Training as Vehicle to Employment: Newsletter, January-February 2008
Dear Reader
Welcome to the 6th common newsletter to the EU wide project ‘Training as Vehicle to Employment’ (TVE).
TVE is being run in Ireland, Latvia, Germany, Finland, Greece, Spain, Sweden Poland and Bulgaria. You can find up-to-date information from the international website
Project Update
The TVE-project is officially over but work is still being done. During February the booklet “Make It Work – from policy to action” will be circulated all around the project organisation’s networks.
If you are interested in receiving a copy of the booklet (the booklet is available in English, German, Spanish, Greek, Latvian, Polish, Swedish, Finnish and Bulgarian), please contact name and e-mail address to national coordinator
International Conference/Workshop in Sofia, Bulgaria
On 15-16th of February, The Centre for Independent Living (CIL) – Sofia is organising an international workshop presenting European practices where international guests from eight countries in the European network (Sweden, Latvia, Poland, Spain, Greece, Finland, Ireland and Germany) and Bulgarian government officials will meet in Sofia to discuss different practices of accommodating disabled trainees/interns in the EU countries and institutions. The purpose is to share experience and motivate the Bulgarian government agencies to set up and offer traineeships and internships to qualified disabled applicants and to work towards making these opportunities also inclusive for youth with disabilities. The network members will be encouraged to share suggestions, technical and organizational expertise, and examples of good and bad practices. Member from the TVE project group will present the project and its outcomes.

Project documents
Information in Polish
Information in English
- First Partners Meeting, Stockholm, 2006-02-15-18
- Training as Vehicle to Employment Newsletter October 2007
- Labour market policies, strategies and statistics for people with disabilities - A cross-national comparison
- Training as Vehicle to Employment: Newsletter, November 2007
- Training as Vehicle to Employment
- International workshop February 2008 in Sofia, Bulgaria on European best practices
- Training opportunities for people with disabilities at government agencies in Finland
- Training as Vehicle to Employment: Newsletter, December 2007
- How to join the project that started in January 2006 and ended in December 2007
- Training opportunities for people with disabilities at government agencies in Latvia
- Partners
- Training opportunities for people with disabilities at government agencies in Ireland
- Training opportunities for people with disabilities at government agencies in Sweden
- Training opportunities for people with disabilities at government agencies in Greece
- Training opportunities for people with disabilities at government agencies in participating countries
- Training opportunities for people with disabilities at government agencies in Bulgaria
- Training as Vehicle to Employment Newsletter September 2007
- Training opportunities for people with disabilities at government agencies in Germany
- Training opportunities for people with disabilities at government agencies in Spain
- Project Partner Presentations, 2006-02-16 (MP3 format)
- Training as Vehicle to Employment Newsletter October 2006
- Training as Vehicle to Employment: Newsletter, January-February 2008
- TVE project overview
Information in Latvian
- Apmācība kā transportlīdzeklis uz nodarbinātību: Jaunumu lapa, Septembris 2007
- Projekta “Apmācība kā solis uz nodarbinātību”
Information in Spanish
- Formación como Vehículo para el Empleo: Boletín, septiembre 2007
- "La formación como un vehiculo para el empleo"Boletín de noticias no 1, octubre de 2006
- La Formación como Vehículo para el Empleo: Boletín, octubre de 2007
- El proyecto Un Vehiculo para el Empleo
Information in Swedish
- Praktik som väg till arbete: Nyhetsbrev, oktober 2007
- Praktik som väg till arbete: Nyhetsbrev, september 2007
- Praktik som väg till arbete
- Praktik som väg till arbete: Nyhetsbrev, oktober 2006
Information in German
- Training as Vehicle to Employment (TVE): Rundbrief No. 3, Oktober 2007
- Training as Vehicle to Employment (TVE): Rundbrief No. 2, September 2007
- Training as Vehicle to Employment (TVE): Rundbrief No. 1, Oktober 2006
- Das Projekt Training as Vehicle to Employment
Information in Greek
- Κατάρτιση: Μέσο για την Απασχόληση
- Εναρκτήρια Σύσκεψη Εταίρων
- 1ο newsletter που αφορά στο ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα «Τraining as Vehicle to Employment (TVE)»
- Κατάρτιση: Μέσο για την Απασχόληση Newsletter Σεπτεμβρίου 2007