Med Lagen som Verktyg

Independent Living-rörelsen banade vägen

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Independent Living-rörelsen banade vägen.
Kapitel 2 ur boken: Perspektiv på personlig assistans, Brusén Peter, Flyckt Karin (red.), Gothia Förlag 2012 Adolf Ratzka Välviljans förtryck Socialpolitiken styrs vanligtvis inte av dem vars liv den påverkar, utan av politiker och tjänstemän utifrån politiska hänsynstaganden och en nödvändigtvis begränsad kännedom om andra människors livsvillkor. Det gäller framför allt oss personer med omfattande funktionsnedsättningar som för vår överlevnad är beroende av andra människors praktiska insatser i det dagliga livet, exempelvis med uppstigning, påklädning, toalettbesök, duschning. Ju större vårt beroende är, desto självklarare tar sig omgivningen rätten att ha åsikter om vad vi behöver och desto mindre har vi som berörs att säga till om när det gäller hur vi vill leva våra liv och vilka samhällsinsatser vi behöver. Som resultat ser vi ofta lösningar och tjänster som Resultaten av lösningarna gör oss mer beroende av andra istället för oberoende.

Radio Independent Living

Independent Living Institute, Berg Susanne, Hellman Finn.  2006.  Radio Independent Living.

Bakgrund till Radio Independent Living

Utomlands spelade radion en viktig roll i spridningen av den nya handikapprörelsens filosofi, arbetssätt, känsla av kulturell identitet och samhörighet bland människor med funktionshinder.

I Sverige har vi inte haft ett rikstäckande radioprogram som riktar sig till människor med funktionshinder. Bland de numera klassiska programmen i andra länder kan nämnas BBC’s "Does he take sugar?" som började 1980 eller ett nyare projekt "Freakshow" som startades 1998 i Wien på AM. Ett liknande program fanns i den forna Yugoslavien redan på 1980-talet.

Projektet Assistanstips beviljat

Projektet Assistanstips beviljat av Allmänna Arvsfonden Assistanstips som ska drivas av Independent Living Institute går ut på att samla in, dokumentera (med text, bild, video eller ritningar) och sprida tips, knep och exempel på hur assistansberättigade och assistenter löser assistanssituationer.

Working and parenting with personal assistance

Tillander, Erik.  2012.  Working and parenting with personal assistance.

Summary of legislation, interpretations and other developments as of August 2012

In sweden there is a law that defines the rights people with severe functional impairments have to various fully funded services and benefits, including personal assistance. The law also defines requirements for a  functional impairments to be considered severe. This Law is called "The Law about Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS)" and is the subject of regular review. If you are too old or not sufficiently impaired to qualify for LSS services then you may only be entitled to partially funded services according to another law.

Benefit fraud in relation to personal assistance in Sweden

Tillander, Erik.  2012.  Benefit fraud in relation to personal assistance in Sweden.

Summary of legal cases, statistics and media coverage as of November 2012

In early 2010, Halmstad District Court handed down three judgments and several people were sentenced to prison for benefit fraud. These cases involved people pretending to be disabled, as well as other types of crimes, such as tax evasion and fraudulent timesheets that also figured in the subsequent discussion. In 2011 about 20 assistance companies were investigated, and two more people were convicted in February 2012.

Eunice Ya-Yu Kao, Taiwan - "Those who can pay have migrant care workers as assistants"

Westberg, Kenneth.  2012.  Eunice Ya-Yu Kao, Taiwan - "Those who can pay have migrant care workers as assistants".
Institution, home care or migrant care workers are the options available for people with disabilities in Taiwan. Migrant care workers come from other Asian countries and work under difficult conditions. Since 2008, however, inspired by Japan, there is one user cooperative with about ten assistance users.

Personal Assistance empowers persons with disabilities and benefits the national economy

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal Assistance empowers persons with disabilities and benefits the national economy.
Persons with the exactly the same disabilities can have completely different lives depending on where they live. In some countries there are policies and attitudes that allow us to develop and follow our interests, get education and work, meet friends, marry and have children. In other countries, people with disabilities may have to live with their parents or in institutions, with little contact with the outside world, with no or only simple work.

