© Independent Living Institute
Independent Living Institute,
Storforsplan 36, 10 tr
123 47 Farsta
Tel. 08-506 22 179
United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons 1983-1992
CONCERNING DISABLED PERSONSThis documentation is courtesy the United Nations.
IndexNote: Numbers refer to paragraphs
Ability/Abilities6,27,77, 110, 166/16, 17, 28
Able19, 29, 58, 68, 69, 130, 132, 149
Access7, 21, 24, 25, 32, 35, 36, 45, 52, 61, 89, 114, 129, 135, 154
Accessible/Accessibility12, 23, 61, 112, 119, 122, 200/113, 134
Accident/Accidents49, 52/4, 13, 40, 51, 96
Action plan/Action plans162, 172/ 177, 190
Activities15, 16, 18, 24, 34-36, 40, 45, 52, 57, 71, 89 90, 94, 96, 134-137, 143, 172, 174, 176-178 180, 190, 193
Adaptation, Adaptations/Adapted69, 96/36, 59, 135
Adequate14, 24, 80, 83, 96, 118, 137, 144, 154, 170
Administrative Committee on Co-ordination159
Administrators54, 122, 144
Adopt Adopted5, 113, 114, 120, 123, 162/31, 35, 36, 114, 155
Adult/Adults126, 127/ 2, 16 27, 36, 122, 176
Advisory services177
Age/Aging6, 121, 122/13
Agencies23, 36, 89, 134, 140, 171, 174, 176, 179, 181, 182, 188, 190, 194, 195, 198, 200
Agriculture13, 36, 70, 170
Aids11, 15, 24, 27, 43, 58, 59, 78, 90, 100, 101, 102, 129, 135, 152, 187
Alcohol13, 96
Alma-Ata Conference on Primary Health Care36
Analyze177, 184
Applied54, 193
Appraisal156, 201
Approaches35, 43, 52, 159, 182, 184, 188, 192
Assessment/Assessments68, 69, 132, 194/196
Assist3, 35, 39, 42, 58, 96, 161, 183, 189, 190
Assistance5, 14, 15, 26, 39, 40, 80, 90, 91, 96, 103, 129, 138, 139, 142, 157, 169, 172, 174, 176, 179
Attitude/Attitudes148/27, 46, 54, 61, 72, 85, 184
Authorities87, 120, 122, 134, 141, 150, 153
Availability/Available59, 100, 101, 185/7, 20-22, 39, 40, 54, 59, 95, 105, 107, 132, 136, 143, 151, 152, 162, 184,
Avoidable40, 54
Awareness28, 40, 61, 180
Barrier/Barriers27, 162/2, 7, 8, 35, 39, 40, 42, 61, 71, 74, 76, 90, 106
Behaviour46, 72, 184
Benefit/Benefits78, 85, 135, 136/ 22, 118, 119, 139, 151
Bibliographical retrieval systems189
Bilateral174-176, 179
Birth41, 49
Bodies87, 92, 94, 110, 140, 155, 161, 164, 167, 177, 178 183, 190, 196
Buildings76, 114
Campaigns61, 76, 96
Capacity/Capacities86, 135, 192/16, 80
Capital investment174
Care4, 13, 15, 18, 24, 36, 40, 45, 52, 54, 55, 57, 80, 96, 98, 107, 118, 142, 144, 192
Cause/Causes40, 47, 54, 163, 192/13, 38, 40, 96, 185
Central131, 133
Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs (CSDHA)156, 176, 195, 199
Chances45, 176
Change/Changes/Changing11, 26, 28, 85, 148/79, 81/13
Channels93, 94, 151
Child/Children41, 52, 96, 122, 125, 176/2, 16, 35, 36, 46, 53, 64, 68, 96, 120, 122-125, 176
Citizen/Citizens140/3, 7, 22, 108, 110, 134
Collaborate/Collaboration171, 175/182, 191
Commission for Social Development195
Commission on Human Rights165, 166, 168, 169
Committee/Committees36, 89, 159/110, 167
Communicable diseases96
Communication15, 29, 58, 59, 76, 106, 135, 140, 151, 162
Community/Communities3, 4, 7, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 35, 36, 45, 46, 61, 71, 80, 96, 99, 115, 122, 135-137, 140, 142, 144, 151, 170, 176, 178, 183, 192/13, 17, 57, 75, 81, 106, 138, 139, 143.
