Med Lagen som Verktyg

Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2021

Indpendent Living Institute.  2022.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2021.

Independent Living Institute (ILI) arbetar för att främja möjligheterna för människor med funktionsnedsättning till mer personlig och politisk makt, självbestämmande, full delaktighet och jämlikhet genom information, utbildning, opinionsbildning och projektverksamhet. Under 2021 verkade ILI via flera projekt för att uppnå sina mål och visioner som beskrivs i detta dokument. Alla större projekt har egna webbsidor, facebooksidor och ger ut nyhetsbrev. 

Årsberättelsens struktur är som följer: 1) projektverksamhet, 2) övrigt om verksamheten och institutet inkl. förteckningar över evenemang, nyhetsartiklar, remissvar m.m. som genomförts/ producerats under året samt personal, styrelse och finansiering.

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Independent Living – för ett liv med självbestämmande

Bolling, Jamie.  2022.  Independent Living – för ett liv med självbestämmande.

Vad är Independent Living (IL) och vad står det för?
I den här essän berättar  Jamie Bolling, Independent Living Institutes verksamhetsledare och Artikel 19 som verktygs projektledare, historien bakom IL-rörelsen, förklarar begreppen och reder ut vad Independent Living innebär.

Ayuda para vivir antes que para morir

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Ayuda para vivir antes que para morir.


Sólo en Suecia, más de 16.000 personas perdieron la vida en la pandemia. Sin embargo, el suicidio asistido para personas con extensas discapacidades y enfermedades terminales es el debate actual. Llevo más de 60 años viviendo con un respirador. Amo mi vida. ¡No dejes que otras personas determinen si tu vida merece la pena ser vivida!

Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!.


In Schweden haben bisher über 16000 Menschen ihr Leben durch die Pandemie verloren. Dennoch wird hier zur Zeit die Beihilfe zum Suizid für Menschen mit umfassenden Behinderungen und unheilbaren Krankheiten debattiert.
Ich lebe seit über 60 Jahren mit einem Beatmungsgerät. Ich liebe mein Leben.
Lasst nicht andere darüber entscheiden, ob euer Leben lebenswert ist!

Help to live before help to die!

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Help to live before help to die!.


In Sweden alone, over 16,000 people lost their lives in the pandemic. Yet assisted suicide for people with extensive disabilities and terminal diseases is the current debate. I've been living with a respirator for over 60 years. I love my life. Let not other people determine whether your life is worth living!

Help to live before help to die!

Björn Natthiko Lindeblad, the former business leader, Buddhist monk, author and lecturer who was diagnosed with ALS, was in the media spotlight when he chose to end his life on January 17. The debate has been about the right of persons with terminal illnesses and severe limitations to end their lives. But what right do we have to help and life-sustaining treatment to live with terminal illnesses and severe limitations?

Låt livshjälp gå före dödshjälp

Dr., Ratzka Adolf;.  2022.  Låt livshjälp gå före dödshjälp.


Denna skrivelse publicerades först i  en debattartikel i Sydsvenskan.

Björn Natthiko Lindeblad, den tidigare företagsledaren, buddistmunken och föreläsaren som diagnostiserades med ALS, har fått stor uppmärksamhet efter att han valde att avsluta sitt liv.

Debatten handlar om att människor med obotliga sjukdomar och stora begränsningar ska ha rätten till att avsluta sina liv. Men en annan viktig fråga är vilken rätt man har till hjälp och livsuppehållande behandling för att kunna leva med obotliga sjukdomar och stora begränsningar.

ENIL Job Opportunity: Policy Coordinator

The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) is looking for a full time Policy Coordinator for its Brussels office, with a starting date as soon as possible. The Policy Coordinator will be responsible for planning and implementing ENIL’s advocacy strategy at the European and international level.  Apply by 6 February 2022

Meeting of the Disability Rights Defenders Nordic network on February 2, 2022

Come to the Meeting of the Disability Rights Defenders Nordic network on February 2, 2022 – Time: 13:00 – 16:00 CET

This meeting is a follow up from the Nordic network meeting in November 2020. Representation is confirmed from Estonia, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

On the agenda:

  • our work with the CRPD,
  • our work with personal assistance, obstacles and cooperation going forward.

