© Independent Living Institute
Independent Living Institute,
Storforsplan 36, 10 tr
123 47 Farsta
Tel. 08-506 22 179
Contents of ENIL's Website
- Resolution of the Stockholm Meeting on the inclusion of
an anti-discrimination clause in the revised European Union Treaty- Dublin Statment 1995
Ideological foundations
- Definition of Independent Living
- Principles of Independent Living
- The Strasbourg Resolutions (how to design personal assitance schemes for independence)
- Personal assistance: The key to Independent Living, Strasbourg keynote address
- 1996
- Program of meeting in Stockholm, June 1996
- Minutes of the General Assembly Meeting, Stockholm, June 1996
- Prelude to ENIL/DubIin CIL Direct Payments Experts' Meeting, Ireland, 1996
- Intergovernmental Conference in Dublin, December 1996
- 1997
- Invitation to Berlin Seminar May 1-4, 1997
- Report from the ENIL Seminar in Berlin, May 1-4, 1997
- 1998
- Shaping Our Futures, an ENIL Conference on Independent Living
- Back To Basics: Keynote at the Expert Seminar organized by
the Hampshire Center for Independent Living, Mason- Campaign for Civil Rights Legislation
- Closing address delivered at the Symposium on Disability and Human Rights in Dublin
- Direct Payments Campaign in the U.K.
- EU programmes with relevance to persons with disabilities
- Controlling Your Own Personal Assistance Services, presented by
The British Council of Organisations of Disabled People
- Proceedings of the Third ENIL Seminar, Stockholm 1991
- Report of the docs1/ENIL Seminar on Personal Assistance, Stockholm June 1996
- Proceedings of the ENIL meeting in Dublin, December 1996
- ENIL and the European Union: reports on EU related activities
- Recent Non-discrimination Measures Adopted by EU (ENIL) Member States
- European Disability Forum - Guide to the Amsterdam Treaty
- FN:s Standardregler för att tillförsäkra människor
med funktionsnedsättning delaktighet och jämlikhet- United Nations Standard Rules