Misson and activities:

Objective: To provide Free Artificial Upper, Lower Limbs & Calipers to amputees and polio victims needing help.

Focus: Amputees and polio victims of the sub continent (primarily from India, Srilanka, Bangladesh and other developing nations).

Our non governmental, non-profit, organization works at the international level.

Our organization is mainly run, controlled and represented by disabled people.

We have expertise, or are interested in cooperating with other organizations, in the areas of:

providing good quality components for artificial limbs and also able to train physically and mentally challenged persons in making Mukti foot. The entire workforce of Mukti foot unit is made up of physically challenged persons and mentally challenged persons

We may be able to refer disabled persons to wheelchair accessible housing or transportation or other services in our city.

We have traineeships or volunteer positions that people with disabilities are welcome to apply for.

Our traineeships or volunteer positions are open to applicants from abroad.

Contact us:

Contact person:Meena Dadha
Phone:(091) (044) 22346973 / 22343124
Home page:
M.S. Dadha Foundation
Mrs. Meena Dadha, Director
#1, Station Road,
Chennai - 600 027
Tamil Nadu

This entry added: Sunday 13th March 2005. (record #658) Changed: Sunday 17th April 2005. Link checked Sunday 9th February 2025.