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Miles, M.  2007.  Disability and Deafness in East Asia: Social and Educational Responses, from Antiquity to Recent Times. A bibliography of European-language materials with introduction and some annotation. Revised Version 4.0, August 2007.
The bibliography introduces and lists 900 articles, chapters and books connected with social and educational responses to disability, deafness and mental disorders in China, Korea and Japan, from antiquity to 2007, some with annotation. (This work revises and greatly extends an earlier bibliography on the former History of Education website at the Catholic University of Nijmegen). Internet publication URLs: and
Miles, M.  1994.  What is Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)?
This paper tells why CBR is needed, and why there are many different views about what CBR is and how it should be done. It was written for the International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicap (now "Inclusion International"). It uses language that is easy to read. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2006.  Children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus in Africa: can medical, family and community resources improve the life chances?
This much extended and revised article incorporates material from: M. Miles (2002) Children with hydrocephalus and spina bifida in East Africa: can family and community resources improve the odds? Disability & Society 17: 643-658, Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis. (The latter material is republished with permission.) The revised article concerns social responses to children with hydrocephalus and spina bifida in African countries, and the historical development of ways in which various resources have been used to improve their life chances, and overcome the disabling effects of these conditions. Internet publication URLs: and (239 KB).
PDF icon miles200609.pdf (238.41 KB)
Miles, M.  2008.  Glimpses of Disability in the Literature and Cultures of East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East & Africa. A modern and historical bibliography, with some annotation.
This annotated bibliography lists a selection of 130 novels, short stories, biographies, autobiographies, materials from philosophy, anthropology and folklore, and literary criticism, in which disability, deafness or mental disorders play some significant part, from East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and Africa, available mostly in English or French. Internet publication URLs: and
Miles, M.  2002.  Community and Individual Responses to Disablement in South Asian Histories: Old Traditions, New Myths?
Documented histories of South Asian societies provide evidence that disabled people played various roles in their families and communities, sometimes with a good deal of independence. The commonest responses have been top-down, charitable or restrictive; yet some evidence challenges the stereotypes and suggests that disablement historically evoked a wider range of responses and initiative. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2011.  Blind and Sighted Pioneer Teachers in 19th Century China and India (revised edition).
This article introduces blind and sighted men and women who developed education and employment for blind people in China and in India from the 1830s onward, and whose pioneering efforts have disappeared from later accounts of blind people's history. This revised and much extended online version is published in April 2011: and
PDF icon miles201104Pioneer-Teach-Blind_v2.pdf (436.77 KB)
Miles, M.  2005.  Deaf People Living and Communicating in African Histories, c. 960s - 1960s.
New, much extended Version 5.01, incorporating an article first published in Disability & Society vol. 19, pp. 531-45; August 2004, titled then "Locating deaf people, gesture and sign in African histories, 1450s-1950s". The latter material is republished with permission of Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis. Visits 100 deaf people in 42 nations, across 1000 years of African history. From servants and schoolchildren to scientists, soldiers and statesmen, using every possible means of communication. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  1987.  Vocational Rehabilitation: Barefoot Realities in North West Pakistan.
A project was developed at Peshawar, Pakistan, for learning the components and processes of making cheap, basic items of everyday life and offering these to disabled young people as small-scale crafts to practise at home and to sell locally. The crafts are economically marginal, with earnings insufficient for self-support, yet they can make a financial contribution to the family budget. This changes the disabled person's role and can lift self-esteem and initiate improved attitudes, while remaining within local capacities and ecology. An earlier version of this paper appeared in the African Rehabilitation Journal (1987) Vol. 2 (10) 13-14. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  1997.  Home Visiting with Mama Kitenge, Community Based Rehabilitation Fieldworker, Tanzania.
A morning in the poorer parts of Dar es Salaam is described, during which Mama Kitenge visits families with children having mental and other disabilities and works with these childen and their caregivers. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2007.  International Strategies for Disability-related Work in Developing Countries: historical, modern and critical reflections.
