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Disability Resources - Independent living centers, grouped by country

Links in this category: 91. Newest link in this category: 2024-12-07


BIZEPS - Behindertenberatungszentrum - Zentrum für Selbstbestimmtes Leben

German language,
Link checked 2024-12

ILC - Independent Living Centre of WA
The Independent Living Centre of Western Australia (Inc.) is a non-profit community service organisation which provides impartial, expert advice on equipment, building and design, access and resources for people with disabilities, their advocates, carers and service providers.
English language,
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Independent Living Centre Tasmania, Inc.
The Independent Living Centre (ILC) Tasmania is a non-profit community service organisation: The Independent Living Centre provides a professional information, education, advisory and consultancy service on: daily living equipment, building access and design, assistive technology and resources for people with disabilities, the aged, their carers and service providers.
English language,
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Centre for Independent Living in Toronto
CILT operates on the philosophy of the Independent Living movement which was developed in response to traditional rehabilitation services models. CILT's aim is to develop and implement dignified social services that empower individuals rather than create dependencies. We encourage people with disabilities to take control of their own lives by exercising their right to examine options, make choices, take risks and even make mistakes.
English language,
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Cowichan Valley Independent Living

English language,
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ILRC - the Independent Living Resource Centre
The ILRC is a consumer controlled organization that promotes and supports citizens with disabilities to make choices and take responsibility for the development and management of personal and community resources.
English language,
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Victoria Disability Resource Centre
Victoria Disability Resource Centre. We are a non profit organization that helps people with all types of disabilities lead independent lives - under their control and by their choice. Our organization is fully cross disability, that is to say that anyone in the community with a disability, regardless of type is potentially able to draw on our services.
English language,
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VbA-München - erbund behinderter Arbeitgeber - Selbstbestimmt Leben

German language,
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ZSL - Erlangen
Das ZSL e.V. ist aus der Behinderteninitative StIB e.V. entstanden und wurde 1988 gegründet. Bereits ein Jahr später begann mit zwei MitarbeiterInnen die hauptamtliche Arbeit.
German language,
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ABS: Aktive Behinderte in Stuttgart und Umgebung

German language,
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Autonom Leben e.V - Selbstbestimmtes Leben für alle behinderten Menschen

German language,
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Das Zentrum für Selbstbestimmtes Leben (ZsL) e.V in Mainz
Das Zentrum für Selbstbestimmtes Leben (ZsL) e.V in Mainz bietet Beratung von behinderten Menschen und leistet inhaltliche sowie praktische Arbeit zur Gleichstellung.
German language,
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Independent Living Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen
Independent Living e.V. bietet Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen mit Kindertageseinrichtungen, Betreutem Jugendwohnen, Mädchenwohnen, Ambulanten Hilfen, Jugendclubs
German language,
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Individualhilfe Heidelberg

German language,
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Interessenvertretung selbstbestimmt Leben
The purpose of the organisation is to support the Independent way of living for our members. By the various sets off projects we try to improve its chances and defeat any kind of politic or social discrimination.
German language,
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Jenaer Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben behinderter Menschen e. V.

German language,
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Center for Independent Living in Dortmund. Site only in German.
German language,
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PHÖNIX e.V. Beratung und Hilfen für behinderte Menschen in Regensburg

German language,
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Selbstbestimmt Leben Bremen

German language,
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Verein zur Förderung der Autonomie Behinderter - FAB
Center for Independent Living in Kassel. Site only in German.
German language,
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German language,
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Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben Köln
Das Kölner Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben (ZsL) war 1987 eine der ersten Beratungsstellen von Behinderten für Behinderte im gesamten Bundesgebiet; bis heute ist es das einzige ZsL in Nordrhein-Westfalen.
German language,
Link checked 2024-12

