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Miles, M.  1982.  Anledningen till varför Asien avvisar råd gällande funktionsnedsättning från väst.
Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  1982.  Why Asia Rejects Western Disability Advice.
This paper reviews psycho-social and religious factors, professional motivations and political inequalities, that have prevented any widespread adoption of "community-based rehabilitation" by Asian governments. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  1987.  Vocational Rehabilitation: Barefoot Realities in North West Pakistan.
A project was developed at Peshawar, Pakistan, for learning the components and processes of making cheap, basic items of everyday life and offering these to disabled young people as small-scale crafts to practise at home and to sell locally. The crafts are economically marginal, with earnings insufficient for self-support, yet they can make a financial contribution to the family budget. This changes the disabled person's role and can lift self-esteem and initiate improved attitudes, while remaining within local capacities and ecology. An earlier version of this paper appeared in the African Rehabilitation Journal (1987) Vol. 2 (10) 13-14. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  1988.  The Blind Afghan Child.
A young Afghan who was born blind in a remote village tells of his childhood and how he gained the skills to take part in community life and later to earn his living in a town. Internet publication URL:
Maxa, Miloslav.  1991.  Access legislation in the Czech Republic.
Internet publication URL:  
Maxa, Miloslav.  1991.  Barriers in the built environment: The problems of barrier removal in the Czech Republic.
Internet publication URL:  
Miles-Paul, Ottmar, Frehse Uwe.  1991.  Creating a political alliance for anti-discrimination legislation in Germany.
Internet publication URL:  
Milner, Joanne, Urquhart Dennis, Cox David.  1991.  Universal design and designer awareness: The constraints of architectural education.
Internet publication URL:  
Masutha, Michael.  1992.  Access legislation and enforcement mechanisms.
Internet publication URL:  
Masemene, Moses.  1992.  Constitutionalism and access legislation.
CIB W84 Report Harare: Access Design and Legislation, 1992. Constitutions enshrine fundamental human rights, therefore disability rights denote access to fundamental human rights as we who have disabilities have got to enjoy the same rights as other people. Internet publication URL:
Nzioki, Nicky, Maganjo Agnes, Kariuki Catherine.  1992.  A review of current accessibility legislation in Kenya.
Internet publication URL:
Finkelstein, Vic, Morrison Elspeth.  1993.  Broken Arts And Cultural Repair: The Role Of Culture In The Empowerment Of Disabled People.
A discussion of how human beings come together in groups to confirm their identity and how disability arts and culture enable people with disabilities to find their way into mainstream culture. Morrison, former editor of Disability Arts in London magazine, is freelance writer, theatre director, and author of the Independent Theatre Council's book on Theatre Practice and Disability. Finkelstein, a psychologist by training, was tutor in Disability Studies at the Open University, now Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Disability Studies, Leeds University. Both authors have a disability. Internet publication URL:
Ministry of Social Affairs, Sweden.  1993.  Gesetz zum Assistenzbudget.
("Assistansersättning" - "Compensation for Assistance.") Ursprünglicher Gesetzestext von 1993, der einen bestimmten Personenkreis zu Geldleistungen für persönliche Assistenz von der schwedischen Sozialversicherung berechtigt.Das Gesetz wurde seit seinem Inkrafttreten am 1.1. 1994 mehrmals abeändert, was Einschränkungen aber auch vereinzelte Verbesserungen für Assistenznehmer mit sich führte. (Für die Qualität der Ü bersetzung ist das schwedische Sozialministerium und nicht das Independent Living Institute verantwortlich.) Internet publication URL: (In German.)
Miles, M.  1994.  What is Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)?
This paper tells why CBR is needed, and why there are many different views about what CBR is and how it should be done. It was written for the International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicap (now "Inclusion International"). It uses language that is easy to read. Internet publication URL:
Mattson Prince, Jane, Manley Scott M, Whiteneck Gale G.  1995.  Self-Managed Versus Agency-Provided Personal Assistance Care for Individuals With High Level Tetraplegia.
Internet publication URL:  
Mattson Prince, Jane, Manley Scott M, Whiteneck Gale G.  1995.  Self-Managed Versus Agency-Provided Personal Assistance Care for Individuals With High Level Tetraplegia.
