
Misson and activities:

ParaDoc is an international documentation and referral centre for education in the field of spinal cord lesion.
The aim of ParaDoc is to collect publications and references concerning education and training on the subject of spinal cord lesions. Thus we want to
promote the exchange of information on an international basis, especially towards developing countries
encourage translations of teaching/training media into national or regional languages at low cost
collect and safeguard historical publications on spinal cord lesions (books, articles, etc.)
Although destined primarily to medical and allied professionals, hospitals, rehabilitation centres and community based libraries, ParaDoc database can also help disabled people and their families to find publications concerned with their problems (e.g. "Educational guide for patients and their families").

Our non governmental, non-profit, organization works at the international level.

Our organization is to some degree run, controlled and represented by disabled people.

We have expertise, or are interested in cooperating with other organizations, in the areas of:

Education and vocational training.
Independent Living Skills Training.
International development and disability.
Medical informations for people with spinal cord lesions

We may be able to refer disabled persons to wheelchair accessible housing or transportation or other services in our city.

People planning to come to our city are welcome to contact us to find out about accessibility and services in 6207 Nottwil. We may be able to help with information.

Contact us:

Contact person:Ida-Maria Maeder
Phone:++41 41 939 57 77
Home page:
c/o Swiss Paraplegic Centre
Guido A. Zaech Strasse 1
6207 Nottwil

This entry added: Monday 16th December 2002. (record #530) Changed: Wednesday 20th July 2005. Link checked Sunday 9th February 2025.