Kynnys ry - Threshold - Independent Living Center in Helsinki
Human Rights NGO of People with Disabilities 1. advocacy work to improve legislation 2. peer support and counceling 3. independ living skills trainin for people with disabilities 4. personal assistant training courses for employers
Finnish language,
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United Kingdom
the Surrey Independent Living Council
Disabled People in Surrey can now use services funded by Surrey County Council and run by S.I.L.C. to support themselves to live independently in the community.
United Kingdom,
English language,
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Choices and Rights Disability Coalition
Choices and Rights Disability Coalition(CARDC) are an organisation exclusively run by disabled people in the Hull and East Riding area. We believe that the best experts on the needs of disabled people, are disabled people themselves.
United Kingdom,
English language,
Link checked 2024-12
The Centre For Independent Living, Belfast (CIL) is an organisation of disabled people working to support disabled people's right to have choice and control in their lives and to take an active part in the community in which they live. CIL aim to promote the philosophy of independent living and raise awareness about Direct Payments as an option for disabled people to achieve independence.
United Kingdom,
English language,
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Independent Living Alternatives (ILA)
ILA provides a comprehensive range of independent living and personal assistance services.
United Kingdom,
English language,
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KCIL - Kingston Centre For Independent Living
KCIL is a local charity working proactively to empower and support disabled people. KCIL was established in 1968 and is a member-led organisation with a number of sub groups and committees which guide the work of the organisation.
United Kingdom,
English language,
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Leeds Centre for Integrated Living (Leeds CIL)
Website under construction. Addresses and email available.
United Kingdom,
English language,
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Lothian Centre for Integrated Living
The Lothian Centre for Integrated Living is a disability and user led organisation established in 1991 to provide a range of practical services to disabled people in the Lothian region.
United Kingdom,
English language,
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WECIL- West of England Centre for Inclusive Living
The West of England Centre for Inclusive Living (WECIL) was set up in 1995 and provides a range of services to over 4000 people a year, with the aim of promoting inclusive opportunities and enabling choice and control over their lives
United Kingdom,
English language,
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Cork Centre For Independent Living Ltd.
Cork Centre for Independent Living's main areas of service include the provision of personal assistance, advocacy, promoting independent living, research library, and information and support services, in the greater Cork area.
English language,
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Leitrim Association of People with Disabilities
Leitrim Association of People with Disabilities, a Centre of Independent Living established by, controlled and managed by people with disabilities.
English language,
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The Westmeath Centre for Independent Living (CIL)
The Westmeath Centre For Independent Living, is a community based non-profit organization dedicated to integrating people with disabilities into community life.
English language,
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West Limerick Independent Living CIL Disability Services
West Limerick Independent Living is a not for profit company established in 1997 by a small group of people, many of whom have a disability. The main objective of the organisation is to develop high quality Personal Support Service for people with disabilities in the Mid West region of Ireland.
English language,
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Consequor - Associazione Consequor per la Vita Indipendente
Consequor Onlus nasce, soprattutto, dalla volonta' e dalla determinazione di alcune persone con disabilita' che abitano in Piemonte, dalla loro/nostra convinzione a promuovere, sostenere, rivendicare e esigere il diritto delle persone con disabilita’ alla Vita Indipendente, all’autodeterminazione e alla vitale necessità di assistenza personale autogestita: nonostante la disabilita'.
English language,
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La Cooperativa sociale a r.l. Independent Living

Italian language,
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Apeirons,Centre for Independent Living
To work together to encourage and support people with disabilities to live independent lives, to take an active part in society and to exercise their human and civil rights. We are an organisation of people with disabilities and their friends. Through the Centre for Independent Living we provide information and advice on a wide range of issues. We run support groups and occasional seminars and training sessions. We also involve people with disablities in integrated activities, including summer camps
English language,
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ULOBA was founded in 1991. It is based on the principles of empowerment, full citizenship and human rights. The cooperative is owned and run by disabled people according to the philosophy of Independent Living.
International interest,
Norwegian language,
Link checked 2024-12