Internet publication URL:  
Mattson Prince, Jane, Manley M, Whiteneck Gale G.  1995.  Självstyrd gentemot förmedlad personlig assistans för individer med högt sittande tetraplegi.
Forskningssammandrag: Att, inom en begränsad befolkningsgrupp som består av människor med omfattande funktionsnedsättningar fastställa huruvida å ena sidan användandet av förmedlad vårdpersonal och å andra sidan personligt anställda, tränade, och betalda assistenter korrelerar med upplevelsen av förbättrad livskvalité och hälsotillstånd samt lägre kostnader. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish)
Mattson Prince, Jane, Manley M, Whiteneck Gale G.  1995.  Självstyrd gentemot förmedlad personlig assistans för individer med högt sittande tetraplegi.
Forskningssammandrag: Att, inom en begränsad befolkningsgrupp som består av människor med omfattande funktionsnedsättningar fastställa huruvida å ena sidan användandet av förmedlad vårdpersonal och å andra sidan personligt anställda, tränade, och betalda assistenter korrelerar med upplevelsen av förbättrad livskvalité och hälsotillstånd samt lägre kostnader. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish)
McLaren, Pam, Philpott Sue, Hlophe Richard.  1996.  Do 'assistive devices' really assist disabled people?
Assistive devices ensure that people with disabilities are active in society. But what prevents them from assisting disabled people to be independent? Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Action on Disability Policy, A Global Survey.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of Disabled Peoples' International - DPI.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of World Federation of the Deaf - WFD.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of Inclusion International (ILSMH).
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of Rehabilitation International - RI.
Internet publication URL:
Michailakis, Dimitris.  1997.  Government Implementation of the Standard Rules As Seen By Member Organizations of World Blind Union - WBU.
Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  1997.  Home Visiting with Mama Kitenge, Community Based Rehabilitation Fieldworker, Tanzania.
A morning in the poorer parts of Dar es Salaam is described, during which Mama Kitenge visits families with children having mental and other disabilities and works with these childen and their caregivers. Internet publication URL:
Mason, Philip.  1998.  Back To Basics - Hampshire Center for Independent Living's Expert Seminar on Independent Living.
Back To Basics: Philip Mason's keynote speech at the expert seminar organized by the Hampshire CIL in Southampton, May 30 -31, 1998.
Mahoney, K J, Simon-Rusinowitz L, Desmond S M, Shoop D M, Squillace M R, Fay R A.  1998.  Determining Consumers' Preferences for a Cash Option: New York Survey Findings.
The purpose of this article is to present findings from a telephone survey conducted in New York to assess consumers' preliminary interest in the cash option when compared to traditional services. Internet publication URLs:
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Montero, Federico.  1998.  Human Rights and Organisations of Disabled Persons in Costa Rica.
Despite positive changes in Costa Rica's social policies, disabled people still are denied certain rights to participate in all aspects of society. Internet publication URL:
Majiet, Shanaaz.  1998.  Human Rights from Disabled Peoples' Perspective in Africa.
Shanaaz Majiet speaks on human rights and disability from the perspective of the African continent. Internet publication URL:
Montero, Federico.  1998.  Legislation on Disability: The Costa Rican Experience.
Despite the country's relative good respect for human rights and our democratic system, disabled people still do not enjoy equal rights and participation in all aspects of society. Among the factors that prevent disabled people from full citizenship are negative attitudes against disability. Internet publication URL:
Iglesias, M, Gil G, Joneken A, Mickler B, Knudsen J S.  1998.  Violence and Disabled Women.
The report describes the situation of women with disabilities who are abused, analyzes various types of violence, describes general policies combatting violence against women with disabilities in Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Spain, and offers policy recommendations. It was carried out under the METIS project, European Unión DAPHNE initiativ. Internet publication URLs: (In English) and and (In Spanish).
Miles, M, Hossain Farhad.  1999.  Rights and Disabilities in Educational Provisions in Pakistan and Bangladesh: Roots, Rhetoric, Reality.
Educational opportunities for children with disabilities in Pakistan and Bangladesh are seen in the context of the countries' religious, cultural and economic development. The relevance of Western concepts such as "human rights", "inclusion" and "empowerment" is critically examined. Internet publication URL:
Mates, Barbara T.  2000.  Adaptive Technology for the Internet: Making Electronic Resources Accessible to All - The Online Version.
American Library Association. ISBN 0-8389-0752-0. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2000.  Blind People Handling Their Own Fate.
Accounts of earlier social responses to blind people particularly in Japan, and to some extent in China, indicate a measure of both group and individual autonomy within reserved and valued occupations, ostensibly reflecting a status model more 'normal' than blind people enjoyed in much of European history. (Excerpt From: M. Miles (2000) Disability on a Different Model: Glimpses of an Asian Heritage.) Internet publication URL:
Mohit, Anuradha, Rungta S K.  2000.  Preliminary ideas and procedures for ensuring systematic international collection of information.
In: "Let the World Know - Report of a Seminar on Human Rights and Disability Held at Almåsa Conference Centre, Stockholm, Sweden, November 5-9, 2000." Pre-paper 7. Internet publication URL: In Internet publication URLs: and
Miles, M.  2000.  Signing in the Seraglio: mutes, dwarfs and jestures at the Ottoman Court 1500 - 1700.
Deaf people, known as 'mutes', worked in the Turkish Ottoman court from the fifteenth to the twentieth century in various roles along with dwarfs and other entertainers. Their signing system became popular, was used regularly by hearing people including successive Sultans, and was reportedly capable of expressing ideas of whatever complexity. Internet publication URL:
Maine CITE Coordinating Center.  2000.  Universal Design: Maine's Opportunity To Lead the Way To Information Access For Everyone.
In September 1997, leaders from Maine State government, business, education, and the non-profit community gathered for the Conference, Maximizing Economic Potential. The Conference looked at how government and education can lead the way in ensuring that information technologies accommodate differing needs and provide access for everyone. This report is the outcome of that effort. Internet publication URL:
McLaughlin, Dara.  2001.  Culture and Identity.
Miles, M.  2001.  Models of Rehabilitation and Evidence of Their Effectiveness: Production & Movements of Disability Knowledge, Skill & Design Within the Cultures and Concepts of Southern Africa.
Starting with a disabled person in Mozambique in the 1590s, and a projection of future disability services when knowledge and skills are widely disseminated and rehabilitation professionals are no longer needed, this paper looks more closely at the knowledge and skills available among disabled people and their families and communities in Southern Africa. These factors need to be pooled, refined and tested so that services become rooted in African cultures and respond more appropriately to people's self-perceived needs. Internet publication URLs: and
Duyvendak, J W, Melief W B A M.  2001.  Pioneering Personal Assistance in Slovenia: An Evaluation of the YHD Pilot Project on Personal Assistance in Slovenia.
YHD-Association for Theory and Culture of Disability, an organization run by and for people with disabilities and subscribing to the Independent Living philosophy, started a pilot project in Ljubljana with personal assistance for deinstitutionalization and equal opportunities of assistance users. Internet publication URLs: and
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Miles, M.  2002.  Community and Individual Responses to Disablement in South Asian Histories: Old Traditions, New Myths?
Documented histories of South Asian societies provide evidence that disabled people played various roles in their families and communities, sometimes with a good deal of independence. The commonest responses have been top-down, charitable or restrictive; yet some evidence challenges the stereotypes and suggests that disablement historically evoked a wider range of responses and initiative. Internet publication URL:
Malinga, Joshua T.  2003.  The African View of Independent Living.
Joshua T. Malinga, Secretary General, Pan African Federation of the Disabled (PAFOD), and Past World Chairperson, Disabled Peoples' International (DPI) gives an overview of Indepedent Living in Africa. He concludes that, "Independent Living in Africa is basically in theory form and is still in its rudimental stages due to a number of factors." Internet publication URL: In the forthcoming English version of: Alonso, J. Vidal Garcia. 2003. "El Movimiento de Vida Independiente, Experiencias Internacionales." ("The Independent Living Movement: International Experiences.") Internet publication URL: (In Spanish).
Martinez, Kathy.  2003.  Independent Living in the U.S. & Canada.
Kathy Martinez is International Director and Deputy Director of the World Institute on Disability, Oakland, USA. She gives an overview of events in the U.S. and Canada that made the independent living movement possible. She also covers the basic philosophy of the U.S. IL movement, as well as emerging issues and trends that challenge the IL movement. Internet publication URL: In the forthcoming English version of: Alonso, J. Vidal Garcia. 2003. "El Movimiento de Vida Independiente, Experiencias Internacionales." ("The Independent Living Movement: International Experiences.") Internet publication URL: (In Spanish).
