Med Lagen som Verktyg

The Austrian Long-term Care Insurance

Brozek, Dorothea.  2004.  The Austrian Long-term Care Insurance.


In German


Legal and financial basis

The legal basis for the Austrian long-term care benefit is the Federal Act for long-term care benefit that was introduced in 1993. The expressed purpose of this legislation is as follows: “The long-term care benefit aims at compensating additional expenditure due to long-term care in the form of a flat-rate cash benefit to ensure as far as possible necessary attendance and support for persons with need for care and to improve their possibility to live an independent life according to their needs.” (§1)

Personal Assistance in Sweden

Berg, Susanne.  2003.  Personal Assistance in Sweden.


by Susanne Berg, Independent Living Institute


Let me start by thanking you all for inviting me here today.

During the last two decades of my life I have had assistance with almost all of the everyday activities “common man” does without thinking. I have spent months in hospital and rehabilitation units. I have lived in a flat connected to a service central allowing me some modicum of privacy and integrity. I have had the doubtful privilege of meeting the fifty or so personal of the “night patrol” taking turns to visit me. And since 1994 I have had personal assistance through direct payments.

Independent Living and some Italian Experiences

Belli, Raffaello.  2003.  Independent Living and some Italian Experiences.

by Raffaello Belli, 2003-03,
Presented at the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) conference in Southampton, England, 7-9 March 2003

(Another presentation at the conference: Rajkov, Gordana. 2003. "Inependent Living and Yugoslav Experience.")

Negative attitudes

There had been many negative attitudes towards direct payments in Italy. One of the reasons is attributed to the opposition of powerful organizations who run big institutions. Furthermore many people expect the authorities to solve any of their problems.

Disability, the organization of work, and the need for change

Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Disability, the organization of work, and the need for change.

Colin Barnes
Professor of Disability Studies
Centre for Disability Studies
Department of Sociology and Social Policy
The University of Leeds

(Statement presented to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Conference ‘Transforming Disability Into Ability’, March 6th 2003.)

Tenerife Declaration - Promote Independent Living - End Discrimination against Disabled People

1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Tenerife Declaration - Promote Independent Living - End Discrimination against Disabled People.

In Italian | In Spanish

We, four hundred participants from many European countries gathered at the 1st European Congress on Independent Living, held in Tenerife in the framework of the 2003 European Year for Disabled People, urge that the Canary Islands’ and Spanish Governments take the lead in advocating for the implementation of this Declaration in European Union policy, specifically in the work for the upcoming Non Discrimination Directive on Disability, and the European Action Plan on Disability.

Principles of Independent Living

The Rough Guide to Managing Personal Assistants

Vasey, Sean.  2000.  The Rough Guide to Managing Personal Assistants.
"Having PAs enabled me to find out who I am and now enables me to be who I am." If you are a disabled person and about to start receiving a Direct Payment to employ your own personal assistants (PAs), this book aims to give you a flavour of what it is like; the joys and the challenges. This book covers recruitment, managing, using PAs in social situations and at work, and dealing with problems. Put together by Sian Vasey with cartoons by David Shenton.

A Healthy Dissension

Stone, Karen.  2000.  A Healthy Dissension.


by Karen Stone

På svenska


photo of K. Stone

Born and raised in San Francisco, Karen Stone, now 53, studied photography, and later obtained a B.A. in Communications from Antioch College. She then worked as a professional photographer for over twelve years in California. Later, upon entering the marketing field, Ms. Stone made use of her photography, writing, and business skills. After relocating to Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA), she worked in marketing architectural/engineering services until slowed down by Multiple Sclerosis.


Pressmeddelande 2001-09-17, Taxi för alla - rärlighet åt personer med omfattande funktionshinder

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2001.  Pressmeddelande 2001-09-17, Taxi för alla - rärlighet åt personer med omfattande funktionshinder.

Taxi för alla | Framtidsvision | Faktaruta | Pressarkiv | Taxi site översikt

Människor, som sitter kvar i sina rullstolar under resan, har varit helt beroende av färdtjänstbussar för sina förflyttningar. Fr o m idag kan ett hundratal stockholmsbor med tillstånd för färdtjänstbuss, som deltar i projektet "Taxi för alla", ringa till tre taxiväxlar och begära en rullstolanpassad taxibil. Därmed förväntas resenärernas rörlighet och valfrihet öka kraftigt i jämförelsen med dagens färdtjänstbussar.

Rullstolstaxi – bättre och billigare

de Vylder, Stefan.  2003.  Rullstolstaxi – bättre och billigare.


Det finns mycket som talar för att en övergång från Färdtjänstbuss till Rullstolstaxi skulle

  • föra över administrationskostnader och kostnader för trafikplanering, beställningscentral m.m. från landstinget/skattebetalarna till åkarna;
  • spara pengar åt landstinget, alternativt möjliggöra flera resor till oförändrade kostnader;
  • effektivisera utnyttjandet av såväl fordon som chaufförer;
  • medföra förbättrad service, minskad väntetid och höjd livskvalitet för brukarna.

Den kalkyl som ligger till grund för min uppfattning att Rullstolstaxi är ett kostnadseffektivt, dvs billigare, alternativ till Färdtjänstbuss är baserad på ett ofullständigt dataunderlag, och bör därför tolkas med viss reservation.

Taxi för alla-projektets utvärdering - ekonomisk sammanfattning

de Vylder, Stefan.  2003.  Taxi för alla-projektets utvärdering - ekonomisk sammanfattning.


docent dr Stefan de Vylder, 2003-03

Hela rapporten: PDFPDF, (72 KB), Word format (115 KB)

Projektets målsättning var förbättrad rörlighet och tillgänglighet, och därmed livskvalitet, för funktionshindrade med behov av specialfordon. Vår slutsats är att pilotverksamheten Taxi för Alla (TFA) på ett positivt sätt bidragit till att uppnå detta syfte. De som har ingått i pilotgruppen har ökat sitt resande under försöksperioden – dock ej med lika mycket som man kanske hade haft anledning att förvänta sig.

The Right to Live and be Different

Disabled Peoples' International (DPI) Europe.  2000.  The Right to Live and be Different.

Disabled Peoples' International Europe
11 Belgrave Road, London SW1V 1RB, UK
Tel: +44 207 834 0477 Fax: +44 207 821 9539


På svenska

On 12/13 February 2000, 130 disabled people and parents, delegates from DPI organisations in twenty-seven countries in Europe, African, Australia and North America, met in Solihull, UK to discuss bioethics and human rights. This was the first occasion of its kind and it is with pride that we make the following declaration.

First and foremost we demand:

Nothing about us without us

Rätten att leva och att vara annorlunda

Disabled Peoples International Europe,.  2000.  Rätten att leva och att vara annorlunda.

Disabled Peoples' International Europe
11 Belgrave Road, London SW1V 1RB, UK
Tel: +44 207 834 0477 Fax: +44 207 821 9539

In English


Den 12-13 februari 2000 träffades 130 handikappade människor och föräldrar, ombud från DPI organisationer från tjugosju länder i Europa, Afrika, Australien och Nordamerika i Solihull i England för att diskutera bioetik och mänskliga rättigheter. Det var det första evenemanget av detta slag och med stolthet vill vi tillkännagiva följande:


Facilitated Sexual Expression in the Independent Living Movement in Ireland

Bonnie, Selina.  2002.  Facilitated Sexual Expression in the Independent Living Movement in Ireland.


by Selina Bonnie
The Department of Sociology and Social Policy
The University of Leeds
August 2002

Submitted for the Degree of Masters of Arts in Disability Studies


Are disabled people sexual beings? Should PAs assist their leaders to engage in sexual activity? What are the legal and ethical implications of facilitated sexual expression in the leader/PA relationship?

