Disability Resources - all links sorted by name
Links in this category: 402. Newest link in this category: 2025-03-10
Link | Details Revised/Checked |
CCS Disability Action Provides services to people with disabilities and their families/whanau and caregivers throughout New Zealand. CCS believes in building a better world for people with disabilities and works in partnership with people with disabilities and their families in ways which encourages independence. Services include family support, early childhood services, recreation services, adult training and independent living services, computer services, information services and the Mobility Parking Scheme, a parking scheme for people with disabilities. CCS also has a disability awareness programme - Kids Up the Road - which, using the medium of puppets, and visits most schools throughout New Zealand. https://www.ccsdisabilityaction.org.nz/ | New Zealand, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disability Advocacy NSW DA believes that people with a disability have the same rights (and responsibilities) as people who do not have a disability. DA’s core purpose is to ensure that people with a disability realise these rights in practice by advocating with and for them. https://www.da.org.au/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
SAFINA ENGLISH SCHOOL FOR BLIND TO HELP DISABLED PEOPLE TO STUDY, LIVE AND WORK IN GOOG CONDITION https://www.afrikafreundeskreis.de/ | Tanzania, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
the Surrey Independent Living Council Disabled People in Surrey can now use services funded by Surrey County Council and run by S.I.L.C. to support themselves to live independently in the community. https://www.surreyilc.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
VbA-München - erbund behinderter Arbeitgeber - Selbstbestimmt Leben https://www.vba-muenchen.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ZSL - Erlangen Das ZSL e.V. ist aus der Behinderteninitative StIB e.V. entstanden und wurde 1988 gegründet. Bereits ein Jahr später begann mit zwei MitarbeiterInnen die hauptamtliche Arbeit. https://www.zsl-erlangen.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
AARP Research Center Here is where you can find research results and reference information to answer your questions about a variety of subjects related to aging. https://www.aarp.org/research/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ABILIS ABILIS is a foundation, which purpose is to give a small seed fund for projects of disabled people in developing countries. https://www.abilis.fi/ | Finland, Finnish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ABILIS Foundation ABILIS Foundation is a development fund, founded by Finnish disabled people in 1998. We give financial support to organisations of disabled people in the South. https://www.abilis.fi/en/ | International interest, Finland, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Abilities Expo Independent and Assisted Living Products and Services. http://www.abilitiesexpo.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Abilities Magazine and the Canadian Abilities Foundation (CAF) To provide information, inspiration and opportunity to people with disabilities, their friends, family and professionals working in their service while promoting their full integration into all aspects of community life. https://www.abilities.ca/ | International interest, Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
abilityJOBS employment site for Job Seekers with Disabilities lives by providing a dedicated system for finding employment. https://abilityjobs.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Able Magazine Able Magazine online - the website for disabled people where ability counts https://ablemagazine.co.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ABS: Aktive Behinderte in Stuttgart und Umgebung http://www.aktive-behinderte.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Access Alaska, Inc. An Independent Living Center offering services to people with disabilities in Alaska. https://www.accessalaska.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Access Appraisals We offer advise on disability issues relating to accessibility. We also offer products to overcome access problems including wheelchair ramps and lifts https://www.wheelchair-ramps.co.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Access II Independent Living Center We envision communities that provide inclusion, independence and self-determination for persons of all abilities. The Mission of Access II is to remove architectural and attitudinal barriers that limit the independence of persons with disabilities, promote a positive change in attitudes about disability and persons with disabilities, and encourage greater independence for persons with disabilities within our communities. As a Center for Independent Living, Access II is committed to the provision of a full range of independent living services. http://www.accessii.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Access Medical Rehab Disability and wheel chair specialist. We provide rehab, manual and electric wheel chairs in San Diego & Orange County, California (CA). https://www.accessmedicalrehab.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Access Northern California To inform and educate people with disabilities and the tourism industry about accessibility. We provide thouroughly researched access information on Northern California including San Francisco, Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, Wine Country. http://www.accessnca.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Access to Independence, Inc. Access to Independence provides an array of services to people with disabilities, regardless of membership, in Dane, Columbia, Green and Dodge counties to assist them to live independently in their own homes. We provide these services flexibly based on each person's goals for her independent living. https://www.accesstoind.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Accessibility Guidelines Implementation Project The AGI project is designed as a way of "beta testing", in actual use on the "front lines" of web design, the WAI page author recommendations from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). http://hwg.org/opcenter/projects/agi/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Accessible Epic Enabled Safaris - disabled adventure travel, wheelchair holidays & family tours Disabled holidays wheelchair accessible travel & tours. Family adventure camping safaris in the Kruger Park, South Africa for physically hanidcapped wheelchair travellers, Enabled, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Mpumalanga http://www.epic-enabled.com | South Africa, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Accessible Italy: Disability travel Accessible Italy by Regency arranges tourism services for individuals with disabilities. https://www.accessibleitaly.com/ | Italy, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Accessible Kiwi Tours, New Zealand http://www.toursnz.com/ | New Zealand, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
AccessiblEurope Tourism for All We are a pool of European travel agents expert in accessible tourism services for people with special needs: people with disability, slow walkers, aged people, family parties and all the tourists needing special care! https://accessibleurope.com/ | Italy, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ACE Centre (UK) The Oxford ACE Centre provides a focus for the use of technology with the communication and educational needs of young people with physical and communication difficulties. https://acecentre.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ActiveForever.com We are a resource for Assistive Devices which help people maintain their independence. Due to limiting physical conditions, many people find themselves less able to cope with everyday tasks and hobbies. We help you live "Life without Limitations". Our Assistive Devices aid in the essentials of daily living: Bath Safety, Dressing Aids, Mobility Aids, Home Health Care, Kitchen Aids and much more. And let's not forget Exercise Therapy, Low Vision and Arthritis Relief. Our goal is to give friendly, prompt, personalized service. Most orders placed before 2:00PM Mountain Standard time are shipped the same day, (Monday through Friday). https://www.activeforever.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Adaptive Computer Products Includes links under the categories of: Guides to Adaptive Technologies, Transparent Hardware Interfaces, Computer Access Software, Input Devices/Switches, Augmentative Communication Devices, Speech Recognition/Voice Controlled Systems, Products for the Blind/Visually Impaired, Possible Funding Sources/Low Cost, Assistive Technology Programs, Books to Buy!, and Other. http://www.eskimo.com/~jlubin/disabled/c.. | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Adaptive Access Handicapped remodeling and wheelchair accessible construction for Houston area homes and businesses. Features services and contact information. http://www.adaptiveaccess.com | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Adaptive Access complete home renovation and accessible modifications. ADA and Tas compliance for business. http://www.adaptiveaccess.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Adaptive Environments Center Promotes accessibility through education programs, technical assistance, training, consulting, publications and design advocacy. http://www.adaptiveenvironments.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Adaptive Environments Center to promote,facilitate, and advocate for international adoption of policies,programs and designs that enable every individua, regardless of age or ability to participate fully in all aspects of society. Adaptive Environments developed and manages the Universal design Education Project (see web site) and is also the New England Center for Americans with Disabilites Act (ADA) technical assistance. Also works on the ADA in public schools. http://www.adaptenv.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
AEGEE - European Students' Association Founded in Paris in 1985, with local branches in approximately 170 European cities and about 22,500 members. Includes news, events, projects, networking, and meeting information. https://www.aegee.org/ | International interest, Belgium, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
AHEAD, the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability AHEAD, the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability, is an independent non-profit organisation working to promote full access to and participation in third level education for students with disabilities in Ireland. https://www.ahead.ie/ | International interest, Ireland, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
AIESEC International Holland AIESEC is an international, non-political, non-profit, student-run, independent, educational foundation. It is comprised of students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education who are interested in economics and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colours, sex, sexual orientation, creed, Religion, national or ethnic origin. AIESEC administers exchange programs for college students and recent graduates designed to promote cultural understanding and enhancement of professional skills. https://aiesec.org/ | International interest, Netherlands, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
All Walks Of Life Works to prevent violence against people with disabilities. We accomplish our purpose by collecting data, providing education, publishing reports and working with other like-minded individuals and organizations. https://awol-texas.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Alzheimer Europe Alzheimer Europe is a non-profit organisation which aims to improve the care and treatment of Alzheimer patients through intensified collaboration between its member associations. In the longer term, AE is striving to become the coordination and information centre for all organisations working in this specific field, such as day care centres, sitting services, training centres for professionals and related organisations. https://www.alzheimer-europe.org/ | International interest, Luxembourg, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
alzheimers.net - Your Alzheimer's Community If you know someone with Alzheimer's disease or have been diagnosed yourself, this is your community. alzheimers.net grew out of the need to have a social network that will be a respite, a resource and a way to connect with others who share a common bond. Get authoritative, up-to-date resources and advice from professionals with expertise about Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. https://www.alzheimers.net/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
American Amputee Soccer Association The American Amputee Soccer Association provides an opportunity for recreational soccer programs for men, women and children on the local and regional levels, and competitive programs to the international and Amputee World Cup Levels. http://www.ampsoccer.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
American Council of the Blind Provides general information about the Council, including recent issues of our monthly publication, The Braille Forum. https://www.acb.org/ | International interest, United States, Link checked 2025-03 |
American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today (ADAPT) We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions. https://adapt.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
American Jewish World Service USA The American Jewish World Service provides international service opportunities throughout the world through their Jewish Volunteer Corps program. https://ajws.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Americans with Disabilities Act - Information and Technical Assistance The ADA Home Page provides access to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations for businesses and State and local governments, technical assistance materials, ADA Standards for Accessible Design, links to Federal agencies with ADA responsibilities and information, updates on new ADA requirements, information about Department of Justice ADA settlement agreements and enforcement activities and access to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ADA material. https://www.ada.gov/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