Components173, 176
Comprehensive122, 144, 148, 192
Compulsory64, 120
Concept/Concepts35, 36, 146/1, 31, 34, 35, 178
Condition/Conditions14, 75, 198/1, 3, 20, 40, 47, 51, 54, 78, 80, 82, 83, 96, 101, 106, 110, 132, 166, 167, 185, 187, 192, 193
Consequence/Consequences2/3, 5, 10, 38, 40, 45, 80, 153
Constraints40, 86
Consultation/Consultations85, 149, 178, 194, 195/155
Contact/Contacts72, 73, 143/93
Contract, Contracts129
Contribution/Contributions82/85, 148, 158
Co-operate /Co-operation161, 198/30, 34, 35, 90, 102, 131, 139, 155, 159, 169, 171, 172, 174, 176-179
Co-operative/Co-operatives179/69, 80, 129
Co-ordinate/Co-ordinated/Co-ordinating/Co-ordination91, 175/84, 96/110, 156, 167/159, 178
Cost/Costs59, 69, 76/58, 192
Counselling/Counsellors15, 52, 96, 103/144
Country/Countries13, 22, 51, 59, 101, 145/1, 3, 5, 35, 37, 43, 45, 47, 50, 53-55, 58, 59, 61, 63-67, 69, 70, 76, 78, 82, 83, 87, 92, 96, 101, 107, 113, 115, 147, 157, 158, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177, 179, 187, 189, 191, 192, 198
Covenants32, 163-165
Creative potential135
Crime, Criminology48
Criteria122, 194
Cultural6, 7, 12, 32, 36, 39, 45, 61, 71, 72, 86, 135, 145, 165, 184
Culture/Cultures134, 151, 193/3, 184
Curative action14
Curriculum/Curricula122 /49, 183
Daily15, 21, 24, 58, 59
Data186, 198
Decision/Decisions19, 28, 29, 89/19, 90, 93, 119, 144
Decision-making19, 29
Declaration on Social Progress and Development33
Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons32
Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons32
Definitions6, 9
Demand/Demands29/ 13, 41, 170
Department of International Economic and Social Affairs (DIESA)34, 156, 176, 194
Department of Public Information (DPI)34, 180
Department of Technical Co-operation for Development (DTCD)34, 176
Designated19, 69, 129, 156
Detection13-15, 53, 68, 96, 142
Developed countries9, 58, 61, 69, 78, 82, 192
Developing countries3, 5, 35, 43, 53, 61, 64, 70, 78, 82, 83, 96, 113, 147, 157, 158, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177, 187, 191, 192, 198
Development1, 3, 5, 13, 16, 22, 28, 29, 33-35, 40, 41, 46, 53, 78-83, 85, 86, 88, 92, 99, 101, 102, 117, 118, 128, 129, 138, 142, 145, 156, 170, 174, 176-178, 191, 193, 195, 199, 201
Development plans/Development programmes5/22, 142
Devices15, 35, 58, 59, 78, 152
Disability/Disabilities1, 3-6, 13, 14, 21, 25, 27, 35-38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 47, 51, 54, 78, 80, 82, 85, 95, 96, 109, 110, 112, 115, 122, 139, 143, 153, 156, 167, 168, 172-174, 176-178, 184, 186, 188, 191, 192/4, 8, 22-24, 27, 29, 30, 36, 37, 42, 43, 54, 55, 60, 69, 71, 75, 90, 96, 120, 132, 142, 143, 149 198
Disability policies25
Disability prevention36, 40, 96, 156, 176
Disabled1-3, 5, 7, 8, 16-19, 21, 22, 24-28, 30, 32, 35-37, 39-45, 47, 49-51, 55, 57-59, 61-74, 76-85, 89-94, 99, 101, 103, 105, 106, 108, 110, 111, 114, 115, 117-129, 131-137, 140, 141, 143, 144, 148-157, 161-166, 169-173, 175-179. 184-187, 190, 192-194, 197, 198, 200
Disabled adults16, 36
Disabled children16, 35, 36, 64, 68, 122-125, 176
Disabled citizens22
Disabled individuals58, 73, 99
Disabled job-seekers69
Disabled migrant workers51
Disabled parent45
Disabled passengers36
Disabled people8, 47, 132, 164
Disabled person/Disabled persons184/1, 3, 5, 7, 17-19, 22, 24, 26-28, 30, 32, 35, 36, 39-44, 49, 55, 57-59, 61-67, 69-74, 76-78, 80-82, 84, 85, 89-94, 101, 103, 105, 106, 108, 110, 111, 114, 115, 117-121, 126-129, 131, 133-137, 140, 141, 143, 144, 148-157, 161-163, 165, 166, 169-173, 175-179, 184-187, 192-194, 197, 198, 200
Disabled population51
Disabled refugee/Disabled refugees50/35
Disabled workers69, 129
Disablement45, 48, 54, 95
Disabling57, 98
Disadvantaged33, 77, 79, 170
Disaster, disasters35, 40, 50
Disaster Relief Coordinator35
Discriminate/Discrimination118, 134/5, 40, 51, 61, 72
Disease/Diseases47, 176/4, 5, 36, 52, 96
Displaced persons50
Dissemination54, 95, 189, 190, 195
Distribution81, 99, 106
District level143
Division of Human Rights34
Division of Narcotic Drugs34
Doctors54, 142
Domestic79, 130
Donor171, 179
Drug, drugs13, 34, 35, 40, 96, 142
Early detection13-15, 53, 68, 96, 142
Economic1, 3, 5, 13, 32, 34, 38, 40, 45, 53, 54, 69, 78-81, 83, 86, 88, 101, 117, 156, 165, 169, 174, 176, 185-187, 194, 201
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)34
Economic and Social Council165
Economic and social development3, 5, 80, 81, 174
Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)34
Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)34
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)34
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)34
Economy/Economies70, 130/ 78
Education/Educational13-15, 18, 21, 22, 36, 40, 45, 52, 54, 61, 64, 66-48, 76, 80, 90, 96, 99, 106, 111, 119, 120, 126, 127, 145-147, 153, 176, 179, 183, 184/12, 13, 36, 65, 90, 96, 120, 122, 123, 125, 144
Effect/Effects21, 41, 96/57, 69, 78, 98
Elderly47, 96
Eliminate5, 61, 76, 98, 109
Employable/Employed69/25, 51, 69, 132
Employees/Employers131/69, 131, 133
Employment15, 18, 21, 22, 45, 51, 61, 68-70, 78, 80, 127-133, 144, 154, 162
Environment/Environmental7, 12, 18, 21, 35, 40, 51, 52, 57 96, 111, 112 125, 131, 184/4, 13
Equal/Equality1-3, 7, 25, 26, 32, 63, 108, 117, 120, 124, 128, 154/1, 21, 27, 71, 82, 162, 163, 194
Equalization of opportunities5, 9, 12, 21, 40, 60, 62, 78, 79, 84, 107, 118, 153, 156, 174, 176, 177, 179
Equipment20, 24, 43, 58, 59, 69, 80, 96, 100, 101, 128, 187
Estimate/Estimated39/37, 43
Evaluation192, 194-197, 201
Exclude/Excluded/Exclusion42, 118/72, 75, 76, 122/72
Exclusive contracts129
Expanded Programme of Immunization of the World Health Organization96
Expenditure174, 190
Experience/Experiences6, 21, 36, 71, 85, 139, 173/36, 46, 73, 154
Extended family70
Facilities12, 21, 36, 50, 51, 56, 61, 65, 66, 76, 77, 99, 114, 124, 127, 137, 142, 162, 200
Family/Families13, 17, 19, 21, 35, 41, 46, 70, 71, 96, 125, 144/13, 14, 17, 19, 40, 41, 43, 45, 51, 57, 70, 90, 103, 106, 107, 118, 119, 143, 144, 151, 152, 186
Faculty40, 46
Field/Fields36, 55, 67, 119, 145, 156, 176, 177, 179/80, 144, 181, 192
Focal point89, 140, 156
Follow-up15, 100, 132, 142, 158
Food/Foods36, 52/96
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)36, 176
Freedom/Freedoms21, 45/31, 110, 166
Full participation1, 2, 21, 22, 61, 71, 79, 82, 90, 136, 144, 162, 163, 194
Function/Functions6, 7, 11, 165, 178/178, 179, 196
Functional/Functioning11, 20, 74, 192/99, 100
Fund/Funds35, 157, 176/158
Fundamental21, 31
Gains3, 192
General3, 5, 12, 18, 21, 22, 35, 36, 56, 79, 80, 82, 88, 89, 99, 103, 104, 116, 118, 120, 123, 124, 148, 154, 155, 157, 158, 186, 200, 201
Geographical13, 40, 106, 151
Global84, 176, 196
Goals1, 21, 82, 84, 122, 155, 175
Government/Governments/Governmental22, 89, 93, 131, 139, 140, 144/3, 23, 28, 35, 77, 87, 89, 133, 155, 158, 171, 173, 175, 176, 190/3, 23, 36, 89, 155, 160, 176, 190
Groups13, 17, 21, 45, 71, 73, 77, 79, 106, 132, 140, 151, 193
Guidance15, 80, 107, 132, 143
Guidelines149, 151, 172
Handicap/Handicaps6, 7, 39, 50, 54, 95/51
Handicapped/Handicapping2, 21, 29, 50, 74, 85/131
Hazards13, 50, 51, 142
Health6, 12, 13, 18, 36, 40, 45, 51-54, 80, 96, 98, 99, 106, 107, 118, 142-144, 176, 192, 193
Hearing6, 15, 27, 47, 76, 119, 151
Help/Helping5, 24, 35, 40, 44, 57, 91, 176/17
