Training opportunities for people with disabilities at government agencies in Latvia
After the gathering, analysis and translation of "Baseline" data we organized a meeting (in May 2007) with representatives from 27 State institutions and agencies and presented our results in comparison to the other countries. As a result of this meeting most of the institutions and agencies were informed about the results of "Baseline" and agreed to better the situation in the institutions represented and they became part of the National Network and regularly received news from the project. In November 28th we had a fallow-up meeting with representatives from the same institutions about the accessibility of information and employment. Unfortunately there is no reference added to the inclusion of people with disabilities in their strategical plans or institutional policies, but the reflection was more professional and understanding in comparison to the meeting in May.
"Baseline" results have been published in the project homepage. They show the comparison between situation in Latvia and other EU countries and serve as a point "0" for tracking the future changes, as after the end of the project we will continue to monitor and systematically encourage the State institutions to pay attention and implement strategy of inclusive policy also in practice and training.
Table of responses by government agencies in Latvia
Name of state agency | Address | 1 The state agency has formal training programs? | 2 The state agency has formal training programs that explicitly welcome applicants with disablilities? | 3 The state agency has formal training programs that are reserved for persons with disabilities only? | 4 The state agency has written diversity policies that explicitly include persons with disablitites as clients and staff? | 5 The state agency has written action plans for making their premises and activities open to persons with disabilities? | 6 The state agency has specific budgets for financing their action plans? |
Latvia | |||||||
Aizsardzības īpašumu valsts aģentūra Defence Property State Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 34, Ernestines str., Riga, LV-1046 tel: 67300217 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas ģeotelpiskās informācijas aģentūra"" State agency ""Latvian agency of information of geo-environment"" (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 43, O.Vaciesa str., Riga LV-1004 tel: 67064201 fax: 67064209 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas Kara muzejs" State agency ""Latvian War Museum" (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 20, Smilsu str., Riga LV-1868 tel: 7228147 fax: 7223287 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Tēvijas sargs" - (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 2/4, Jeruzalemes str., Riga LV-1010 tel: 6711483 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas institūts" The Latvian Institute (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 1/3-7, Smilsu str., Riga LV-1050 tel: +371 7503663 fax: +371 7503669 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 2, Perses str., Riga LV-1442 tel: +371 7039400 fax: +371 7039401 | no answer | no answer | no answer | no answer | no answer | no answer |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas nacionālās akreditācijas birojs" State Agency Latvian National Accreditation Bureau (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 157, K.Valdemara str., Riga LV-1013 tel: 7362990 | Yes have programs. | Yes programs explicitly welcome. Training programs for aplicants with or without disabilities doesn't differ | Yes reserved programs. Training programs for aplicants with or without disabilities doesn't differ | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Centrālā finanšu un līgumu aģentūra Central Finance and Contracting agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 1, Smilsu str., Riga LV-1919 | Yes have programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Iekšlietu īpašumu valsts aģentūra State Agency of Interior Ministry properties (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 89, Stabu str, Riga LV-1009 tel: 7208652 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Iekšlietu ministrijas veselības un sociālo lietu valsts aģentūra - (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 6a, Raina bulvaris, Riga LV-1050 tel: 7219147 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Iekšlietu ministrijas sporta centrs" State Agency Sport centre of the Ministry of Interior (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 4, Klijanu str., Riga tel: 7086934 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Materiālās rezerves" State Agency Material reserves (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 76, Terbatas str., Riga LV-1001 tel: 7113356 fax: 7138595 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Elektronisko iepirkumu valsts aģentūra Electronic Procurement State Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 33. Kr.Valdemāra str., Riga LV-1010 tel: 7114232 fax: 7114230 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Latviešu valodas apguves valsts aģentūra National agency of Latvian Language Training (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 11, Merkela str., Riga LV-1050 tel: 7287228 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Akadēmisko programmu aģentūra" State Agency Academic Programme Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 28-503, Blaumana str., Riga LV-1011 tel: 7280138 fax: (+371)-7-280108 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūra" State agency ""International Programmes for Youth" (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 11–531, Merkela str., Riga LV-1050 tel: 7213202 fax: 7222236 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas Sporta muzejs" State Agency Sport museum (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 9, Alksnaja str., Riga LV-1050 tel: 7211365 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas valsts mežzinātnes institūts ""Silava""" State Agency Latvian Forestry Research Institute ""Silava"" (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 111, Rigas str., Salaspils LV-2169 tel: 7942555 fax: +371 6 7901359 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Lietišķo sporta veidu centrs ""Kleisti""" State Agency Kleisti (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 75, Kleistu str., Riga LV-1067 tel: 7426727 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Nacionālais botāniskais dārzs"" (ar 01.09.2005) State Agency National Botanic Garden of Latvia (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 1, Miera str., Salaspils, Rigas rajons LV-2169 tel: 7945460 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Profesionālās izglītības attīstības aģentūra" The Vocational Education Development Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | Vaļņu Street 1, 3rd till 5th floor, Riga LV - 1050 tel: 7814322 fax: 7814344 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs" State Agency Translation and Terminology Centre (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 37, K.Valdemara iela, Rīga LV-1010 tel: 7331814 fax: 7336038 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Vispārējās izglītības kvalitātes novērtēšanas valsts aģentūra - (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 35-14, Lacplesa str., Riga LV-1011 tel: 7142876 fax: 7142877 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""A.Upīša Memoriālais muzejs" State Agency ""A. UPITS MEMORIAL MUSEUM" (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 38-4, Brivibas str., Riga LV-1050 tel: 7289767 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Ārzemju mākslas muzejs" State Agency MUSEUM OF FOREIGN ART (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 3, Pils laukums, Riga LV-1050 tel: 7228776 fax: 7228776 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Dekoratīvās mākslas un dizaina muzejs" State Agency MUSEUM OF DECORATIVE ARTS AND DESIGN (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 10/20, Skarnu str., Riga LV-1050 tel: 7227833 fax: 7830916 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Īpaši aizsargājamais kultūras piemineklis - Turaidas muzejrezervāts" Specially Protected Cultural monument- Turaida Museum Reserve (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 10, Turaidas str., Sigulda, Rigas raj. LV-2147 tel: 7971402,7973815 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | Yes has action plan. | Yes has budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Jaunie trīs brāļi" State Agency the New Three Brothers (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 20, Pils str., Riga LV-1050 tel: 7358525 fax: 7358536 | Yes have programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | Yes has budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas Etnogrāfiskais brīvdabas muzejs" ETHNOGRAPHIC OPEN-AIR MUSEUM OF LATVIA (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 440, Brivibas gatve, Riga LV-1024 tel: 7994178 fax: 7994178 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas Kultūras muzejs ""Dauderi"""" LATVIAN CULTURE MUSEUM ""DAUDERI" (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 30, Sarkandaugavas str., Riga LV-1005 tel: 7392229 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas Nacionālais mākslas muzejs" The Latvian National Museum of Art (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 10a, K.Valdemāra str., Riga LV-1010 tel: 7357400 fax: 7325051 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas Vēstures muzejs" NATIONAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LATVIA (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 3, Pils laukums, Riga LV-1050 tel: 7223004 fax: 7220586 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Nacionālais kino centrs" National Film Centre (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 49, Elizabetes str, Riga LV-1010 tel: 7505074, 7505085 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Ojāra Vācieša Memoriālais muzejs" OJARS VACIETIS MEMORIAL MUSEUM (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 19, O.Vaciesa str., Riga LV-1004 tel: 761990 fax: 7619905 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Rakstniecības, teātra un mūzikas muzejs" LITERATURE, THEATRE AND MUSIC MUSEUM (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 2, Pils laukums, Riga LV-1050 tel: 7216425 fax: 7216425 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Rīgas Vēstures un kuģniecības muzejs" State Agency ""MUSEUM OF THE HISTORY OF RIGA AND NAVIGATION" (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 4,Palasta 4 str., Riga LV-1050 tel: 7211358 fax: 7210226 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Rundāles Pils muzejs" RUNDALE PALACE MUSEUM (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | Rundales pagasts, Bauskas rajons LV-3921 tel: 3962274 fax: 3922274 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Tautas mākslas centrs" The Latvian National Centre for Traditional and Performing Arts (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 4, Pils laukums, Riga LV-1365 | Yes have programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | Yes has action plan. | No budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūra" State Employment agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 38, K.Valdemara str., Riga LV-1010 tel: 7021706, 8007700 fax: 7270253 | Yes have programs. | Yes programs explicitly welcome. Training programms for unemployed persons with disabilities. | Yes reserved programs. Training programms for unemployed persons with disabilities. | Yes has policy. Training programms for unemployed persons with disabilities. | Yes has action plan. | No budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Sociālās integrācijas centrs" Social Integration Centre (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 71,Dubultu prospekts, Jurmala LV-2015 tel: 7769890 fax: 7769495 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Tehnisko palīglīdzekļu centrs" State agency Centre of Technical Aids (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 6, Linezera str., Riga LV-1006 tel: 7552350 fax: 7185450 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts sociālās apdrošināšanas aģentūra State Social Insurance Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 70a, Lacplesa str., Riga LV-1011 tel: 7011800 fax: 7011813 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Civilās aviācijas aģentūra" Civil Aviation Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | International Airport ""Riga"" , Marupes pagasts, Rigas rajons LV-1053 tel: 7207607 fax: 7207967 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Rīgas Motormuzejs" State agency ""RIGA MOTOR MUSEUM" (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 6, S.Eizensteina str., Riga LV-1079 tel: 7097170 fax: 7515694 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Maksātnespējas administrācija" State Agency Insolvency Administration (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 19, Marstalu str., Riga LV-1050 tel: 7099120 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Narkoloģijas valsts aģentūra State Narkology Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 55, Hospitalu str., Riga LV-1013 tel: 7388000 fax: 7388001 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Seksuāli transmisīvo un ādas slimību valsts aģentūra State Agency of sexual treatment and skin illnesses (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 70, Pernavas iela , Riga LV-1009 tel: 7803859 fax: 7803864 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Sporta medicīnas valsts aģentūra Sports Medicine State Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 27, Raina bulvaris, Riga LV-1050 tel: 7220014, 7227306 | no answer | no answer | no answer | no answer | no answer | no answer |
Tuberkulozes un plaušu slimību valsts aģentūra State Agency of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | p/n Cekule, Stopinu pagasts, Rigas rajons LV-2118 tel: 7048208 | Yes have programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas Infektoloģijas centrs" Infect logy Centre of Latvia (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 3, Linezera str., Riga LV-1006 | Yes have programs. The Agency is trying to find possibilities for to employ persons with disabilities. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas Medicīnas bibliotēka" Medical Library of Latvia (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 1b, Sarlotes str., Riga LV-1001 tel: 7373646 fax: 7373642 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Paula Stradiņa Medicīnas vēstures muzejs" The Pauls Stradins Museum of the History of Medicine (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | Antonijas iela 1, Rīga LV-1360 LV-1006 tel: 7222656 fax: 7211323 | no answer | no answer | no answer | no answer | no answer | no answer |
Valsts aģentūra ""Sabiedrības veselības aģentūra" Public Health Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 7-307, Klijanu str., Riga LV-1012 tel: 67081510 fax: 371-67374980 | Yes have programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Veselības statistikas un medicīnas tehnoloģiju valsts aģentūra Health Statistics and Medical Technologies State Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 12/22, Duntes str., Riga LV-1005 tel: 7501590 fax: 7501591 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Veselības veicināšanas valsts aģentūra Health Promotion State Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 3-405, Skolas str., Riga LV-1010 tel: 7240447 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Zāļu cenu valsts aģentūra State Medicines Pricing and Reimbursement Agency (Latvia) 876 Public institution -State agency | 72, Brivibas str., Riga LV-1011 tel: 7876128 fax: 7 | No programs. | no answer | no answer | no answer | no answer | no answer |
Zāļu valsts aģentūra State Agency of Medicines (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 15, Jersikas str., Riga LV-1010 tel: 7078457 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas Dabas muzejs" The Latvian Museum of Natural History (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 4, K.Barona str., Riga LV-1712 tel: 7356023 fax: 7356027 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""K.Ulmaņa piemiņas muzejs ""Pikšas""" KARLIS ULMANIS MEMORIAL MUSEUM ""PIKSAS (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | "Piksas"", Berzes pagasts, Dobeles rajons LV-3712 tel: 3732392 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas Lauksaimniecības muzejs" Museum of Agricultural Machinery ""Kaleji" (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 11, Celtnieku str., Talsi LV-3201 tel: 3291343 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Latvijas zivju resursu aģentūra" Latvian Fish Resources Agency (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 8, Daugavgrivas str., Riga LV-1048 tel: 7612409 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Valsts aģentūra ""Lauksaimniecības datu centrs" Agricultural Data Centre (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 3, Citadeles str., Riga LV-1010 tel: 7027417 | No programs. | No explicit welcome. | No reserved programs. | No policy. | No action plan. | No budget. |
Valsts aģentūra ""Valsts tehniskās uzraudzības aģentūra" State Agency for Technical Surveillance (Latvia) Public institution -State agency | 2, Republikas laukums,kab.614-620, Riga LV-1010 tel: 7325549 fax: 7027444 | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted | not contacted |
Notes and further reading.
This page changed: 30 July 2008 by Nicoletta Zoannos.