Med Lagen som Verktyg

Federal Report Recommends Making Technology Access Easier For People With Disabilities (Australia)

Baker, Jordan.  2000.  Federal Report Recommends Making Technology Access Easier For People With Disabilities (Australia).

CANBERRA, June 8, 2000 (AAP) - The elderly and disabled use new technologies least, even though they could benefit most from them, a new report has found.

Attorney-General Daryl Williams today tabled in parliament a Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) report which found new technology could bring huge advantages to the elderly and disabled if access problems were removed.

The report into new service and information technologies said the main barriers to using the Internet and other electronic services for the disabled and elderly were cost, limited access, concerns about privacy and security, and no human touch.

Independent Living and Attendant care in Sweden: A Consumer Perspective

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  Independent Living and Attendant care in Sweden: A Consumer Perspective.

by Adolf D. Ratzka, Ph.D.

Research Economist
School of Architecture
Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden

World Institute on Disability
Berkeley, California

Spring 1986
World Rehabilitation Fund, New York
Monograph No. 34

PDF (112 KB)

File attachments: 

The New Genetics and Disabled People

Albert, Bill.  1998.  The New Genetics and Disabled People.

by Dr. Bill Albert,
Chair of the Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People
and the International Sub Committee of
the British Council of Disabled People, 1998

The following paper draws heavily on the British Council of Organisations of Disabled People's (BCODP) discussions on the issue of genetics and disabled people. Please note that this paper is NOT BCODP policy but rather a discussion document intended to encourage debate within the movement. For more information on the issue of genetics and disabled people BCODP please refer to the BCODP web site.


Do 'assistive devices' really assist disabled people?

McLaren, Pam, Philpott Sue, Hlophe Richard.  1996.  Do 'assistive devices' really assist disabled people?

Assistive devices include a variety of tools and equipment that enable disabled people to be independent. A wheelchair can enable a person who cannot walk to move around their home, or to work or school. A white cane may make it possible for a person with a visual difficulty to be mobile, and a hearing aid can enable a deaf person to use a telephone. Provision of such devices help to ensure that people with disabilities function as active members of society.

The World Programme of Action Concerning People with Disabilities, launched by the United Nations in 1983, identifies three major programmes that are central if the marginalisation and oppression of disabled people throughout the world is to be addressed. These are:

European Citizen Award 2009 till Adolf Ratzka

European Anti-Discrimination Council ger sin årliga utmärkelse European Citizen Award till Adolf Ratzka, Independent Living Institute för sitt långa arbete mot diskriminerng.

Fact Sheet on Peter Singer

Stephen, Drake, Diane Coleman.  1999.  Fact Sheet on Peter Singer.


Peter Singer, recently appointed to a tenured chair at the Center for Human Values, begins his first semester of teaching at Princeton University in October, 1999. Princeton University is a prominent leader is shaping national policy on bio-ethics.

Singer is arguing for major policy changes: people with significant cognitive disabilities and infants with any known disability should be killed when there is a benefit to the non-disabled people around them to having them removed.

The first targets of Singer's proposed policy changes are people with cognitive disabilities, perhaps the most devalued members of our community. It is time for all of us to come together in strength to oppose any threat to any one of our brothers and sisters.

Positiv överraskning i Europa Parlamentet borde påverka den pågående svenska utredningen om otillgänglighet som diskrimineringsgrund

av Independent Living Institute, 2009-04-08

EU Parlamentet röstade den 2 april 2009 med 360 mot 227 röster för en föstärkning av det planerade anti-diskrimineringsdirektivet. Bl a  ska direktivet uttryckligen betecknar otillgänglinga allmänna kommmunikationer och byggnader som diskrimineringsgrund. Här följer några viktiga utdrag ur texten från Europarlamentets hemsida

Artikel 4   Punkt 1  led a

HSO gör kraftfullt uttalande med sitt val av Ingrid Burman som ny ordförande

HSO, Handikappförbunden, valde den 13 maj den före detta riksdagskvinnan Ingrid Burman som ordförande. Organisationen består av 43 medlemsförbund som sammanlagt representerar en halv milljon medlemmar. Eftersom Ingrid Burman inte har ett funktionshinder kan man tolka HSO:s val att ingen bland HSO:s medlemmar med funktionshinder anses kapabel att vara HSO:s ordförande, att egen erfarenhet av funktionshinder räknas inte som merit. Återigen får vi stå ut med att andra för vår talan, att allmänheten får intrycket att personer med funktionshinder inte kan tala för sig själva.