Home13, 24, 96, 122
Household186, 198
Housing12, 21, 22, 40, 80, 114
Human2, 6, 31, 32, 34, 35, 54, 71, 79, 81, 82, 110, 113, 161, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169, 184
Human resources79, 82
Human rights31, 32, 34, 71, 110, 161, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169
Humanitarian5, 156, 176, 195, 199
Hunger5, 40
Hygiene4, 36, 52
Ignorance71, 76
Ill/Illness8, 107/107
Immunization4, 52, 96
Impaired8, 11, 15, 41, 76, 131, 135, 162
Impairment/Impairments2, 3, 6, 10, 13, 14, 21, 37, 41, 43, 46, 51-55, 57, 77, 80, 95, 96, 98, 142, 185/ 10, 22, 35, 36, 38, 42, 55, 78, 131, 135
Implement/Implemented/Implementing86, 87, 90, 158/ 78, 86/ 35, 82, 190, 195
Implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons5, 82, 83, 85, 87, 90, 156, 157, 172, 176
Improve/Improved/Improvement30, 36, 80, 131, 176/ 3, 13, 62, 80, 81, 104, /1, 5, 13, 52, 54, 78, 176, 195
Imprudent40, 96
Inadequate4, 40, 43, 51, 104, 124, 127
Incentive oriented quota schemes129
Incidence/Incidences13, 52, 96, 185/168
Income5, 77, 115, 117
Independent/Independently57/57, 115
Indicators184, 194, 195
Individual/Individuals/Individualized6, 16, 17, 21, 25, 135, 176, 192/3, 23, 58, 73, 99, 135, 144/122
Industry/IndustriesIndustrialized13, 132/78 /54, 69, 191
Inexpensive54, 176
Influence28, 85, 92, 93, 140
Inform/Information151, 181, 28, 30, 34, 61, 76, 90, 96, 134, 138, 139, 144, 147-154, 177-180, 182, 183, 186, 190, 192, 193, 195, 200
Inhibit106, 166
Inhuman treatment111
Initiate88, 105, 140
Injury/Injuries/Injured35, 49/48, 131/40
Innovative67, 178, 182, 188
Institutes/Institutions/Institutional102, 178/18, 56, 57, 61, 75, 107, 152, 175, 176, 190, 193 /54, 57
Integrate/Integrated79/20, 142, 146, 176
Integration18, 56, 62, 63, 73, 77, 123, 129, 146
Intergovernmental155, 176, 196
Interim Fund for Science and Technology176
International54, 139, 154, 157, 160-165, 169-171, 174, 176, 178, 183, 188, 190, 194, 196 201
International agreements164
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)36
International community4, 170
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights165
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights165
International Covenants on Human Rights32, 165
International Development Strategy79, 83, 170, 201
International disputes5
International Labour Organisation (ILO)36, 176
International level23, 85, 196
International organizations161, 163, 174, 178, 183
International peace and security5
International Year of Disabled Persons, 1981157, 162, 163, 176, 194, 198
Interregional170, 176
Intervention13, 15, 64, 68, 96
Job/Jobs36, 131/69, 96
Knowledge40, 42, 51, 54, 66, 95, 144, 184, 189
Labour18, 33, 36, 96, 128
Lack6, 40, 51, 59, 66, 76
Language51, 151, 193
Laws116, 120, 133
Least developed countries82
Least privileged groups13
Leeds Castle Declaration54
Legislation13, 61, 66, 76, 90, 107, 110, 152
Leper colonies75
Level/Levels1, 7, 11, 23, 26, 41, 65, 83, 89, 90, 127, 131, 143, 145, 147, 155, 176, 194, 196, 197/3, 5, 18, 23, 80, 85, 86, 94, 96, 99, 125, 147, 151, 179, 191, 194, 195
Life/Lives1-3, 7, 11-12, 21, 42, 45, 54, 57, 66, 72, 75, 82/2, 19, 39, 186
Life styles13, 81, 96
Light switches76
Limitation/Limitations7, 11, 74/39, 151, 192
Limited/Limits1, 29, 41, 50, 51, 65, 67/6, 45
Living1, 3, 5, 15, 21, 39-41, 51, 53, 58, 59, 61, 70, 82, 105, 106, 144
Local authorities/Local communities/Local government87/138, 139, 143/140
Local level/Local situation85, 131/100
Local production/Local resources80, 101, 102/ 176
Long-term88, 142, 155
Loss6, 7, 11, 54
Maintenance115, 117
Malnutrition4, 54
Mandate35, 173, 176
Manufactured/Manufacturing58, 101/43
