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Saavedra, Andrea Avaria.  2001.  Discapacidad: Exclusión / Inclusión.
The author, instructor at the Department of Anthropology at Universidad de Chile, proposes a different perspective for analyzing disability issues using the concept of exclusion / inclusion for a multi-dimensional and dynamic understanding of social exclusion. First publisher: Revista Mad. No.5. Septiembre 2001. Ediciones Mad, Universidad de Chile. Inernet publication URL: Inernet publication URL:
Samtrans.  2001.  Taxi för alla.
i SamtransNytt juni 2001. Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish).
Sarbib, Jean-Louis.  2005.  Development OUTREACH, July 2005.
Internet publication URL:
Segalman, Bob.  2000.  Expansion of Telephone Service For Many People With Speech Disabilities.
Internet publication URL:
Segalman, Bob.  1999.  People with Speech Disabilities Now Have a Telephone Service.
Dial toll free to reach a patient, trained operator who is familiar with many speech patterns and has acute hearing. This operator makes telephone calls for you and repeats your words exactly. Internet publication URL:
Seifu, Michael.  2004.  International cooperation - but how?
The author, a trained economist with a disability living and working in Ethiopia, describes the experience of disability in the context of a developing country. Internet publication URL:
Seifu, Michael.  2004.  A View from Ethiopia.
The author, a professional with a disability, reports about some of the difficulties faced by disabled people in Ethiopia. Internet publication URL:
Shields, Craig V.  1988.  Mäkleri - en kort historik.
Service brokerage has a commitment to a set of values emphasizing the worth and dignity of individuals with disabilites and their right to live in the community. Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)
Shields, Craig V.  1988.  A brief history of brokerage.
Service brokerage has a commitment to a set of values emphasizing the worth and dignity of individuals with disabilites and their right to live in the community. Internet publication URL:
Siilsalu, Mari, McGrath Monica Klasén.  2023.  Implementation of the state party obligations under ICERD for migrants with disabilities in Sweden.
Silwimba, Felix.  1992.  Possibilities of Independent Living of persons with disabilities in Africa.
Sisco, Patricia.  1992.  Peer counseling: an overview.
Internet publication URL:
Sjögren, Johan.  1999.  Lagstiftning mot Diskriminering - Rapport från seminarium den 29 april 1999 arrangerat av riksdagens nätverk för handikappfrågor.
Mot bakgrund av IL-Sveriges arbete och bemötandeutredningens förslag om grundlagstillägg etc verkar det att vi skall ha lagstiftning mot diskriminering - frågan är bara hur den skall se ut? (In Swedish.) Internet publication URL:
Sjölander, Johan, Börjesson Pelle, Dahl Ulla.  2003.  Hellre ofta än bekvämt.
Insändare till City, 2003-10-07, s. 21 [Sjölander (s), Börjesson (v), och Dahl (mp)]. Internet publikation URL: och (In Swedish).
Skogseth, Egil Gullestad.  2023.  Establishing a Nordic Competence Centre on Personal Assistance.
Smaaland, Jessica.  2007.  Vilken är din typ? - Erfarenheter av assistansanordnare
Internet publikation URL: och
Smaaland, Jessica.  2023.  Personal assistance in Sweden.
Smith, Eleanor.  1999.  A Call for "Visitability.
Despite improvements in disability access, homes still routinely exclude people with disabilities. Eleanor Smith suggests a different approach to construction and modification. Internet publication URL:
South African Human Rights Commission.  1997.  Policy Paper from the South African Human Rights Commission 1997 # 5 : Disability.
Internet publication URL:  
Stars of Hope Society, Ramallah, Palestine.  2008.  Workshop on Article 19 in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities "living independently and being included in the community".
Report on the workshop on Article 19 “Living independently and being included in the community“ of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities held in Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine on October 30, 2008. The organizers were Stars of Hope Society, Ramallah, which is an organization of women with disabilities, and Handicap International.
PDF icon StarsofHopeSociety20081115.pdf (115.64 KB)
Stepanov, Viatcheslav K.  1991.  Built environment for disabled persons in Russia: Needs and problems.
Internet publication URL:  
Stephen, Drake, Diane Coleman.  1999.  Fact Sheet on Peter Singer.
Stil, Stiftarna av Independent Living i Sverige.  2003.  STIL skapar kaos i Stockholm city!.
I "Pastillen" nr. 3 juni 2003. Internet publikation URL: och (In Swedish).  
Stiletten.  1987.  Är självbestämmande privatisering? Svar till Aftonbladet
Från Stiletten, Nr. 3 1987. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)  
Stockholms läns landstings Landstingsfullmäktige.  2003.  Protokoll § 281, Handlingsplan med förslag till åtgärder för att få färdtjänstbudgeten i balans (förslag 68).
Internet publikation URL: (In Swedish.)  
Stone, Karen.  1998.  Awakening to Disability - Nothing About Us Without Us.
Book review from Ability Network magazine. Internet publication URL:
Stone, Karen.  2000.  A Healthy Dissension.
Internet publication URL:
Stone, Karen.  2001.  Ugly.
Stone, Karen, Dart Jr. Justin.  2001.  Justin Dart, Jr. - A Peek of Insight.
Stone, Karen.  2000.  En nyttig oenighet.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Stone, Karen.  2000.  The Journey from Disability Shame to Disability Pride.
Sundström, Anders.  2003.  Hårda sparkrav vänter färdtjänsten.
Dagens Nyheter. Internet publikation URL: och (In Swedish).
Sveriges Riksdag.  1993.  Lag om införande av LSS, lagen (1993:387) om stöd och service).
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Swedish Parliament.  1993.  Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments.
Internet publication URL:
Taylor, Zara Buggs.  1998.  Framställningar av handikapp i populära TV-program.
People with disabilities are often invisible in movies and television shows, however, Zara Buggs Taylor writes about one television show which is changing audience perceptions about people with disabilities. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Taylor, Zara Buggs.  1998.  Honest portrayals of disabilities drive popular television show.
People with disabilities are often invisible in movies and television shows, however, Zara Buggs Taylor writes about one television show which is changing audience perceptions about people with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
The National Federation of the Blind of North Carolina.  1999.  Introducing Newsline: Access Technology to Newspapers for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Internet publication URL:  
The Pan Africa Wheelchair Builders Association (PAWBA) and The Tanzanian Training Centre for Orthopaedic Technologists (TATCOT).  2007.  Report of 4th All Africa Wheelchair Congress, 17TH – 21ST September 2007, Uhuru Hotel, Moshi, Tanzania.
Internet publication URLs: and  
Thiberg, Sven.  1984.  Research Profiles and Strategies.
Internet publication URL:  
Thorén, Clas.  1991.  The Nordic Committee on Disability: Existing legislation in the Nordic countries.
Internet publication URL:  
Tillander, Erik.  2012.  Working and parenting with personal assistance.
Tillander, Erik.  2012.  Benefit fraud in relation to personal assistance in Sweden.
Tilly, Jane, Wiener Joshua M, Evans Cuellar Alison.  2000.  Consumer-Directed Home and Community Services Programs in Five Countries: Policy Issues for Older People and Government.
This Urban Institute study reviews community services programs in five countries--Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the US - and shows that direct payments for personal assistance and long term care hold great promise for consumer-directed high quality services. Internet publication URL:
TOMRIC Agency.  2000.  Why People with Disabilities in Tanzania Deserve Economic Empowerment.
Internet publication URL:
Trägårdh, Lars.  1999.  Bemäktiga individerna - Om domstolarna, lagen och de individuella rättigheterna i Sverige.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Traustadottir, Rannveig.  1997.  Women with Disabilities: Issues, Resources, Connections Revised.
The materials in this information packet were compiled for anyone interested in learning about the lives of women and girls with disabilities. The packet is made up of five parts: PART I. Overview Article: Obstacles to Equality: The Double Discrimination of Women with Disabilities. PART II. Annotated Bibliography: Articles, journals, books, and other resources on women with disabilities. PART III. Teaching Others: An annotated listing of resource and teaching materials about women and girls with disabilities. PART IV. Building Connections: Where to find further resources for and about women with disabilities. Including services, support groups, organizations, and periodicals. PART V. World Wide Web Pages: This section provides web sites about and by women with disabilities and covers a variety of topics. Internet publication URL:
Treffers, Bastian.  1991.  Legislation: Strategy or final solution?
Internet publication URL:
Tsai, Joseph Y B.  1992.  Access legislation and barrier-free environments in Taiwan.
Internet publication URL:
Tusler, Anthony.  2001.  Wheelchair Ease: The Internet, England, & My Summer Vacation.
Internet publication URL:
Uddin, Salah.  2003.  Disability Situation & Impact of ADD work in Bangladesh.
Action on Disability and Development (ADD), Bangladesh. Internet publication URL:
ULOBA–Cooperative on Personal Assistance.  2003.  Uloba - Independent Living Norway Cooperative for Consumer controlled Personal Assistance.
Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. Internet publication URL:
United Nations.  1998.  Report of the United Nations Consultative Expert Group Meeting on International Norms and Standards Relating to Disability.
Experts in international law and disability policy issues review and discuss issues and trends relating to the practical application of international norms and standards to promote the human rights of persons with disabilities. Internet publication URL:
United Nations.  1993.  Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities.