Revised version of a paper first published in the Zeitschrift Behinderung und Dritte Welt, 3/2003, pp. 96-106, and here reproduced with permission. International strategies concerned with disability in developing and transitional countries (DTC) are scrutinised critically, with an historical focus on beneficial traditions and practices in Asia and Africa, attesting the variety and complexity of social responses to disability. Internet publication URLs: and (112 KB).
PDF icon miles200701.pdf (111.63 KB)
Miles, Christine.  2007.  Imran's Djinn, and Theories of Epilepsy.
This article and the review comment were first published in “EPICADEC News” (from the Foundation Epilepsy Care Developing Countries, Leiden), October 2000, pp. 9-10, titled “Imran’s Djinn”. They are here reproduced with permission, after slight revision. The article concerns an Asian boy living in UK. His family had trouble using the health services, because of different concepts of Imran’s illness. One of Imran’s teachers met the family half way, respecting their beliefs and giving them time to digest a different approach to epilepsy and its treatment. A scientific reviewer comments on the story. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2009.  DEAF PEOPLE, SIGN LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION, IN OTTOMAN & MODERN TURKEY: Observations and Excerpts from 1300 to 2009. From sources in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin and Turkish, with introduction and some annotation.
Internet publication URL:
PDF icon miles200907.pdf (494.75 KB)
Miles, M.  2006.  Social Responses to Disability & Poverty in Economically Weaker Countries. Research, Trends, Critique, and Lessons Usually Not Learnt. Annotated bibliography of modern and historical material.
The author introduces 250 articles and books showing social responses to disability and poverty in two-thirds of the world now and in history, with critical notes. He commends some intelligent approaches in the face of complexity and challenges simplistic slogans and official blah-blah. [An earlier version of the “Modern Materials” section first appeared in DisabilityWorld (Dec.05 - Jan.06), and is reproduced by kind permission, with revision and extension.] Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  1982.  Why Asia Rejects Western Disability Advice.
This paper reviews psycho-social and religious factors, professional motivations and political inequalities, that have prevented any widespread adoption of "community-based rehabilitation" by Asian governments. Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of Disabled Peoples' International - DPI.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of World Federation of the Deaf - WFD.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Action on Disability Policy, A Global Survey.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of World Blind Union - WBU.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of Rehabilitation International - RI.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of Inclusion International (ILSMH).
Internet publication URL:
McLaughlin, Dara.  2001.  Culture and Identity.
McLaren, Pam, Philpott Sue, Hlophe Richard.  1996.  Do 'assistive devices' really assist disabled people?
Assistive devices ensure that people with disabilities are active in society. But what prevents them from assisting disabled people to be independent? Internet publication URL:
Maxa, Miloslav.  1991.  Barriers in the built environment: The problems of barrier removal in the Czech Republic.
Internet publication URL:  
Maxa, Miloslav.  1991.  Access legislation in the Czech Republic.
Internet publication URL:  
Mattson Prince, Jane, Manley M, Whiteneck Gale G.  1995.  Självstyrd gentemot förmedlad personlig assistans för individer med högt sittande tetraplegi.
Forskningssammandrag: Att, inom en begränsad befolkningsgrupp som består av människor med omfattande funktionsnedsättningar fastställa huruvida å ena sidan användandet av förmedlad vårdpersonal och å andra sidan personligt anställda, tränade, och betalda assistenter korrelerar med upplevelsen av förbättrad livskvalité och hälsotillstånd samt lägre kostnader. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish)
Mattson Prince, Jane, Manley Scott M, Whiteneck Gale G.  1995.  Self-Managed Versus Agency-Provided Personal Assistance Care for Individuals With High Level Tetraplegia.
Internet publication URL:  
Mates, Barbara T.  2000.  Adaptive Technology for the Internet: Making Electronic Resources Accessible to All - The Online Version.
American Library Association. ISBN 0-8389-0752-0. Internet publication URL:
Masutha, Michael.  1992.  Access legislation and enforcement mechanisms.