The Independent Living movement paved the way: Origins of personal assistance in Sweden

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  The Independent Living movement paved the way: Origins of personal assistance in Sweden. Perspectives on personal assistance.
Chapter 2 Perspectives on personal assistance, Brusén Peter, Flyckt Karin (ed.), Gothia Förlag 2012 Adolf Ratzka Benign oppression Social policy is rarely made by the people whose lives it affects. Rather, it is formulated based on political considerations by politicians and bureaucrats who, by necessity, have limited knowledge of the conditions of other people’s lives – especially regarding those of us with extensive disabilities who depend on other people to survive and require practical assistance with activities of daily living such as getting out of bed, dressing, personal hygiene and bathing. The greater our dependence, the more others assume they are entitled to have opinions about our needs and the less those of us affected have a say in how we want to live our lives and what social resources we need. As a result, solutions and services often make us more dependent on others rather than independent.

Personal Assistance and the Crisis: Now is the time to promote Direct Payments for Personal Assistance

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal Assistance and the Crisis: Now is the time to promote Direct Payments for Personal Assistance.
Presentation for Congress of the European Spinal Cord Injury Federation, Lucignano, Italy 23–25 May 2012 Already before the current crisis people with disabilities fared worse than the general population as measured by most social indicators such as income, employment, housing etc. But now the gap is widening as recent official statistics, for example in Sweden, show.

Stockholm 2010

[Anonymous].  2007.  Stockholm 2010.

Personal Assistance: Key to Independent Living as illustrated by the Swedish Personal Assistance Act

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal Assistance: Key to Independent Living as illustrated by the Swedish Personal Assistance Act.

Personal Assistance: Key to Independent Living as illustrated by the Swedish Personal Assistance Act

Invited paper presented at Colloquium “CRPD and EU Structural Funds: The way ahead for Independent Living”, United Nations Human Rights, Office of the High Commissioner, Europe Regional Office, Brussels 7 May 2012

Adolf Ratzka, Ph D
Independent Living Institute

I am with the Independent Living Institute, a Sweden-based think-tank for policy formulation in the field of disability where we attempt to formulate p

Praktikplatser för människor med funktionsnedsättningar på statliga myndigheter.

I en debattartikel i Expressen idag, 2011-12-14, erbjuder arbetsmarknadsministern Hillevi Engström (M), barn- och äldreministern Maria Larsson (KD) och civil- och bostadsministern Stefan Attefall (KD) praktikplatser för människor med funktionsnedsättningar på statliga myndigheter. Vi välkomnar detta

Besök av Bizchut - Organisationen för Mänskliga Rättigheter till Personer med Funktionshinder i Israel

Berg, Susanne.  2012.  Besök av Bizchut - Organisationen för Mänskliga Rättigheter till Personer med Funktionshinder i Israel.

Seminarium 25:e januari 2012 med Esther Sivan, VD för Bizchut – Organisationen för Mänskliga Rättigheter till Personer med Funktionshinder i Israel.

I samarbete mellan Independent Living Institute (LI) och Diskrimineringsombudsmannen (DO).

Klicka på länken för att gå till transkribering och översättning av seminariet.

Transkription och översättning av seminarium med Bizchut

Berg, Susanne.  2012.  Transkription och översättning av seminarium med Bizchut. Seminarim i Lagen som Verktyg 2012-01-25.

En del av förstudien för projektet Lagen som Verktyg i samarbete med Diskrimineringsmannen (DO).

1. Inledning

2. Film om Bizchut med transkriberad översättning

3. Presentation av Bizchut av Esther Sivan

4. Frågestund


Paul Lappalainen, Senior expert/rådgivare DO:

- Vi [DO] behöver bli mer effektiva i vad vi gör och det civila samhället kommer att bli mer effektivt genom det här projektet.

Independent Living for People with Disabilities of All Ages

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2011.  Independent Living for People with Disabilities of All Ages.
Given the increasing number of older persons relative to the working age population, record level taxes and baby boomers’ demands for self-determination and quality of life, which changes might the Scandinavian welfare model have to undergo in order to deliver long term care to all who need it? In Sweden, direct payments for personal assistance are paid to mainly younger persons with extensive disabilities. In terms of perceived quality and cost per hour of service, direct payments have been found to be more efficient than traditional local government services. But would this favorable experience hold for all persons in need of assistance with the activities of daily living – regardless of age, diagnosis and minimum needs? What would be such a policy’s cost and effects on the labor market? How could it be financed? Would it threaten younger disabled persons’ relative favorable present situation? Today’s Swedish policy of cash payments for the purchase of personal assistance services might be of interest as a long term care solution for tomorrow’s older persons.

Personal assistance policy features for Independent Living:

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal assistance policy features for Independent Living:.