See documents by Dimitris Michailakis ( for reports about compliance with the United Nations Standard Rules. A/RES/48/96, 85th plenary meeting. Internet publication URL:
United Nations.  1982.  United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons 1983-1992, World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons.
This UN report concerns the Implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, including the implementation of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. Internet publication URL:
PDF icon WPACDP.pdf (142.97 KB)
United Nations General Assembly.  1975.  Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons Proclaimed by United Nations General Assembly resolution 3447 (XXX) of 9 December 1975.
Proclaimed by United Nations General Assembly resolution 3447 (XXX) of 9 December 1975. Internet publication URL:
United Nations, Division for Social Policy and Development.  1992.  Persons with Disabilities, International Day of Disabled Persons, 3 December 1992.
Internet publication URL:
United States of America.  1990.  Americans With Disabilities Act PUBLIC LAW 101-336 JULY 26, 1990 104 STAT. 327.
The ADA gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities that are like those provided to individuals on the basis of race, sex, national origin, and religion. Internet publication URLs:, and
Uritsky, Felix M.  1991.  Technical aids and accessibility problems.
Presentation of a project emphasising assistive devices and legislation to create a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities and elderly people. Internet publication URL:
Vasey, Sean.  2000.  The Rough Guide to Managing Personal Assistants.
"Having PAs enabled me to find out who I am and now enables me to be who I am." If you are a disabled person and about to start receiving a Direct Payment to employ your own personal assistants (PAs), this book aims to give you a flavour of what it is like; the joys and the challenges. The book covers recruitment, managing, using PAs in social situations and at work, and dealing with problems. Put together by Sian Vasey with cartoons by David Shenton.
Vegerfors, Måns.  1993.  Kommunerna saknar meningsfulla ekonomisystem." Debattartikel från Dagens Industri, torsdag 22 april 1993, sidan 4. I: Institutet för Independent Living. 1993. "Hemtjänst i omdaning - möjligheter och decentraliseringens och privatiseringens tid, Dokume.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Verney, Arthur.  1996.  EU programmes with relevance to persons with disabilities.
This presentation examines the situation of disabled people within the European Treaties; explores possibilities for influence on the part of disabled people's organisations; and discusses some EU programmes that might be of relevance to disabled people's organisations. Internet publication URL:
de Vylder, Stefan.  2003.  Taxi för alla-projektets utvärdering - ekonomisk sammanfattning.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish).
PDF icon vylder200212.pdf (258.41 KB)Microsoft Office document icon vylder200212.doc (126 KB)
de Vylder, Stefan.  2003.  Rullstolstaxi – bättre och billigare.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish).
Waddell, Cynthia D.  1999.  The Growing Digital Divide in Access for People with Disabilities: Overcoming Barriers To Participation In The Digital Economy.
This paper identifies some of the emerging digital economy barriers, current efforts to address these barriers and expresses the author's vision of the long-term policy research agenda. Internet publication URL:
Walker, Pamela.  2001.  A Generic Orientation to Doing Attendant Work.
This manual provides a general introduction to the work of personal assistants, and is especially helpful to new assistants. It covers a wide range of topics, and explains the purpose of personal assistance and the nature of the work, to the extent that generalisations are possible. Revised online publication. First published by Center for Independent Living Berkeley, California 1986. Internet publication URL:
PDF icon walker2001.pdf (40.92 KB)
Wallace, Mary.  1997.  Symposium on Disability and Human Rights.
Closing address by Ms. Mary Wallace, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. Internet publication URL:
Wehrli, Peter.  1999.  About the Center of Independent Living Zürich.
Switzerland does not yet know the concept of personal assistance and provides almost no financial means to live outside institutions. The Swiss IL movement has an uphill battle. Internet publication URL:
Weiss-Lindencrona, Hanne.  1984.  Steering Systems and Their Application.
Internet publication URL:
Wellington, H N A.  1992.  Opportunities and challenges of barrier-free design consciousness - an evaluation of the application of barrier-free design principles in the socio-cultural circumstances in Ghana.
Internet publication URL:
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Trials and tribulation of persons with disabilities in 2007 general election.
Internet Publication URL:
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Development System Locks Out the Disabled.
Internet Publication URL:
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2008.  Post-election violence and disabled people in Kenya; issues for reflection and action.
Internet publication URL:
Were Masakhwe, Phitalis.  2007.  The UN Day for Persons with Disabilities: How the world is unfair to people with disabilities.
Internet Publication URL:
Werner, David.  1990.  Resa till Angola - ett land där människor lemlästas som en strategi i lågintensiv krigföring.
Internet publication URL:
Werner, David.  1990.  Visit to Angola: Where Civilians are Disabled as a Strategy of LIC.