AmeriGlide Stair Lifts AmeriGlide Stair Lifts, Vertical Lifts, Wheelchair Lifts, Dumbwaiters and Elevators https://www.ameriglide.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Apeirons,Centre for Independent Living To work together to encourage and support people with disabilities to live independent lives, to take an active part in society and to exercise their human and civil rights. We are an organisation of people with disabilities and their friends. Through the Centre for Independent Living we provide information and advice on a wide range of issues. We run support groups and occasional seminars and training sessions. We also involve people with disablities in integrated activities, including summer camps https://www.apeirons.lv/ | Latvia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Apple - Accessibility Mac OS X operating system includes a wide variety of features and technologies specifically designed to provide accessibility to users with disabilities. https://www.apple.com/accessibility/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Armchair World Disability-accessible tours. https://www.armchair.com/tour/hc/handcap.. | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
AssistantPages Home Page AssistantPages.comis a free attendant referral service that maintains privacy while offering detailed information about care givers and jobs. The Web application is designed for U.S. residents. http://www.assistantpages.com | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Association for International Practical Training The AIPT administers a wide range of student, business and professional training/cultural exchanges between the U.S. and other countries. AIPT encourages persons with disabilities interested in international practical experience to apply. http://www.aipt.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Association for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus To give help and advice to people with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus and their families https://www.asbah.org/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Association of Birth Defect Children, Inc. Information to parents and professionals about all kinds of birth defects, resources, support groups and environmental exposures that may cause birth defects. https://www.birthdefects.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Association of University Centers on Disabilities Home Page The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (formerly the American Association of University Affiliated Programs for Persons with Developmental Disabilities) is a 501(c) non-profit organization that promotes and supports the national network of university centers on disabilities. https://www.aucd.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Autistic Singapore Autism Awareness website: unique autistic perspective & free autism resources Autistic Singapore Autism Awareness website: free autism tests, research, books and autistic resources. http://iautistic.com | Link checked 2025-03 |
Autonom Leben e.V - Selbstbestimmtes Leben für alle behinderten Menschen https://autonomleben.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
AUTONOMIA http://wal.autonomia.org | France, French language, Link checked 2025-03 |
AXIS Dance Company AXIS Dance Company¹s primary mission is to create and perform high quality contemporary dance that is developed through the collaboration of dancers with and without disabilities. AXIS teaches dance and educates about collaboration and disability through community outreach and education programs. AXIS is committed to promoting and supporting this form of dance locally, nationally and internationally. https://www.axisdance.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law The Bazelon Center conducts legal and policy advocacy to protect children and adults with mental disabilities from discrimination and promote their full participation in community life. https://www.bazelon.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
BBC - Ouch! Disability Magazine - News, Opinion, Features, Humour Ouch! - the BBC's disability magazine, containing columnists, features, weblogs, podcast, news, opinions and chat community. Razor sharp, reflecting the experiences of disabled people. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02r6yq.. | International interest, United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
BIZEPS - Behindertenberatungszentrum - Zentrum für Selbstbestimmtes Leben https://www.bizeps.or.at/ | Austria, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Blind Foundation New Zealand Information about New Zealand Foundation of the Blind, blindness issues, Guide Dog Services, Library and Information Services for the Blind, Equipment for Blind people https://blindfoundation.org.nz/ | New Zealand, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire The Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire is a private, non-profit, family and consumer run organization representing over 5000 New Hampshire residents with acquired brain disorders and stroke. The BIANH was founded in 1983 by NH parents seeking to bring home their brain injured children from out of state nursing homes. https://bianh.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Breathing Easy: A Guide for Travelers with Pulmonary Disabilities Articles, tips, and advice about traveling with oxygen, including all the regulations for the safe transport of oxygen. https://breathineasy.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
British Deaf Association (BDA) The BDA works to ensure that Deaf people using sign language have the same rights as other citizens. https://bda.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Business Disability Forum Business Disability Forum is a not-for-profit member organisation that makes it easier and more rewarding to do business with and employ disabled people. https://businessdisabilityforum.org.uk/ | International interest, United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Byron Bay Rainforest Resort the Wheel Resort P/L to provide excellent accommodation in a natural enviroment welcoming everyone http://www.rainforestresort.com.au/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Can-Do Musos Can Do Musos want to provide guidance and hope to all musicians with challenges. Music is empowering and has no limitations and everyone should have a chance at their dreams. Having a "Can Do attitude" is the first step toward success! https://www.candomusos.com/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Canadian Council of the Blind - A Lack of Sight is not a lack of vision The CCB is an organization not FOR the blind but OF the blind. A board of directors who are blind and visually impaired governs the CCB, and as a result, there is a special sensitivity to the needs of the blind community. https://ccbnational.net/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation Through partnerships, innovation, advocacy and education, CCRW strives to open up the workforce and to promote and support meaningful and equitable employment of people with disabilities. https://www.ccrw.org/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) A voluntary, not-for-profit rehabilitation agency that provides services for people who are blind, visually impaired and deafblind. The CNIB’s primary goal is to empower its clients to participate fully in a sighted world. http://www.cnib.ca/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Canix http://Canix.org/ | Spain, Spanish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Capital District Center for Independence CDCI,Inc. is a Capital District ( Albany NY and surrounding areas) organization assisting persons with disabilities to live independently. https://cdciweb.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
CDS International, inc usa CDS International, Inc. is a non-profit organization with international practical training opportunities for inbound/outbound young professionals, students, educators, as well as labor, business and government representatives. http://www.cdsintl.org/ | International interest, United States, Link checked 2025-03 |
Center for Computer Assistance to the Disabled (C-CAD) Mission: To serve the disabled community and those interested in the field of adaptive technology. http://www.c-cad.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Center for Disability Resources Library at University of South Carolina The CDR Library consists of books, videos, brochures, and audiotapes covering a variety of disability-related topics. http://uscm.med.sc.edu/CDR/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Center for Social Change Our mission is to provide support services to individuals with mental retardation, and other developmental disabilities. Our activities include residential support services, vocational & supported employment services to children and adults in the community, and research. https://centerforsocialchange.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Central Coast Center for Independent Living Central Coast Center for Independent Living (CCCIL) is an advocacy and information center organized by and for people with disabilities, serving Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties. CCCIL promotes the independence of people with disabilities by supporting their equal and full participation in community life. CCCIL provides advocacy, education and support to all people with disabilities, their families and the community. https://www.cccil.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Centre for Accessible Environments The Centre for Accessible Environments is committed to the provision of buildings and places which are accessible to all users, including disabled and older people, and to the enhancement of quality in design. It is a technical information training and consultancy resource for the construction industry, providers of goods and services, the care professions and disabled people. https://cae.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Centre for Independent Living in Toronto CILT operates on the philosophy of the Independent Living movement which was developed in response to traditional rehabilitation services models. CILT's aim is to develop and implement dignified social services that empower individuals rather than create dependencies. We encourage people with disabilities to take control of their own lives by exercising their right to examine options, make choices, take risks and even make mistakes. https://www.cilt.ca/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Certec Certec is a division of the Department of Design Sciences at the Lund Institute of Technology, the engineering faculty of Lund University. The aim of our research and courses is to contribute to improved opportunities for people with disabilities by developing more usable technical devices, new design concepts, and new individual methods of learning and searching. https://www.certec.lth.se/english/ | Sweden, Swedish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Children's International Summer Villages USA Children's International Summer Villages is a non-profit volunteer organization that works towards understanding and appreciation of different cultures. They offer four programs that are designed for children ages 11-18. CISV has had minimal experience with integrating persons with disabilities into the programs, but has sponsored several camps exclusively for people who are Deaf. https://cisvusa.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Choices and Rights Disability Coalition Choices and Rights Disability Coalition(CARDC) are an organisation exclusively run by disabled people in the Hull and East Riding area. We believe that the best experts on the needs of disabled people, are disabled people themselves. https://choicesandrights.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Christian Care Foundation: for Children with Disabilities in Thailand Christian Care Foundation for Children with Disabilities in Thailand (CCD) has been providing care and support abandoned children with disabilities, regardless of gender, nationality, creed or religion, since 1986. http://www.ccdthailand.org/ | Thailand, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
CIL The Centre For Independent Living, Belfast (CIL) is an organisation of disabled people working to support disabled people's right to have choice and control in their lives and to take an active part in the community in which they live. CIL aim to promote the philosophy of independent living and raise awareness about Direct Payments as an option for disabled people to achieve independence. http://www.cilbelfast.org/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
CIS Study Abroad in Australia, New Zealand, England, Sweden, Scotland, Ireland, Italy and Spain The Center for International Studies, is a global education organization dedicated to offering study abroad experiences to students who have a high school diploma. Cis has offices in Sweden (www.cis.nu) and Boston - US. https://www.cisabroad.com/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Citizens for Accessible Neighbourhoods - Lower Mainland, Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada C.A.N is a non-profit society promoting universal access to infomation, buildings, public spaces and adapted sports. Accessibility issues, spotlights, info on local events and contact details. https://www.canbc.org/ | International interest, Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Community Access Center of Riverside, California CAC is a non-profit Independent Living Center for Riverside County residents with disabilities. https://www.ilcac.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Community Living North Halton The mission of Community Living North Halton is to provide supports and services to individuals with developmental disabilities and to enhance their personal growth and inclusion in the community of North Halton (Milton, Georgetown and Acton). Programs include Supported Independent Living, Supported Employment, Respite Services, Residential Services, Lifeskills and more. https://clnh.on.ca/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Community Living North Halton The mission of Community Living North Halton is to provide supports and services to individuals with developmental disabilities and to enhance their personal growth and inclusion in the community of North Halton (Milton, Georgetown and Acton). Programs include Supported Independent Living, Supported Employment, Respite Services, Residential Services, Lifeskills and more. http://www.clnh.on.ca | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Conductive Education Online The Conductive Education Website is a resource for the worldwide community of Conductive Education and is provided by The Foundation for Conductive Education https://conductive-education.org.uk/ | International interest, United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Consequor - Associazione Consequor per la Vita Indipendente Consequor Onlus nasce, soprattutto, dalla volonta' e dalla determinazione di alcune persone con disabilita' che abitano in Piemonte, dalla loro/nostra convinzione a promuovere, sostenere, rivendicare e esigere il diritto delle persone con disabilita’ alla Vita Indipendente, all’autodeterminazione e alla vitale necessità di assistenza personale autogestita: nonostante la disabilita'. http://www.consequor.it/ | Italy, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Cork Centre For Independent Living Ltd. Cork Centre for Independent Living's main areas of service include the provision of personal assistance, advocacy, promoting independent living, research library, and information and support services, in the greater Cork area. https://corkcil.ie/ | Ireland, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Council of Canadians with Disabilities The Council of Canadians with Disabilities advocates at the federal level to improve the lives of men and women with disabilities in Canada, by eliminating inequality and discrimination. Our members include national, regional and local advocacy organizations that are controlled by persons with disabilities. CCD is a team of people with disabilities, deeply committed to the principles of self-help and consumer advocacy. http://www.ccdonline.ca/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Council on Quality and Leadership The Council on Quality and Leadership is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the quality of service. http://www.thecouncil.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Cowichan Valley Independent Living https://cvilrc.bc.ca/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Crutch Specialist - Thomas Fetterman Inc. As a long term crutch-user (polio), Thomas Fetterman has fashioned a hi-tech line of ultralite crutches, 'articulating' crutchtips and 50+ accessories designed to improve a user's prospects for mobility and independance. https://www.fetterman-crutches.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