Internet publication URL:  
Mason, Philip.  1998.  Back To Basics - Hampshire Center for Independent Living's Expert Seminar on Independent Living.
Back To Basics: Philip Mason's keynote speech at the expert seminar organized by the Hampshire CIL in Southampton, May 30 -31, 1998.
Masemene, Moses.  1992.  Constitutionalism and access legislation.
CIB W84 Report Harare: Access Design and Legislation, 1992. Constitutions enshrine fundamental human rights, therefore disability rights denote access to fundamental human rights as we who have disabilities have got to enjoy the same rights as other people. Internet publication URL:
Martinez, Kathy, Duncan Barbara.  2003.  The Road to Independent Living in the USA: an historical perspective and contemporary challenges.
The authors (Kathleen Martinez, US National Council on Disability member and Deputy Director, World Institute on Disability, and Barbara Duncan, former Rehabilitation International information officer, DisabilityWorld co-editor) highlight the events and leaders that made the birth of the independent living movement possible. Also included are some basic philosophical tenets and assumptions that have guided the U.S. IL movement, as well as some observations regarding emerging issues and trends. Reprinted form "Disability World, A bimonthly web-zine of international disability news and views," Issue no. 20 September-October 2003. Internet publication URLs: and
Martinez, Kathy.  2003.  Independent Living in the U.S. & Canada.
Kathy Martinez is International Director and Deputy Director of the World Institute on Disability, Oakland, USA. She gives an overview of events in the U.S. and Canada that made the independent living movement possible. She also covers the basic philosophy of the U.S. IL movement, as well as emerging issues and trends that challenge the IL movement. Internet publication URL: In the forthcoming English version of: Alonso, J. Vidal Garcia. 2003. "El Movimiento de Vida Independiente, Experiencias Internacionales." ("The Independent Living Movement: International Experiences.") Internet publication URL: (In Spanish).
Malinga, Joshua T.  2003.  The African View of Independent Living.
Joshua T. Malinga, Secretary General, Pan African Federation of the Disabled (PAFOD), and Past World Chairperson, Disabled Peoples' International (DPI) gives an overview of Indepedent Living in Africa. He concludes that, "Independent Living in Africa is basically in theory form and is still in its rudimental stages due to a number of factors." Internet publication URL: In the forthcoming English version of: Alonso, J. Vidal Garcia. 2003. "El Movimiento de Vida Independiente, Experiencias Internacionales." ("The Independent Living Movement: International Experiences.") Internet publication URL: (In Spanish).
Majiet, Shanaaz.  1998.  Human Rights from Disabled Peoples' Perspective in Africa.
Shanaaz Majiet speaks on human rights and disability from the perspective of the African continent. Internet publication URL:
Maine CITE Coordinating Center.  2000.  Universal Design: Maine's Opportunity To Lead the Way To Information Access For Everyone.
In September 1997, leaders from Maine State government, business, education, and the non-profit community gathered for the Conference, Maximizing Economic Potential. The Conference looked at how government and education can lead the way in ensuring that information technologies accommodate differing needs and provide access for everyone. This report is the outcome of that effort. Internet publication URL:
Mahoney, K J, Simon-Rusinowitz L, Desmond S M, Shoop D M, Squillace M R, Fay R A.  1998.  Determining Consumers' Preferences for a Cash Option: New York Survey Findings.
The purpose of this article is to present findings from a telephone survey conducted in New York to assess consumers' preliminary interest in the cash option when compared to traditional services. Internet publication URLs:
PDF icon ar498.pdf (59.02 KB)
Macfarlane, Ann.  2003.  Older People and Direct Payments.
Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. "Older People and Direct Payments." Includes: Older People & Legislation on Assessment & Direct Payments, Summary of the legal provisions, by Ann Macfarlane MBE, March 2003. Internet publication URL:
Longmore, Paul K.  1999.  Paul Longmore's testimony before Assembly Judiciary Committee Protesting Assembly Bill 1592.