Marriage32, 74
Mass disability5
Mass production78
Material/Materials3, 20, 135, 151/101, 151, 177, 183, 193
Maternal and child health96, 176
1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22, 35, 40, 52-54, 61, 69, 78, 79, 82, 84, 87, 90, 95, 96, 105, 109, 114, 129-131, 136, 143, 158, 174, 176, 179
Mechanisms159, 190
Media30, 149, 151, 154, 182
Medical/Medication/Medicine8, 13-15, 43, 54, 57, 90, 96, 142, 144, 176, 191, 192/40, 96/80
Member State/Member States116, 117/36, 88, 90-93, 95, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111-115, 117, 120, 121, 126-130, 134, 135, 137, 138, 142, 144, 148, 152, 174, 178, 179, 185, 194, 195
Members5, 19, 35, 38, 57
Mental/Mentally2, 10, 11, 22, 37, 52, 78, 107, 135, 143, 168, 191/8, 15, 19, 29, 32, 33, 45, 49, 74, 85, 107
Methods20, 59, 61, 169
Migrant workers51
Million/Millions2, 37, 39, 50/2, 170
Ministry, Ministries89
Misuse of therapeutic substances40
Mobility8, 15, 58, 59
Monitor/Monitoring177/156, 194, 196
Movement21, 29, 36, 61
Multi-disciplinary84, 147
Multilateral174, 176, 179
Mutual/Mutually28, 80, 131/122
Nation/Nations86, 88/5, 20, 31, 34-36, 42, 78, 79, 83, 86, 155, 156, 159, 160, 162-164, 166, 170, 173, 175-177, 180, 182, 188-190, 194, 195, 199-201
National36, 54, 80, 83, 85-89, 102, 110, 167, 171, 179, 183, 186, 194, 197
National commission/national committees89/110, 167
National level83, 85, 194, 197
Natural18, 35, 40, 174
Need/Needs22, 24, 40, 43, 44, 53, 54, 59, 61, 101, 106, 129, 139, 143, 158, 184, 187, 191/3, 5, 17, 24, 25, 23, 35, 36, 40, 59, 66, 74, 76, 82, 104, 107, 122, 127, 132, 135, 144, 148, 170, 173, 175-177, 188, 189
New international economic order78, 79, 83
News media149
Non-disabled25, 64, 184
Non-governmental3, 23, 36, 89, 155, 160, 176, 190
Non-governmental organizations3, 23, 36, 89, 155, 160, 176
Normal6, 16, 46, 49, 57, 72, 73, 75, 125, 151, 176
Number/Numbers5, 22, 34, 37, 41, 44, 47, 57, 69, 96, 143/40
Nutrients/Nutrition/Nutritional96/13, 36, 52, 80, 96, 176/13, 90, 99, 144
Objectives1, 5, 82, 83, 88, 90, 96, 97, 116, 122, 138, 158, 160, 176, 177, 180, 182, 183
Objectives of the World Programme of Action82, 83, 88, 97, 116, 138, 158, 160, 177, 180, 182, 183
Obligations26, 27, 150
Obstacles5, 22, 76, 133, 134
Occupations/Occupational70/51, 55, 96, 176
Offices34, 178, 180, 186
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)35
Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator (UNDRO)35
Open15, 22, 61, 128, 129
Opportunity/Opportunities3, 24, 25, 28, 33, 71, 115, 135, 136/1-3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 21, 26, 28, 36, 40, 60-63, 69, 71, 78-80, 84, 90, 101, 107, 103, 118, 120, 128, 130, 131, 134, 153, 156, 161, 174, 176, 177, 179
Ordinary22, 146
Organizations3, 23, 28, 35, 36, 85, 89, 94, 131, 134, 140, 149, 154, 155, 157, 159-161, 163, 164, 173-179, 183, 194
Organizations composed of or representing disabled persons92, 161
Organizations of and for disabled persons155
Organizations of disabled persons85, 89-91, 93, 140, 149, 157, 177, 178
Organs155, 67
Orientation of families14
Parent/Parents45/52, 122, 125, 140
Participate/Participation60, 68, 94/1, 2, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 61, 71, 73, 76, 79, 82, 90, 91, 126, 136, 140, 144, 162, 163, 186, 194
People2, 3, 5, 8, 19, 22-24, 29, 32, 40, 42, 43, 47, 53, 54, 59, 71, 72, 74, 75, 78, 96, 98, 106, 132, 151, 164
Per cent37, 43, 64
Periodic/Periodically53, 194, 195, 201/194, 197, 200, 201
Permanent24, 35, 48, 189