CSID - Center for Services and Information on Disability A Center for Services, Research and Information Exchange. https://www.csid-bd.com/ | Bangladesh, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Damon Brooks Associates Damon Brooks Associates is a resource of individuals with disabilities who speak, entertain, or perform professionally. Our main goal is to provide those with whom we work an opportunity to speak and entertain in a positive and successful environment. Most of our engagements are on college campuses, at association conferences, and corporate human resource and diversity fucntions. https://damonbrooks.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Dan Windheim - Life with Traumatic Brain Injury A Resource for Survivors http://www.tbilife.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Danish Centre for Accessibility / Dansk Center for Tilgængelighed The Danish Centre for Accessibility (DCFT) is a national, self-governing centre, established in 1996. The background was the government’s signing of the UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. http://www.sbi.dk/tilgaengelighed | Denmark, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Danish Disability Council (DSI) DSI was founded in 1934 and has 29 national member organisations representing more than 300,000 people with disabilities in Denmark. DSI is the only Danish umbrella organisation in the disability field. https://dch.dk/ | Denmark, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Das Zentrum für Selbstbestimmtes Leben (ZsL) e.V in Mainz Das Zentrum für Selbstbestimmtes Leben (ZsL) e.V in Mainz bietet Beratung von behinderten Menschen und leistet inhaltliche sowie praktische Arbeit zur Gleichstellung. https://zsl-mainz.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
DateAble, Inc. dating organization DateAble is a not-for-profit communal and dating organization to help combat the isolation and social discrimination often experienced by people with physical and mental disabilities. DateAble accomplishes our mission by having social events, educational seminars and matchmaker on staff. http://www.dateable.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
DAWN Canada DAWN Canada is a national organization controlled by and comprised of women who self identify as women with disabilities. We are from all backgrounds and all disabilities. We are a feminist organization working to achieve control over our lives and end the stereotype that labels us dependent burdens on society. Our Network began in 1985. Our Society Status was received in 1992. https://www.dawncanada.net/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Dayle McIntosh Center Dayle McIntosh Center was named in memory of a young woman with a severe physical disability who worked to found the Center in 1977. Our Mission is to advance empowerment and inclusion of all persons with disabilities. DMC is the largest Independent Living Center in California. Independent Living is a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities who work for self-determination, equal opportunities, and self-respect. A non-residential facility, DMC exists to enable persons with disabilities to succeed in every arena they desire. https://daylemc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Direct Learn Provides training, consultancy and other services to education in the UK and abroad. We specialise in issues around online learning, information and learning technology, accessibility and disability. http://www.directlearn.co.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disability Action Disability Action has six offices. It's Head Quarters and Transport office in Belfast, and four local offices in Derry, Dungannon, Carrickfergus and Newry. Services include information & policy, employment and training support, capacity building, training on disability issues, transport and mobility assessment. https://www.disabilityaction.org/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disability Community Resource Center (DCRC) The Disability Community Resource Center (DCRC) is a Center for Independent Living dedicated to supporting the equality of life for people with all kinds of disabilities. The goal of our peer-led programs and services is the elimination of economic, social, attitudinal and environmental barriers people with disabilities face in their daily lives. https://www.dcrc.co/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disability information from New Mobility Magazine New Mobility magazine's site for wheelchair users includes a wealth of articles, active message boards, chat rooms, a calendar of events, links and classifieds. https://newmobility.com/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disability Network Inc. An information highway for the disabled and their families. http://www.disabilitynetwork.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disability rights (AU) The home page of Disability Rights policy and projects within the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. Here you can find a range of resources and links on disability rights and discrimination issues. https://www.humanrights.gov.au/our-work/.. | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disability Rights Advocates A non-profit law firm that specializes in class action disability law. Our main purpose is to advance the status of people with disabilities. https://dralegal.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disability Social History Project The Disability History Project is a community history project and we welcome your participation. This is an opportunity for disabled people to reclaim our history and determine how we want to define ourselves and our struggles. https://disabilityhistory.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
DisabilityProducts.com To provide unique, affordable products to disabled and handicapped people to allow them to live a more active, independent lifestyle. http://www.disabilityproducts.com | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
DisabilitySoft.com DisabilitySoft.com announces the release of Attendant Manager, a Win32 application for users of personal assistants. This software may be very helpful to many persons who use attendant care and to those who provide it. http://www.disabilitysoft.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disabled Businesspersons Association Assist enterprising individuals with disabilities maximize their potential in the business world, and work with vocational rehabilitation, government and business to encourage the participation and enhance the performance of the disabled in the work force, worldwide https://disabledbusiness.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disabled Peoples' International Disabled Peoples International (DPI) is a Human rights organization committed to the protection of the rights of people with disabilities and the promotion of their full and equal participation in society. Established in 1981, DPI is represented through active membership of national organizations of disabled people in over 130 countries. http://dpi.org/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disabled Resources Center Inc. Incorporated in 1976, the Disabled Resources Center provides over seven services to thousands of people each year in the cities of Artesia, Avalon, Hawaiian Gardens, Lakewood, Long Beach, and Signal Hill. Most of the staff members are people with disabilities, as are the members of the Board of Directors, who provide positive role models for other people with disabilities. The mission of the agency is to empower people with disabilities to live independently in the community, to make their own decisions about their lives and to advocate on their own behalf. https://drcinc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Disabled Workers Co-operative Disabled Workers Co-operative Promotes the skills and services offered by disabled workers on a searchable database. Any disabled individual, sheltered workshop, company or organisation employing a significant number of disabled people are able to register FREE on this database. The database is FREE for anyone to use.In addition we have an eJobs portal where employers can advertise their vacancies FREE. https://www.disabledworkers.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
DisabledInfo.co.uk - Disabled Information For the Disabled From the Disabled From disabled product reviews to support group venues. From disabled holiday accommodation to a little humour. The disabled come together to share their experiences and their knowledge. http://www.disabledinfo.co.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
disABLEDperson.com disABLEDperson Inc. is a 501(c)(3) 509(a)(1) non profit public charity whose mission is to help reduce the near 70% unemployment rate amongst disabled Americans. https://www.disabledperson.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Diverge Accessible Tours DIVERGE is an animation tourism company set up to offer innovative and quality tourism in Portugal, accessible to people with reduced mobility, or in wheelchairs. http://www.accessibleportugal.com | Portugal, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
DO-IT Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA https://www.washington.edu/doit/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
DO-IT Menthor Programme An international online mentoring community, promoted and coordinated by Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology (DO-IT) http://www.washington.edu/doit/Brochures.. | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Dog AID (Assistance in Disability) Dog AID (Assistance in Disability) is a nationwide U.K. charity helping people with physical disabilities to train their OWN pet dogs to be generally obedient, and in many cases, to train their pets to work as Assistance (Service) Dogs. The dogs are taught many specialised tasks to assist the disabled owner gain greater independence in their everyday life, and their trained pet can also become an advantage in breaking down social barriers; our clients have found that being accompanied by their dog encourages strangers to approach and talk to them on an equal footing, whereas previously they would have been ignored purely on the basis of being disabled. https://dogaid.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Duxbury Systems Home of Raised Dot Computing and MegaDots, braille translation programs. https://www.duxburysystems.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Emerging Horizons A consumer-oriented quarterly publication that highlights accessible B&B's, covers travel health issues, and contains resources, accessibility information and suggestions from other travelers. https://emerginghorizons.com/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Emerging Horizons: Accessible travel information for wheelchair users and slow walkers Accessible Travel News. We're a consumer-oriented publication filled with information and minus the advertising. Featuring information for travelers who use wheelchairs or are slow walkers. https://candy-charles.com/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Enabling Education Network A website packed full of useful, relevant information on Inclusive Education with a particular focus on economically poorer countries and practitioners. https://www.eenet.org.uk/ | International interest, United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a European wide student organization. Its goal is to help exchange students find there way in there new city. Our network is in contact with more than 60,000 international minded students. https://www.esn.org/ | International interest, Belgium, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Eria Resort - Accessible travel in Crete - Maleme, Chania, Crete - Greece A hotel in Maleme, Chania Crete - Greece, that is accessible to people with disabilities. https://www.eria-resort.gr/ | Greece, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Estonian Association of Muscular Disorders Muscular Disorders The purpose of the Society is to raise the living standard of the muscular diseased. http://www.els.ee/index.php?page=3 | Estonia, Estonian language, Link checked 2025-03 |
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training CEDEFOP The European agency that helps policy-makers and practitioners of the European Commission, the Member States and social partner organisations across Europe make informed choices about vocational training policy. https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/ | International interest, Greece, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
European Commission e-Accessibility Efforts and activities done at the Commission level to overcome accessibility barriers. http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/i.. | International interest, Belgium, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
European Disability Forum Our mission is to ensure disabled citizens' full access to fundamental and human rights through their active involvement in policy development and implementation in the European Union. https://www.edf-feph.org/ | Belgium, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
European Network on Independent Living, ENIL promote ethos and ideals of independent living especially pas services https://enil.eu/ | International interest, Spain, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Exceptional Nurse For nurses and students with disabilities. Offers annotated links to equipment, mentors, employment, financial aid, legal issues and research. https://www.ExceptionalNurse.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Family Caregiver Alliance A nationally recognized information center on long-term caregiving and the lead agency in California's statewide system of Caregiver Resource Centers. https://www.caregiver.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Family Support Institute The Family Support Institute is a province-wide organization whose purpose is to support and strengthen families faced with the extraordinary circumstances that come with having a family member who has a disability. When your son or daughter has a disability, life often becomes different from anything you could ever have imagined. You may find yourself in a world you never knew existed, one you may be reluctant to embrace, where there are more questions than answers. The Family Support Institute is unique in Canada. It began with the help of the B.C. Association for Community Living in 1986 in response to the needs and requests of families of people with disabilities. https://familysupportbc.com/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
familyplacement.com https://www.familyplacement.com/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Foundation of Resources for Equality and Employment for the Disabled (FREED) As a non profit Independent Living Resource Center, our goal is to empower people with disabilities to exercise their civil rights in becoming active, productive members of our community. https://freed.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Fragile X Syndrome Fragile X is the #1 inherited cause of mental retardation, affecting an estimated 1 in 2000 males and 1 in 4000 females of all races. It is relatively unknown and often misdiagnosed. https://www.fraxa.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
GIL Göteborgskooperativet för Independent Living GIL är ett icke vinstdrivande kooperativ som ägs och drivs av medlemmar med funktionshinder och behov av personlig assistans. https://www.gil.se/ | Sweden, Swedish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Gladnet - Global Applied Disability Research and Information Network on Employment and Training TThe GLADNET Association was established in 1997. It is affiliated with the ILO Disability and Work Programme. The objective of the Association is to promote disability policy and programme reform with emphasis on integrated training and employment options for working age disabled persons. http://www.gladnet.org/ | International interest, Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
GLADNET - Global Applied Disability Research and Information Network on Employment and Training To promote the mainstream employment of persons with disabilities through knowledge generation, collection and dissemination on an international level. http://www.gladnet.org | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Global Service Corps Global Service Corps is a non-profit volunteer organization providing cross-cultural learning and community service adventures for adults in Costa Rica, Tanzania and Thailand. GSC encourages anyone who is deaf or hearing impaired to participate on the Thailand programs. https://globalservicecorps.org/ | International interest, Link checked 2025-03 |
Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Detroit, Michigan, is a non-profit agency dedicated to preventing blindness, reducing the impact of blindness, and advocating for those with severe vision loss. https://www.lifebeyondsight.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Green Theme International. Vacation exchange and home swaps worldwide We have linked directly to listings that claim to be accessible. https://www.gti-home-exchange.com/search.. | International interest, United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Grover Gear We manufacture and sell hard to find products for people with disabilities. We make Cushion covers, Hunting covers, and a few other products. We are a new company and our product list is expanding constantly. http://www.grovergear.com | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Handi Cap Evasion (France) - A French non-profit association, founded in 1988 in the Hautes-Alpes (France) to help physically handicapped and able-bodied people to hike together in the mountains in France and abroad. This is possible thanks to a special wheelchair called the <a href="../docs1/joelette.html" target="top">"Joëlette"</a>. The Website is in English and French. http://www.hce.asso.fr/ | International interest, France, French language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Handicappede Studerende og Kandidater En gruppe bevægelses- handicappede studerende ved Københavns Universitet, Indre By, startede i 1985 foreningen med det formål at forbedre lokale- og adgangsforholdene på Universitetet. https://www.hsknet.dk/ | Denmark, Danish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Handirect Handirect, handicap : le magazine pratique des situations handicapantes https://www.handirect.fr/ | International interest, France, french language, Link checked 2025-03 |
HFriends.com Dating site for the disabled community. Free 5-day trial membership. http://www.hfriends.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
HITEC Group Our mission is to provide accessibility to the consumer, in the home, in the workplace and in all public facilities. https://www.hitec.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Hjælpemiddelinstituttet The Danish Centre for Assistive Technology https://www.hmi.dk/ | Denmark, Danish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Holiday Care (U.K.) Founded in 1981, we are the UK's central source of travel and holiday information and support for disabled and older people, their families, friends and carers. http://www.holidaycare.org.uk/ | International interest, United Kingdom, Link checked 2025-03 |
Home Of Hope Home of Hope gives to the developmentally disabled an opportunity to regain and maintain dignity, and a sense of self worth. http://www.homeofhope.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Hounslow Association of Disabled People In 1987 a group of disabled people came together in Hounslow and started the Hounslow Association of Disabled People and as an independent agency we rely on fundraising and donations to support our work. https://e-voice.org.uk/disability-networ.. | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Human rights of persons with disabilities Human Rights Education Associates (HREA) is a non-profit organisation whose main mission is to support efforts aimed at introducing human rights concepts and values into educational curricula and teaching practices. Persons with disabilities are entitled to exercise their civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights on an equal basis with others. http://www.hrea.org/index.php?base_id=15.. | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
I Need A Holiday Too Accessible and Supported Holidays in Brittany, France run by Carl and Jacqui Alban. I Need A Holiday Too Ltd http://www.ineedaholidaytoo.com | France, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Idealist.org - Action Without Borders Idealist.org is the online meeting place for nonprofit organizations, resources, consultants, job seekers and volunteers. https://www.idealist.org/en/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ILC - Independent Living Centre of WA The Independent Living Centre of Western Australia (Inc.) is a non-profit community service organisation which provides impartial, expert advice on equipment, building and design, access and resources for people with disabilities, their advocates, carers and service providers. https://www.indigosolutions.org.au/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ILRC - the Independent Living Resource Centre The ILRC is a consumer controlled organization that promotes and supports citizens with disabilities to make choices and take responsibility for the development and management of personal and community resources. https://ilrc.mb.ca/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ILRCSF - Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco We are a cross-disability resource center. That means that we serve all people with disabilities, including people with: * psychiatric disabilities * general physical and mobility disabilities * blindness and vision impairment * deafness and hearing impairment * environmental illness/multiple chemical sensitivity * traumatic brain injury or stroke * HIV/AIDS * substance abuse * developmental disabilities * other cognitive disabilities https://www.ilrcsf.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ILRU Directory of US independent living centers Listing by states and territories in alphabetical order https://www.ilru.org/projects/cil-net/ci.. | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ILRU: Independent Living Research Utilization Project The ILRU program is a national (US) center for information, training, research, and technical assistance in independent living. Its goal is to expand the body of knowledge in independent living and to improve utilization of results of research programs and demonstration projects in this field. https://www.ilru.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
IMPACT IMPACT is a self-help, advocacy organization, which was formed in September of 1985 primarily by people with disabilities. IMPACT continues to be operated by people with disabilities. It is our mission to assist people with disabilities to achieve their full human potential and to advocate for a society that is free from both physical and attitudinal barriers so that we may be full participants in our own communities. https://impactcil.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Inclusion Daily Express A world-wide email news service that reports on disability rights and the exciting movement toward full community inclusion and self-determination. http://www.inclusiondaily.com/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Inclusion Press International Inclusion Press creates books, videos and CD's to teach people tools for change - that lead to full inclusion - full participation - full citizenship - for all. https://inclusion.com/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Independence Center Transitional Residence For Young Adults Independence Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to independent living for young adults with a variety of learning disabilities. https://www.icliving.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Independence First IndependenceFirst is a non-residential Independent Living Center operated by a staff and board composed primarily of people with disabilities. https://www.independencefirst.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Independent Living Aids Offering a large selection of aids for daily living designed to assist the visually, hearing and physically disabled. https://www.independentliving.com/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Independent Living Alternatives (ILA) ILA provides a comprehensive range of independent living and personal assistance services. https://www.ilanet.co.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Independent Living Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen Independent Living e.V. bietet Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen mit Kindertageseinrichtungen, Betreutem Jugendwohnen, Mädchenwohnen, Ambulanten Hilfen, Jugendclubs https://www.independentliving.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Independent Living Center Of Eastern Indiana Serving Fayette, Franklin, Henry, Decatur, Rush, Union and Wayne Counties https://ilcein.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Independent Living Centre Tasmania, Inc. The Independent Living Centre (ILC) Tasmania is a non-profit community service organisation: The Independent Living Centre provides a professional information, education, advisory and consultancy service on: daily living equipment, building access and design, assistive technology and resources for people with disabilities, the aged, their carers and service providers. https://ilct.com.au/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Independent Living Choices We provide services to people with disabilities who make independence their choice. https://www.ilcchoices.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Independent Living Resource Center-Santa Barbara County Independent Living Resource Center serving persons with disabilities. https://www.ilrc-trico.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Independent Living Resources ndependent Living Resources is a non-profit agency operated by a skilled staff and board of directors composed primarily of people with disabilities. This firsthand experience with disabilities provides a unique base of expertise for effectively addressing and providing services to individuals with disabilities. https://www.ilresources.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Independent Living Services of Northern California https://actionctr.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Individualhilfe Heidelberg https://www.individualhilfe.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Information on Disability-Equipment Access Services (IDEAS INC) IDEAS INC provides information on disability - services, accessible accommodation, equipment available in NSW and Australia. Our focus is on rural services. https://www.ideas.org.au/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Institute for Child Health Policy https://ichp.ufl.edu/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Institute for Disability Research, Policy & Practice The Institute for Disability Research, Policy & Practice is Utah’s federally designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). IDRPP was established in 1972 by Dr. Marvin Fifield, and was the first UCEDD program in the nation to focus on the educational and social needs of children with disabilities. https://idrpp.usu.edu/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Institute on Disability (US) The mission of the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire is to promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities in their communities. To carry out that mission, the Institute runs a wide variety of programs and activities. https://iod.unh.edu/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Interessenvertretung selbstbestimmt Leben The purpose of the organisation is to support the Independent way of living for our members. By the various sets off projects we try to improve its chances and defeat any kind of politic or social discrimination. http://www.isl-ev.de | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
InterExchange, Inc. USA InterExchange offers work abroad, camp counselor, au pair, internship and training exchange programs for US and foreign individuals. https://www.interexchange.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
International Journal of Special Education The International Journal of Special Education (IJSE) is an Open Access added to DOAJ journal offering a wide range of multi-disciplinary topics regarding education and services for individuals with disabilities. This International peer-reviewed journal (published in English) aims to enhance open access for all reporting the growth of theory and practice in the field. https://internationalsped.com/ijse | International interest, Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
International Child Amputee Network To support and empower the parents of child amputees through communication with other parents and adult mentors who grew up with a limb deficet http://www.child-amputee.net/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
International Disability and Development Consortium IDDP IDDC is a self-managing group currently consisting of 16 international non-government organisations supporting disability and development work in over 100 countries globally. https://www.iddcconsortium.net/ | International interest, United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
International Student Exchange and Study Abroad Resource Center "Our mission is to promote international education worldwide through the development and publication of the most comprehensive resource of International Education information available on the Internet. Our goal is to develop a site for the international student - Student Oriented and Student Driven." https://www.internationalstudent.com/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
International Ventilator Users Network Post-Polio Health International's mission is to enhance the lives and independence of polio survivors and home ventilator users through education, advocacy, research and networking. http://www.ventusers.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Intimate Rider Sex aid http://www.intimaterider.com | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Israel for All Customized travel in Israel for groups or individuals. https://www.israel4all.com/ | Israel, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Jenaer Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben behinderter Menschen e. V. https://www.jzsl.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
KCIL - Kingston Centre For Independent Living KCIL is a local charity working proactively to empower and support disabled people. KCIL was established in 1968 and is a member-led organisation with a number of sub groups and committees which guide the work of the organisation. https://kcil.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Kenai Peninsula Independent Living Center Our mission is to insure that individuals with disabilities live independently in their own homes and in the communities of their choice https://www.peninsulailc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Kind Tree Productions, Inc. Here you can find autism information, autism links, our Kind Tree newsletter, our celebratory "Autism Rocks" T-shirts, reviews of books on autism, creations by autistic artists and poets, autistic events we produce (recreational retreats and educational seminars), and more... https://kindtree.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Kompetenscentrum för ett barriärfritt Hamburg https://kompetent-barrierefrei.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Kooperativet HIL Helsingborgs Independent Living är ett kooperativ för funktionshindrade som använder sig av personlig assistans. Kooperativet startade 1993. Att vara medlem i HIL betyder att få stöd och hjälp av andra i samma situation. https://www.hil.se/ | Sweden, Swedish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Kynnys ry - Threshold - Independent Living Center in Helsinki Human Rights NGO of People with Disabilities 1. advocacy work to improve legislation 2. peer support and counceling 3. independ living skills trainin for people with disabilities 4. personal assistant training courses for employers https://kynnys.fi/ | Finland, Finnish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
La Cooperativa sociale a r.l. Independent Living https://www.independent.it/ | Italy, Italian language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Lake County Center for Independent Living Lake County Center for Independent Living is a disability rights organization governed and staffed by a majority of people with disabilities. Lake County Center for Independent Living offers services and advocacy that promote a fully accessible society, which expects participation by persons with disabilities https://www.lccil.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Law, Health Policy & Disability Center The Law, Health Policy & Disability Center, located at the University of Iowa, is an emerging leader in technology, education, and research, focused on improving the quality of life for persons living with disabilities. https://disability.law.uiowa.edu/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Lawrence Independent Living Resource Center The Independent Living Resource Center of Lawrence, Kansas https://independenceinc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
League of Human Dignity We represent disabled people in all kinds of activities. https://leagueofhumandignity.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Leeds Centre for Integrated Living (Leeds CIL) Website under construction. Addresses and email available. https://www.leedscil.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Leitrim Association of People with Disabilities Leitrim Association of People with Disabilities, a Centre of Independent Living established by, controlled and managed by people with disabilities. http://www.lapwd.com/ | Ireland, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Life Center for Independent Living LIFE Center for Independent Living advances equality and integration of all persons with disabilities. To achieve this mission, we: * Promote local, state and national advocacy * Educate persons with disabilities about their rights and responsibilities * Provide support services * Raise community awareness about disability issues in DeWitt, Ford, Livingston and McLean Counties. https://www.lifecil.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Life with Ease® We specialize in products to help prevent injuries, live with injuries, and aid with impairments. https://www.lifewithease.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
LINC Inc Swansea, IL Opening doors for individuals with disabilities through education, advocacy, and independent living. https://www.lincinc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Little City Foundation Helping children and adults with mental retardation and other developmental challenges live meaningful and happy lives with dignity and respect. https://www.littlecity.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Living Made Easy Impartial help, advice and information about daily living equipment, disability equipment, mobility and independent living aids for older or disabled people. https://livingmadeeasy.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Llowyn's Legacy Foundation Providing support, referrals and resources to enhance the dignity and quality of life for individuals in their later years and individuals who have a disability. https://www.vcn.bc.ca/llowyn/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Long Island Center for Independent Living, Inc. The Long Island Center for Independent Living, is committed to the empowerment of consumers with disabilities. LICIL staff functions as "ambassadors" to the belief that individuals with disabilities have a responsibility to take an active role in their own lives and a self-determined view of their futures. https://licilinc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Lothian Centre for Integrated Living The Lothian Centre for Integrated Living is a disability and user led organisation established in 1991 to provide a range of practical services to disabled people in the Lothian region. https://www.lothiancil.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Low Vision Information Center A nonprofit organization offering information services and an in-house demonstration area with a variety of low vision aids and ideas. http://www.lowvisioninfo.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Lucky Mindy Adventures We run escorted, assisted group tours for adults with multiple disabilities: developmental and physical. We provide trained staff to assist you (between 1:2 and 1:4 ratio, as needed), or you can bring your own attendant for expenses. http://www.luckymindy.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Mangar International Specialises in low air pressure equipment for the lifting, handling and transfer of people who are disabled or elderly, in the community, in Residential Care, and for Hospital use. http://www.mangar.co.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Manitoba Supported Employment Network (MSEN) A non-profit organization committed to promoting and strengthening supported employment activities in the province of Manitoba, Canada. http://www.msen.mb.ca | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Marin CIL Marin CIL is a non-profit agency whose mission is: To assist people with all types of disabilities to achieve their maximum level of sustainable independence as contributing, responsible and equal participants in society. https://www.marincil.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Marschen för tillgänglighet (in English: The March for Accessibility) Lördagen den 26 maj 2012 genomfördes den tionde och sista Marschen för tillgänglighet Marschen för tillgänglighet var en organisation som syftade till att införa en svensk lagstiftning som klassar otillgänglighet som diskriminering av personer med funktionsnedsättning. https://www.marschen.se/ | Sweden, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Medical Travel, Inc Medical Travel, Inc. is a Full Service Medical Travel Agency that caters to people with medical needs. The office arranges Dialysis Cruises, Oxygen Cruises, Accessible Vacations, Worldwide Scooter Vacations, etc. https://www.medicaltravel.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Mensch zuerst - Netzwerk People First Deutschland e.V. Organisation of Self Advocacy for People with Learning Disabilities. Website in German only. http://www.peoplefirst.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Mesothelioma Help Now - Get Education and Support Mesothelioma Help Now educates and supports mesothelioma patients and their families. Learn about this asbestos-related cancer and join our community. http://mesotheliomahelpnow.com | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Microsoft Accessibility and Disabilities "We hope you'll find here information about what we're doing and the tools that can help you remove barriers and make the world more accessible." http://microsoft.com/enable/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Mietauto AG - car rental service Mietauto AG is today the most comprehensive car rental service in Switzerland. They are also the only rent a car company which offers cars for travelers with disabilities. https://www.mietauto.ch/ | International interest, Switzerland, Link checked 2025-03 |
Mobile-Dortmund Center for Independent Living in Dortmund. Site only in German. https://www.mobile-dortmund.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
mobileWOMEN.org mobileWOMEN.org is the creation of women in wheelchairs who were having difficulty finding answers to their questions about health, fashion, and other topics. Our mission is to bring together current and accurate information on issues of interest to our community. http://www.mobilewomen.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Mobility International USA Empowering people with disabilities around the world by ensuring their inclusion in international exchange and international development programs. https://www.miusa.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Mobility Motorhomes Limited Mobility Motorhomes provides independent New Zealand travel for disabled persons by rental of a wheelchair accessible motorhome. The motorhome is fitted with handcontrols for a disabled driver and an entrance wheelchair lift. http://www.mobilitymotorhomes.co.nz | New Zealand, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Mobility-Advisor.com: Live, Work & Play Independently ... Wheelchair Mobility Mobility-Advisor.com serves as an information and resource guide to increase awareness and help enhance the lives of individuals of all ages who need wheelchair mobility assistance... http://www.mobility-advisor.com | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Motability (U.K.) Motability is a registered charity, which helps people with disabilities and their families in the UK to become more mobile. It was set up on the initiative of the Government in 1977, to provide vehicles and powered wheelchairs to people with disabilities. https://www.motability.co.uk/ | International interest, United Kingdom, Link checked 2025-03 |
NAFSA: Association of International Educators NAFSA: Association of International Educators promotes the exchange of students and scholars to and from the United States. NAFSA has nearly 8,900 individuals from all 50 states in the US and 84 other countries. https://www.nafsa.org/ | International interest, Link checked 2025-03 |
National Association of the Deaf The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) https://www.nad.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
National Council on Disability The National Council on Disability (NCD) is an independent federal agency making recommendations to the President and Congress on issues affecting 54 million Americans with disabilities. https://ncd.gov/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
National Federation of the Disabled-Nepal The economically strong, politically aware Nepali persons with disability living in a barrier free environment with full realization of rights (civil, economic, political, cultural and social) and dignity. The key Activities are: Awareness and sencitization Advocacy and protection of Humanrights of Persons With Disabilities Capacity Building and Networking https://www.nfdn.org.np/ | Nepal, Nepali language, Link checked 2025-03 |
National Federation of the Disabled-Nepal The economically strong, politically aware Nepali persons with disability living in a barrier free environment with full realization of rights (civil, economic, political, cultural and social) and dignity. The key Activities are: Awareness and sencitization Advocacy and protection of Humanrights of Persons With Disabilities Capacity Building and Networking https://nfdn.org.np/ | Nepal, Nepali language, Link checked 2025-03 |
