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1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Dichiarazione di Tenerife: Promuovere la Vita Indipendente Fine della Discriminazione contro le Persone Disabili.
From the1st European Congress on Independent Living, Tenerife April 24-26, 2003. Internet publication URL:
1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Manifiesto de Tenerife - Promovamos la Vida Independiente - Acabemos con la discriminación hacia las personas con discapacidad.
From the1st European Congress on Independent Living, Tenerife April 24-26, 2003. Internet publication URL: (In Spanish.)
1st European Congress on Independent Living.  2003.  Tenerife Declaration - Promote Independent Living - End Discrimination against Disabled People.
The Tenerife Declaration, signed in Tenerife in April 2003, is a policy document agreed upon by four hundred participants from many European countries and calls for the European Union to implement the policies outlined in the Declaration. The Declaration calls for full and equal participation of disabled people in society through recognizing Independent Living as a fundamental right of all disabled people and implementing policies to facilitate Independent Living. From the1st European Congress on Independent Living, Tenerife April 24-26, 2003. Internet publication URL:
