“Mrs Schledermann” - A film about the right to Independent Living with personal assistance (Swedish language, English subtitles)


Full film (about 40 mins.):

Independent Living Institute YouTube channel:www.youtube.com/user/ILIvideo

“Mrs Schledermann”
(Swedish language, English subtitles)
- A film about the right to Independent Living with personal assistance

produced for STIL, the Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living,
by Bo Öhlén and Bengt Rejhed 1995

Monica has a disability and needs assistance with everything – getting out of bed, dressing, hygiene, eating, being a grandmother and pursuing her interests. Living by herself she gets some assistance from the local government, but cannot choose who will work for her. Since workers often change, she needs to train new people all the time.

Monica is desperate and approaches STIL where fellow personal assistance users banded together to help themselves and demanded cash payments from the local government instead of home help services. STIL members employ their own personal assistants.

Monica wants to take charge of her life again and feel as boss and not as object of care. For this she needs peer support from other STIL members.