Internet publication URL:
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Interview with Arthur Klimchenko, 22 years, Kaliningrad - "Personal assistance would certainly be good, but I would be afraid of being dominated".
Westberg, Kenneth.  2008.  Latvia: “We want help to start a personal assistance project”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  In Flanders all personal care assistants are employed by the people they assist..
Westberg, Kenneth.  2012.  Eunice Ya-Yu Kao, Taiwan - "Those who can pay have migrant care workers as assistants".
This is a translation of the original article in swedish.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Bente Skansgård, ULOBA, Norway: “Municipal procurement threatens assistance users’ self-determination”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Attitudes to people with disabilities are negative in Russia - Interview with Sergey Kiselev, Chairman of Apparel.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Latvia: “The view of people with disabilities has improved”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2008.  Finland: “The new personal assistance law doesn’t quite make it”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: “Government breaks its promise of legislation for personal assistance”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: “The upcoming legislation will be a disappointment”.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: Personal Assistance heading for legislation?
Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Tough struggle for personal assistance in Iceland.
Westberg, Kenneth.  2016.  Germany, Corina Zolle - "A lot of people are afraid to leave their protected environments in institutions".
Westberg, Kenneth, Berg Susanne, Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal Assistance in Sweden. PDF icon Personal_Assistance_in_Sweden_KW_2010.pdf (913.82 KB)
Westerberg, Bengt.  2013.  Personal Assistance - a revolution for people with disabilities - Keynote.
In this presentation Mr Bengt Westerberg, former Swedish Minister of Social Affairs 1991-1994 and leader of the Liberal Party (Folkpartiet), describes the Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS), puts it in context with other Swedish legislation, and reflects on its societal costs and benefits. The reform utilizes direct payments for freedom of choice, self-determination and personal responsibility and, in this way, differs from traditional Swedish welfare politics where state agencies typically combine the functions of needs assessment, financing, quality control and service provision. Mr Westerberg, who credits the Swedish Independent Living movement for introducing the concept of direct payments for personal assistance to Sweden, succeeded in getting the legislation approved by Parliament during the country's deep economic crisis at the beginning of the 1990's. In Sweden, his personal pride in the legislation he authored is well-known. 
Westerberg, Bengt.  2016.  Personlig Assistans - hotad frihetsreform? PDF icon Personlig-assistans-hotad-frihetsreform.pdf (1.08 MB)
Westerberg, Bengt.  2008.  IL 25 years Documentation - Bengt Westerberg.
Westerberg, Bengt.  2017.  Personlig Assistans – en kritisk granskning av regeringens direktiv till LSS-utredningen 2016. PDF icon Personlig-assistans-rapport-2017.pdf (911.06 KB)
Westerberg, Bengt.  1993.  Den nya handikappreformen för ett jämlikt och värdigt liv.
I: Institutet för Independent Living. 1993. "Hemtjänst i omdaning - möjligheter och decentraliseringens och privatiseringens tid, Dokumentation av STIL-hearing Stockholm 1993." Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Willig Levy, Chava.  1998.  A People's History of the Independent Living Movement.
Chava Willig Levy relates stories from the IL Movement to create a people's history. This mongraph explores human rather than social forces. It looks at who rather than what shaped the IL movement. Internet publication URL:
Wilner, MaryAnn, Wyatt Ann.  1998.  Independence Care System: Managed Care for People with Disabilities.
Målet för Independence Care System är att underlätta för folk med funktionsnedsättning att bo kvar i sina hem, eller åtminstone i en så fri miljö som möjligt, genom att integrera primära, akuta, hem- och samhällsbaserade vårdtjänster på ett utförligt och flexibelt sätt. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Wilner, MaryAnn, Wyatt Ann.  1998.  Independence Care System: Managed Care for People with Disabilities.
The goal of Independence Care System is to enable people with disabilities to remain at home or in the least restrictive setting possible by integrating the full range of primary care, acute care, and home and community-based services in a comprehensive, flexible manner. Internet publication URL:
Wolbring, Gregor.  1998.  Why Disability Rights Movements Do Not Support Euthanasia: Safeguards Broken Beyond Repair.
We believe that euthanasia is another technique to free society of disabled people and another expression of the ableism in western societies. Internet publication URL:
Wolbring, Gregor.  1999.  Science and Society - Critical Comments on the 1999 World Conference on Science, Budapest, Hungary.
Gregor Wolbring, biochemist and scientific advisor to the Thalidomide Society of Canada, reports on the 1999 World Conference on Science, Budapest, Hungary from the perspective of a person with a disability. Internet publication URL:
Wolinsky, Sid.  1991.  From an American legal practitioner's viewpoint.
Internet publication URL:
