John Evans, UK


Speech 28 November 2008: Independent Living in the UK
- Developments, Accomplishments and Impact on Government Social Policy and Legislation

John Evans, UKBiographical Notes

John Evans is a Disability Rights and Diversity Consultant, Trainer and Researcher in the UK, Specializing in Independent Living and Disability Rights.

Susanne Berg, Sweden


Susanne Berg, Sweden

Biographical Notes / Presentation av talare

Konflikter och personer med funktionsnedsättning

Enns, Henry.  1998.  Konflikter och personer med funktionsnedsättning.

"Trots ofta mycket svåra situationer ger inte personer med funktionsnedsättningar upp
sin kamp för frihet." -- Henry Enns, Executive Director, Disabled Peoples International

In English


Vi behöver alternativ till färdtjänsten!

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1993.  Vi behöver alternativ till färdtjänsten!.

Taxi för alla | Framtidsvision | Faktaruta | Pressarkiv | Taxi site översikt


STIL-modellen som visade sig så framgångsrik kan med fördel användas även på andra områden, som t ex individuella resor. Den följande artikeln publicerades i DN mars 1993.

Personal Assistance and Disability Pride

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1993.  Personal Assistance and Disability Pride.


Presented at the Disability Pride Parade in Dublin November 1993

by Adolf Ratzka, Ph.D.


På svenska

Personlig assistans och Disability Pride

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1993.  Personlig assistans och Disability Pride.


Framfört vid Disability Pride Parade i Dublin november 1993

av Adolf Ratzka, Ph.D.

In English

Idag firar vi Disability stolthet och värdighet. Men för att kunna känna stolthet behöver många av oss personlig assistans.

A brief survey of studies on costs and benefits of non-handicapping environments

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1994.  A brief survey of studies on costs and benefits of non-handicapping environments.

Presentation at the International Congress on Accessibility
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1994

by Dr. Adolf Ratzka
Associate Coordinator of CIB/84 "Building Non-Handicapping Environments"
Department of Building Function Analysis
School of Architecture and Planning
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Independent Living and the family: The context of Costa Rica and Sweden."

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1994.  Independent Living and the family: The context of Costa Rica and Sweden.".

Paper presented at the First National Congress on Family and Disability,
San José, Costa Rica, December 8-10, 1994

by Dr. Adolf Ratzka,
University of Costa Rica and Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

På svenska

Independent Living och familjen: ur Costa Ricanskt och Svenskt perspektiv."

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1994.  Independent Living och familjen: ur Costa Ricanskt och Svenskt perspektiv." .

Föredrag hållet vid Första Nationella Kongressen om Famijen och Funktionshinder,
San José, Costa Rica, December 8-10, 1994

av Dr. Adolf Ratzka,
Costa Ricas Univeritet och Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm

In English

Brief Description of the Swedish Personal Assistance Act of 1994 (LASS)

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Brief Description of the Swedish Personal Assistance Act of 1994 (LASS).

For the International Survey of Personal Assistance Schemes

by Adolf Ratzka, July 1998, a personal assistance user entitled to 15 hrs/day under LASS,
e-mail address

The Legislative Basis is the Law LASS (Lagen om Assistansersättning) of 1994

The purpose is to enable persons with extensive disabilities to have a "good quality of life", that is, to become more independent from their families, move out of institutions and become productive citizens. The law was inspired by the Swedish Independent Living Movement.

I kläm mellan laissez faire och den sociala ingenjörskonsten

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  I kläm mellan laissez faire och den sociala ingenjörskonsten.

av Adolf Ratzka
från Socialpolitik nr 2 Juni 1998

Politiken när det gäller människor med funktionshinder handlar mest om pengar. Det är oftast beloppen på ersättningar och bidrag som diskuteras, sällan formen av de åtgärder med vilka staten vill stärka vår position i samhället. Ändå är formen avgörande. I den här artikeln granskar jag socialpolitiska instrument på vårt område utifrån ett Independent Living-perspektiv, alltså hur våra möjligheter till självbestämmande och självrespekt påverkas. Vid artikelns slut föreslår jag en ny åtgärdsform.

Från redaktionen -"Stiletten" nr. 5/86, november 1986

Dr. Adolf Ratzka, Elmén Bengt.  1986.  Från redaktionen -"Stiletten" nr. 5/86, november 1986.

Professionalism och independent living
När människor med funktionshinder och experter träffas, är det inte så mycket för att uppnå ett gemensamt mål utan det är en förhandling, en dragkamp. När jag behöver t ex en ny rullstol, så är det arbetsterapeuten på sjukhusets hjälpmedelcentral som avgör vad jag behöver. Framför sig har hon sina kataloger, bakom sig ett lager med rullstolar och över sig har hon de ekonomiska ramarna. Den typ av rullstol som jag vill ha, finns inte i lagret. Hon vill att jag ska ha en rullstol som finns i lager. Det blir billigare för landstinget så, fast hon säger det inte rakt ut.

Tools for Power: A Resource Kit for Independent Living

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1992.  Tools for Power: A Resource Kit for Independent Living.

Disabled Peoples' International Independent Living Committee
April 1992

PDF 278 KB

Table of Contents

History of the Independent Living Movement

The Blind Afghan Child

Miles, M.  1988.  The Blind Afghan Child.