This paper explores facilitated sexual expression in the Irish Independent Living Movement. The work of respected academics such as Colin Barnes, Jenny Morris, Mike Oliver and Tom Shakespeare, is used to set the experience of disabled people in Ireland, into the context of the wider international disabled peoples movement.

Independent Living, Politics and Implications

Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Independent Living, Politics and Implications.



Conventional Thinking on Disability and the Challenge from Disabled People and their Organisations

Independent Living in the 21st Century




Rehabilitation for Disabled People: a ‘sick’ joke?

Barnes, Colin.  2003.  Rehabilitation for Disabled People: a ‘sick’ joke?

Colin Barnes (Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds, England).

(Penultimate draft of an article submitted for publication in a special issue of the ‘Scandinavian Journal of Research’, Volume 5. 2003).

Korea: Disabled Hope for Infrastructure for Support

Ji-young, Kwon.  2005.  Korea: Disabled Hope for Infrastructure for Support.


Source: The Korea Herald, 2005-05-19

Although the government estimates there are 1.6 million disabled people inKorea and civil activist groups say there are 4.5 million, "Where arethey?" is a question which many ask.

It reflects the isolation in which the disabled live. Despite the apparentinvisibility of the disabled population, however, what is currently going onbehind the scenes is a volatile and compelling movement for a new law to protectdisabled rights.

15 års erfarenhet med personlig assistans och några erfarenheter med peer counselling

Elmén, Bengt.  1987.  15 års erfarenhet med personlig assistans och några erfarenheter med peer counselling. Stiletten, nr. 2, 1987.

Anförande vid stiftelsen solstickans pilotseminar om "meningsfull fritid för gravt handikappade ungdomar," ABF-huset, Stockholm den 26 januari 1987. Från "Stiletten" nr. 2, 1987.

Min första personliga assistant fick jag i samband med att jag skolintegrerades i mellanstadiet. Det innebar för mig att jag först då kunde börja bestämma över mitt eget liv, i varje fall under skoldagen. Dittills hade jag varit beroende av olika institutionella lösningar i form av specialklasser m m vilka för mig inneburit att andra hela tiden hade bestämt vad jag skulle få hjälp med och därmed också hur mitt liv skulle inrättas. Med en personlig assistant kunde jag däremot själv bestämma hur mitt liv skulle gestaltas.

Experiences with Successful Policy for Community-Based Services

Grunewald, Karl.  2005.  Experiences with Successful Policy for Community-Based Services. Europe in Action 2005, Prague May 19 - 21.


A Society Without Institutions

With independent living means that one lives either with one's own family, by oneself or with a small group of people in an ordinary flat or house.

The term institution refers to one or more houses that are separated from their surroundings. In an institution many people live together. They are divided into different units. All special services, such as for example training facilities, and daily activities are a part of the institution.

Close the Institutions for the Intellectually Disabled - Everyone Can Live in the Open Society

Grunewald, Karl.  2003.  Close the Institutions for the Intellectually Disabled - Everyone Can Live in the Open Society. A pamphlet on the European Year of People with Disabilities.

By Karl Grunewald, M.D., Professor,
Vesslev. 12, S-13150 Saltsjo-Duvnas, Sweden.

Former Head of Division for Care of People with Disability,
National Board of Health and Welfare, Stockholm



"All men are born free and equal in dignity and
rights." UN 1948

A society that discriminates its disabled citizens
is a disabled society.

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The user cooperative model in personal assistance: The example of STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1993.  The user cooperative model in personal assistance: The example of STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living.

by Dr. Adolf D. Ratzka
founder and former chairperson of STIL, Stockholm, Sweden


Personal assistance, like no other service, illustrates the key elements of Independent Living. People who need personal assistance have always been made dependent on others for the most basic needs of life such as eating or using the toilet. Given this physical dependency the conclusion was close at hand to consider us as dependent on others also emotionally and intellectually. If you cannot pull up your pants like a small child, you may be treated like a small child in other areas as well. It is no surprise then that the Independent Living philosophy is most easily grasped by people who need personal assistance.