Please confirm attendance to me by January 22, 2022 – . Welcome!

Disability Rights Defenders Newsletter December 2021


This Disability Defenders Network Newsletter is dedicated to Kapka Panayotova

 Jamie Bolling 


Missa inte seminarium om - Demokrati + trygghetssystem = sant? Måndag 6 december 2021

När: Måndag 6 december 2021 12:30 - 13:30 G4MR Dagarna 6-7 december 2021

Plats: MR-dagarna i Göteborg. Den 6-7 december 2021 arrangeras Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna för tredje gången i Göteborg

Arrangör: Independent Living Institute och projektet – Artikel 19 som verktyg


Internship in Independent Living Center in Stockholm, 2021, Mabel Giraldo

Giraldo, Mabel.  2021.  Internship in Independent Living Center in Stockholm, 2021, Mabel Giraldo.

Mabel Giraldo
University of Bergamo, Italy

October-November 2021

Mabel GiraldoMy name is Mabel Giraldo. I'm a PhD and research fellow at University of Bergamo in Italy, Department of Human and Social Sciences.

From October 11th to November 14th 2021, I was hosted by the Stockholm University at the Department of Special Education as visiting researcher, related to “Outgoing Visiting Fellowship” (grant) under the “STaRs Program (Supporting Talented Researchers) - action 2, 2020” of University of Bergamo.

ILI congratulates ULOBA on their 30th anniversary.

Den sorgliga nyheten om förlusten av en våra mest betydelsefulla medkämpar Kapka Panayotova

Independent Living Institute är ledsen att meddela den sorgliga nyheten om förlusten av en av våra mest betydelsefulla medkämpar i vår rörelse – Kapka Panayotova från Sofia, Bulgarien. Hon är som min syster, tillsammans har vi delat gemensamma projekt och kampen för Independent Living sedan 1998. Vi har delat engagemanget, frustrationer och roliga stunder som drivit oss att fortsätta kämpa för jämlikhet tillsammans. Det är en sorglig och grym verklighet hur liv och död, glädje och sorg, går hand i hand, säger Jamie Bolling.

The sad news of the loss of one of our important fellow activists Kapka Panayotova

The Independent Living Institute is sorry to share the sad news of the loss of one of our important fellow activists in our movement – that of Kapka Panayotova from Sofia, Bulgaria. She is like my sister, having shared projects and the fight for Independent Living since 1998. We shared our commitment, our frustrations and fun moments allowing us to continue the battle for equality together. It is sad and a cruel reality how life and death go hand in hand, happiness and sorrow, says Jamie Bolling. I will miss Kapka and her power, giving us all strength and support in the work that we do.

Internship in Independent Living Center in Stockholm

Komanická, Daniela.  2021.  Internship in Independent Living Center in Stockholm.

(Daniela Komanická)
Stockholm 21st September 2021
Daniela Komanická

Joint ILI and UNHCR initiative to empower refugees with disability in Sweden


ili logo      UNHCR logo

Remissvar över betänkandet SOU 2021:37 Stärkt rätt till personlig assistans

Independent Living Institute, Sweden.  2021.  Remissvar över betänkandet SOU 2021:37 Stärkt rätt till personlig assistans.

1 oktober 2021

Till: Socialdepartementet

Diarienummer: S2021/04587

Vår kontaktperson: Jamie Bolling,

Remissinstans: Independent Living Institute

Independent Living Institute (ILI) är en ideell tankesmedja och projektplattform inom medborgarrättsrörelsen Independent Living av personer med funktionsnedsättning. Våra grundläggande principer är självbestämmande, självrespekt och empowerment (bemäktigande och bemyndigande). Vi lämnar här vårt remissvar på betänkandet SOU 2021:37 Stärkt rätt till personlig assistans.

Narrative Report ‘Disability Rights Defenders’/ ‘IL Nordic Network’ September 2020 – June 2021

Independent Living Institute.  2021.  Narrative Report ‘Disability Rights Defenders’/ ‘IL Nordic Network’ September 2020 – June 2021.


Disability Rights Defenders (DRD) / ‘IL Nordic Network’ is a project of Independent Living Institute (ILI)[1]. This report summarizes the activities, results and outcome of DRD from September 2020 to June 2021.

The Self-determination Circle - a study circle guide for article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Erdtman, Emil.  2021.  The Self-determination Circle - a study circle guide for article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Material for a study circle concerning human rights in accordance with Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities By Emil Erdtman, 10/09/2019 Revised by Artikel 19 som verktyg, autumn 2020

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities became legally binding for Sweden in 2009. Article 19 of the Convention concerns the right to a life with self-determination within the community.

Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2020

Independent Living Institute.  2021.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2020.


Independent Living Institute (ILI) works to promote opportunities for individuals with disabilities for more personal and political power, self-determination, full participation and equality through information, education, lobby and project activities. During 2020, ILI carried out several projects to reach its goals and visions which are described in this document. All the projects have their own webpage, Facebook-page and publish newsletters.

The structure of this annual report is as follows:

Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2020

Independent Living Institute.  2021.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2020.


Independent Living Institute (ILI) arbetar för att främja möjligheterna för människor med funktions-nedsättning till mer personlig och politisk makt, självbestämmande, full delaktighet och jämlikhet genom information, utbildning, opinionsbildning och projektverksamhet. Under 2020 verkade ILI via flera projekt för att uppnå sina mål och visioner som beskrivs i detta dokument. Alla större projekt har egna webbsidor, facebooksidor och ger ut nyhetsbrev.

Stiletten Samlingen 1986 – 2010

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2021.  Stiletten Samlingen 1986 – 2010.

Stiletten 3 1986Stiletten var STIL-kooperativets organ som gavs ut i pappersform fram till 2011. 1986 kom dåvarande verksamhetsledaren Bengt Elmén på idéen att samla våra frekventa utskick till medkämparna och medlemmarna och allmänheten i ett nyhetsbrev med detta vassa namn. Stilettens uppgift var att hålla dem informerade om

Personal Assistance for Disabled People in Germany and Sweden in the Context of the Independent Living Philosophy and the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities

Griesser, Selina.  2018.  Personal Assistance for Disabled People in Germany and Sweden in the Context of the Independent Living Philosophy and the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities.

Interviews with Personal Assistance Users and Independent Living Activists

Master’s Thesis


Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD) states the right for disabled people to live independently and to be included in the community. The article includes the right to personal assistance as a tool for independent living. General Comment Number 5 on Article 19 of the CRPD criticizes the inadequacy of the implementation of this right and gives clear criteria, which define the term personal as-sistance. These criteria have to be fulfilled in order to call a service personal assistance.

Webinar 'Legal remedies through litigation for the rights of disabled people' November 2020

The ILI projects Disability Rights Defenders and Article 19 as a tool together with the ENIL - the European Network on Independent Living held a webinar on "Legal remedies through strategic litigation for the rights of disabled people"on the 17th of November 2020. The recording of the webinar can be watched on youtube.

DRD Kick-off meeting: the Nordic focus!

Disability Rights Defenders is in its third year now and in this current project period we put our focus on the Nordic countries. Therefore DRD held a kick-off meeting on the 5th of November, 14.00 - 17.00, to discuss the future development of the network and potential co-operations in the Nordic. The recording of the meeting can be found here.

Key speakers were Adolf Ratzka and Vibeke Melstrom who shared their point of view and vision as a basis for a discussion on what is needed and how the network should develop in general. Together with the 40 participants we discussed the Nordic focus, how and with whom to co-operate etc. To get some ideas we heard some voices from different Nordic countries about the situation and what is needed in their countries. The meeting was moderated by Jamie Bolling, director of ILI. The following report summarizes shortly the highlights of the DRD Kick-off meeting. 

