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Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2015.  Self-determination through Direct Payments and Personal Assistance cooperatives.
In his keynote address Adolf Ratzka delineates the origins of STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living owned and mainly run by Personal Assistance user themselves providing services to its members. Personal Assistance is here depicted as an example of demand-driven as opposed to supply-driven services which, according to the text's analysis, would explain the differences between these services in terms of quality and cost efficiency.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2004.  The Swedish Personal Assistance Act of 1994.
Presentation in Helsinki, Finland, 2004-10-14. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2004.  The Swedish Personal Assistance Act of 1994.
Adolf Ratzka (Director of the Independent Living Institute), personal assistance and ventilator user for over 40 years, describes the features of the Swedish Personal Assistance Act of 1994 using his personal example as an illustration for the possibilities the policy opens up for people with extensive disabilities. Keynote address, Japanese Ventilator Users’ Network Symposium, Tokyo, 2004-06-23. Internet publication URL: Japanese version (PDF, 209 KB), Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Selbstbestimmte Mobilität für Menschen mit Behinderung in Schweden?"
Rollstuhlgerechter öffentlicher Fern- und Nahverkehr und Taxidienste statt Sonderlösungen und Sonderfahrdienste sind für die Selbstbestimmung vieler Körperbehinderten im Alltag unumgänglich. Leider sind diese Voraussetzungen in Schweden nicht erfüllt. Ein kürzlich erfolgreich durchgeführtes Versuchsprojekt mit barrierenfreien Taxidroschken im regulären Taxiverkehr konnte wegen des Widerstands der Sonderfahrdienste und der politischen Majorität im Landkreis nicht weitergeführt werden. Internet publication URL: (In German.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  2003.  Spänningen stiger - vem har rätt angående priset för en rättvis taxiordning.
Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Sexualitet och människor med funktionshinder: vad experterna ofta inte känner till.".
For many of us who have extensive disabilities our sexual liberation does not so much depend on sex counselling or mechanical sex aids but on the availability of tax-funded personal assistance services which empower us to take control over our own lives. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1998.  Sexuality and people with disabilities: What experts often are not aware of.
For many of us who have extensive disabilities our sexual liberation does not so much depend on sex counselling or mechanical sex aids but on the availability of tax-funded personal assistance services which empower us to take control over our own lives. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  Schweden: Betreuung oder Selbstbestimmung - zur Lage von Menschen mit Behinderungen.
Schweden mit seinen 8,5 Millionen Einwohnern erfreut sich des Rufs eines fortschrittlichen Sozialstaats, in dem Menschen mit Behinderungen unter besseren Lebensbedingungen als in den meisten anderen Ländern leben. Internet publication URL: (in German)
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1996.  STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living.
Adolf Ratzka who imported the Independent Living Movement to Sweden provides his view of the origins of STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living, social policy in Sweden in the 1980's and how a change was needed, from the professionally run service culture to self-determination of equal citizens. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1995.  Supporting families in keeping disabled family members at home: Swedish policy instruments.
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1995.  Supporting families in keeping disabled family members at home: Swedish policy instruments.
In Sweden, a disabled family member is likely to represent a burden on the family. Yet the argument can be made that policy instruments, such as those available in Sweden, lessen the impact of a disability on the family and the community. Internet publication URL:
Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1990.  STIL mot hemtjänststalinisterna.
Hur skulle det se ut om kommunen hade monopol på finansieringen, produktionen och fördelningen av bröd? Artikeln illustrerar det tredubbla kommunala monopolet på hemtjänstområde. Artikeln publicerades i DN. Internet publication URL: (In Swedish.)