Macfarlane, Ann.  2003.  Older People and Direct Payments.
Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003. "Older People and Direct Payments." Includes: Older People & Legislation on Assessment & Direct Payments, Summary of the legal provisions, by Ann Macfarlane MBE, March 2003. Internet publication URL:
Martinez, Kathy, Duncan Barbara.  2003.  The Road to Independent Living in the USA: an historical perspective and contemporary challenges.
The authors (Kathleen Martinez, US National Council on Disability member and Deputy Director, World Institute on Disability, and Barbara Duncan, former Rehabilitation International information officer, DisabilityWorld co-editor) highlight the events and leaders that made the birth of the independent living movement possible. Also included are some basic philosophical tenets and assumptions that have guided the U.S. IL movement, as well as some observations regarding emerging issues and trends. Reprinted form "Disability World, A bimonthly web-zine of international disability news and views," Issue no. 20 September-October 2003. Internet publication URLs: and
Miles, M.  2003.  Segregated We Stand? The Mutilated Greeks' Debate at Persepolis, 330 BC
Probably the world's earliest recorded policy debate among a large group ofdisabled people. Also the first time a ruler changed his mind in response towhat they actually asked for. First published in Disability & Society 18 (7):865-79. Reproduced with permission of Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis,and with some revision. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2005.  Deaf People Living and Communicating in African Histories, c. 960s - 1960s.
New, much extended Version 5.01, incorporating an article first published in Disability & Society vol. 19, pp. 531-45; August 2004, titled then "Locating deaf people, gesture and sign in African histories, 1450s-1950s". The latter material is republished with permission of Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis. Visits 100 deaf people in 42 nations, across 1000 years of African history. From servants and schoolchildren to scientists, soldiers and statesmen, using every possible means of communication. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2005.  Martin Luther and Childhood Disability in 16th Century Germany: What did he write? What did he say?
Revised and extended version of a paper that was first published with copyright by The Haworth Press, Inc., Binghampton, NY 13904-1580, in the Journal of Religion, Disability & Health (2001), vol. 5 (4) pp. 5-36, and is here reproduced with permission. Martin Luther’s ideas and theological writings on deaf or disabled children and adults, and his personal and practical experiences in this field are shown. Textual evidence gives a different picture from what is commonly believed, and is interesting both for Luther’s own times and the modern world. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2006.  Children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus in Africa: can medical, family and community resources improve the life chances?
This much extended and revised article incorporates material from: M. Miles (2002) Children with hydrocephalus and spina bifida in East Africa: can family and community resources improve the odds? Disability & Society 17: 643-658, Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis. (The latter material is republished with permission.) The revised article concerns social responses to children with hydrocephalus and spina bifida in African countries, and the historical development of ways in which various resources have been used to improve their life chances, and overcome the disabling effects of these conditions. Internet publication URLs: and (239 KB).
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Miles, M.  2006.  Signs of Development in Deaf South & South-West Asia: histories, cultural identities, resistance to cultural imperialism.
First published in 2001, this revised article extended and updated 2006-04 offers evidence and hypotheses for a short cultural history of deaf people, culture and sign language in South Asia and South West Asia, using documents from antiquity through 2005. A new appendix shows 110 items on deafness and sign language in the Arab countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and South West Asia. This is a further revised, extended and updated version of a chapter first published in: Alison Callaway (ed) Deafness and Development, University of Bristol, Centre for Deaf Studies, 2001. It is here republished with kind permission. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2006.  Social Responses to Disability & Poverty in Economically Weaker Countries. Research, Trends, Critique, and Lessons Usually Not Learnt. Annotated bibliography of modern and historical material.
The author introduces 250 articles and books showing social responses to disability and poverty in two-thirds of the world now and in history, with critical notes. He commends some intelligent approaches in the face of complexity and challenges simplistic slogans and official blah-blah. [An earlier version of the “Modern Materials” section first appeared in DisabilityWorld (Dec.05 - Jan.06), and is reproduced by kind permission, with revision and extension.] Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2007.  Disability and Deafness in East Asia: Social and Educational Responses, from Antiquity to Recent Times. A bibliography of European-language materials with introduction and some annotation. Revised Version 4.0, August 2007.