National Institute of Disability Management and Research (Canada) NIDMAR is committed to reducing the human, social and economic cost of disability to workers, employers and society through education, training and research. https://www.nidmar.ca/ | International interest, Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification We aim to promote aging in place for frail elderly and persons aging with a disability through applied research, evaluation and policy analysis; training and education; technical assistance; and we serve as an information clearinghouse. https://homemods.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
National Sports Center for the Disabled The National Sports Center for the Disabled (NSCD), located in Winter Park, Colorado continues to be the largest and most successful outdoor recreation program in the world for individuals with disabilities. https://nscd.org/ | International interest, United States, Link checked 2025-03 |
NEADS - The National Educational Association of Disabled Students The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)is a Canada-wide, consumer-based, cross-disability organization that advocates for full access by college and university students with disabilities to postsecondary education and employment opportunities. https://www.neads.ca/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
New England Handicapped Sports Association Adaptive skiing and sports. Skiing in the winter and other sports and social activities year round. Locate at Mt. Sunapee, NH. https://nehsa.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
New York State Independent Living Council, Inc. The New York State Independent Living Council, Inc. is made up of representatives, a majority of whom have disabilities, from around the State, who are appointed by the Board of Regents. It is a not-for-profit, non-Governmental, consumer controlled organization which monitors the federally funded Independent Living Centers in New York State, promotes the independent living philosophy statewide, and provides support and technical assistance to the entire network of Independent Living Centers (ILC) in New York State which consists of 37 community-based, not-for-profit organizations run by and for people with disabilities. https://nysilc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
North Central Florida Center for Independent Living The mission of our organization is to empower people with disabilities to exert our individual rights to live as independently as possible, make personal life choices and achieve full community inclusion. https://www.cilncf.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Northamptonshire People First An organisation of people with learning difficulties speaking up for ourselves! https://www.peoplefirst.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council The Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) is committed to promoting a philosophy of consumer control, peer support, self-help, self-determination, equal access, and individual and systems advocacy, in order to maximize leadership, empowerment, independence, productivity and to support full inclusion and integration of individuals into the mainstream of American society. http://www.ohiosilc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Open the windows Vision: Building a world where technology enables everyone to fully use her/his abilities. Mission: To promote and facilitate the use of assistive technologies for persons with disabilities to enhance equal opportunities. Activities: To enable access to information technology (e-access) for persons with severe disabilities, i.e., those who have complex requirements for adaptation. To assist different groups in the disability field build capacity by transferring skills and knowledge on the use of assistive technologies; To offer Open the windows as a regional resource center to disability organizations throughout Southeast Europe (SEE); http://www.openthewindows.org | Macedonia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Options for Independence The mission of OPTIONS for Independence is to raise the vision and capability of the community at large to the point where people of all abilities will have equal access. https://optionsind.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Options for Independent Living Options for Independent Living, Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to empowering people with disabilities to lead independent and productive lives in their community through advocacy, the provision of information, education, technology and related services. https://optionsil.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Organization of disabled students in Austria "UNIABILITY is a community of interests consisting of disabled representatives, affected students, and others. Their aim is to improve the standards and capabilities of all Austrian universities and colleges, and to represent the interests of disabled students to the public." https://www.uniability.org/ | Austria, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Panhandle Independent Living Center We attempt to stimulate and promote a growing sense of personal dignity and responsible community participation of individuals with disabilities through training, community development, and direct services to meet the unmet needs of individual swith disabilities. https://www.pilc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ParaDoc ParaDoc is an international documentation and referral centre for education in the field of spinal cord lesion. The aim of ParaDoc is to collect publications and references concerning education and training on the subject of spinal cord lesions. Thus we want to promote the exchange of information on an international basis, especially towards developing countries encourage translations of teaching/training media into national or regional languages at low cost collect and safeguard historical publications on spinal cord lesions (books, articles, etc.) Although destined primarily to medical and allied professionals, hospitals, rehabilitation centres and community based libraries, ParaDoc database can also help disabled people and their families to find publications concerned with their problems (e.g. "Educational guide for patients and their families"). http://www.paradoc.org | Switzerland, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
People First of Missouri People First of Missouri is a statewide organization formed by, run by and which exists for persons with developmental disabilities. Currently there are over 40 chapters across the state of Missouri with approximately 1,000 members. https://www.missouripeoplefirst.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
People First of New Hampshire People First of New Hampshire, the statewide self-advocacy organization started operation in 1992. People who experience disability are members of local self-advocacy chapters. Each chapter elects two representatives to serve on the board of directors of People First of NH, making this organization the only non-profit in the state that is run completely by people who experience disability. https://www.peoplefirstofnh.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
People With Disabilities (WA) Inc PWD(WA) represents and advocates for the rights and equity of all Western Australians with a disability - physical, intellectual, psychiatric and sensory. https://www.pwdwa.org/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
People with Disability Australia Incorporated https://pwd.org.au/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Physical Disability Council of Australia We are a National Peak Disability Organisation, representing the interests and views of people with physical disability across Australia. https://www.pda.org.au/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
PHÖNIX e.V. Beratung und Hilfen für behinderte Menschen in Regensburg https://phoenix-regensburg.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Pierce County Parent Coalition for Developmental Disabilities A parent driven organization based in Tacoma, WA., US, that provides information, education, and opportunities for families to learn and grow together. https://www.pc2online.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Placer Independent Resource Services Placer Independent Resource Services (PIRS) advocates for the rights of people with disabilities, educates the community about disability issues, and provides services to persons with disabilities to live independent, productive lives. Any person with a disability is eligible for our services. https://pirs.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Pleural Mesothelioma | Pleuralmesothelioma.com - Created for Patients http://www.pleuralmesothelioma.com | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Polibea http://www.polibea.com | Spain, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
PowerchairDiaries Essays by Mark E. Smith, a WheelchairJunkie Production https://powerchairdiaries.com/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Private Initiative of Crete CREATING of possibilities for handicapped people for travelling on CRETE http://www.beepworld.de/members/haraldgl.. | Greece, Greek language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Professional Fit Clothing The purpose of the company is to provide quality clothing that is comfortable, fashionable, functional, and affordable. https://www.professionalfit.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Progress Center for Independent Living Progress Center works to provide people with all types of disabilities the tools and resources to be independent in their own homes. http://progresscil.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
RCIL, Inc The Resource Center For Independent Living, Inc. Assists people in eastern Kansas with disabilities, their families and communities to advocate for, access and use the skills and resources necessary to reach the level of independence of their choice https://rcilinc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
RecruitABILITY: Bridging the Disability Divide disABLEDperson Inc. is a 501(c)(3) 509(a)(1) non profit public charity whose mission is to help reduce the near 70% unemployment rate amongst disabled Americans. We accomplish this through our online recruitment application, recruitABILITY. https://www.disabledperson.com | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Rehabmart.com - Medical Supplies, DME, and Discount Medical Supply. Therapist owned. Rehabmart.com is an Online discount medical equipment and supply company that is owned and operated by occupational and physical therapists. We serve seniors, caregivers, special needs children and those who are disabled. http://www.rehabmart.com | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
RehabTool Our mission at rehabtool.com is to help persons with communication, access or learning disabilities regain independence and control, thrive and become more productive, and ultimately live better lives, through leading edge assistive and adaptive technology. http://www.rehabtool.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Remploy Remploy Ltd. is Britain's largest employer of people with disabilities. https://www.remploy.co.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Resources For Independent Living We are the only organization in Sacramento providing services to people with all forms of disability. The majority of our policy-making board is comprised of individuals with disabilities. Therefore, our decision-making process is both innovative and highly effective, because we are, in essence, helping ourselves. https://ril-sacramento.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Rick Hansen Institute RHI provides leadership to the field of disability, with a special emphasis on spinal cord injury. "Our mission is to find a cure for paralysis." https://www.rickhansen.com/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
RJ Cooper and Associates Special education software, hardware adapters and products for disabled persons. http://www.rjcooper.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Rolling Inspiration - printed magazine for people living with mobility impairments https://www.rollinginspiration.co.za/ | South Africa, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Rolling Rains Report: A running dialogue on travel, disability and universal design. https://www.rollingrains.com/ | International interest, Link checked 2025-03 |
Rural Institute The Montana University Affiliated Rural Institute on Disabilities is guided by values of independence, productivity, integration, and inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. http://ruralinstitute.umt.edu/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
SABE - Self Advocates Becoming Empowered SABE Self Advocates Becoming Empowered protecting the rights and equal treatment of people with disabilities. https://www.sabeusa.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
SATH (Society for the Advancement of Travel for the Handicapped) The Society for Accessible Travel & Hospitality (SATH), founded in 1976, is an educational nonprofit membership organization whose mission is to raise awareness of the needs of all travelers with disabilities, remove physical and attitudinal barriers to free access and expand travel opportunities in the United States and abroad. Members include travel professionals, consumers with disabilities and other individuals and corporations who support our mission. https://sath.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
ScootAround Inc. ScootAround Inc. arranges worry-free scooter rentals for the business or vacation traveler with restricted mobility. https://www.scootaround.com/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
section 508 The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Access Board published regulations (Section 508) that require any web site built or procured by the Federal government must be accessible to those with disabilities. Section 508 addresses accessibility for people who have visual, hearing, and motor disabilities using assistive technology (AT) devices. https://www.section508.gov/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Selbstbestimmt Leben Bremen https://www.slbremen-ev.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Self Advocacy (Sydney) Inc Self Advocacy Sydney is an organisation run by and for people with Intellectual Disability. https://www.sasinc.com.au/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