A testimony before the Assembly Judiciary Committee against AB 1592 which would legalize physician assisted suicide in California. The committee voted for the bill 8 to 7 - there is a long fight ahead. Internet publication URL:
Longmore, Paul K.  1996.  Disability Community Leaders Denounce Jack Kevorkian.
It is long past time for the disability community to respond to Jack Kevorkian's lethal assaults on our people. At least half of the people whose suicides he has abetted have been disabled. Internet publication URL:
Longmore, Paul K.  1995.  The Second Phase: From Disability Rights to Disability Culture.
Longmore, Professor of History and Director of the Institute on Disability at San Francisco State University, describes how the American disability rights movement moved in the mid-1990s from a focus on rights to a quest for collective identity. First published in DISABILITY RAG & RESOURCE, Sept./Oct. 1995. Internet publication URL:
Litvak, Simi.  1998.  Personal Assistance Service Policy: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going.
Dr. Simi Litvak examines the current state of Personal Assistance Services (PAS), and how they might be improved in a fiscal, quality, and humanitarian sense. Internet publication URL:
Literacy Volunteers of America.  1999.  Disabled to Raise Funds for Non-Disabled - Labor Day weekend radio event to benefit Literacy Volunteers of America.
To show that people with disabilities – like all other humans – can be both on the receiving and giving end, "On A Roll," the weekly syndicated radio program on disability lifestyle issues, produced by people with disabilities, raised funds for Literacy Volunteers of America, Inc. (LVA) through an on-air event on Sept. 5, 1999. Internet publication URL:
Lindqvist, Bengt.  1998.  Erfarenheter av lagstiftning internationellt.
Bengt Lindqvist, FN:s speciella rapportör om standardreglerna, inleder Konferensen om Lagstiftning för Mänskliga Rättigheter i Stockholm, Sverige. (In Swedish.) Internet publication URL:
Linder, Ola.  2017.  CASE LAW: Swedish municipality liable for disability discrimination through deficient accessibility in elementary school.
Light, Richard.  2000.  Beijing Declaration on Disabled Persons in the New Millennium.
This editorial by Richard Light, Research & Publications Director of Disability Awareness in Action first presents the content of a resolution taken at the World NGO Summit on Disability in Beijing regarding an international convention on the rights of all disabled people. He then goes on to decry the number of expert conferences, special programmes and political initiatives that have failed to yield real progress with regard to action on discrimination against people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Light, Richard.  2000.  Recording human rights abuses against persons with disabilities: practical issues revealed by the Disability Awareness in Action Human Rights Project.
In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." Pre-paper 2. Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URLs: and
Leone, Jayne.  1997.  Power, Control, Confidence, and Courage.
Becoming an active participant in what happens to you requires that you feel empowered, exercise self-control, feel self-confident and have courage. Internet publication URL:
Lagadien, Fadila.  1996.  Remove Barriers in Employment for Disabled People.
Fadila Lagadien challenges the existing perception that disabled people cannot engage in gainful or meaningful employment as they are believed to be sick, and sick people belong in hospital. Internet publication URL:
Lagadien, Fadila.  1995.  Personal Assistance for Independent Living Programme (PAIL), Republic of South Africa.
The immediate objective of the PAIL Programme is that by the end of the project period a minimum of five hundred severely disabled people per year per operational region will have achieved greater independence than in 1995 in South Africa. Internet publication URL:
Lagadien, Fadila.  1993.  The Power of Potential of People with Disabilities.
Fadila Lagadien looks at the social, attitudinal and physical barriers that handicap a person with a disability, resulting in their unacknowledged and unused potential. Internet publication URL:
Lagadien, Fadila.  1997.  Presentation för nationella kvinnodagen 1997 Telekom - firande inför kvinnodagen.
Fadila Lagadien considers how media communicates images of the estimated 13 per cent of disabled South Africans, especially women with disabilities. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Lagadien, Fadila.  1997.  Disabled Women and the Media - Presentation for National Women's Day.
