Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers


Misson and activities:

The Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers (DBTACs), in operation for the past 10 years, are funded by the U.S. Department of Education to educate, train, offer technical assistance, and promote public awareness of the Americans with Disabilities Act to businesses, employers, government, and people with disabilities�anyone with rights and responsibilities under the ADA.

Our organization works at the national level.

Our organization is 100% run, controlled and represented by disabled people.

We have expertise, or are interested in cooperating with other organizations, in the areas of:

Assisting persons with intellectual disabilities.
Awareness raising.
Children with disabilities.

Contact us:

Home page:http://www.adata.org/
Address:6858 Old Dominion Drive, Suite 250
United States

This entry added: Monday 11th June 2001. (record #406) Changed: Tuesday 22nd March 2005. Link checked Saturday 8th February 2025.