STIL, Stockholm Cooperative for Independent Living

Misson and activities:

The cooperative works in the following way: Each member has his or her personal assistance needs assessed by the local government or, since 1994, by the national social insurance scheme. The need is expressed in a certain number of hours of services a week. The cooperative charges a certain price per hour of services. Each member receives an amount that covers the cost of the numbers of hours that he needs. The funds are transferred by the national insurance fund or local government to the individual?s subaccount in STIL. Thus, each member has a budget that he/she has to administer. The funds can be used for personal assistance only and have to be accounted for. The budget covers assistants'wages, their social insurance as well as STIL's administrative costs.

Our non governmental, non-profit, organization works at the local level.

We consider ourselves as part of the international Independent Living and Disability Rights Movement.

Our organization is mainly run, controlled and represented by disabled people.

We have expertise, or are interested in cooperating with other organizations, in the areas of:

personal assistance, in particula the user-run cooperative model
peer support

We have traineeships or volunteer positions that people with disabilities are welcome to apply for.

Contact us:
Phone:+46 8 506 22 150
Home page:
Address:Storforsplan 36, 10tr
123 47 Farsta

This entry added: Tuesday 5th October 2004. (record #633) Changed: Monday 21st October 2024. Link checked Tuesday 25th February 2025.