Fadila Lagadien considers how media communicates images of the estimated 13 per cent of disabled South Africans, especially women with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Ladstätter, Martin.  2011.  Switzerland introducing direct payments for personal assistance.
Kurylowicz, Ewa.  1991.  Adaptation of a theatre in Krakow, Poland.
In May 1991, the 19th century Slowackiego Theatre in Krakow, Poland was scheduled to host the International Conference on Security and Cooperation. This paper discusses adaptations made to parts of the building so that the needs and interests of people with disabilities could better be served. Internet publication URL:
Kulkhanchit, Topong.  1999.  First fully accessible city buses in Thailand.
On August 5, 1999 Thailand's first accessible buses will begin accommodating passengers with disabilities on routes in Bangkok. Internet publication URL:
Kruse, Douglas L, Schriner Kay, Schur Lisa, Shields Todd.  1999.  A Study of the Political Behavior of People with Disabilities - What Determines Voter Turnout, Executive Summary: Empowerment through Civic Participation.
Are people with disabilities as likely as those without disabilities to vote, and to engage in other forms of political and civic participation? If not, why not? Internet publication URL:
Krause, Carol.  1999.  Federal Resource Center for Women with Disabilities - Added to the National Women's Health Information Center.
The Office of Women's Health in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) announces the first-ever federal resource center for women with disabilities as part of the expanding National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC). Internet publication URL:
Kose, Satoshi.  1991.  Elderly people and their accident experiences: Implication for the design of safer and easier-to-use dwellings.
In Japan, the 65-years-and-over age group has been rapidly increasing. Satoshi Kose, from the Building Design and Use Division, Building Research Institute in Tsukuba, Japan, discusses dwelling design for elderly people based on convenience and safety of residents. He bases his discussion on the results of two surveys conducted as a cooperative research by BRI, Asahi Chemical Co., Ltd. Housing Department, and Sekisui House Co., Tokyo Design Department. Internet publication URL:
Kose, Satoshi.  1991.  Design guidelines of public collective housing for the aging society in Japan.
Satoshi Kose, from the Building Design and Use Division, Building Research Institute in Tsukuba, Japan, describes the Ministry of Construction's project aimed at solving the problem of housing for the aged, in terms of both policy on housing supply and guidelines for dwelling design. Some of the practical requirements will be: elimination of level differences within dwellings; provision of handrails to assist moving about; promotion of the development of building facilities that are suited to the needs of the aged persons, etc. Internet publication URL:
Könkkölä, Kalle.  1998.  Presentation at the Seminar on Human Rights for Persons with Disabilities from a North and South Perspective Stockholm, Sweden 23 August, 1998.
Kalle Könkkölä discusses the organization's perspective on human rights. Internet publication URL:
Könkkölä, Kalle.  1998.  Presentation vid Seminarium om mänskliga rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning ur ett nord- och sydperspektiv Stockholm, Sverige 23 augusti 1998.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Könkkölä, Maija.  1994.  Ett problem eller en utmaning? Att anpassa offentliga byggnader för rörelsehindrade
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)  
Könkkölä, Kalle.  2008.  IL 25 år dokumentation - Kalle Könkkölä.
Könkkölä, Kalle.  2008.  IL 25 years Documentation - Kalle Könkkölä.
Konczei, Gyorgy.  1998.  Genesis of the Hungarian Anti-Discrimination Legislation.
Hungary is leaving the old fashioned approach to disability, characterised by pity, paternalism, charity and a medical approach, and is taking on a legal approach which acknowledges the rights of disabled citizens. Internet publication URL:
Konczei, Gyorgy.  1999.  Rethinking Disability and Discrimination - A social and economic approach (Comparative Study).
Internet publication URL: and
Komanická, Daniela.  2021.  Internship in Independent Living Center in Stockholm.
Kleinfield, Sonny.  1992.  Declaring independence in Berkeley.