Scripts by M. Miles, 1988


A young Afghan who was born blind in a remote village tells of his childhood and how he gained the skills to take part in community life and later to earn his living in a town.

Home Visiting with Mama Kitenge, Community Based Rehabilitation Fieldworker, Tanzania

Miles, M.  1997.  Home Visiting with Mama Kitenge, Community Based Rehabilitation Fieldworker, Tanzania.
Families with disabled children in Dar es Salaam, December 1997

A morning in the poorer parts of Dar es Salaam is described, during which Mama Kitenge visits families with children having mental and other disabilities and works with these childen and their caregivers.

by M. Miles, 1997


0800: Pick up at the hotel by Augusto Zambaldo in a small, much-used jeep. Augusto is an experienced Italian physiotherapist, now working as Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Program Director with the CCBRT, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Blind People Handling Their Own Fate

Miles, M.  2000.  Blind People Handling Their Own Fate.

Excerpt From: M. Miles (2000) Disability on a Different Model:
Glimpses of an Asian Heritage. Disability & Society 15: 603-618.


Models and stories embodying them arise in social situations, and any different conceptualisations in Asia cannot be understood without dipping into social history. Accounts of earlier social responses to blind people particularly in Japan, and to some extent in China, indicate a measure of both group and individual autonomy within reserved and valued occupations, ostensibly reflecting a status model more 'normal' than blind people enjoyed in much of European history.

Models of Rehabilitation and Evidence of Their Effectiveness: Production & Movements of Disability Knowledge, Skill & Design Within the Cultures and Concepts of Southern Africa

Miles, M.  2001.  Models of Rehabilitation and Evidence of Their Effectiveness: Production & Movements of Disability Knowledge, Skill & Design Within the Cultures and Concepts of Southern Africa.

by M. Miles, 2001-04

PDF, 72 KB

This paper first appeared in: H. Cornielje, J. Jelsma & A. Moyo (eds) Proceedings of the Workshop on Research Informed Rehabilitation Planning in Southern Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe, 29 June to 3 July, 1998. Leiden: Leidse Hogeschool; Harare: Univ. Zimbabwe.

Keynote Address at the Workshop on Research-Informed Disability and Rehabilitation Planning for Southern Africa. (Revised April 2001; some notes and references incorporated in text).


Disability and Deafness, in the context of Religion, Spirituality, Belief and Morality, in Middle Eastern, South Asian and East Asian Histories and Cultures: annotated bibliography

Miles, M.  2007.  Disability and Deafness, in the context of Religion, Spirituality, Belief and Morality, in Middle Eastern, South Asian and East Asian Histories and Cultures: annotated bibliography.

(PDFPDF, 610 KB)

Compiled and annotated by M. Miles

ABSTRACT.  The bibliography lists and annotates modern and historical materials in translation, sometimes with commentary, relevant to disability, mental disorders and deafness, in the context of religious belief and practice in the Middle East, South Asia and East Asia, together with secondary literature.

KEYWORDS.  Bibliography, disabled, deaf, blind, mental, religion, spirituality, history, law, ethics, morality, East Asia, South Asia, Middle East, Muslim, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Buddhist, Confucian, Daoist (Taoist).


Vocational Rehabilitation: Barefoot Realities in North West Pakistan

Miles, M.  1987.  Vocational Rehabilitation: Barefoot Realities in North West Pakistan.

Barefoot Realities

Most of the world's disabled people live in rural Africa and Asia. Most plans for vocational rehabilitation originate in modern cities. Such schemes seldom reach rural disabled people. If they reach them, they tend to be irrelevant and inappropriate, based on assumptions distant from the real life situation of the rural disabled person. This paper starts at the other end, far from New York, Stockholm, Nairobi or Bangkok. It starts with the following probabilities:

1. Disabled people's relatives provide them with basic food and shelter for life, as far as they are able. They might not perform this duty with much pleasure, but they are well aware that it is their duty.

Post-election violence and disabled people in Kenya; issues for reflection and action

Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Post-election violence and disabled people in Kenya; issues for reflection and action.

By Phitalis Were Masakhwe, 24 January 2008  

Phitalis Were MasakhweSome time back I wrote about the Rwandan Genocide and its impact on disabled people; the untold story. It never occurred to me that one day I would be writing a similar story about disabled people in Kenya.

The flawed presidential election and the ensuing violence throughout Kenya have rattled the peace and tranquility that the country has long known.  The reasons for the current situation are varied, politics, long-standing ethnic differences, and historical injustices and imbalances, particularly the issue of access to and distribution of resources and opportunities. 

Personlig assistans - en billig och effektiv form av valfrihet, egenmakt och integritet - En jämförelse mellan kostnaderna för personlig assistans och kommunal hemtjänst

Nybom, Martin, Pettersson Jens.  2008.  Personlig assistans - en billig och effektiv form av valfrihet, egenmakt och integritet - En jämförelse mellan kostnaderna för personlig assistans och kommunal hemtjänst.

(PDF, 212 KB)

Denna rapport är en första del av ett projekt vars syfte är att visa de samhällsekonomiska effekterna av personlig assistans. Forskningsprojektet drivs av stiftelsen Independent Living Institute, ILI. Målsättningen är att visa hur assistansreformen har påverkat och utvecklat tillvaron för personer med funktionsnedsättningar.

För upplysningar om projektet kontakta:
Adolf Ratzka, telefon: 08-740 42 00, e-post:


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