Disability Resources - Advocacy
Links in this category: 21. Newest link in this category: 2023-10-11
Link | Details Revised/Checked |
Citizens for Accessible Neighbourhoods - Lower Mainland, Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada C.A.N is a non-profit society promoting universal access to infomation, buildings, public spaces and adapted sports. Accessibility issues, spotlights, info on local events and contact details. https://www.canbc.org/ | International interest, Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
Threshold Association, Finland The Threshold Association is a cross-disability organization, which focuses on the basic and human rights of persons with disabilities. It was founded by students with disabilities in 1973. https://kynnys.fi/en/threshold-associati.. | International interest, Finland, Finnish language, Link checked 2025-01 |
United Voice - Malaysia Self Advocacy.. is based on the belief that people are their own best advocates. Thus persons with learning disabilities are their own best advocates to tell others what they want. A person with mild learning disabilities self-advocates by voicing out his or her views. A person with severe learning disabilities self-advocates by his or her presence in a public meeting. https://www.unitedvoice.com.my/ | Malaysia, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
People First of Missouri People First of Missouri is a statewide organization formed by, run by and which exists for persons with developmental disabilities. Currently there are over 40 chapters across the state of Missouri with approximately 1,000 members. https://www.missouripeoplefirst.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
Self Advocacy (Sydney) Inc Self Advocacy Sydney is an organisation run by and for people with Intellectual Disability. https://www.sasinc.com.au/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
Mensch zuerst - Netzwerk People First Deutschland e.V. Organisation of Self Advocacy for People with Learning Disabilities. Website in German only. http://www.peoplefirst.de/ | Germany, German language, Link checked 2025-01 |
NEADS - The National Educational Association of Disabled Students The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)is a Canada-wide, consumer-based, cross-disability organization that advocates for full access by college and university students with disabilities to postsecondary education and employment opportunities. https://www.neads.ca/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
SABE - Self Advocates Becoming Empowered SABE Self Advocates Becoming Empowered protecting the rights and equal treatment of people with disabilities. https://www.sabeusa.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
People First of New Hampshire People First of New Hampshire, the statewide self-advocacy organization started operation in 1992. People who experience disability are members of local self-advocacy chapters. Each chapter elects two representatives to serve on the board of directors of People First of NH, making this organization the only non-profit in the state that is run completely by people who experience disability. https://www.peoplefirstofnh.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
Disability Advocacy NSW DA believes that people with a disability have the same rights (and responsibilities) as people who do not have a disability. DA’s core purpose is to ensure that people with a disability realise these rights in practice by advocating with and for them. https://www.da.org.au/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
Able Magazine Able Magazine online - the website for disabled people where ability counts https://ablemagazine.co.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today (ADAPT) We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions. https://adapt.org/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
Council of Canadians with Disabilities The Council of Canadians with Disabilities advocates at the federal level to improve the lives of men and women with disabilities in Canada, by eliminating inequality and discrimination. Our members include national, regional and local advocacy organizations that are controlled by persons with disabilities. CCD is a team of people with disabilities, deeply committed to the principles of self-help and consumer advocacy. http://www.ccdonline.ca/ | Canada, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
DisabledInfo.co.uk - Disabled Information For the Disabled From the Disabled From disabled product reviews to support group venues. From disabled holiday accommodation to a little humour. The disabled come together to share their experiences and their knowledge. http://www.disabledinfo.co.uk/ | United Kingdom, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
People With Disabilities (WA) Inc PWD(WA) represents and advocates for the rights and equity of all Western Australians with a disability - physical, intellectual, psychiatric and sensory. https://www.pwdwa.org/ | Australia, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
Pleural Mesothelioma | Pleuralmesothelioma.com - Created for Patients http://www.pleuralmesothelioma.com | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulenrable(SARPV) Mission of the organization is to capacity development of the of community and NGOs to influence disability policy and practice in Bangladesh to ensure the equal rights and opportunities of he disable people. https://sarpv.org/ | Bangladesh, Bengali language, Link checked 2025-01 |
US Social Security Disability Claims Disability Secrets provides information about the U.S. federal disability system, including an overview of how the process works and answers to specific questions that are often asked by applicants and appellants. https://www.disabilitysecrets.com/ | United States, English language, Link checked 2025-01 |
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