Person/Persons/Person with disabilities11, 21, 27, 31, 37, 184/1, 3, 5, 7, 17-19, 22, 24, 26-30, 32, 33, 35-37, 39-44, 49, 50, 55, 57-67, 69-78, 80-82, 84, 85, 89-94, 96, 101, 103, 105-108, 110-112, 114, 115, 117-122, 126-129, 131, 133-137, 140, 141, 143, 144, 148-157, 161-166, 169, 173, 175-179, 184-187, 192-194, 197, 198, 200/27, 37, 60, 69, 71, 75, 107, 112, 115, 143, 178
Personal21, 36 72, 74, 142, 144
Personnel43, 73, 80, 103, 107, 125, 142, 144, 147, 177, 193
Physical/Physically2, 7, 10-12, 22, 35, 37, 39, 40, 52, 61, 71, 78, 111, 112, 143, 168, 191/33, 45, 49, 50
Physical environment35, 40, 111, 112
Pictorial material151
Placement13, 15, 18, 36, 40, 69
Plan/Plans90, 155, 162, 172, 184/5, 177, 190
Planned parenthood144
Planners/Planning144/13, 17, 19, 22, 25, 76, 85, 96, 113, 123
Plastic arts135
Policy/Policies36, 88, 113, 114, 128, 130, 159/25, 44, 84, 85, 93, 120, 131, 162, 192
Political/Politicians3, 21, 60, 140, 165 /54
Pollution4, 13, 40
Poor/Poorest4, 43/ 35, 41
Population/Populations1, 3, 5, 13, 22, 35, 37, 40, 43, 44, 53, 77, 79, 81, 82, 90, 96, 99, 106, 118, 151, 170, 186 /3, 40
Post-natal4, 13
Potential6, 73, 135
Poverty5, 40, 41
Practical54, 96, 101, 198
Practice/Practices57/ 13, 109, 162
Prenatal4, 13, 52
Pregnant53, 96
Prejudice/Prejudices51, 72/30
Press releases180
Prevalence38, 192
Prevent/ Prevented /Preventing5, 7, 14, 42-44, 52, 54, 55, 95, 96, 131, 191/4, 54/10, 36, 80, 96
Prevention/Preventive1, 5, 9, 10, 13, 35, 36, 40, 47, 52-54, 77-79, 82, 84, 95, 96, 118, 143, 153, 156, 172-174, 176, 177, 179/ 22, 53, 54, 96, 176
Primary10, 13, 18, 31, 36, 40, 52, 54, 80, 96, 142
Primary health13, 36, 40, 52, 54, 80, 96, 142
Principles31, 32, 36, 69, 182
Priority/Priorities40, 44, 54, 85, 86, 129, 138, 163, 170, 174/28, 174, 188
Private23, 87, 89, 90, 130, 158, 175
Procedures19, 121, 176
Produce/Production/Productive/Products58, 72, 186/ 35, 59, 69, 78 80, 96, 101, 102, 129, 132/ 33, 70, 128, 192/142
Professional/Professionals73, 154/ 54, 96, 143, 152
Programme/Programmes101, 116, 138, 151, 155-161, 172, 173, 176, 177, 180-183, 185, 186, 188-190, 194-195, 201 /4, 13, 17-19, 22, 35, 36, 40, 54, 55, 57, 68, 69, 80, 85, 88, 96, 113, 126, 127, 138, 142-144, 146, 152, 171, 174, 176, 179, 181, 183,184, 191, 192, 195, 197, 198
Progress33, 54, 67, 80, 155, 177, 191, 195
Project/Projects176/ 173, 176, 181, 189
Promote/Promotion1, 17, 30, 82, 90, 133, 177, 178/31, 121
Proposals82, 176, 189, 190
Protect/Protection163/96, 111, 118
Provision/Provisions15, 36, 43, 96, 97, 99, 100, 105, 107, 115, 122, 137, 138, 141, 142, 146/15, 38, 78, 107, 116, 132
Public21, 23, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 54, 56, 61, 76, 80, 85, 87, 89, 90, 96, 114, 118, 133, 134, 142, 147, 151, 153, 154, 179-181, 183
Quota69, 129
Racial, Racism5
Radio149, 180
Reading material135
Recipients of services118
Recommendation /Recommendations/Recommended36 /36 /36, 82, 87, 188, 189
Recreation/Recreational133, 134/12, 134
Recruit/Recruitment179/131, 141
Redistribution of resources5
Reduce/Reduced/Reductions13, 61, 98/ 13, 54/14
Referral107, 142
Refugee, Refugees35, 50
Region/Regions/Regional143, 193/177, 179/34, 85, 102, 176, 179, 190, 94, 196, 198
Regional commissions34, 177, 178, 190, 196, 198
Regular18, 68, 69, 127, 134, 151
Regulation/Regulations121/ 13, 96, 116, 118, 133
Rehabilitate/Rehabilitation44/ 1, 5, 9, 11, 15-21, 33, 36, 39, 40, 43, 47, 56, 57, 77-80, 82, 84, 90, 97, 100, 118, 131, 143, 144, 153, 156, 172, 174, 176-179, 192
Relatives43, 92
Religion/Religious135/21, 136, 140
Remedial/Remedies5, 14, 54/54
Remove22, 42, 61, 134
Replace/ Replaced/ Replacement70/57/100
Report/Reports200, 201 / 165
Represent/Representation/Representing19, 36/91 149/92, 161
Request35, 157, 171, 174, 176, 179
Research43, 54, 90, 177, 181, 183, 185-193