King, Audrey.  2003.  Remarkable Teachers – Mr. Winter.
This is an account by Audrey King, M.A., an internationally known writer, speaker, and advocate on disability issues, about Mr. Winter, a high school teacher who made a difference by making sure that Ms. King, in a wheelchair because of polio, was included in the school community in every way. Internet publication URL:
King, Audrey.  2000.  The Darker Ages: What's Wrong With Institutions?
Audrey King, M.A., an internationally known writer, speaker, and advocate on disability issues, shares observations about life in institutions gathered from 30 years of working as a rehabilitation professional. She describes how institutional structures pose a consistent dynamic tension between individual autonomy and system procedures, which are often resistant to change and necessarily geared to cost and procedure efficiencies.
King, Audrey.  2006.  A Matter of Perception.
Khalfan, H.  1992.  UWZ efforts in improving accessibility in Zanzibar Stone Town.
This report by H. Khalfan to the CIB Expert Seminar on Building Non-Handicapping Environments, Harare 1992, relates why Zanzibar Stone Town is inaccessible for persons with disabilities. He presents steps being taken to improve the situation. Internet publication URL:
Kelles-Viitanen, Anita.  1999.  Disability, Poverty Reduction and Social Development.
Anita Kelles-Viitanen of the Asian Development Bank examines the objectives of the Bank in regard to poverty reduction and improving the quality of life of all people in Asia and the Pacific. Internet publication URL:
Kawauchi, Yoshi.  2000.  New Japanese Legislation on Accessible Public Transportation.
This brief comment by Yoshi Kawauchi, architect, access specialist and advocate, Tokyo, Japan, is critical of the new Japanese legislation on access in public transportation. While appreciating the law as a first step towards improvement, he is critical because the law is not a civil rights law and has no procedure for consumers to file complaints, does not include taxicabs because of political pressure, and does not cover people with developmental disabilities or psychiatric disabilities. Internet publication URL:
Katz, Ruth.  1998.  The Home and Community-Based Services Work Group, partners with state, consumers, and others to advance the PAS agenda.
This article discusses how the Administration (US Government) balances the goal of providing more flexibility and choice for people with disabilities with the need to ensure that the services are cost effective. Internet publication URL:
Karlsson, Riitta-Leena, Bolling Jamie.  2022.  Friheten att bestämma med vem, var och hur en vill bo – Avinstitutionalisering/Deinstitutionalization (DI) i Sverige. :88.PDF icon AvinstitutionaliseringSverige.pdf (1.28 MB)
Karlsson, Riitta-Leena, Bolling Jamie.  2022.  Freedom to choose with whom, where and how you want to live – Deinstitutionalisation (DI) in Sweden. PDF icon English-Freedom-to-choose-Deinstitutionalisation-Sweden.pdf (2.15 MB)
Kaplan, Karen.  1999.  High-Tech Dawn for People with Disabilities: Typing by Eye Movement, Non-Visual.
High-tech solutions attract a lot of interest. Whether people with disabilities can actually benefit from them remains to be seen. Internet publication URL:
Kafka, Bob.  1999.  Act calls for care choice.
Bob Kafka outlines the Medicaid Community Attendant Services Act, MiCASA. The bill would allow individuals the choice to use their entitlements for community-based services (personal assistance services). Internet publication URL:
Jürgens, Andreas.  1995.  Long-term Care Insurance' and Its Impact on the Population.
For many people with disabilities, the term "Long-Term Care Insurance" suggests that self-determination is in jeopardy. Experience justifies these anxieties, and reality is much worse. Internet publication URL:
Johansson, Emma, Dr. Adolf Ratzka, Filipsson Hans.  2010.  Yttrande över ”Bortom fagert tal – Om bristande tillgänglighet som diskriminering” (Ds 2010:20). Stil, Stiftarna av Independent Living i Sverige, Independent Living Institute, Marschen för tillgänglighet. PDF icon 20101123STIL_ILI_Marschen_yttrande_bortom_fagert_tal.pdf (144.71 KB)
Ji-young, Kwon.  2005.  Korea: Disabled Hope for Infrastructure for Support.
