
Hungerstrejk för personlig assistans i Frankrike

Abadia, Regine, Sallem Ryadh.  2005.  Hungerstrejk för personlig assistans i Frankrike.

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Regine Abadia och Ryadh Sallem


I åratal fick Marcel Nuss kämpa för sin rätt att leva som andra, ute i samhället istället för att vara inlåst på institution. Han fick kämpa därför att han har ett funktionshinder och använder ventilator dygnet runt, han fick kämpa för att han behöver personlig assistans  - och för att han är bosatt i Frankrike där människor med dessa behov inte anses kapabla att leva utanför sjukhusliknande anstalter.

A Matter of Perception

King, Audrey.  2006.  A Matter of Perception.

photo of Audrey King

Audrey King, M.A., is an internationally known writer, speaker, and advocate on disability issues. A trained rehabilitation psychologist she is the author of two books, Count Me In (1985) and There's Lint in Your Belly Button (1987), both of which focus on integration of persons with disabilities in society. Ms King has been using ventilator, electric wheelchair and personal assistance since 1952.

Supporting families in keeping disabled family members at home: Swedish policy instruments

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1995.  Supporting families in keeping disabled family members at home: Swedish policy instruments.

In most countries the importance of the family as a form of social insurance is declining. As the extended family gradually disappears with industrialization and the labor market's demands on geographical mobility, as divorce rates go up and single parents become increasingly common, the ability of the family to provide mutual aid in everyday life is diminishing. One of the results is that families have fewer resources left for members with special needs such as disabled children or old parents. If there is no place for these groups in the family, where can they turn to?


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