
”Fru Schledermann” (på svenska) - En film om rätten till ett själbestämt liv med personlig assistans

Öhlén, Bo, Rejhed Bengt.  1995.  ”Fru Schledermann” (på svenska) - En film om rätten till ett själbestämt liv med personlig assistans.
- En film om rätten till ett själbestämt liv med personlig assistans. Monika har ett funktionshinder och behöver assistans med allt - gå upp, klä på sig, hygien, äta, vara mormor och för fritiden. Hon bor ensam och har kommunal hemtjänst, men kan inte bestämma vilka som ska arbeta för henne. Jämnt kommer nya människor in i huset som hon måste lära upp.

Tools for Power: A Resource Kit for Independent Living

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1992.  Tools for Power: A Resource Kit for Independent Living.

Disabled Peoples' International Independent Living Committee
April 1992

PDF 278 KB

Table of Contents

History of the Independent Living Movement

Independent Living and Our Organizations: A Definition

Dr. Adolf Ratzka.  1997.  Independent Living and Our Organizations: A Definition.

by Dr. Adolf D. Ratzka
Independent Living Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

In Greek

Presentation at the conference "Our Common World" organized by Disability Rights Advocates Hungary in Siofok, Hungary, May 9-11, 1997


The Independent Living Movement in the UK

Evans, John.  2003.  The Independent Living Movement in the UK.
John Evans was one of the founders of Project 81 that marked the beginning of the Independent Living Movement in the UK. Since 1996 he has been the chair of the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL). In this document he gives an overview of the origin of the Independent Living Movement in the UK, it's development and evolution, as well as the current situation (2003).

Developing assistants management skills - Tools for Power

Care Support Ideas, HCIL (Hampshire Center for Independent Living).  1992.  Developing assistants management skills - Tools for Power.
With little or no previous experience the disabled person seeking to live independently suddenly finds her/himself thrust into the role of employer. Not surprisingly the effective management skills essential to coping with the day-to-day matter of relating to her/his personal assistant are sometimes absent or under-developed.

Employing your own personal assistant - Tools for Power

GAD's Center for Independent Living.  1989.  Employing your own personal assistant - Tools for Power.
GAD's Center for Independent Living can help. (1993) We have already assisted nearly a dozen people in the employment of their own personal assistants. This really does put you, the disabled person in control. You can decide who to employ, which hours they should work and what they should do. But control brings with it responsibilities and this is where GAD can help.

The Strasbourg Resolutions

European Network on Independent Living(ENIL).  1989.  The Strasbourg Resolutions.
In April 1989, the first European Independent Living Conference was held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. The meeting's theme was Personal Assistant. The conference resulted in the founding of the European Network for Independent Living, ENIL. Here, the resolution adopted at the conference.

An American definition of Independent Living

ILRU.  1992.  An American definition of Independent Living.

An American definition of Independent Living
ILRU at Texas Institute for Rehabilitation


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