The second article in a two-part series examining the problems of disabled people in Korea and possible solutions. Internet publication URL:
Janhager, Alexander Caputo.  2019.  Understanding Independent Living in Sweden: An Overview. PDF icon Understanding Independent Living in Sweden - An Overview.pdf (585.64 KB)
Jaillet, C.  2009.  From institutions to Independent Living: the need of peer-support and education programs.
Internet publication URL:
Jaillet, C.  2009.  La place des aidants familiaux dans le système d'assistance personnelle suédoise.
Jaillet, C.  2009.  Les politiques d'insertion pour les personnes en situation de handicap : des coûts compensés par une dynamique économique - modèle suédois et système français.
Internet publication URL:
Jaillet, C.  2009.  De la dé-institutionnalisation à la vie autonome : la nécessité des systèmes de formations et de la pair-émulation.
Jaillet, C.  2009.  The role of relative helpers in the Swedish personal assistance system.
Jagoe, Kathryn.  1995.  Opening universities to students with disabilities: University of Cape Town, South Africa.
The Disability Unit at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. aims to 'mainstream' rather than follow the 'welfare model' and to dismantle the many barriers that inhibit students and staff who have disabilities or chronic illnesses, from participating equally and fully in all aspects of the University. Internet publication URL:
Jagau, K.  1996.  Zur Pflegeversicherung.
Lange Jahre war eine Pflegeversicherung ein umkämpftes, ein strittiges Thema. Unbenommen war von allen Seiten immer zu hören, daß es nötig sei, das Pflegefallrisiko abzusichern. (In German.) Internet publication URL:
Ishikawa, Jun, Nagase Osamu(eds.).  1998.  "Invitation to Disability Studies" New book on disability studies in Japanese.
A collection of texts and resources by persons with disabilities for disabled people. (in Japanese.) Internet publication URL:
Internet Industry Association of Australia.  2000.  IIA Warns SOGOC: Disability Web Decision Puts Businesses on Notice.
In the wake of the court decision against the Sydney Olympics organizers, Australian businesses and authorities oversee their websites' access. Internet publication URL:
International Labour Organisation.  1983.  R168 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Recommendation, 1983.
This document is a Recommendation adopted by The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation in Geneva in 1983 and supplements the C159 Convention. The document seeks to set forth new international standards concerning the need to ensure equality of opportunity and treatment to all categories of disabled persons, in both rural and urban areas, for employment and integration into the community. Internet publication URL:
International Labour Organisation.  1983.  C159 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983.
In 1983 The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation adopted the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention in Geneva. Internet publication URL:
International Convention for Disabled High School Students.  2002.  Essay Contest: Disabled High School Students Can Win an All Expences Paid Trip to Japan.
Swedish disabled high school student Yasmin Jungestedt won an essay competition and a trip to Japan to take part in the10th annual camp for high school students organized by the Japanese Independent Living Movement. Links to her prize-winning essay and her account of the time she spent in Japan meeting other high school students with disabilities from Japan and around the world as well as information about the essay contest and the 10th International Convention for Disabled High School Students are presented. Internet Publication URL:
Ingelstam, Anders.  2003.  Taxi för alla-projektets utvärdering - kvalitativ sammanfattning.
Internet publikation URL:
Indpendent Living Institute.  2022.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2021. PDF icon Arsberattelse-ILI-2021.pdf (690.96 KB)
Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) Program.  1999.  Perspectivas Globales Sobre Vida Independiente Para El Proximo Milenio. Washington, D.C. 21-25 de setiembre de 1999.
Internet publication URL:
Independent Living Institute, Sweden.  2005.  Checklist for University Disability Information and Self-assessment questions.
Independent Living Institute, Sweden.  2022.  TRIPS - Working Group Stockholm.