GIL Göteborgskooperativet för Independent Living
GIL är ett icke vinstdrivande kooperativ som ägs och drivs av medlemmar med funktionshinder och behov av personlig assistans.
Swedish language,
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Kooperativet HIL
Helsingborgs Independent Living är ett kooperativ för funktionshindrade som använder sig av personlig assistans. Kooperativet startade 1993. Att vara medlem i HIL betyder att få stöd och hjälp av andra i samma situation.
Swedish language,
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United States
Access Alaska, Inc.
An Independent Living Center offering services to people with disabilities in Alaska.
United States,
English language,
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Access II Independent Living Center
We envision communities that provide inclusion, independence and self-determination for persons of all abilities. The Mission of Access II is to remove architectural and attitudinal barriers that limit the independence of persons with disabilities, promote a positive change in attitudes about disability and persons with disabilities, and encourage greater independence for persons with disabilities within our communities. As a Center for Independent Living, Access II is committed to the provision of a full range of independent living services.
United States,
English language,
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Access to Independence, Inc.
Access to Independence provides an array of services to people with disabilities, regardless of membership, in Dane, Columbia, Green and Dodge counties to assist them to live independently in their own homes. We provide these services flexibly based on each person's goals for her independent living.
United States,
English language,
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Capital District Center for Independence
CDCI,Inc. is a Capital District ( Albany NY and surrounding areas) organization assisting persons with disabilities to live independently.
United States,
English language,
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Central Coast Center for Independent Living
Central Coast Center for Independent Living (CCCIL) is an advocacy and information center organized by and for people with disabilities, serving Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties. CCCIL promotes the independence of people with disabilities by supporting their equal and full participation in community life. CCCIL provides advocacy, education and support to all people with disabilities, their families and the community.
United States,
English language,
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Community Access Center of Riverside, California
CAC is a non-profit Independent Living Center for Riverside County residents with disabilities.
United States,
English language,
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Dayle McIntosh Center
Dayle McIntosh Center was named in memory of a young woman with a severe physical disability who worked to found the Center in 1977. Our Mission is to advance empowerment and inclusion of all persons with disabilities. DMC is the largest Independent Living Center in California. Independent Living is a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities who work for self-determination, equal opportunities, and self-respect. A non-residential facility, DMC exists to enable persons with disabilities to succeed in every arena they desire.
United States,
English language,
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Disability Community Resource Center (DCRC)
The Disability Community Resource Center (DCRC) is a Center for Independent Living dedicated to supporting the equality of life for people with all kinds of disabilities. The goal of our peer-led programs and services is the elimination of economic, social, attitudinal and environmental barriers people with disabilities face in their daily lives.
United States,
English language,
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Disabled Resources Center Inc.
Incorporated in 1976, the Disabled Resources Center provides over seven services to thousands of people each year in the cities of Artesia, Avalon, Hawaiian Gardens, Lakewood, Long Beach, and Signal Hill. Most of the staff members are people with disabilities, as are the members of the Board of Directors, who provide positive role models for other people with disabilities. The mission of the agency is to empower people with disabilities to live independently in the community, to make their own decisions about their lives and to advocate on their own behalf.
United States,
English language,
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ILRCSF - Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco
We are a cross-disability resource center. That means that we serve all people with disabilities, including people with: * psychiatric disabilities * general physical and mobility disabilities * blindness and vision impairment * deafness and hearing impairment * environmental illness/multiple chemical sensitivity * traumatic brain injury or stroke * HIV/AIDS * substance abuse * developmental disabilities * other cognitive disabilities
United States,
English language,
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ILRU Directory of US independent living centers
Listing by states and territories in alphabetical order
United States,
English language,
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IMPACT is a self-help, advocacy organization, which was formed in September of 1985 primarily by people with disabilities. IMPACT continues to be operated by people with disabilities. It is our mission to assist people with disabilities to achieve their full human potential and to advocate for a society that is free from both physical and attitudinal barriers so that we may be full participants in our own communities.
United States,
English language,
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Independence Center Transitional Residence For Young Adults
Independence Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to independent living for young adults with a variety of learning disabilities.
United States,
English language,
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Independent Living Center Of Eastern Indiana
Serving Fayette, Franklin, Henry, Decatur, Rush, Union and Wayne Counties
United States,
English language,
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Independent Living Choices
We provide services to people with disabilities who make independence their choice.
United States,
English language,
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Independent Living Resource Center-Santa Barbara County
Independent Living Resource Center serving persons with disabilities.
United States,
English language,
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Independent Living Resources
ndependent Living Resources is a non-profit agency operated by a skilled staff and board of directors composed primarily of people with disabilities. This firsthand experience with disabilities provides a unique base of expertise for effectively addressing and providing services to individuals with disabilities.
United States,
English language,
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Independent Living Services of Northern California

