Independent Living Institute




Shields, Craig V., Strategies: A Practical Guide for Dealing with Professional and Human Service Systems, Human Services Press, Richmond Hill, Ontario, 1987.

Although the book's emphasis is on assisting parents of exceptional children to deal with professionals and special service systems, this handbook is valuable for all of us who find themselves fighting social service bureaucracies.

From the table of contents: Developing the right attitude; Understanding professionals; Knowing "The System"; How to begin; How to select professionals or agencies; How to deal with professionals.

Address: Craig V. Shields, c/o Human Services Press, P.O. Box 421, Richmond Hill, ONT L4C 4Y8, Canada

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Handbook on Community Awareness Programs Concerning Disability, United Nations, New York, 1989.

Varela, Rita A., "Organizing Disabled People for Political Action", in Crewe, Nancy M. & Zola, Irving Kenneth, Independent Living for Physically Disabled People, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 1983.

Varela, Rita A.,"Changing Social Attitudes and Legislation Regarding Physically Disabled", in Crewe, Nancy M. & Zola, Irving Kenneth, Independent Living for Physically Disabled People, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 1983.

The following resources are published by the Independent Living Research Utilization Program, Houston:

Bell, Guy, Laurel Richards, and Laurie Gerken. Your Disabled Child´s Right to a Free Education. ILRU Field Work No.2. Houston: ILRU Program, 1985.

This is the second of a set of three brochures developed for ILRU´s National Technical Assistance Project for Rural Independent Living. It summarizes federal provisions regarding disabled children´s rights to a free and appropriate education, and it includes a list of support organizations and publications.

Dalrymple, John and Laurel Richards. "Independent Living and Policy Changes: Reflections on a Decade's Progress". Issues in Independent Living No. 5. Houston: ILRU Program, 1983.

This monograph is a study of the extent to which progress has been made in nationwide implementation of Independent Living-related policies over the past ten years. Areas assessed include entitlement to rehabilitation services, transportation, housing, employment opportunities, and elimination of architectural and communications barriers.

The Inclusion of the Handicapped Person in Community Life: A Program for Action Now. Houston: The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, 1980.

This document presents a plan to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities by identifying problems and steps that should be taken to resolve them. The plan was developed at an international conference held in Houston in April 1980 Contributing to the plan were representatives of organizations of people with disabilities, sociologists, economists, architects, industrial designers, physicians, lawyers, legislators, and human service providers from around the world.

Address: ILRU at Texas Institute for Rehabilitation, 2323 S. Shepherd, Suite 1000, Houston, TX 77019, United States.

The following resources are published by the Research and Training Center on Independent Living, University of Kansas:

Seekins, T, Balcazar, F, & Fawcett, S B (1986). Consumer involvement in advocacy organizations, Volumes I-IV. Lawrence: RTC/IL, University of Kansas.

Four-volume manual covers broad range of consumer advocacy strategies and includes lessons, exercises, and answer keys. Volume I introduces consumer involvement and describes different advocacy strategies. Includes monitoring events, legal responsibilities, consumer etiquette, identifying information sources, reporting issues. Volume II describes how group discussion leaders can chair effective meetings. Includes topics on forming an issue agenda, opening meetings, leading discussions, etc. Also provides instructions for group secretary. Volume III presents the Project Planning Guide, an index listing a sequence of 35 possible actions for each type of advocacy issue and goal. Index allows consumer groups to consider full range of legitimate responses for a variety of goals. Volume IV provides guidelines for proctors, peers, or instructors on how to train group members and teach advocacy skills. Covers preparing additional materials, questioning trainees on content of materials, evaluating trainee performance, and using positive reinforcement.

Seekins, T, Balcazar, F, & Fawcett, S B (in press). "Promoting effective consumer involvement through training in constructive advocacy." American Rehabilitation.

Article reports the development of a consumer involvement training program that has resulted in increased leadership and constructive advocacy in a field test with a consumer advisory committee.

Staff (1986). "Advocacy: IL cornerstone." Independent Living Forum, 4 (1). RTC/IL

Focuses on IL advocacy strategies, including protection and advocacy systems for persons with disabilities, self-advocacy, disability rights. Other issues include handicapped parking, voting, communication skills, and advocacy groups and impact of disability rights on federal law.

Seekins, T, & Fawcett, S B (1984). Guide to writing letters to the editor. Lawrence: RTC/IL, University of Kansas.

Designed to help consumers prepare effective letters to editor that may place an issue on the public agenda, educate the public, change attitudes, or convey gratitude.

Seekins, T, & Fawcett, S B (1984). Guide to writing letters to public officials. Lawrence: RTC/IL, University of Kansas.

Designed to help consumers prepare well-written, effective personal letters to influence public officials.

Elkins, S R, Jones, M L, & Ulicny, G R (1987). The media watch campaign manual. (Research edition). Lawrence: RTC/IL, University of Kansas.

Offers different strategies for promoting acceptable media features, focusing on appropriate terminology and portrayal of people with disabilities. Explains procedures for monitoring articles and TV programs and teaches how to write appropriate feedback letters and make effective phone calls.

Address: RTC/IL, 4089 Dole Bldg./LSI,University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, United States.

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