Disability Rights Defenders Newsletter November 2020

In this newsletter, we share court cases and resources with you and others with an interest in disability rights. We inform about webinars, news and job opportunities. This time we want to highlight our upcoming DRD Webinar on “Legal remedies through strategic litigation for the rights of disabled people” that we host together with the project “Article 19 As a Tool” and ENIL, the European Network on Independent Living on the 17th of November, 14.00 - 16.00 CET. We invite lawyers, law students, disability and human rights advocates, disabled people's organisations and all persons with an interest in strategic litigation to join the meeting. We look forward to a fruitful discussion!

  1. Court Cases
  2. Resources
  3. Webinars
  4. Surveys
  5. News
  6. Job opportunity
  7. Request for information

Prof. Gerard Quinn’s Appointment as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

We at the Independent Living Institute (ILI) are very pleased to share the news about Prof. Gerard Quinn’s Appointment as the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The press release from the European Network on Independent Living - ENIL is well worth reading.

Professor Gerard Quinn har utnämnts till FN:s särskilda rapportör för rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning

NYHET: Gerard Quinn utses till FN:s särskilda rapportör för rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning

Vi på Independent Living Institute (ILI) är mycket glada över att få dela med oss ​​av nyheten om att professor Gerard Quinn idag har utnämnts till FN:s särskilda rapportör för rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning. 

Personal assistance in Finland, overview and external links

Independent Living Institute.  2014.  Personal assistance in Finland, overview and external links.

Finland (population 5.5 million) has personal assistance. In 2020 there were  28 000 personal assistance clients.


Disability Rights Defenders Newsletter July 2020

In this newsletter we collected important news and resources for you and others with an interest in disability rights. We share court cases and information about funding and training opportunities. Of course, there are also facts and news about disability inclusive responses in the current pandemic.

  1. Court Cases
  2. Participate and get active
  3. Funding and training opportunities
  4. Resources
  5. COVID-19
  6. Rewatch Webinars
  7. Employment and disability
  8. News from around the world

Survey Report on Remedies

Independent Living Institute.  2020.  Survey Report on Remedies.

DRD conducted a survey on remedies in cooperation with the project Article 19 as a tool. The survey was carried out with the aim to gain an overview of the topic of remedies, to see where and what law systems in general are lacking or which remedies can be transferred from one country to another for better effectiveness in using the law as a tool for social change and individual justice. The following report sumarizes the results of the survey and provides an overview of some legal remedies to enable interested readers to learn from other countries' experiences as well as to gain knowledge about other types of remedies which might be more effective for ensuring protection and enforcement of rights.

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Webinar 'Legal Clinics - a tool to promote disability rights' May 2020

Independent Living Institute.  2020.  Webinar 'Legal Clinics - a tool to promote disability rights' May 2020.

In cooperation with the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), DRD held a webinar on ‘Legal Clinics - a tool to promote disability rights’ on the 26th of May 2020. This report summarizes the webinar. A recording of the webinar can be watched with subtitles on youtube.

Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2019

Independent Living Institute.  2020.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2019.


Independent Living Institute (ILI) works to promote opportunities for individuals with non-normative abilities for more personal and political power, self-determination, full participation and equality through information, education, lobby and project activities. During 2019, ILI carried out several projects to reach its goals and visions which are described in this document. All the projects have their own webpage, Facebook-page and publish newsletters.

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Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2019

Independent Living Institute.  2020.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2019.


Independent Living Institute (ILI) arbetar för att främja möjligheterna för människor med normbrytande funktionalitet till mer personlig och politisk makt, självbestämmande, full delaktighet och jämlikhet genom information, utbildning, opinionsbildning och projektverksamhet. Under 2019 verkade ILI via flera projekt för att uppnå sina mål och visioner som beskrivs i detta dokument. Projekten har alla sin webbsida, facebooksida och ger ut nyhetsbrev.

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Webinar - Disabled Refugees and Liberty

3 smiling people demonstrating
Register here
5 May 2020 ⋅ 14:00 – 16:00 CET - European Independent Living Day

Organised by Disabled Refugees Welcome/Independent Living Institute and the European Network on Independent Living.