The bibliography introduces and lists 900 articles, chapters and books connected with social and educational responses to disability, deafness and mental disorders in China, Korea and Japan, from antiquity to 2007, some with annotation. (This work revises and greatly extends an earlier bibliography on the former History of Education website at the Catholic University of Nijmegen). Internet publication URLs: and
Miles, M.  2007.  Disability and Deafness, in the context of Religion, Spirituality, Belief and Morality, in Middle Eastern, South Asian and East Asian Histories and Cultures: annotated bibliography.
The bibliography introduces and annotates materials pertinent to disability, mental disorders and deafness, in the context of religious belief and practice in the Middle East, South Asia and East Asia. Internet publication URLs: and
Miles, Christine.  2007.  Imran's Djinn, and Theories of Epilepsy.
This article and the review comment were first published in “EPICADEC News” (from the Foundation Epilepsy Care Developing Countries, Leiden), October 2000, pp. 9-10, titled “Imran’s Djinn”. They are here reproduced with permission, after slight revision. The article concerns an Asian boy living in UK. His family had trouble using the health services, because of different concepts of Imran’s illness. One of Imran’s teachers met the family half way, respecting their beliefs and giving them time to digest a different approach to epilepsy and its treatment. A scientific reviewer comments on the story. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2007.  International Strategies for Disability-related Work in Developing Countries: historical, modern and critical reflections.
Revised version of a paper first published in the Zeitschrift Behinderung und Dritte Welt, 3/2003, pp. 96-106, and here reproduced with permission. International strategies concerned with disability in developing and transitional countries (DTC) are scrutinised critically, with an historical focus on beneficial traditions and practices in Asia and Africa, attesting the variety and complexity of social responses to disability. Internet publication URLs: and (112 KB).
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Miles, M.  2007.  Parents of Deaf Afghan Children -- On The Air.
In these short scripts from a radio series, Afghan parents and a counsellor discuss issues of raising their deaf child in a rural area of Afghanistan, and several ways in which they can assist her in learning to communicate. An explanatory note follows, on the origin and purpose of the radio series. [Earlier versions of these scripts were circulated in 1984, 1986 and 1988, from the Mental Health Centre Peshawar, Pakistan.] Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2007.  Review - Epileptic Graphic.
Review of “Epileptic” by “David B.”, a remarkably frank account, in graphics and cartoon strip, of childhood and adulthood with an older brother having epilepsy, and a family doing the tour of cures in France of the 1960s and 1970s. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2008.  Glimpses of Disability in the Literature and Cultures of East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East & Africa. A modern and historical bibliography, with some annotation.
This annotated bibliography lists a selection of 130 novels, short stories, biographies, autobiographies, materials from philosophy, anthropology and folklore, and literary criticism, in which disability, deafness or mental disorders play some significant part, from East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and Africa, available mostly in English or French. Internet publication URLs: and
Miles, M.  2008.  HITTITE DEAF MEN IN THE 13th CENTURY BC: introductory notes with annotated bibliography.
The article introduces bibliographical evidence on deaf men working in palaces and temples of the Hittite Kingdom in Anatolia (now Turkey) during the 13th century BC, with further notes on signing and deaf people's activities in the ancient and medieval Middle East. With some additions and revision September 2009. Internet publication URLs: and
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Miles, M.  2010.  THE CHUAS OF SHAH DAULAH AT GUJRAT, PAKISTAN: Evidence, Historical Background and Development, with Bibliography 1839-2009.
[This article cites and quotes historical materials first collected in: M. Miles (1996) Pakistan's microcephalic chuas of Shah Daulah: cursed, clamped or cherished? History of Psychiatry 7: 571-589, from Taylor & Francis,] Evidence on microcephalic children (chuas) at the shrine, and how some of them developed a capacity for independent living. Internet publication URL:
Miles, M.  2011.  Blind and Sighted Pioneer Teachers in 19th Century China and India (revised edition).
This article introduces blind and sighted men and women who developed education and employment for blind people in China and in India from the 1830s onward, and whose pioneering efforts have disappeared from later accounts of blind people's history. This revised and much extended online version is published in April 2011: and
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