SEMO Alliance for Disability Independence SEMO Alliance for Disability Independence, Inc. (SADI) is a community-based, non-profit, non-residential center for independent living located in Southeast Missouri. https://sadi.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Sentinel Construction Sentinel Construction specializes in new and remodelling projects designed to make living, work and recreational spaces "access friendly" for yourself, family and friends. We offer a wide range of design and building solutions for individuals of all ages and most types of physical disabilities for independent living in Kitsap, Mason, Jefferson & Clallam Counties in Washington State. http://www.SentinelConstruction.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Shared Adventures -We provide a year-round program of outdoor recreational programs for people with special needs and physical challenges. -Our activities include annual events, such as: Day on the Beach, Day in the Sky, Camp Adventures, Dance Parties, Camping in the Redwoods, Pumpkin Patch Ranch Party, and surfing with Ride a Wave (RAW). -Our weekly activities include: art classes, gardening classes, indoor rock climbing, kayaking trips, sailing trips, movie nights, karaoke nights, bingo nights, bowling, game days at the Boardwalk, Wetland field trips, and many more! https://www.sharedadventures.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Shaw Trust At Shaw Trust we believe everyone has the right to live a decent and dignified life and an opportunity for rewarding work. We are a social purpose organisation challenging inequality and breaking down barriers to enable social mobility. Having grown from humble beginnings in 1982 in the village of Shaw in Wiltshire, finding jobs for disabled people, today we are a complex and diverse charity committed to employment as the core pathway to a better life. https://www.shawtrust.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
SIRENS Resort, Greece, wheelchair accessible apartments Accessible hotel, apartments with wheelchair access for disabled people, physically impaired https://www.disableds-resort.gr/ | Greece, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Skill: National Bureau for Students With Disabilities Skill: National Bureau for Students With Disabilities. Skill promotes opportunities for young people and adults with any kind of disability in post-16 education, training and employment across the UK. https://skill.org.uk/ | International interest, United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
SMA Europe SMA Europe is an umbrella organisation, founded in 2006, which includes Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) patient and research organisations from across Europe. https://www.sma-europe.eu/ | International interest, United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulenrable(SARPV) Mission of the organization is to capacity development of the of community and NGOs to influence disability policy and practice in Bangladesh to ensure the equal rights and opportunities of he disable people. https://sarpv.org/ | Bangladesh, Bengali language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Social Security Disability Blog A blog about the U.S. disability benefit system, written by a former disability claims examiner for the social security administration. https://disabilityblogger.blogspot.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Sources, Inc. Sources for Community Independent Living Services, Inc. provides services to persons with all types of disabilities who want to seek their independence and become active participants in community life. https://www.arsources.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Southeast Alaska Independent Living SAIL is a private non-profit organization that provides consumer-directed independent living services to people with disabilities throughout Southeast Alaska. https://www.sailinc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Southern California Resource Services (SCRS-IL) SCRS provides services and referrals for people with disabilities in Southeast Los Angeles County. https://www.scrs-ilc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Southwestern Independent Living Center home - Jamestown, New York USA Providing services services that will assist individuals with severe disabilities in reaching maximum independence and an enriched quality of life throughout Chautauqua County. https://silcchq.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
SPH Planning & Consulting Ltd. https://www.sphassociates.ca/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Sprout Sprout is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals with developmental disabilities and mental retardation grow through challenging and safe travel experiences. Based in New York City, our programs are available to people with MR/DD and the agencies that serve them throughout the U.S. https://gosprout.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois Main Home Page Our mission is to provide leadership, research, planning and education required to support independent living services in Illinois. https://silcofillinois.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Stiftelsen Aktiva Activa is a foundation working for increased integration of disabled people into the labour market. The foundation is non-profit making and was established in 1989. It is based in the County Council of Örebro Municipality, Sweden and is represented in each one of the twelve municipalities of the county. Stiftelsen Activa i Örebro län bildades 1989 och har som mål att stödja arbetslösa som pga funktionsnedsättning har svårt att få fäste på arbetsmarknaden. https://www.s-activa.se/ | Sweden, Swedish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
STIL STIL, founders of Independent Living in Sweden (former name was Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living). The first European personal assistance user cooperative, became the model for numerous cooperatives in Sweden and abroad. https://www.stil.se/ | Sweden, Swedish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Study in Europe "Study in Europe" web portal is for students and young people wishing to study in Europe in undergraduate or postgraduate programmes of higher education. http://www.study-in-europe.org/ | International interest, Link checked 2025-03 |
Study in Sweden The Swedish Institute's resource for those who are thinking about coming to Sweden as foreign students. Contains general information on practical matters as well as application procedures, links to universities and news about research in Sweden. https://studyinsweden.se/ | International interest, Sweden, Swedish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Study or teach abroad EU Information on studying, teaching abroad, scholarships, and finding the best university in a specific EU country. https://ec.europa.eu/info/education/stud.. | International interest, Belgium, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Summit Independent Living Center, Inc Services for people with disabilities, individual and community advocacy, located in western Montana. https://www.summitilc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Sustainable Accessible Tours - Latin America For All - Accessible Tourism Small groups, sustainable and accessible tours for people with dissabitlies, their families and friends through different destinations in Latin America https://www.latinamericaforall.com/ | Ecuador, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
SVILC- Silicon Valley Independent Living Center Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC) is a community based non-profit resource center, which provides various services for people with disabilities. The programs and services that SVILC provides are designed to meet various independent living needs of people, thus enabling these people with disabilities to live and lead an independent life. The programs and services provided are Assistive technology, Benefits information and referral, Personal assistant services, counseling, housing referral and placement, specialized services, Independent living skills, Vocational training, Therapeutic recreation and Individual systems and advocacy. https://svilc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
T-Base Communications - Making Information Accessible to All Providing accessible mainstream communication services and technology solutions to governments and industry. https://www.tbase.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Thalidomide Victims Association An organization of approximately 125 Canadian victims of the drug thalidomide. It provides non-monetary programs, services, and advocacy for its members as well as the history and current issues concerning the drug. https://thalidomide.ca/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Accessible Travel Bookshop Books on accessible travel. http://www.accessible-travel.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Adaptive Sports Center Located in the Rocky Mountains, the Adaptive Sports Center of Crested Butte provides summer and winter outdoor adventure and recreation for people with disabilities. https://www.adaptivesports.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The American-Scandinavian Foundation, NY, NY, USA The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) promotes international understanding through educational and cultural exchange between the United States and Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. https://www.amscan.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Arc of the United States The Arc of the United States is a national organization of and for people with mental retardation and related disabilities and their families. https://www.thearc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Association of National Specialist Colleges - NATSPEC Coordinating body to provide direct support to member colleges which provide education and training for young people with learning difficulties or disabilities, and represents their interests. Includes a directory of members, guidance for students, and news. https://natspec.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD) The Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD) is an international, multicultural organization of professionals committed to full participation in higher education for persons with disabilities. http://www.ahead.org/ | International interest, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Blind Children’s Center Founded in 1938, the Blind Children’s Center (BCC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides FREE high-quality early childhood education programs for children ages 18 months to 5 years-old (Head Start, Early Head Start, CA State Preschool). We also offer Early Head Start services for infants and toddlers from birth through 36 months and pregnant mothers. https://www.blindchildrenscenter.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The British Council Our purpose is to build mutually beneficial relationships between people in the UK and other countries and to increase appreciation of the UK's creative ideas and achievements. https://www.britishcouncil.org/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin The Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin (CILWW) advocates for the full participation in society of all persons with disabilities. Our goal is empowering individuals to exercise choices to maintain or increase their independence. Our strategy is providing consumer-driven services at no cost to persons with disabilities in Western Wisconsin. https://cilww.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Center for Universal Design The Center for Universal Design is a national research, information, and technical assistance center that evaluates, develops, and promotes universal design in housing, public and commercial facilities, and related products. https://design.ncsu.edu/research/center-.. | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) Since 1969, CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership has been a leader in working with human service organizations and systems to continuously define, measure, and improve quality of life and quality of services for youth, adults, and older adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and psychiatric disabilities. CQL offers accreditation, training, certification, research, and consultation services to agencies that share our vision of dignity, opportunity, and community for all people. https://www.c-q-l.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Foundation „Normal Prospects” The Foundation „Normal Prospects” is run by disabled students. The aim of the Foundation is to make young disabled people actively participate in the society. Our activity focuses on supporting disabled people in starting their professional career, i. e. in finding a flat and job. Disabled graduates usually do not have enough financial means to provide their personal contribution required while applying for housing credits. Therefore, the Foundation raises funds to subsidize housing loans for disabled students, provides disabled people with housing space and cooperates with the institutions granting such loans. Another aim of the Foundation is to enable disabled people to take up an occupation. This activity is aimed at, among other things, arranging for meetings of potential employers with disabled people and cooperating with other organizations, as far as occupational training of disabled people is concerned. The Foundation also provides psychological assistance for people with disabilities. http://www.normalnaprzyszlosc.org/ | Poland, Polish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Independent Living Center of Southern California, Inc. The Independent Living Center of Southern California, Inc. (ILCSC) is a non-profit consumer-based, non-residential agency providing a wide range of services to a growing population of people with disabilities. ILCSC is dedicated to empowering persons with disabilities to exercise independence -- professionally, personally and creatively -- while striving to educate the community on their needs. https://ilcsc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley The Independent Living Center of the Hudson Valley seeks to help persons with disabilities do for themselves instead of depending on others to do for them. The majority of our staff and Board of Directors are persons with a disability. Our approach is rooted in the philosophy of self-reliance and self-determination. Our approach makes sense. The full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community is cost-effective and reduces the spending of local, state, and federal revenues. https://www.ilchv.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The National Clearinghouse on Disability & Exchange (USA) The NCDE, sponsored by Mobility International USA and the United States Information Agency, fosters partnerships between disability organizations and international exchange organizations so that people with disabilities can participate fully and equally in international exchange programs. https://www.miusa.org/ncde/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Ramp People Over 25 years of manufacturing experience in vehicle ramps, van ramps, car ramps, motorcycle ramps, portable ramps , wheelchair ramps and disabled ramps. https://www.theramppeople.co.uk/ | International interest, United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Slovene Association of Disabled Students The Slovenian Association of Disabled Students offers advice and counselling regarding study accessibility, accommodation, , financial assistance, employment , etc. We provide personal assistance to people with more severe disabilities, transportation by adopted vans, use of modern computer technology, photocopying facilities, digitalization of books for the blind, etc. In addition to this we organize educational, cultural and sporting activities and social events home and abroad. http://www.dsis-drustvo.si/ | Slovenia, Slovenian language, Link checked 2025-03 |