United States,
English language,
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Kenai Peninsula Independent Living Center
Our mission is to insure that individuals with disabilities live independently in their own homes and in the communities of their choice
United States,
English language,
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Lake County Center for Independent Living
Lake County Center for Independent Living is a disability rights organization governed and staffed by a majority of people with disabilities. Lake County Center for Independent Living offers services and advocacy that promote a fully accessible society, which expects participation by persons with disabilities
United States,
English language,
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Lawrence Independent Living Resource Center
The Independent Living Resource Center of Lawrence, Kansas
United States,
English language,
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Life Center for Independent Living
LIFE Center for Independent Living advances equality and integration of all persons with disabilities. To achieve this mission, we: * Promote local, state and national advocacy * Educate persons with disabilities about their rights and responsibilities * Provide support services * Raise community awareness about disability issues in DeWitt, Ford, Livingston and McLean Counties.
United States,
English language,
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LINC Inc Swansea, IL
Opening doors for individuals with disabilities through education, advocacy, and independent living.
United States,
English language,
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Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc.
The Long Island Center for Independent Living, is committed to the empowerment of consumers with disabilities. LICIL staff functions as "ambassadors" to the belief that individuals with disabilities have a responsibility to take an active role in their own lives and a self-determined view of their futures.
United States,
English language,
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Marin CIL
Marin CIL is a non-profit agency whose mission is: To assist people with all types of disabilities to achieve their maximum level of sustainable independence as contributing, responsible and equal participants in society.
United States,
English language,
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North Central Florida Center for Independent Living
The mission of our organization is to empower people with disabilities to exert our individual rights to live as independently as possible, make personal life choices and achieve full community inclusion.
United States,
English language,
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Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council
The Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) is committed to promoting a philosophy of consumer control, peer support, self-help, self-determination, equal access, and individual and systems advocacy, in order to maximize leadership, empowerment, independence, productivity and to support full inclusion and integration of individuals into the mainstream of American society.
United States,
English language,
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Options for Independence
The mission of OPTIONS for Independence is to raise the vision and capability of the community at large to the point where people of all abilities will have equal access.
United States,
English language,
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Options for Independent Living
Options for Independent Living, Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to empowering people with disabilities to lead independent and productive lives in their community through advocacy, the provision of information, education, technology and related services.
United States,
English language,
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Panhandle Independent Living Center
We attempt to stimulate and promote a growing sense of personal dignity and responsible community participation of individuals with disabilities through training, community development, and direct services to meet the unmet needs of individual swith disabilities.
United States,
English language,
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Placer Independent Resource Services
Placer Independent Resource Services (PIRS) advocates for the rights of people with disabilities, educates the community about disability issues, and provides services to persons with disabilities to live independent, productive lives. Any person with a disability is eligible for our services.
United States,
English language,
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Progress Center for Independent Living
Progress Center works to provide people with all types of disabilities the tools and resources to be independent in their own homes.
United States,
English language,
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The Resource Center For Independent Living, Inc. Assists people in eastern Kansas with disabilities, their families and communities to advocate for, access and use the skills and resources necessary to reach the level of independence of their choice
United States,
English language,
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Resources For Independent Living
We are the only organization in Sacramento providing services to people with all forms of disability. The majority of our policy-making board is comprised of individuals with disabilities. Therefore, our decision-making process is both innovative and highly effective, because we are, in essence, helping ourselves.
United States,
English language,
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SEMO Alliance for Disability Independence
SEMO Alliance for Disability Independence, Inc. (SADI) is a community-based, non-profit, non-residential center for independent living located in Southeast Missouri.
United States,
English language,
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Sources, Inc.
Sources for Community Independent Living Services, Inc. provides services to persons with all types of disabilities who want to seek their independence and become active participants in community life.