Reserved employment129
Resource/Resources86, 177/3, 5, 17, 25, 26, 35, 40, 41, 43, 77-79, 82, 83, 101, 104, 105, 140, 154, 158, 170, 173, 174, 176, 185
Responsible/Responsibility/Responsibilities40, 89, 141, 143, 150, 153, 164/ 3, 45, 87, 102, 108, 120, 176/144, 176
Restricted/Restriction8, 142/6
Result/Results35, 38, 50, 76/ 37, 41, 139, 184, 186, 189, 190, 195, 201
Retardation/ Retarded107/8, 15, 32, 107
Review/Reviewed156, 201/118, 122
Revise/Revised/Revisions201/ 122/ 201
Right/Rights29, 32, 33, 64, 71/2, 25, 26, 28, 30-34, 60, 61, 71, 92, 110, 111, 119, 120, 129, 148, 150, 151, 161, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169
Risk13, 41, 51
Road/Roads96/ 13
Role6, 27, 28, 34, 156, 190, 195, 199
Rural3, 43, 70, 78, 96, 105, 113, 126, 128, 170
Safety55, 96, 118, 176
Sanitary76, 80
Scarce/Scarcity43, 70/82
Schemes69, 129, 132
School/Schools/Schooling2, 68, 120, 122, 124/61, 102, 142/61, 124
Science/Scientists176, 193/54
Secondary18, 192
Secretary-General158, 200, 201
Sector/Sectors/Sectoral87, 89, 130, 133/28, 170, 173/176
Selective placement services13
Sensory2, 10, 37, 61, 78, 135, 162
Service/Services40, 73, 104, 140, 144, 192/3,5, 12-15, 18-20, 22, 24, 25, 28, 32, 35, 36, 39, 40, 43, 44, 47, 50, 51, 56, 57, 64, 77, 80, 81, 84, 85, 90, 97-100, 103-107, 115, 118, 122, 128, 132, 134, 141-144, 151, 152, 174, 176-178, 193
Settlements35, 113
Severe/Severely3, 70, 132/ 19, 57, 120, 132
Sex/Sexual6/21, 74
Shanty towns105
Sheltered15, 69, 132
Short-term objectives122
Simple54, 59, 143
Situation3, 30, 36, 46, 51, 82, 83, 86, 100, 164, 165, 194, 201
Situation of disabled persons3, 30, 83, 164, 165, 194
Skills15, 28, 29, 42, 144
Slums70, 96, 105, 106
Social1-3, 5-7, 10-15, 18, 21, 26, 27, 31-35, 39, 40, 45, 57, 60, 71-75, 77, 80-83, 90, 99, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 111, 115-118, 143, 144, 156, 165, 174, 176, 184-186, 191-195, 199, 201
Social adjustment11
Social and cultural6, 32, 72, 165
Social and economic1, 40, 83, 101
Social and health12
Social and political groups21
Social assistance40, 80
Social change26
Social indicators184
Social insurance118
Social justice31
Social life and development1, 82
Social security18, 32, 80, 111, 115-118
Social service/Social services40, 104, 192/14, 18, 80, 103, 107
Social workers143, 144
Society/Societies2, 3, 7, 12, 18, 22, 26-28, 35, 38, 40, 41, 54, 55, 62, 63, 71, 76, 77, 96, 186/22, 25, 26, 60
Socio-cultural71, 184
Solution/Solutions83/ 3, 187
Sophisticated devices58
Special15, 45, 51, 52, 61, 67-69, 82, 85, 102, 104, 105, 122, 124, 126, 127, 132, 135, 143, 145-148, 151
Special education67, 68
Special groups45
Specialized agencies36, 176, 182, 188, 194, 195, 198, 200
Specialized education15
Specialized institutions18, 56
Specialized knowledge144
Specialized services40, 64, 99
Specific13, 32, 35, 36, 89, 101, 111, 173, 176
Speech impaired8
Sport/Sports134/12, 136, 137
Staff66, 140, 141
Standard of living, living standards3, 5, 82
State/States13, 116, 117/5, 36, 79, 88, 90-93, 95, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111-115, 117, 120, 121, 126-130, 134, 137, 137, 138, 142, 144, 148, 152, 165, 174, 178, 179, 185, 194, 195
States members5
States parties165
Statistical Office198, 199
Status13, 163
Steps61, 76, 151
Stimulants40, 96
Strategy/Strategies13, 35, 36, 79, 83, 84, 131, 170, 101/43
Stress40, 189
Study/Studies192/184, 190, 192
Style/Styles21/13, 81, 96
Subregional177, 178
Substances40, 96
Sundberg Declaration36
Supervision143, 144
Support/Supporting/Supportive5, 17, 24, 28, 47, 54, 57, 78, 90, 93, 101, 102, 107, 115, 125, 129, 144, 171, 176/36, 106, 116, 128, 130/17, 43
Support services24, 47, 57, 115
Survey/Surveys39, 186/37, 198
System/Systems12, 19, 22, 31, 36, 53, 71, 96, 103, 104, 106, 117, 118, 120, 123, 124, 151, 155, 159, 160, 162-164, 173, 176, 195, 198/ 7, 61, 70, 80, 96, 114, 116, 118, 189, 195
System/system of society12/7
Teacher/Teachers/Teaching145-147/ 144, 146, 147/66, 67, 183
Teacher-training145, 146
Teaching techniques67
Technical5, 11, 14, 15, 34, 35, 58, 90, 100, 101, 102, 129, 139, 159, 169, 171, 172, 174, 176, 177, 179, 198
Technical aids11, 58, 90, 100, 101, 102, 129
Technical co-operation34, 35, 139, 159, 171, 172, 174, 176, 177, 179
Techniques143, 193
Technology20, 54, 58, 78, 95, 96, 102, 144, 176
Television149, 180
Temporary disablement48
Theme of the International Year of Disabled Persons162, 163, 194
Third United Nations Development Decade79, 83, 170, 201
Third World50
Tools11, 54, 69, 128, 198
Torture49, 168
Trade unions140
Traditions/Traditional86/30, 40, 57, 70
Train/Trained69/43, 125, 144
Training13, 15, 18, 36, 40, 45, 51, 69, 80, 96, 119, 127, 132, 138, 140-147, 149, 154, 177, 178, 193
Training centres/Training programmes127/96, 146
Transfer of resources/Transfer of technology78/20
Transport61, 114
Treatment15, 35, 40, 47, 111, 144
Trust Fund157, 158
Ultimate responsibility
3, 87
Unique expertise85
United Nations5, 31, 34-36, 79, 83, 155, 156, 159, 160, 162, 164, 166, 170, 173, 175-177, 180, 182, 188-190, 194, 195, 199-201
United Nations specialized agencies
(see under "specialized agencies")
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS)35
United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs (UN-CSDHA)
(see under "Centre for Social Development... ")
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)35, 176
United Nations covenants and other instruments163
United Nations Department of International Economic and Social Affairs (DIESA)
(see under Department of International... ")
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)35, 79, 83, 170, 176, 201
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)36, 176
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)35
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)35
United Nations system31, 36, 155, 159, 160, 162-164, 173, 176, 195
Universal32, 36, 71, 166, 191
Universal Declaration of Human Rights32, 71
Universal Postal Union (UPU)36
Urban/Urbanization67, 70, 96, 105, 106, 128/40
Urged161, 162, 198
Use5, 13, 40, 96, 101, 105, 142, 151, 159, 163, 176, 189, 198
Victims/Victimology48, 49/48
Vienna Affirmative Action Plan172
Violation, Violations168
Violence40, 50
Vision/Visually impaired47/ 8, 15, 76, 135
Vocational15, 18, 26, 28, 36, 40, 45, 51, 70 80, 90, 96, 99, 132, 144, 176
Vocational rehabilitation15, 36, 80, 176
Vocational training15, 18, 36, 40, 45, 51, 96, 132
Voluntary/Volunteers134, 158/144
War/Wars13/5, 40
Welfare33, 99
Wheelchairs27, 76
Whooping cough4
Women/Women's organizations45, 53, 96/140
Work/Workers12, 16, 22, 36, 69, 80, 96, 111, 112, 116, 125, 129, 131, 144/51, 69, 96, 99, 129, 131, 142, 144, 151
Working Group of the Economic and Social Council165
Workshops69, 132
World1, 2, 6, 9, 28, 34-38, 50, 52, 53, 82, 85-90, 96, 97
World Health Assembly36
World Health Organization (WHO)6, 13, 36, 96, 176
World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons1, 5, 9, 34, 35, 82, 83, 85-90, 97, 116, 138, 155-161, 172, 173, 176, 177, 180-183, 188-190, 194, 195, 201
World Symposium of Experts on Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries and Technical Assistance for Prevention of Disability and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons172
Year/years13, 36, 157, 162, 163, 176, 194/46, 54, 198, 201
Young26, 53