The Westmeath Centre for Independent Living (CIL) The Westmeath Centre For Independent Living, is a community based non-profit organization dedicated to integrating people with disabilities into community life. https://offalycil.ie/locations/westmeath.. | Ireland, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Thistle Foundation A Scottish charity providing health services, housing, and support enabling physically disabled people to lead independent lives. https://www.thistle.org.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Three Rivers Inc., Independent Living Resource Center Our Center serves people of all ages, with all types of disabilities, and assists them in achieving their personal goals. We are a non-residential, non-profit agency that was started in 1985 by people with disabilities in Wamego, Kansas. https://www.angelfire.com/il/threerivers.. | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Threshold Association, Finland The Threshold Association is a cross-disability organization, which focuses on the basic and human rights of persons with disabilities. It was founded by students with disabilities in 1973. https://kynnys.fi/en/threshold-associati.. | International interest, Finland, Finnish language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Through the Looking Glass The organization, in Berkeley, CA, US, has pioneered clinical and supportive services, training and research serving families in which one or more members - whether parent or child - has a disability or medical issue. https://www.lookingglass.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Transitions Abroad - Portal for Work Abroad, Overseas Travel, Study Abroad and International Living. Transitions Abroad has provided work abroad, overseas travel, study abroad and international living information for 27 years as a travel magazine. https://www.transitionsabroad.com/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
TRAVELO2 - Global Oxygen Services We arrange for medical oxygen in over 120,000 cities in 157 foreign countries 24/7/365 so that you can take a cruise, fly to an exotic destination or go by car, bus or train to visit any destination with confidence and in complete safety to enjoy a better quality of life. We can support your oxygen needs with Liquid Oxygen, Gas Cylinders, Oxygen Concentrators, Re-Fills, BiPap & C-Pap Machines, Ventilators, Tents, Humidifers, Nebulizers, Portable & Shoulder Bags Systems, Conserving Devices, Airport Layovers/Connecting Flight Oxygen and Oxygen Prescription Verification Services for Worldwide Oxygen Support. We also arrange Electric & Manual Wheelchairs, Electric Scooters, Accessible Vans & Buses, Patient Lifts/Hoists, Hospital Beds and all other types of Durable Medical Equipment to where ever you are around the globe. http://www.travelo2.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Treloar's - Education, Therapy, Care and Opportunities for Disabled Young People The Treloar Trust provides education, care and independence training for young people with disabilities. We aim to provide each individual with the support, confidence and skills to achieve the best they can in all aspects of their lives https://www.treloar.org.uk/ | International interest, United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Tri-County Independent Living Tri-County Independent Living is one of twenty-nine Independent Living Centers throughout the state of California servicing over 1.5 million people with disabilities and promoting the Philosophy of Independent Living. We have proudly served Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity Counties since 1978. https://tilinet.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
U.S. Access Board The U.S. Access Board, also known as the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, created in 1973, has served the nation as the only independent federal agency whose primary mission is accessibility for people with disabilities. https://www.access-board.gov/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
U.S. Department of Education’s Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to those children. The IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education, and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities. https://sites.ed.gov/idea/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Uloba ULOBA was founded in 1991. It is based on the principles of empowerment, full citizenship and human rights. The cooperative is owned and run by disabled people according to the philosophy of Independent Living. https://www.uloba.no/ | International interest, Norway, Norwegian language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Umbrella of the Capital District Umbrella of the Capital District is a non-profit agency helping senior citizens and persons with disabilities live independently, comfortably and safely in their own homes. https://theumbrella.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
UN Global Programme on Disability United Nations Enable is the official website of the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (SCRPD) https://www.un.org/development/desa/disa.. | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
United Cerebral Palsy For more than 45 years, United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) has been committed to change and progress for persons with disabilities. https://ucp.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol was adopted on 13 December 2006 https://www.un.org/development/desa/disa.. | International interest, Link checked 2025-03 |
United Spinal Association (formerly the Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association - EVPA) On May 22, 1946, a small group of World War II veterans held a meeting of at Halloran Army Hospital, Staten Island, NY to form an organization to be their voice in seeking a better quality of life for veterans with spinal cord injuries. In January 2004 the group changed their name to the United Spinal Association from the Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association - EVPA. The scope of the organisation broadened and they now include all Americans with Spinal Cord Impairment. https://unitedspinal.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
United Voice - Malaysia Self Advocacy.. is based on the belief that people are their own best advocates. Thus persons with learning disabilities are their own best advocates to tell others what they want. A person with mild learning disabilities self-advocates by voicing out his or her views. A person with severe learning disabilities self-advocates by his or her presence in a public meeting. https://www.unitedvoice.com.my/ | Malaysia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Untangling the Web--Disability Links Links to disability Web sites. http://www.icdi.wvu.edu/Others.htm | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
US Social Security Disability Claims Disability Secrets provides information about the U.S. federal disability system, including an overview of how the process works and answers to specific questions that are often asked by applicants and appellants. https://www.disabilitysecrets.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
US State University Directory A comprehensive directory of all major U.S. universities and colleges. Includes information about history, academics, unique programs, student life, student statistics, admissions, athletics, and the local community for each school. https://www.stateuniversity.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
USA Jeans Jeans and Slacks for people in wheelchairs. Great looks, great fit, prevent pressure sores for an affordable price. http://www.wheelchairjeans.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Verein zur Förderung der Autonomie Behinderter - FAB Center for Independent Living in Kassel. Site only in German. https://www.fab-kassel.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Victoria Disability Resource Centre Victoria Disability Resource Centre. We are a non profit organization that helps people with all types of disabilities lead independent lives - under their control and by their choice. Our organization is fully cross disability, that is to say that anyone in the community with a disability, regardless of type is potentially able to draw on our services. https://drcvictoria.com/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
VSA of New Mexico The mission of VSA arts of New Mexico is to provide a framework in which people with disabilities realize their creative potential, attain freedom of expression, and contribute to community cultural life. VSA arts of New Mexico strives to fulfill this mission by providing arts programs and services that are accessible to individuals with disabilities. http://www.vsartsnm.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
W https://wuesl.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Washington Coalition of Citizens with disAbilities WCCD promotes equality and choice of people with disAbilities through advocacy, collaboration, and programs. http://www.wccd.org/index.htm | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
WAVE 3.0 - Web Accessibility Versatile Evaluator Online tool checks page accessibility, displays page with tags to show good and bad points. https://wave.webaim.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Welcome to D.I.L.A. Information and resources related to deafness and hard-of-hearing. https://dila.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Welcome to IVCIL Website The Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living (IVCIL) is a community-based, non-residential center for independent living dedicated to enhancing options available to persons with disabilities so they may choose and maintain individualized and satisfying lifestyles. IVCIL combines direct services with advocacy to individuals, ensuring the continuance of positive social change to allow greater integration of persons with disabilities into the mainstream of community life. https://ivcil.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Welcome to the California State Independent Living Council Website In cooperation with the state Department of Rehabilitation, the SILC prepares a State Plan for Independent Living which sets the policy and funding levels for the state's network of Independent Living Centers (ILCs) and services. To help guide this policy, the SILC solicits continual public feedback on the effectiveness of independent living services and the changing needs of the community. https://www.calsilc.ca.gov/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Welcome to the Will-Grundy Center for Indepenedent Living As people with disabilities and their advocates, the Will-Grundy Center for Independent Living strives for equality and empowerment of persons with disabilities in the Will and Grundy County areas. The Will-Grundy Center for Independent Living, a United Way Agency, is a cross-disability, community based organization. We are your local resource for information on the Americans with Disabilities Act and other disability related laws. We inform persons with disabilities of their rights, educate them about their responsibilities, provide support services, promote advocacy, and raise community awareness about disability issues. https://drcjoliet.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
West Limerick Independent Living CIL Disability Services West Limerick Independent Living is a not for profit company established in 1997 by a small group of people, many of whom have a disability. The main objective of the organisation is to develop high quality Personal Support Service for people with disabilities in the Mid West region of Ireland. https://www.limerickcil.com/ | Ireland, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Westchester Independent Living Center The Westchester Independent Living Center, Inc. (WILC) is a not-for-profit, community-based advocacy and resource center that serves people with all types of disabilities. https://www.wilc.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Wheel The World Welcome to Wheel the World - a multi-lingual resource guide for travellers with disabilities! http://www.wheeltheworld.net | Norway, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Whirlwind Wheelchair International The mission of Whirlwind Wheelchair International is to make it possible for every person in the developing world who needs a wheelchair to obtain one that will lead to maximum personal independence and integration into society. https://www.whirlwindwheelchair.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Whirlwind Wheelchair International (WWI) The communications hub of the Whirlwind Wheelchair Network of independent wheelchair-producing workshops in developing countries. https://whirlwindwheelchair.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) A federating body of individuals and networks in each State and Territory of Australia made up of women with disabilities and associated organisations. https://wwda.org.au/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
WorkSupport.Com Information on disability, rehabilitation and employment. http://www.worksupport.com/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
World Blind Union The WBU is universally accepted as the representative of the world's blind community by the United Nations and other international organisations. http://www.worldblindunion.org | International interest, Spain, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
World Institute on Disability (WID) An international public policy center dedicated to carrying out cutting-edge research on disability issues and overcoming obstacles to independent living. https://wid.org/ | International interest, United States, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
World on Wheelz Dedicated to wheelchair accessible travel, World on Wheelz provides travel reviews, pictures, tips, and resources for travelers who require a higher standard of "accessibility." http://www.worldonwheelz.com/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben Köln Das Kölner Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben (ZsL) war 1987 eine der ersten Beratungsstellen von Behinderten für Behinderte im gesamten Bundesgebiet; bis heute ist es das einzige ZsL in Nordrhein-Westfalen. https://www.zsl-koeln.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-03 |
Feedback: You can report errors, suggest links or contact the Independent Living Institute