United States,
English language,
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Southeast Alaska Independent Living
SAIL is a private non-profit organization that provides consumer-directed independent living services to people with disabilities throughout Southeast Alaska.
United States,
English language,
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Southern California Resource Services (SCRS-IL)
SCRS provides services and referrals for people with disabilities in Southeast Los Angeles County.
United States,
English language,
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Southwestern Independent Living Center home - Jamestown, New York USA
Providing services services that will assist individuals with severe disabilities in reaching maximum independence and an enriched quality of life throughout Chautauqua County.
United States,
English language,
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Summit Independent Living Center, Inc
Services for people with disabilities, individual and community advocacy, located in western Montana.
United States,
English language,
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SVILC- Silicon Valley Independent Living Center
Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC) is a community based non-profit resource center, which provides various services for people with disabilities. The programs and services that SVILC provides are designed to meet various independent living needs of people, thus enabling these people with disabilities to live and lead an independent life. The programs and services provided are Assistive technology, Benefits information and referral, Personal assistant services, counseling, housing referral and placement, specialized services, Independent living skills, Vocational training, Therapeutic recreation and Individual systems and advocacy.
United States,
English language,
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The Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin
The Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin (CILWW) advocates for the full participation in society of all persons with disabilities. Our goal is empowering individuals to exercise choices to maintain or increase their independence. Our strategy is providing consumer-driven services at no cost to persons with disabilities in Western Wisconsin.
United States,
English language,
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The Independent Living Center of Southern California, Inc.
The Independent Living Center of Southern California, Inc. (ILCSC) is a non-profit consumer-based, non-residential agency providing a wide range of services to a growing population of people with disabilities. ILCSC is dedicated to empowering persons with disabilities to exercise independence -- professionally, personally and creatively -- while striving to educate the community on their needs.
United States,
English language,
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The Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley
The Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley seeks to help persons with disabilities do for themselves instead of depending on others to do for them. The majority of our staff and Board of Directors are persons with a disability. Our approach is rooted in the philosophy of self-reliance and self-determination. Our approach makes sense. The full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community is cost-effective and reduces the spending of local, state, and federal revenues.
United States,
English language,
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Tri-County Independent Living
Tri-County Independent Living is one of twenty-nine Independent Living Centers throughout the state of California servicing over 1.5 million people with disabilities and promoting the Philosophy of Independent Living. We have proudly served Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity Counties since 1978.
United States,
English language,
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Washington Coalition of Citizens with disAbilities
WCCD promotes equality and choice of people with disAbilities through advocacy, collaboration, and programs.
United States,
English language,
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Welcome to D.I.L.A.
Information and resources related to deafness and hard-of-hearing.
United States,
English language,
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Welcome to IVCIL Website
The Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living (IVCIL) is a community-based, non-residential center for independent living dedicated to enhancing options available to persons with disabilities so they may choose and maintain individualized and satisfying lifestyles. IVCIL combines direct services with advocacy to individuals, ensuring the continuance of positive social change to allow greater integration of persons with disabilities into the mainstream of community life.
United States,
English language,
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Welcome to the Will-Grundy Center for Indepenedent Living
As people with disabilities and their advocates, the Will-Grundy Center for Independent Living strives for equality and empowerment of persons with disabilities in the Will and Grundy County areas. The Will-Grundy Center for Independent Living, a United Way Agency, is a cross-disability, community based organization. We are your local resource for information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and other disability related laws. We inform persons with disabilities of their rights, educate them about their responsibilities, provide support services, promote advocacy, and raise community awareness about disability issues.
United States,
English language,
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Westchester Independent Living Center
The Westchester Independent Living Center, Inc. (WILC) is a not-for-profit, community-based advocacy and resource center that serves people with all types of disabilities.
United States,
English language,
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