Guide: How to Webinar

DRD developed a guide on how to plan, organize and hold webinars. Webinars are a great opportunity to bring people together from all over the world to network, collaborate and discuss. Based on our experiences in organizing and holding webinars we created this timeline including all necessary steps to plan and hold a webinar. Different icons mark concrete tips and examples, steps where we recommend to pay attention and tips for more accessibility. We suggest going through your webinar plan with different ‘disability-glasses’ in order to identify and remove potential barriers for accessibility. Please feel free to download, use and share this guide with your colleagues and friends. 

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Disability Rights Defenders Newsletter April 2020

In this newsletter, you will find hand-picked resources on disability rights and information about the COVID19 pandemic. We draw your attention to webinars and other opportunities for (virtual) joining and mingling in times of social distancing and lock down at home. 

  1.  Participate!
  2. Resources
  3. Court Cases
  4. Covid-19
  5. Job Opportunities
  6. Funding
  7. News 

Webinar 'Aging with Disabilities in the Community' Febraury 2020

Independent Living Institute.  2020.  Webinar 'Aging with Disabilities in the Community' Febraury 2020.

In cooperation with the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), DRD held a webinar on ‘Aging with Disabilities in the Community’ on the 6th of February 2020. This report summarizes the webinar. A recording of the webinar can be watched on youtube.

Webinar 'Law for Accessibility' November 2019

Independent Living Institute.  2019.  Webinar 'Law for Accessibility' November 2019.

In cooperation with the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), DRD held a webinar focused on ‘Law for Accessibility’ on the 25th of November 2019. This report summarizes briefly the webinar. A recording of the webinar can also be watched on youtube.

Disability Rights Defenders Newsletter October 2019

  • Cases and Court Decisions
  • Resources
  • Participate
  • News and Articles
  • Webinar Announcement

Disability Rights Defenders Newsletter July 2019

  • Cases and Court Decisions
  • Participate!
  • Resources
  • News
  • Announcements

Understanding Independent Living in Sweden: An Overview

Janhager, Alexander Caputo.  2019.  Understanding Independent Living in Sweden: An Overview.

In our project Article 19 as a tool, we welcomed Alex Caputo Janhager as an intern. As a part of his internship and introduction to Sweden, he wrote a paper on the Independent living Institute and its activities, the Swedish political system and Sweden’s relation to international human rights norms. The paper is available at the end of this post.

Annual Report 2018/2019

Disability Rights Defenders (DRD) / ‘IL Nordic Network’ is a network started on the 30th of May 2018 by the Independent Living Institute (ILI). This report is on the project funded by the Bente Skansgård IL Fund between June 2018 to May 2019 which was carried out to continue the development of the network.

This annual report gives a short insight to why the network is needed and what goals it has.  It describes the activities carried out through the year which include: moderating the Facebook group, collecting and editing the newsletters and organizing webinars. DRD researched court cases to build a database of cases on disability-based discrimination. Furthermore, contact details of individuals and organizations were collected to widen the network.


Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2018

Independent Living Institute.  2019.  Independent Living Institute Annual Report 2018.


Independent Living Institute (ILI) works to promote opportunities for disabled people for more personal and political power, self-determination, full participation and equality through information, education, lobby and project activities. During 2018 ILI carried out several projects to reach its goals and visions described in this document. All the projects have their own webpage, facebook page and disseminate newsletters.

Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2018

Independent Living Institute.  2019.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2018.


Independent Living Institute (ILI) arbetar för att främja möjligheterna för människor med funktionsnedsättning till mer personlig och politisk makt, självbestämmande, full delaktighet och jämlikhet genom information, utbildning, opinionsbildning och projektverksamhet. Under 2018 verkade ILI via flera projekt för att uppnå sina mål och visioner som beskrivs i detta dokument. Projekten har alla sin webbsida, facebook page och ger ut nyhetsbrev.

ILI under år 2018 var märkt med en stor förlust. Kalle Könkkölä, styrelseledamot i ILI, dog i september efter ett kort tids sjukdom. Kalle var en stark och viktig ledare av Independent Living med kontakter i de flesta länder runt världen. ILI saknar Kalle, hans ideologi, energi och innovativa idéer.


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