
Personal Assistance - What should personal assistance look like?

Mladenov, Teodor.  2023.  Personal Assistance - What should personal assistance look like?

Personal Assistance - What should personal assistance look like?

Teodor Mladenov
Teodor Mladenov, Senior Lecturer at the University of Dundee and Coordinator of ENIL’s Independent Living Research Network


This article is part of a special issue on Personal Assistance (PA) of the Disability Rights Defenders Newsletter published by the Independent Living Institute.

Freedom to choose with whom, where and how you want to live – Deinstitutionalisation (DI) in Sweden

Karlsson, Riitta-Leena, Bolling Jamie.  2022.  Freedom to choose with whom, where and how you want to live – Deinstitutionalisation (DI) in Sweden.
In this publication, Jamie Bolling and Riitta-Leena Karlsson examine what is required to provide persons with disabilities with opportunities to live like others. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and existing Swedish laws, not least the Social Services Act (SoL) and the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS), support this goal. However, as the authors note, the implementation recently has become restrained in a manner that has impaired the possibilities to do so for many.

Friheten att bestämma med vem, var och hur en vill bo – Avinstitutionalisering/Deinstitutionalization (DI) i Sverige

Karlsson, Riitta-Leena, Bolling Jamie.  2022.  Friheten att bestämma med vem, var och hur en vill bo – Avinstitutionalisering/Deinstitutionalization (DI) i Sverige. :88.
I den här skriften redovisar Jamie Bolling och Riitta Leena Karlsson vad som krävs för att personer med funktionsnedsättning ska få möjligheter att leva ett liv som andra. FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning och gällande svenska lagar, inte minst socialtjänstlagen och lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS), ger stöd för det målet, men som de konstaterar så har tillämpningen under senare stramats åt på ett sätt som för många har försämrat förutsättningarna att kunna göra det.

Independent Living – för ett liv med självbestämmande

Bolling, Jamie.  2022.  Independent Living – för ett liv med självbestämmande.

Vad är Independent Living (IL) och vad står det för?
I den här essän berättar  Jamie Bolling, Independent Living Institutes verksamhetsledare och Artikel 19 som verktygs projektledare, historien bakom IL-rörelsen, förklarar begreppen och reder ut vad Independent Living innebär.

The Self-determination Circle - a study circle guide for article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Erdtman, Emil.  2021.  The Self-determination Circle - a study circle guide for article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Material for a study circle concerning human rights in accordance with Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities By Emil Erdtman, 10/09/2019 Revised by Artikel 19 som verktyg, autumn 2020

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities became legally binding for Sweden in 2009. Article 19 of the Convention concerns the right to a life with self-determination within the community.

Germany, Corina Zolle - "A lot of people are afraid to leave their protected environments in institutions"

Westberg, Kenneth.  2016.  Germany, Corina Zolle - "A lot of people are afraid to leave their protected environments in institutions".

In Germany people must pay for personal assistance themselves, until their income and assets are almost exhausted, unless they have insurance cover.  “You can have a maximum of 2600 Euros in assets and retain from your income each month 800 Euros plus enough money to pay your rent.” says Corina Zolle, who has employed her own personal assistants for 20 years. “Compared with Germany, Sweden is a paradise.” She adds.

What role can Independent Living play in a country in economic crisis?

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2015.  What role can Independent Living play in a country in economic crisis?
SYRIZA, the government party in Greece, organized a conference on politics and disability together with the Greek branch of the Independent Living movement in Athens, March 13, 2015. Adolf Ratzka was invited to participate by Skype and talk about the role that Independent Living, especially Personal Assistance, can play in a country in economic crises: benefiting persons with extensive disabilities who today often depend on their families for physical survival and benefiting the national economy by creating employment opportunities and stimulating domestic demand.

Independent Living for people with disabilities: from patient to citizen to customer

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2013.  Independent Living for people with disabilities: from patient to citizen to customer.
Many countries have political priorities and policies that force persons with disabilities into dependency, particularly those who for their survival depend on the practical help from other persons in their daily lives. Direct payments for the purchase of personal assistance services not only constitute an efficient labor market policy instrument that stimulates domestic demand. Direct payments liberate us from dependency on family or residential institutions and enable us to take our rightful place as citizens in a democratic society.

Selbstbestimmung und Atemhilfen Adolf Ratzka Münchner ausserklinischer Intensiv Kongress 8-9 November 2013

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2013.  Selbstbestimmung und Atemhilfen Adolf Ratzka Münchner ausserklinischer Intensiv Kongress 8-9 November 2013.


Impulsreferat von Adolf Ratzka, PhD, Independent Living Institute, Stockholm
6. MAIK Münchner ausserklinischer Intensiv Kongress 8-9 November 2013

Herzlichen Dank  für die Einladung. München ist immer noch wichtig für mich. Hier hat mein Leben mit Behinderung angefangen. Hier, im Jahre 1988, fand auch der erste Kongress über Unterbeatmung im deutschsprachigem Raum statt, an dem ich Tagungsvorsitzender war. Für meine Frau und mich ein wichtiges Ereignis, weil wir im Anschluss an die Tagung, unsere Hochzeit im Englischen Garten feierten.

IL 25 år dokumentation - Kalle Könkkölä

Könkkölä, Kalle.  2008.  IL 25 år dokumentation - Kalle Könkkölä.

25 år av Independent Living i Sverige

Panel: Independent Living utomlands - internationella perspektiv,
anförande av Kalle Könkkölä 08.11.28

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