IL 25 years Documentation - Adolf Ratzka on ILI


25 years of Independent Living in Sverige

Panel: Models, milestones and achievements by the Swedish Independent Living organisations, Adof Ratzka, 08.11.2008

Independent Living Institute – a think tank for policy development

IL 25 years Documentation - Anders Westgerd


25 years of Independent Living in Sverig

Panel: Models, milestones and achievements by the Swedish Independent Living organisations, Anders Westgerd, 08.11.2008

25 years of Independent Living in Sweden- Documentation - Susanne Berg on STIL


Panel discussion: Models, milestones and achievements by the Swedish Independent Living organisations, Susanne Berg, November 8 2008.

STIL is the oldest Independent Living organization in Sweden. The organization started the Swedish movement and therefore has worked the longest with the Independent Living model.
At the conference in 1983 the Independent Living movement was presented by Ed Roberts and Judy Heumann among others. It was presented as a movement with two sides, two legs.

IL 25 years Documentation - Adolf Ratzka


25 years of Independent Living in Sweden

Speech by Adolf Ratzka, Director Independent Living Institute, 2008.11.28.

The Independent Living movement and social policy

IL 25 years Documentation - Kerstin Nilsson


25 years of Independent Living in Sverige

Welcoming address by Kerstin Nilsson, vice chair STIL, 28.11.2008

Good morning dear guests and welcome to this international conference, ”25 years of Independent Living in Sweden” here in Stockholm.

IL 25 år dokumentation - Marilyn Golden


25 år av Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Independent Living - nationella exempel,
anförande av Marilyn Golden 08.11.2008.

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF)

25 år av Independent Living i Sverige


In English

25 år av Independent Living i Sverige
Internationell konferens 28-29 november 2008

Läs 25 år Independent Living - Dokumentation

IL 25 år dokumentation - Hadar Cars


25 år av Independent Living i Sverige

Avslutningstal Hadar Cars 08.11.28.

Kära gäster och vänner,

IL 25 år dokumentation - Henrik Berggren

Berggren, Henrik.  2008.  IL 25 år dokumentation - Henrik Berggren.

25 år av Independent Living i Sverige

Avslutande reflektioner över dagens anföranden

IL 25 år dokumentation - Judy Heumann


25 år av Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Independent Living utomlands - internationella perspektiv,
anförande av Judy Heumann, 08.11.28.

IL 25 år dokumentation - Kalle Könkkölä

Könkkölä, Kalle.  2008.  IL 25 år dokumentation - Kalle Könkkölä.

25 år av Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Independent Living utomlands - internationella perspektiv,
anförande av Kalle Könkkölä 08.11.28

En Tröskeln till framtiden

IL 25 år dokumentation - Horst Frehe


25 år av Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Independent Living - nationella exempel,
anförande av Horst Frehe 08.11.2008.

Utvecklingen av IL-rörelsen i Tyskland

Kära vänner,

IL 25 år Dokumentation - Bente Skansgård


25 år av Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Independent Living utomlands - nationella exempel,

IL 25 years Documentation - Bente Skansgård


25 år av Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Independent Living utomlands - nationella exempel,
anförande av Bente Skansgård 08.11.28.

IL 25 år Dokumentation - Hadar Cars


25 years of Independent Living in Sweden

Closing speech by Hadar Cars 08.11.28.