Traditional Swedish Personal Assistance Services

Vi måste lära oss att hävda oss

Abidi, Javed.  1999.  Vi måste lära oss att hävda oss. Disability Awareness in Action Newsletter, nummer 74, juli 1999.

av Javed Abidi, Executive Director,
National Centre for Promotion of Employment of Disabled, i Indien

In English 


Artikeln har tidigare publicerats i Disability Awareness in Action Newsletter, nummer 74, juli 1999.

Javed Abidis ursprungliga artikel från vilken dessa utdrag tagits publicerades ursprungligen i DeepShitha, Spastics Society of Eastern Indias nyhetsblad i december 1998.


We (Disabled People) Must Learn to Exert Ourselves

Abidi, Javed.  1999.  We (Disabled People) Must Learn to Exert Ourselves. Disability Awareness in Action Newsletter no. 74, July 1999.

by Javed Abidi
Executive Director, National Centre for Promotion of Employment of Disabled, India

På svenska

This article appeared in Disability Awareness in Action Newsletter no. 74, July 1999.

Javed Abidi's original article, from which these extracts were taken, were originally published in DeepShitha, the journal of the Spastics Society of Eastern India, in December 1998.

Is Personal Assistance Relevant for Developing Countries?

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2006.  Is Personal Assistance Relevant for Developing Countries?

s Personal Assistance Relevant for Developing Countries?

by:Adolf Ratzka, December 2006

Photo of K. Stone.blank spaceSee Curriculum Vitae.

A Matter of Perception

King, Audrey.  2006.  A Matter of Perception.

photo of Audrey King

Audrey King, M.A., is an internationally known writer, speaker, and advocate on disability issues. A trained rehabilitation psychologist she is the author of two books, Count Me In (1985) and There's Lint in Your Belly Button (1987), both of which focus on integration of persons with disabilities in society. Ms King has been using ventilator, electric wheelchair and personal assistance since 1952.

Company Disability Policy Guidelines and Self-assessment Checklist

[Anonymous].  2005.  Company Disability Policy Guidelines and Self-assessment Checklist.

A company's commitment to diversity in staff, customers or clients is part of its organizational identity. As such it needs to be expressed and displayed in a statement on the company's website. The policy regarding people with disabilities should be a distinct part of the document.

This document is also available in PDF format here.

Checklist for University Disability Information and Self-assessment questions

Independent Living Institute, Sweden.  2005.  Checklist for University Disability Information and Self-assessment questions.


This document is also available in PDF format here.
Your university should have a policy with respect to people with disabilities and information for people with disabilities. Both should be easy to find, informative and accessible. 

Modelo para una Política Nacional de Asistencia Personal

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2004.  Modelo para una Política Nacional de Asistencia Personal.
La política sugerida aquí es diferente, porque está escrita por individuos quienes en sí dependen de la asistencia diaria de otros. El Centro Europeo para la Excelencia en Asistencia Personal (ECEPA) ( está formado por ocho organizaciones asociadas 1, en ocho países europeos, que son operadas y controladas por personas con discapacidad y se especializa en brindar y defender los servicios de asistencia personal para personas con discapacidad. Usando nuestra experiencia combinada con las políticas de asistencia personal, se recopiló una lista de características para una política que promueve la autodeterminación y la ciudadanía completa para las personas con discapacidades extensivas.

The Independent Living Movement in the UK

Evans, John.  2003.  The Independent Living Movement in the UK.
John Evans was one of the founders of Project 81 that marked the beginning of the Independent Living Movement in the UK. Since 1996 he has been the chair of the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL). In this document he gives an overview of the origin of the Independent Living Movement in the UK, it's development and evolution, as well as the current situation (2003).

