Family Support Institute

Misson and activities:

The Family Support Institute is a province-wide organization whose purpose is to support and strengthen families faced with the extraordinary circumstances that come with having a family member who has a disability.
When your son or daughter has a disability, life often becomes different from anything you could ever have imagined. You may find yourself in a world you never knew existed, one you may be reluctant to embrace, where there are more questions than answers.
The Family Support Institute is unique in Canada. It began with the help of the B.C. Association for Community Living in 1986 in response to the needs and requests of families of people with disabilities.

Our organization works at the local level.

Our organization is mainly run, controlled and represented by disabled people.

We have expertise, or are interested in cooperating with other organizations, in the areas of:

Awareness raising.
Coalition building and networking.
Education and vocational training.
Media work.
Peer support.
Exploring new ways to deliver services regionally.
Directed by families, the Family Support Institute provides information, training, and province-wide networking to assist families and their communities to build upon and share their strengths.

Our positions are accessible for people with disabilities

Contact us:
Home page:
Address:#300 30 East 6th AVenue
V5T 4P4

This entry added: Friday 6th July 2001. (record #418) Changed: Tuesday 22nd March 2005. Link checked Saturday 8th February 2025.