Dear guests and friends,

IL 25 years Documentation - Henrik Berggren


25 years of Independent Living in Sweden

Closing remarks by Henrik Berggren


IL 25 years Documentation - Kalle Könkkölä

Könkkölä, Kalle.  2008.  IL 25 years Documentation - Kalle Könkkölä.

25 years of Independent Living in Sweden

Panel: Independent Living abroad - global perspectives,

IL 25 år Dokumentation - Tomas Lagerwall


25 år av Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Independent Living utomlands - internationella perspektiv,
anförande av Tomas Lagerwall 08.11.28.

Access Living Center i Chicago är ett av USAs främsta och mest välkända Independent Living center. Här kan man få hjälp att söka arbete, söka en bostad och få den anpassad, man kan få hjälp mot diskriminering och råd om hur man bäst åker mellan t.ex. sin bostad och en kyrka eller förening som man vill besöka eller till arbetsplatsen.

IL 25 years Documentation - Tomas Lagerwall


25 years of Independent Living in Sweden

Panel: Independent Living abroad - global perspectives,
speech by Tomas Lagerwall 08.11.28

IL 25 years Documentation - Judith Heumann


25 years of Independent Living in Sweden

Panel: Independent Living abroad – global perspectives,
speech by Judith Heumann 08.11.28.

IL 25 years Documentation - Marilyn Golden


25 years of Independent Living in Sverige

Panel: Independent Living abroad, speech by  Marilyn Golden 08.11.2008.

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF)

IL 25 years Documentation - Horst Frehe


25 years of Independent Living in Sverige

Panel: Independent Living abroad, speech by Horst Frehe 08.11.2008.

The Development the IL-Movement in Germany

 Dear Friends,

IL 25 years Documentation - Bente Skansgård


25 years of Independent Living in Sverige

Panel: Independent Living abroad, speech by Bente Skansgård 08.11.2008.

Independent Living in Norway - ULOBA

IL 25 år dokumentation - Lars Lindberg


25 år Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Independent Livings roll i Sverige,
anförande av Lars Lindberg 08.11.2008.

Humlan flyger – fast rakare

IL 25 år dokumentation - Susanne Berg IL:s roll


25 år Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Independent Livings roll i Sverige,
anförande av Susanne Berg 08.11.2008.

Independent Livings roll i Sverige – på tvären med det regerande synsätt


IL 25 år dokumentation - Birgitta Andersson


25 år Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Independent Livings roll i Sverige,
anförande av Birgitta Andersson 08.11.2008.

IL 25 år dokumentation - Modeller, milstolpar och landvinningar: slutfråga

Emma Johansson, STIL:
Den största utmaningen överhuvudtaget för Independent Living - både i Sverige och kanske även runt om i världen även om jag nu svarar för Sverige – är att få med den nya generationen. Människor som växt upp med personlig assistans, tar det för givet och tycker att nu är det så pass bra det kan bli. Jag har min personliga assistans och jag har färdtjänst och det är livet på något sätt. Nej, det behövs mycket, mycket mer än så.

IL 25 år dokumentation - Adolf Ratzka


25 år av Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Modeller, milstolpar och landvinningar av Independent Living i Sverige, anförande av Adolf Ratzka 08.11.2008

  Independent Living Institute – tankesmedja för policyutveckling

IL 25 år dokumentation - Adolf Ratzka presenterar IL



25 år Independent Living i Sverige


IL 25 years Documentation - Bengt Westerberg

Westerberg, Bengt.  2008.  IL 25 years Documentation - Bengt Westerberg.
Speech by Bengt Westerberg, chair of Swedish Red Cross and former Minister of Social Affairs, 2008. 22 years ago I met with Adolf Ratzka for the first time. I was then a politician, the leader of the Liberal party in Sweden, Folkpartiet and had welfare policy for disabled people high on my agenda. Adolf and Bengt Elmén, who also was present when we met in 1986 and who is present here today, told me about the social experiment they had initiated in Stockholm and some other municipalities to substitute the conventional social services provided by the local authorities with personal assistance.


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