Vad är Independent Living - en personlig definition

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2003.  Vad är Independent Living - en personlig definition.
photo of bamboo Bamboo, symbol of
strength through resilience.

Independent Living är en filosofi och en internationell rörelse av människor med funktionshinder som arbetar för självbestämmande, lika villkor och självrespekt.

Independent Living betyder inte att vi vill göra allt själv, att vi inte behöver andra människor eller att vi vill leva isolerat.

What is Independent Living - A Personal Definition

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2003.  What is Independent Living - A Personal Definition.
photo of bamboo Bamboo, symbol of
strength through resilience.

Independent Living is a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities who work for self-determination, equal opportunities and self-respect.

Independent Living does not mean that we want to do everything by ourselves and do not need anybody or that we want to live in isolation.

The Craving of the Benevolent

Berg, Susanne.  2003.  The Craving of the Benevolent.

Susanne Berg and her catSusanne Berg has been actively involved in the Swedish disability movement since the mid-1980s. She lectures, writes and speaks on a range of subjects from disability history and awareness to accessibility to the physical environment. Susanne sees column writing as therapy, loves her cat and hates 1111descriptions like this.

 Listening to the angry argument between my Swiss friend and our table neighbour I try to look undisturbed; cool, calm and aloof. They are arguing about me, or rather the right to cut my sausages.

Publish Your Texts Here Free of Charge

Thank you for considering contributing to our virtual library on Independent Living and related themes. Documents published here are often quoted and we do our best to keep them available. We don't move them around either. Sending us a copy of your writing is a good way to have more people read it.


I think I finally made the grade, I've become world's worst on empathy, by Susnnne Berg, June 2002

Berg, Susanne.  2002.  I think I finally made the grade, I've become world's worst on empathy, by Susnnne Berg, June 2002.
Susanne Berg and her catblank spaceSusanne Berg has been actively involved in the Swedish disability movement since the mid-1980s. She lectures, writes and speaks on a range of subjects from disability history and awareness to accessibility to the physical environment. Susanne sees column writing as therapy, loves her cat and hates descriptions like this.



Stone, Karen.  2001.  Ugly.

photo of K. Stoneblank space Everyone in the apartment complex I lived in knew who Ugly was. Ugly was the resident tomcat.

Ugly loved three things in this world: fighting, eating garbage, and shall we say, love. The combination of these things combined with a life spent outside had their effect on Ugly.

Disability issues: organizing community support - Tools for Power

ILRU.  1992.  Disability issues: organizing community support - Tools for Power.

Disability issues: organizing community support

Developing assistants management skills - Tools for Power

Care Support Ideas, HCIL (Hampshire Center for Independent Living).  1992.  Developing assistants management skills - Tools for Power.
With little or no previous experience the disabled person seeking to live independently suddenly finds her/himself thrust into the role of employer. Not surprisingly the effective management skills essential to coping with the day-to-day matter of relating to her/his personal assistant are sometimes absent or under-developed.

Employing your own personal assistant - Tools for Power

GAD's Center for Independent Living.  1989.  Employing your own personal assistant - Tools for Power.
GAD's Center for Independent Living can help. (1993) We have already assisted nearly a dozen people in the employment of their own personal assistants. This really does put you, the disabled person in control. You can decide who to employ, which hours they should work and what they should do. But control brings with it responsibilities and this is where GAD can help.

The Strasbourg Resolutions

European Network on Independent Living(ENIL).  1989.  The Strasbourg Resolutions.
In April 1989, the first European Independent Living Conference was held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. The meeting's theme was Personal Assistant. The conference resulted in the founding of the European Network for Independent Living, ENIL. Here, the resolution adopted at the conference.

An American definition of Independent Living

ILRU.  1992.  An American definition of Independent Living.

An American definition of Independent Living
ILRU at Texas Institute for Rehabilitation


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