Personal assistance policy features for Independent Living:
the Swedish Personal Assistance Act of 1994 as illustration

Keynote for workshop at World Future Council conference
"Good Policies for Persons with Disabilities"
January 22-23, 2012 Vienna

Adolf Ratzka, PhD   Independent Living Institute

Any policy for assistance with the activities of daily living for persons with extensive disabilities must comply with the following

File attachments: 

Personal Assistance in Sweden

Westberg, Kenneth, Berg Susanne, Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2012.  Personal Assistance in Sweden.

The Independent Living Institute (ILI, Sweden) Sweden has written this report on Personal Assistance in Sweden for the Expertise Centre Independent Living, Flanders, Belgium.We gave ILI a list containing questions and topics on hot issues in Flanders. What is the legal framework? How does the assessment take place? What is the assistant's statute? What are the experiences with private enterprises? In this report, Kenneth Westberg answers these questions. He has written this report under the guidance of PhD. Adolf Ratzka.PDF

Bente Skansgård, ULOBA, Norway: “Municipal procurement threatens assistance users’ self-determination”

Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Bente Skansgård, ULOBA, Norway: “Municipal procurement threatens assistance users’ self-determination”.
Municipal contracts should be based on the Norwegian Standard and the basic philosophy of user-controlled personal assistance, with the user as supervisor and the freedom to use assistance hours at any time. The upcoming legislation for user-controlled personal assistance (Brukerstyrt personlig assistanse, BPA) should cover everyone regardless of number of hours needed or diagnosis. These are the demands of Bente Skansgård at ULOBA, Norway’s largest assistance cooperative.

Nya taxibilar i New York

Alla taxibilar i New York kommer att kunna ta passagerare som sitter kvar i sina rullstolar under resan. Detta för att bli en av världens tillgängligaste städer. Läs mer

Samarbete Independent Living Institute med Israel och Västbanken

2010-11-28  -  2010-12-12     Independent Living Institute fördjuper samarbetet med Israel och Västbanken. På sin andra resan till regionen deltog ILI:s Adolf Ratzka i konferenser och workshops om Independent Living och socialpolitik, personlig assistans och peer support samt möten där man diskuterade bildning av ett regionalt nätverk för Independent Living och gemensamma projekt för regionen. Se notisen på svenska ambassadens hemsida.

Remissvar på utredningen Bortom fagert tal

Stil, Stiftarna av Independent Living i Sverige, Independent Living Institute och Marschen för tillgänglighet har nu lämnat sitt remissvar på utredningen Bortom fagert tal, som föreslår att otillgänglighet klassas som diskriminering.

Stipendie Rolf Bergfors minne

Stiftelsen Fonden till Rolf Bergfors minne utlyser stipendier för sammanlagt 100 000 kr för projekt som främjar Independent Living rörelsens arbete. Läs mer om stipendiet

Stimulating Entrepreneurship in the Provision of social Services

ILI deltog i utbildning i Galati, Rumänien, från tisdagen den 19 oktober till fredagen den 22 oktober 2010.

Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2010

Independent Living Institute.  2011.  Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2010.

Independent Living Institute Verksamhetsberättelse 2010 

 Pågående projekt

Assistanskoll. Projektperioden och därmed Allmänna Arvsfondens finansiella stöd avslutades i juni 2010 men Assistanskoll fortsatte med att utöka tjänstens innehåll och exponering.

Norway: Personal Assistance heading for legislation?

Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: Personal Assistance heading for legislation?
Interview with Jan Andersen, Lillehammar University College, Norway on November 17, 2011 Norway is discussing whether or not to pass legislation about user-controlled personal assistance. Researcher Jan Andersen at Lillehammer University College, who has conducted research on user-controlled personal assistance since its inception, sees problems because legislation would only apply to users with more than 20 hours/week. He also comments on the changing assistance market, with the entrance of private companies and municipalities contracting out assistance to keep costs down.

Norway: “The upcoming legislation will be a disappointment”

Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: “The upcoming legislation will be a disappointment”.
In Norway, JAG Assistanse has four users to date, but after gaining approval as a BPA provider (Brukerstyrt Personlig Assistanse or user-controlled personal assistance) from 15 municipalities, operations manager Sidsel Maxwell Grasli expects strong growth. At the same time, she fears that JAG’s target group will be let down by the upcoming Norwegian legislation for user-controlled personal assistance.

Switzerland introducing direct payments for personal assistance

Ladstätter, Martin.  2011.  Switzerland introducing direct payments for personal assistance.
Switzerland is on the brink of a breakthrough: it will offer nationwide direct payments for personal assistance beginning in January 2012. Over the next few years, 3,000 people with disabilities are expected to receive this assistance benefit.

Swedish EU parliamentarians urge more personal assistance in Europe

[Anonymous].  2011.  Swedish EU parliamentarians urge more personal assistance in Europe. GP.

The October 1  2011 article Dismantle Europe's inhumane institutions in the daily newspaper Göteborgsposten urges European countries to provide people with disabilities with personal assistance and assistive devices, rather than relegating them to institutions.

According to the Swedish Members of the European Parliament at least 1.2 million people live in institutions in the EU and Turkey, which they consider to be contrary to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

A case for non-discrimination on grounds of ethnicity in government disability policy

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2011.  A case for non-discrimination on grounds of ethnicity in government disability policy.

Briefly about my background. I have lived and worked in Sweden for 37 years.  Prior to that I was living and studying in California for 7 years. I was born in what is today the Czech Republic. After WW II my family, as part of the German minority, was forced to move to Germany. There, at the age of 17 I contracted my disability. Thus, as a person with a disability I have lived in Germany, the United States and Sweden. I might add that in June this year I chose to apply for Swedish citizenship.
In my presentation I will talk about double discrimination on the grounds of disability and ethnic background. My comments are based entirely on my own experience as a person with a disability living as an immigrant in another country.

Otillgänglighet är diskriminering!

2010 gick tiden ut för Regeringens funktionshinderplan, Stockholm skulle vara världens tillgängligaste huvudstad och ett medborgarskap på lika villkor skulle äntligen vara verklighet för personer med funktionsnedsättningar. Året kom - och gick. Av löftena blev det som vanligt inget.

Läs 2011 - fortfarande inget diskrimineringsförbud..

Remissvar på utredningen Bortom fagert tal – om bristande tillgänglighet som diskriminering (Ds 2010:20).

Berg, Susanne.  2010.  Remissvar på utredningen Bortom fagert tal – om bristande tillgänglighet som diskriminering (Ds 2010:20)..

STIL, Stiftarna av Independent Living i Sverige, Independent Living Institute och Marschen för tillgänglighet lämnar här vårt remissvar på utredningen Bortom fagert tal – om bristande tillgänglighet som diskriminering (Ds 2010:20).


STIL, Stiftarna av Independent Living i Sverige, Independent Living Institute och Marschen för tillgänglighet, representanter för den svenska Independent Livingrörelsen:

- stödjer utredningens slutsats att det inte behövs någon ändring av de existerande definitionerna av vad som anses med diskriminering enligt olika svenska författningsbestämmelser.

- stödjer förslaget om en rent språklig ändring av funktionshinder till personer med funktionsnedsättning.

Ett år sedan Anti-Apartheidpriset i Sverige 2010 delades ut - fortfarande inget diskrimineringsförbud.

Berg, Susanne.  2011.  Ett år sedan Anti-Apartheidpriset i Sverige 2010 delades ut - fortfarande inget diskrimineringsförbud..

Otillgänglighet är diskriminering!

2010 gick tiden ut för Regeringens funktionshinderplan, Stockholm skulle vara världens tillgängligaste huvudstad och ett medborgarskap på lika villkor skulle äntligen vara verklighet för personer med funktionsnedsättningar. I samband med Marschen för tillgänglighet 2010, STIL – Stiftarna av Independent Living i Sverige, Kulturhuset och projektet Ta Plats arrangerade Independent Living Institute konferens, seminarum och mingelkväll i Kulturhuset. Vid evenemanget delade vi ut Anti-Apartheidpriset i Sverige till Mats och Kjell Winberg.

Tillgänglighet och design väger tungt i Barcelona.

Erdtman, Emil.  2011.  Tillgänglighet och design väger tungt i Barcelona..


Stockholm skulle bli världens mest tillgängliga stad år 2010. En annan stad med hög svansföring i tillgänglighetsfrågor är Barcelona i nordöstra Spanien.


Under en tioårsperiod mellan 1996 och 2005 satsades över en halv miljard på att tillgängliggöra i första hand kollektivtrafiken. Mätningen år 1996 visade att bara 27 procent av bussarna och åtta procent av tunnelbanestationerna var tillgängliga. Från 2006 har alla bussar låggolv med påstigningsramp och fyra av fem tunnelbanestationer har hiss.


Tveklöst finns en stark vilja inom staden att göra den så tillgänglig som möjligt. Redan 1977 började de första avfasningarna av trottoarkanter att göras. Idag talas stolt om Barcelona-modellen med en bred avfasning utmed hela övergångsstället.


Mats Winberg granskar tillgängligheten i Barcelona - reseberättelse

Erdtman, Emil.  2011.  Mats Winberg granskar tillgängligheten i Barcelona - reseberättelse.

Vi ses på Arlanda. När jag säger att jag kommer direkt från Furuboda folkhögskola lyser Mats Winberg upp och ler stort. Där har han varit många gånger i sitt snart 50-åriga liv. Mats bor i Ängelholm där han också har sin Citroën Jumpy med nedfällbar ramp för permobilen.

 Mats gillar ordning och reda. Att vår resmånad oktober 2010 har fem fredagar, lördagar och söndagar var ingen nyhet för Mats när jag påpekade detta. Ordning ska det också bli på tillgängligheten i samhället, tycker Mats.

 För sina många anmälningar om otillgänglighet runtom i Skåne och sitt ”juridiska, tekniska och organisatoriska kunnande” fick han tillsammans med sin far Kjell Winberg i maj 2010 ett designat diplom av Independent Living Institute (ILI).

Latvia: “The view of people with disabilities has improved”

Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  Latvia: “The view of people with disabilities has improved”.
In Latvia people with disabilities who do not have their own financial means or cannot get help from relatives usually live in an institution. A small subsidy is available to pay a personal assistant, but it does not go very far. Irina Parhomenko works at APEIRONS, which is dedicated to ensuring that personal assistance legislation becomes reality.

Norway: “Government breaks its promise of legislation for personal assistance”

Westberg, Kenneth.  2011.  Norway: “Government breaks its promise of legislation for personal assistance”.
Interview with Bente Skansgård, ULOBA on January 18, 2011. User-controlled personal assistance was implemented in Norway in 2000. The municipality has the monopoly in granting the intervention as required and has a strong influence on how assistance is organized—for example, by determining who can employ the assistants.

Municipalities as personal assistance providers in Sweden

Erdtman, Emil.  2010.  Municipalities as personal assistance providers in Sweden.

Summary of legislation, court interpretations and reports as of October 2010

Individuals granted personal assistance under the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) may choose whether their local municipality, a private company or cooperative will provide the assistance.

Conferences and workshops on social policy and Independent Living, personal assistance and peer support

November 28  -  December 12   Independent Living Institute deepens its contacts with Israel and the West Bank. On his second trip to the region ILI’s Adolf Ratzka participated in conferences and workshops on social policy and Independent Living, personal assistance and peer support as well as in meetings where the establishment of a regional network on Independent Living and joint regional projects were discussed. See text on the Swedish Embassy’s homepage.

Stars of Hope 2010

The 10 most important accomplishments of Stars of Hope 2010

In Flanders all personal care assistants are employed by the people they assist.

Westberg, Kenneth.  2010.  In Flanders all personal care assistants are employed by the people they assist..
In Flanders all personal care assistants are employed by the people they assist. 5500 people are queuing to get personal assistance in the Belgian region of Flanders. A little less than 1800 have so far been granted personal budgets to employ their own assistants. There are organizations that provide administrative support and advice for those that want it.

Adolf D. Ratzka, Ph.D. - C.V. (curriculum vitae)

Adolf D. Ratzka, PhD                  Curriculum Vitae

Photo of Adolf Ratzka's face

Born 1943, married, one daughter, user of personal assistance, ventilator and power chair since 1961.

Academic Degrees

University of California, Los Angeles
          Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
          Master of Science in Business Administration
          Ph.D. in Urban Land Economics
University of Stockholm
          fil kand in Psychology


The foundation in memory of Rolf Bergfors

Nordenfelt, Enar.  2010.  The foundation in memory of Rolf Bergfors.
About the Foundation
The Foundation in Memory of Rolf Bergfors honors the memory of one of the founder’s of GIL, the Gothenburg Cooperative for Independent Living. Rolf was one of the individuals working to bring about what is now a statutory right to payments for the purchase of personal assistance services.

Stiftelsen Fonden till Rolf Bergfors minne

Nordenfelt, Enar.  2010.  Stiftelsen Fonden till Rolf Bergfors minne.

Om stiftelsen

Stiftelsen Fonden till Rolf Bergfors minne är en fond upprättad till minne av en av de GIL:are som arbetade med att driva igenom det som idag är lagstadgad rätt till personlig assistans.


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